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Historically, research-focused doctoral programs in nursing have used the apprenticeship model to educate and prepare nurse scientists for research careers. The assumption is that students learn best when paired with a faculty member who is working on the same topic. This model works well when there is a stable workforce, adequate funding streams and sufficient faculty with diverse expertise to capture the enthusiasm and varied topics of incoming doctoral students. However, we believe there are alternative approaches that are worth exploring. We propose an alternative way of preparing students for entry into nursing science.The purpose of this paper is to describe one PhD program’s new approach, based on the philosophical premises of Bernard Lonergan, to create a generation of creative, insightful thinkers who expand the horizons of the nursing discipline.  相似文献   

AimAccording to our scoping review questions, three aims were formulated to synthesize the evidence published on: (1) the content (2) the best or most appropriate teaching-learning methods for training nurses and undergraduate nursing students in venous leg ulcer care, and (3) to identify the level of knowledge in nurses and undergraduate nursing students about venous leg ulcer care.BackgroundA venous leg ulcer can be defined as a skin lesion on the leg or foot that occurs in an area affected by ambulatory venous hypertension. Hence, nurse visits are the main driver of Venous Leg Ulcer-related healthcare costs. Optimal levels of knowledge obtained with appropriate methodologies tend to improve care. Nonetheless, the time devoted to chronic wound education in undergraduate nursing curricula has been considered insufficient and inadequate.MethodsFor this scoping review, a search was performed in January 2021. To identify sources of evidence, a systematic search was conducted in MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, Web of Science, Scopus, Cuiden, ERIC and ScienceDirect. All types of evidence associated with knowledge, teaching and/or learning methods regarding venous leg ulcers in nursing were included.ResultsFinally, 19 documents were included. In these articles, the content mostly widely included in teaching-learning methods was compression therapy (14/19), anatomy, physiology, aetiology and/or pathophysiology (10/19) and topical treatment and care (8/19); various other topics were mentioned but less frequently. Teaching/learning methods and interventions were heterogeneous in modality, content, and duration but the majority showed better results after implementation. When looking at knowledge level, studies mainly focused on nursing staff. In general, it seems that there is a lack of knowledge and skills.ConclusionsRegarding our three pivotal questions: (1) There is no uniform type of content over the studies analysed and the most referred was compression therapy. (2) The educational interventions studied have demonstrated effectiveness, but there is insufficient data to determine which is the most effective. (3) This scoping review has highlighted the lack of knowledge among nurses and nursing students about venous leg ulcer care. Additionally, we felt that there is no ideal assessment tool to quantify knowledge, skills, attitude, confidence, and commitment in this context.Tweetable abstractA scoping review that synthesise the evidence on the level of knowledge and teaching-learning methods in nursing regarding of people with venous leg ulcers shows lack of knowledge and variability in programs.  相似文献   

在护理学研究生教育中开设循证护理课程的实践和反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨在护理学专业研究生中开设循证护理(EBN)课程的经验和教训,以进一步改进课程。方法根据课程开发理论和技术构建EBN课程教学方案,并对复旦大学护理学院研究生课程进修班07级学生(n=33)开展54学时的循证护理教学,以06级学生(n=26)为对照组。教学结束后对实验组学生进行EBN理论知识、态度、文献评鉴技能及制作系统评价方案能力方面的测试,同时应用课程反馈问卷评价表和访谈法了解学生对EBN课程教学过程和效果的评价。结果教学后实验组学生EBN珲论知识得分高于对照组(P〈0.01);教学后实验组学生EBN文献评鉴技能得分高于教学前(P〈0.01)。课程反馈的问卷评价和访谈结果提示:学生均认玎EBN课程是具有挑战性的课程,同时从该课程中收获很多,尤其是学生能够通过该课程整合并应用流行病学、卫生统计、文献检索、护理研究等课程的内容。学生体验中最具有挑战性的是文献质量评鉴、文献提取、Meta分析和证据的临床应用。学生认为该课程内容理论联系临床护理实践,绝大多数学生对教学内容、教材、教学方法满意,但对教学学时和开课方式提出改进意见。结论在护理学研究生中开设EBN课程具有可行性,该课程可提高学生的文献评阅和系统评价能力,并提高学生将证据应用到临床实践的意识。应进一步开展研究并改进课程内容和教学方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨临床阶段性学习在护理学基础教学中的可行性,使学生在学习专业知识的同时获得职业情感的培养.方法 便利抽取北京协和医学院护理学院本科学生共58名为对象,针对临床学习不同阶段对其进行护理知识和职业情感的调查.结果 本组学生第1-4阶段的成绩分别为(17.45±2.61)分、(16.00±2.11)分、(13.04±...  相似文献   

护理实验教学改革初探   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
护理实验是护理教学的重要组成部分。目前我国高校护理实验教学仍沿袭中专护理实验教学模式,阻碍了高等护理教育培养目标的实现,甚至制约着护理学科的发展,改革护理实验教学势在必行。将《护理学导论》等18门护理专业课程的实验部分优化组合成1门《护理学综合实验》,转变了护理教师实验教学理念,丰富了教学内容和方法,创新了评价方法,充分体现了以教师为主导、以学生为主体的教学思想。  相似文献   

Programme review is one way of monitoring the quality of a programme of study and promoting the growth of nursing education. The Faculty of Nursing at the Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) demonstrated its professional maturity by participating in an international collaborative project with the University of Windsor in Canada, to review its baccalaureate programmes. This article outlines the rationale for undertaking a programme review and discusses key principles for inclusion in the development of such a process. It highlights some strategies for success, and suggests ways in which programmes can benefit from reviews and evaluations. This process has the potential to be used as a prototype for future reviews.  相似文献   

临床护理工作中药理学知识需求情况调查   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
目的了解临床护理工作对药理学知识的需求,积极探索用药护理新教材建设。方法以访谈法拟定问卷,用问卷形式就护理岗位对药理学相关知识的需求状况进行调查。结果现行供护理专业采用的药理学教材,对高职护生来说存在着适用性、实用性不强等诸多问题。结论应从临床护理工作实际需求出发,淡化学科界限,以护理程序框架来构建新教材的体例,设置新教材内容。  相似文献   

合作学习对提高护理操作技能教学效果的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴世芬  李春坚  黄煦 《护士进修杂志》2009,24(11):1016-1018
目的探讨合作学习对提高护理操作技能教学效果的影响。方法以高职护理专业学生为研究对象,实验班89人采用合作学习教学法,对照班87人采用传统教学法。结果实验班护理操作技能考核成绩及达标率优于对照班,差异有显著意义(P〈0.05,P〈0.01)。实验班取得学校护理技能操作大赛总分第一。结论合作学习可提高护理操作技能教学效果,帮助学生提高自身综合素质。  相似文献   

PBL教学法在ICU护理本科生教学查房中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨基于问题的学习(PBL)教学法在ICU本科护理教学查房中的效果.方法 随机将ICU实习的57名护理本科学生分为试验组29名和对照组28名,每轮查房4~5名学生参与,分别进行7次查房.试验组采用PBL教学法,对照组采用以授课为基础的教学法(LBL),比较两组的教学效果.结果 试验组在理论考核成绩总均分、护理体检与护理评估成绩方面高于对照组(P<0.01);两组学生自评和教师他评结果差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01).结论 PBL教学法运用于护理本科生教学查房收到较好的效果,较传统教学法在提高学生自主学习能力、批判性思维能力、人际沟通能力、团队精神等方面有优势.  相似文献   

Simulation has become an established feature of undergraduate nurse education and as such requires extensive investigation. Research limited to pre-constructed categories imposed by some questionnaire and interview methods may only provide partial understanding. This is problematic in understanding the mechanisms of learning in simulation-based education as contemporary distributed theories of learning posit that learning can be understood as the interaction of individual identity with context. This paper details a method of data collection and analysis that captures interaction of individuals within the simulation experience which can be analysed through multiple lenses, including context and through the lens of both researcher and learner. The study utilised a grounded theory approach involving 31 under-graduate third year student nurses. Data was collected and analysed through non-participant observation, digital recordings of simulation activity and focus group deconstruction of their recorded simulation by the participants and researcher. Focus group interviews enabled further clarification. The method revealed multiple levels of dynamic data, concluding that in order to better understand how students learn in social and active learning strategies, dynamic data is required enabling researchers and participants to unpack what is happening as it unfolds in action.  相似文献   

针对我国护理科研写作的现状与问题,引入杜克大学医学教育中的科研写作概念框架,尝试在护士科研写作训练中设计基于任务的教学活动,并对具体实施和评价进行探讨。  相似文献   

在关注叙事教育的基础上,尝试将叙事教育方法应用于护理人际沟通的课堂教学中,通过故事描述、文艺影视作品及现场叙事角色扮演,将叙事教育与护理人文教育有机结合,丰富了护理沟通的授课形式,简化了授课内容,不但提高了学生对人际沟通理论的实际应用能力,而且促进了教师自身的发展和提升。  相似文献   

栾娈 《中华护理教育》2013,10(4):158-159
目的 探讨案例教学法在内科护理学课程教学中的应用及效果.方法 采用便利取样法,选取09级的82名学生为试验组,08级85名学生作为对照组.试验组部分章节采用案例教学法;对照组采用传统教学法.比较阶段测试成绩,并调查学生对案例教学法感受.结果 应用案例教学法学生成绩高于传统教学法;学生认为案例教学法可以提高学习兴趣,增加教学参与程度.结论 案例式教学法应用于内科护理学课程教学的效果较理想,可以在更多的教学内容上尝试推广.  相似文献   

周英  陈沁 《中华护理教育》2011,8(7):325-326
广东省中职护理教育办学规模过大,行业对中职护理专业毕业生需求减少。因此,广东省中职护理教育亟待提升办学层次,缩小办学规模,改革中职护理教育模式,面向基层培养人才,拓展就业与升学渠道,促进中职护理教育可持续发展,满足社会需求。  相似文献   

《成人护理》教学中存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾性分析了《成人护理》教学中存在的问题及解决办法。《成人护理》教学中的主要问题有:教学安排存在一定难度、教学面临新的挑战、临床兼职师资教学经验不足等。采取的对策是精心安排教学计划,加强教学管理及强化教学团队建设等。  相似文献   

目的分析护理操作技术的临床应用特点。方法采用自行设计的调查表,记录北京市某三级甲等综合医院14个科室每日进行的护理操作项目的频次,共30d。结果 14个科室共记录122项护理操作技术,44项(36.1%)在9个以上科室应用,其中39项为教材中的条目;46项(37.7%)操作频次500次/月,其中41项为教材中的条目;12项(9.8%)操作临床应用在5个及以上科室,但未包含在基础护理学教材中;基础护理学教材中81项护理操作技术,有7项临床使用率为零。结论基础护理教学应定期组织临床调研,根据护理操作的临床分布广度及频次,调整教学内容及学时,真正做到循证护理,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

陈玲 《中华护理教育》2013,10(4):155-157
目的 探讨在高职内科护理教学中应用案例教学法与生命教育相融合的教学方法.方法 试验组应用融入生命教育的案例教学法;对照组应用传统教学法.结果 试验组平均成绩、综合分析应用性试题得分率高于对照组(P<0.05);督导教师评价学生表达和沟通能力好,具有爱心;临床带教教师评价学生在临床工作中能很快将理论与实践结合,合作能力好,关爱病人意识强;学生普遍认为有助于培养临床护理思维能力,更能理解和同情病人.结论 融入生命教育的案例教学法有助于提高护理专业学生评判性思维能力、培养学生人文关怀能力、促进学生团队合作能力,是在专科护理教学中培养学生核心能力的有效形式.  相似文献   

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