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A Schistosoma mansoni cDNA library was constructed from the mRNA of adult worms in the expression vector lambda gt11 and screened with a rabbit antiserum raised against the 26-kDa S. mansoni glutathione S-transferase isoforms (Sm GST 26). Two clones were selected and the nucleotide sequences deduced. The predicted amino acid sequence, specified by these cDNAs, shows strong homology with a Schistosoma japonicum 26 kDa glutathione S-transferase and a lower level of homology with mammalian glutathione S-transferase class mu isoenzymes (EC No significant homology score was found with a 28-kDa S. mansoni glutathione S-transferase (Sm GST 28). A study of the tissue distribution of the cloned Sm GST 26 by immunoelectron microscopy shows similarities to Sm GST 28 in that they are present in the tegument and in subtegumentary parenchymal cells. However, a major difference exists in the protonephridial region in which Sm GST 26 is present in the cytoplasmic digitations localized in the apical chamber delineated by the flame cell body, suggesting that Sm GST 26 may be actively excreted by adult worms.  相似文献   

Schistosomiasis is a debilitating tropical disease for which an effective vaccine is needed. A 28-kDa glutathione S-transferase from Schistosoma mansoni (Sm28GST) has been shown to induce protective immunity. Sm28GST possesses significant sequence identity to mammalian GST isoforms. In order to study self-reactivity in mice immunized with Sm28GST and the concomitant phenomena of immune tolerance and epitope suppression, as well as their consequences for the protective immunity induced by this vaccination, we developed transgenic (Tg) mice that express Sm28GST under the control of a part of the mouse transferrin gene promoter. A study of (P28)Tg mice showed that the expression of Sm28GST was strictly localized in pericentrolobular hepatocytes. No histological change, inflammatory infiltrates, or modification of seric L-aspartate: 2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase concentration was observed over an 18-month period, despite a cross-reactivity between Sm28GST and a mouse molecule of 30 kDa. The immunoglobulin G anti-Sm28GST response of (P28)Tg mice immunized with recombinant Sm28GST was lower (P < 0.001) than that observed in non-(P28)Tg littermates and inversely proportional of Sm28GST liver expression. The response of non-(P28)Tg mouse spleen cells to Sm28GST stimulation was greater (P < 0.01) than that observed with (P28)Tg mouse spleen cells. (P28)Tg mice infected with 40 S. mansoni furcocercariae harbored more worms (P < 0.05) than did non-(P28)Tg control mice. The increase in the level of infection in (P28)Tg mice was reflected in concomitant increases in the numbers of adult worms and schistosome eggs found in livers and intestines after whole-body perfusion at 56 days postinfection, but no relative increase in the fertility of individual female worms was observed. The results obtained argue for the involvement of Sm28GST in reducing levels of infection and support the view that this enzyme has a central role in the maintenance of parasite viability, at least during its migration through host tissues.  相似文献   

A cloning and expression system that allows display of proteins on the surface of filamentous phages was exploited to display a 28-kDa glutathione S-transferase (Sm28GST) antigen of the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni. The phage-displayed Sm28GST (pdGST) was immunoreactive and was recognized by immune sera, suggesting that the Sm28GST protein displayed on the surface of phages potentially maintains native conformation. Subsequent immunization studies showed that mice can develop high titers of antibodies against pdGST and do not require any additional adjuvant for immunization. Isotype analysis suggested that the pdGST immunization predominantly induced immunoglobulin G2b (IgG2b), IgG3, and IgM anti-GST antibodies in mice. Furthermore, the pdGST immunization was found to confer about 30% protection after a challenge infection with 100 cercariae of S. mansoni in BALB/c mice. These findings suggest that phage display is a simple, efficient, and promising tool to express candidate vaccine antigens for immunization against infectious agents.  相似文献   

Inter-species variation of schistosome 28-kDa glutathione S-transferases.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The 28-kDa glutathione S-transferase from Schistosoma mansoni (Sm28GST) is a candidate vaccine antigen. To evaluate the antigenic and phylogenetic variations between the 28-kDa GSTs from 4 species of schistosome, we have cloned and sequenced the 28-kDa GSTs from Schistosoma haematobium (Sh28GST) and Schistosoma bovis (Sb28GST). Sb28GST and Sh28GST are more similar to each other (97%) than to Sm28GST (90%) and particularly to the 28-kDa GST from Schistosoma japonicum (Sj28GST, 77%). Antisera directed against the major Sm28GST epitopes revealed differences in the recognition of the 28-kDa GSTs from the other schistosome species suggesting that these regions have been subjected to evolutionary pressure. The consequences of such species-specific epitopes on the development of a multi-species anti-schistosome vaccine are discussed.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni adult worm 28-kilodalton (kDa) proteins were separated on polyacrylamide slab gels, recovered by electrophoretic elution, and used to immunize Fischer rats. After the second or third injection, inguinal lymph node T lymphocytes were propagated in vitro for 4 weeks in the presence of syngeneic antigen-presenting cells and adult worm antigens in medium containing interleukin-2. After this period of culture, 99% of the cells expressed the W3/13+ surface phenotype and 93% of the cells expressed the W3/25+ surface phenotype. These cells were then tested for their in vivo functional activity after transfer to Fischer rats that had been either infected with S. mansoni cercariae or immunized with the 28-kDa purified protein. In each case, an increase of S. mansoni-specific antibodies was observed. Whereas anti-28-kDa antibodies were only detectable at day 40 postinfection in controls injected with normal T lymphocytes, they appeared as early as day 13 postinfection when the animals received 28-kDa protein-specific T lymphocytes. This led to an effective protection of infected rats (45 to 85%) which correlated with the increase in S. mansoni-specific antibodies. These results therefore demonstrate that the 28-kDa protein possesses epitopes capable of activating helper T cells, which confer a strong protective immunity by enhancing the production of cytotoxic antibodies. The stimulation of the 28-kDa-specific T cells with recombinant proteins suggests that the major epitopes are located toward the carboxylic end of the molecule.  相似文献   

A cloned DNA probe identifies the sex of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This report describes a method for the identification of the sex of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae using a cloned DNA probe which is female-specific. The probe is a 339 bp repeat; the sequence is presented. Cercariae from nine mono-miracidially infected snails were used in a double blind study. Mice were infected and the sex of adult worms observed. DNA was isolated from cercariae, digested with EcoRI, subjected to agarose gel electrophoresis, transferred to a matrix and hybridized with the cloned female-specific DNA probe. In all nine cases the sex of the cercariae as determined by DNA analysis agreed with the sex of the adult parasites.  相似文献   

The protective effects of two different monoclonal antibodies (mAb) raised against the Schistosoma mansoni 28-kDa glutathione S-transferase (Sm 28 GST) were investigated. Two mAb of the same isotype (IgM) have been selected according to the blocking effect on Sm 28 GST enzymatic activity (S13) or the lack of blockade (H12). When passively transferred into Fischer rats, both S13 and H12 significantly reduced the worm burden. In BALB/c mice clear effects on female worm fecundity and egg viability were observed when the S13 mAb was transferred; these effects included significantly reduced loads of intestinal eggs, reduced egg hatching rates and an increased proportion of non-living eggs. No effect on egg production and egg hatching was observed in H12-treated mice. In addition, worm pairs recovered from S13-but not H12-treated mice laid significantly fewer eggs in vitro, and normal worm pairs incubated in vitro with the S13 mAb produced significantly fewer eggs than those incubated with H12 mAb. The impairment of egg hatching ability was also reproduced in vitro by the S13 mAb. These data suggest the existence of two different effector mechanisms induced by immunization with Sm 28 GST. The effect on the schistosome worm burden appears to be independent of GST activity whereas the effect on S. mansoni female fecundity and egg viability seems to be significantly linked to the inactivation of the enzymatic site.  相似文献   

The migration of Schistosoma japonicum and S. mansoni through mouse skin epidermis and dermis was compared by immunofluorescence techniques from 4 to 22 h after infection. At all times, the percentage of parasites detected in the dermis was significantly higher for S. japonicum than for S. mansoni. Thus, S. japonicum migrates more rapidly very early after infection. This agrees with the quicker migration observed previously by this species for later times. Both species expressed antigens related to the cercarial glycocalyx on the parasite body and antigenically detectable elastase in the acetabular glands, at least until 22 h after infection. Bot sets of antigens were also left as traces in cercarial migration channels in the skin as well as in skin tissue in the absence of detectable worms or migration channels. The data further substantiate differences between schistosome species in the speed of migration, and suggest that glycocalyx-related antigens and cercarial elastase continue to be expressed for at least 1 day after infection.  相似文献   

Antioxidants may play an important role in immune evasion by schistosome parasites. Previous studies have focused on the roles of superoxide dismutase and glutathione S-transferase. In the present study, glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity was measured in different fractions of worm extracts from several developmental stages of Schistosoma mansoni. The enzyme activity was shown to be developmentally regulated, with higher specific activities being found in the tegument-enriched Nonidet P-40 extract of adult worms (the stage least susceptible to immune killing) than in the larval stages (which are most susceptible to immune elimination). In all extracts tested, the activity against cumene hydroperoxide, even when glutathione S-transferase activity was removed, was higher than that for hydrogen peroxide. The expression of GPX cDNA in pGEX-2T by bacteria produced a 50-kDa fusion protein and a 32-kDa truncated protein. The latter was due to termination at the internal UGA codon that codes for selenocysteine. GPX activity was detected in the recombinantly produced GPX but not with Sj26-glutathione S-transferase from the vector. Mutating the TGA codon to TGT produced a full-length product, GPXm (19 kDa), that was used to produce 19 monoclonal antibodies. Anti-GPXm monoclonal antibodies recognized a 19-kDa molecule in adult-worm extract which, upon removal by immunoprecipitation, resulted in the loss of over 90% of the GPX activity, suggesting that a single form of GPX exists in the schistosome.  相似文献   

Organization of the ribosomal RNA genes in Schistosoma mansoni   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The organization of the rRNA genes of Schistosoma mansoni has been determined by Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA digested with restriction enzymes, by isolation of the entire repeat on a single fragment of about 11 kilobase pairs from a genomic DNA library constructed in bacteriophage lambda and by characterization of three cloned EcoRI fragments which span the entire repeat. The segments encoding both the large and small rRNA subunits have been identified using specific cloned yeast rDNA fragments as probes and EcoRI, HindIII and BamHI restriction enzyme maps of the rRNA genes were constructed. The ends of the RNAs have been precisely mapped on the genomic DNA by S1 protection experiments. Our data indicate that the rRNA genes are present as a tight cluster. The total length of the rDNA repeat is about 10 kilobase pairs. There appears to be no variation in the size of transcribed and non-transcribed spacer DNA. At the RNA level we have characterized and mapped a small gap in the 28S RNA molecule. The interruption causes the RNA to dissociate into two equal sized fragments when analyzed under denaturing conditions.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone encoding part of a 20-kDa antigen of Schistosoma mansoni (Sm20) has been isolated. The amino acid sequence of this antigen, as predicted from the sequence of the cDNA, has significant homology to the family of calcium binding proteins which include calmodulin, troponin C and the light chain of myosin. Although we have been unable to show any immunological cross-reactivity between Sm20 and calmodulins from a range of other species, we have verified that Sm20 is a functional calcium binding protein. Sm20 is encoded by a small multigene family and is expressed in schistosomula and adult worms but not in eggs. The 20-kDa nascent polypeptide appears to be post-translationally modified to give a 38-kDa species. Sm20 is present in preparations of tegumental membranes and is easily removed from intact schistosomula by detergent treatment, suggesting that it is associated with the tegument. However, the cloned portion does not appear to be exposed on the surface.  相似文献   

Both cathepsin B-like and cathepsin L-like endopeptidase activities have been described in schistosomes, but their relative contribution to proteinolysis remains controversial. In an attempt to clarify which type of activity predominates, the selective mammalian cathepsin B inhibitor CA-074 was tested under standardized assay conditions with different preparations from Schistosoma mansoni and S. japonicum. CA-074 (0.94 μM) inhibited at least 92% and 80% of proteinolytic activity, respectively, for these species: completely inhibited bovine-spleen cathepsin B activity; but showed only marginal inhibition (4%) of rat-liver cathepsin L activity. We discuss the results with respect to previous studies and conclude that schistosome cathepsin B-like, not L-like, activity predominates. Received: 13 November 1996 / Accepted: 13 January 1997  相似文献   

Elrefaei M  El-Sheikh N  Kamal K  Cao H 《Immunology》2003,110(4):513-518
Factors that influence the generation and maintenance of memory CD8+ T cells are not fully understood. The homeostasis of memory T cells is highly dynamic and tightly regulated by various stimuli, including cytokines and antigen-major histocompatibility complex ligands. We characterized the hepatitis C virus (HCV)-specific CD8+ T-cell responses in a cohort of HCV-infected individuals with or without Schistosoma mansoni co-infection from Egypt. We observed a significantly decreased CD27- CD28- (late differentiated) memory T-cell population in the HCV co-infected individuals compared to those with HCV infection alone. In contrast, there was no significant difference in the CD27+ CD28+ (early differentiated) memory T cells between the two groups. Analysis of human cytomegalovirus-specific CD8+ T-cell responses in the same individuals failed to reveal a similar pattern of altered memory T-cell differentiation. Thus, S. mansoni co-infection targets a specific subset of memory CD8+ T cells in HCV infection.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers have been shown to be useful in genetic investigations of medically important parasites and their hosts. In this paper, we describe the prediction and validation of SNPs in ESTs of Schistosoma mansoni. We used 107,417 public sequences of S. mansoni and identified 15,614 high-quality candidate SNPs in 12,184 contigs. The presence of predicted SNPs was observed in well characterized antigens and vaccine candidates such as those coding for myosin; Sm14 and Sm23; cathepsin B and triosephosphate isomerase (TPI). Additionally, SNPs were experimentally validated for the cathepsin B. A comparative model of the S. mansoni cathepsin B was built for predicting the possible consequences of amino acid substitutions on the protein structure. An analysis of the substitutions indicated that the amino acids were mostly located on the surface of the molecule, and we found no evidence for a significant conformational change of the enzyme. However, at least one of the substitutions could result in a structural modification of an epitope.  相似文献   

Immunopathology of Schistosoma mansoni infection.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
Schistosomiasis mansoni is a chronic helminthic disease that affects about 100 million people in the tropics. The worms have a life span of 5 to 10 years, and they live in the mesenteric veins of the host. Lightly infected individuals are asymptomatic or manifest mild intestinal symptoms. Heavily infected individuals often develop severe morbidity with hepatosplenomegaly, sometimes with a fatal outcome. Morbidity is attributed to the strong humoral and T-cell-mediated host immune responses developed to a variety of parasite antigens and expressed as tissue inflammations. The immunopathology includes dermatitis, immune complex-mediated kidney disease, and, chiefly, T-cell-mediated granuloma formation and fibrosis around disseminated parasite eggs. This review describes the mechanisms of induction and expression of immunopathology in infected persons and experimental animals. Immunoregulatory mechanisms that modulate the enhanced immune responses and may ameliorate excessive morbidity are discussed.  相似文献   

Chinese and Philippine patients exhibited detectable titers of serum antibodies to Schistosoma japonicum worm and egg antigens. Western blot (immunoblot) data revealed differing antigenic profiles. Antigen inhibition studies showed low and high levels of cross-reactivity with anti-worm and anti-egg antibodies, respectively, derived from both Chinese and Philippine patients. Thus, anti-egg antibodies and egg antigens are more conserved than anti-worm antibodies and worm antigens.  相似文献   

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