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背景:随着微创技术的发展,关节镜技术已成为治疗肩关节滑膜软骨瘤病的首选方法。目的:探讨关节镜手术治疗肩关节滑膜软骨瘤病的疗效。方法:2005年7月至2011年12月共收治肩关节滑膜软骨瘤患者10例,男7例,女3例;年龄25~75岁,平均45.6岁;均为单侧受累,左肩4例,右肩6例;病程6~36个月,平均15.4个月;其中4例并发退行性骨关节炎;主要临床症状为肩关节活动后疼痛、绞索及关节肿胀,均伴有明显的活动受限。所有患者均采用关节镜手术治疗,包括关节镜探查、切除病变滑膜、取出游离体和清理退行性病变。结果:术后疼痛、绞索及关节肿胀症状消失,关节功能恢复良好,关节活动度得到明显改善。全部获得随访,随访时间为6~24个月,平均12个月。1例效果不满意,其余均效果良好,无复发。结论:关节镜手术治疗肩关节滑膜软骨瘤病具有手术创伤小、患者术后恢复快、病变滑膜切除彻底等优点,疗效良好。 相似文献
目的:探讨膝关节镜下膝关节滑膜软骨瘤病的诊断和治疗效果。方法:自1995年3月至2011年7月治疗滑膜软骨瘤病患者28例,其中男18例,女10例;年龄25~81岁,平均55.2岁;病程0.5~15年,平均5.6年。症状主要为膝关节疼痛、肿胀和功能受限。分别采用膝关节开放手术(17例)和膝关节镜手术(10例)进行治疗。观察其临床症状、影像学、病理表现及关节镜下的治疗效果。采用膝关节Lysholm评分对治疗前后的疗效进行评价。结果:27例获随访(1例失访),时间6~24个月。开放手术患者膝关节Lysholm评分由术前的(41.89±6.81)分增加到术后的(67.73±7.62)分;关节镜组患者膝关节Lysholm评分由术前的(40.78±7.54)分增加到术后的(77.46±8.43)分。结论:关节镜手术无切口裂开、不愈合等危险,术后可以早期功能锻炼,是诊断和治疗膝关节滑膜软骨瘤病的良好方法。 相似文献
滑膜性骨软骨瘤病 (synovialosteo chondromatosis)是一种少见的关节瘤样病变。近 5年来我们收治了 3例滑膜性骨软骨瘤病 ,其中 2例患者行手术治疗 ,术后均经病理证实 ,效果良好。1 病例资料例 1,女 ,5 6岁。因右膝关节疼痛、时有关节交锁 3年、疼痛加重半月余入院。无外伤史。体检 :右膝关节稍肿胀 ,以髌上囊明显 ,活动膝关节时有弹响及异物感 ,伴有疼痛。X线片示 :膝关节关节囊内有多个密度增高影 ,内有游离骨化点 ,大小不等。见图 1A。在硬膜外麻醉下行右膝关节游离体及大部分滑膜切除术 ,取出 0 3~ 2 … 相似文献
目的探讨开放性手术及关节镜手术治疗滑膜软骨瘤病的临床疗效。方法自1998年1月~2008年12月共治疗滑膜软骨瘤病8例,其中开放性手术5例,关节镜手术3例,同时行滑膜切除6例。结果所有患者获得1~5年随访,平均随访时间36个月。6例临床疗效确切,功能恢复满意。1例术后屈膝功能障碍仍存在;1例复发。结论开放性手术及关节镜手术是滑膜软骨瘤病的有效治疗手段,术式的选择主要依据临床表现和影像学检查。 相似文献
膝关节滑膜瘤病也称骨软骨瘤病,发病率极低,以形成关节内多发游离体为特征[1],在滑膜肿瘤与瘤样病变中占6.7%[2]。我们于2000年1月—2005年3月采用关节镜诊断与治疗17例。现报告如下。1临床资料本组17例,男7例,女10例;年龄19~72岁,平均52.2岁。左膝8例,右膝9例。病史2月~25年,平均7.5年。4例伴发骨性关节炎,2例有右侧半月板后角损伤。均有膝关节疼痛史,9例有不同程度的关节交锁,其中2例有右膝关节活动受限。8例有反复肿胀史,11例X线片上可见数个游离体之钙化影,其特征为呈环状或点状钙化,大部分位于髌上囊,呈不均匀分布。5例MRI平扫T1、T… 相似文献
患者,男,38岁。左髋关节隐痛伴活动受限渐加重8年。查体:左髋关节腹股沟处压痛阳性,髋关节处于半屈曲位、伸直、完全屈曲、内收、外旋受限CT检查示:左侧髋关节囊增厚,密度增高,关节腔内见散在的多发大小不等的桑椹状、 相似文献
1996年我科手术治疗髋关节滑膜软骨瘤病 1例 ,功能恢复良好。1 病例资料患者 ,女 ,45岁。右髋关节疼痛、行走困难 1年。查体 :一般状况良好 ,心肺 (- ) ,肝脾肋下未扪及。骨科检查 :右髋部皮肤色泽温度正常 ,髋周压痛明显 ,右髋“4”字试验 (+) ,Thoma征 (+) ,髋关节活动伸 0° 屈 5 0° ,内收2 0° 外展 15° ,内旋 15° 外旋 2 0° ,右髋关节有弹响声并有交锁。摄骨盆正位片示 :右髋关节间隙变窄、模糊 ,关节腔周围有弥散性密度增高影 ,数多 ,呈圆形或椭圆形 ,边缘光滑 ,大小不一。拟诊为 :右髋关节滑膜软骨瘤病。2 治疗方法在连… 相似文献
髋关节原发性滑膜软骨瘤病的诊断与治疗 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
目的 探讨髋关节原发性滑膜软骨瘤病的早期诊断与手术疗效。方法 5例髋关节原发性滑膜软骨瘤病患者,左侧2例,右侧3例,采用髋关节后外侧入路加大转子截骨入路显露髋关节,其中4例行单纯游离体摘除术,1例行病变滑膜切切除加游离体摘除术。结果 随访时间6-36个月,平均18个月。治愈3例,好转1例,未愈1例。结论 该病早期诊断困难,临床、放射学及病理检查相结合是确诊关键;采用髋关节后外侧入路加大转子截骨显露术摘除游离体、切除病变滑膜,疗效确切。 相似文献
[目的]探讨关节镜治疗髋关节滑膜软骨瘤病的方法和疗效,初步提出髋关节滑膜软骨瘤病的镜下分型。[方法]自2001年3月~2008年5月本院收治髋关节滑膜软骨瘤病患者21例,其中男15例,女6例;手术时年龄17~49岁,平均32.4岁;左侧9例,右侧12例。采用关节镜技术取出游离体并行滑膜切除术。病变位于外周间室者术中放松牵引进行手术,对于髋臼窝病变,需要借助弧形刨削刀和可折弯射频。[结果]所有患者术后症状缓解,MRI显示关节积液减少或消失,随访时间11个月~8年,平均45个月,Harris评分由术前的56.2分增加至随访时92分,疗效优良率85.7%。随访期内未见复发。[结论]髋关节镜治疗原发性髋关节滑膜软骨瘤创伤小、术后功能恢复快、效果满意。髋关节滑膜软骨瘤病的镜下分型可以指导手术操作并避免遗漏病变。 相似文献
Ahmet Ozmeric Nevres Hurriyet Aydogan Onur Kocadal Talip Kara Murad Pepe Serap Gozel 《International journal of surgery case reports》2014,5(12):1010-1013
Synovial chondromatosis is characterized by the presence of metaplastic cartilage nodules originating from the synovia, bursa and tendon sheaths. Although it is extremely rare in the ankle joint, malignant transformation is possible. The choice of treatment is usually open surgery for excision of loose bodies and synovectomy. Limited data is available concerning arthroscopic approaches.PRESENTATION OF CASE
A 28-year-old male patient was evaluated for pain and swelling of the right ankle joint. Based on the findings of physical examination and radiographic investigations, arthroscopic surgery was performed due to ankle impingement syndrome. A diagnosis of synovial osteochondromatosis was made following the pathological survey.DISCUSSION
Synovial chondromatosis is slowly progressive and is considered to be a self-limiting situation. Treatment strategies are decided on according to the patient''s complaints, age and disease stage. Open or arthroscopic surgery. can be performed. Some advantages of arthroscopic surgery are wide visualization areas, easy access to areas difficult to reach, lower morbidity, no necessity for casting and immobilization, early rehabilitation and quick recovery period.CONCLUSION
In conclusion, arthroscopic management can be successful in selected patients with synovial osteochondromatosis localized to the ankle joint. 相似文献16.
Pediatric primary synovial chondromatosis of the shoulder,biceps tendon sheath and subcoracoid bursa
《Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma》2020,11(2):317-320
A child with shoulder pain and great palpable mass without any injury history is an emergent case until the diagnosis is confirmed. We report the clinical findings, imaging features, surgery and histological analyses of primary synovial chondromatosis in glenohumeral joint, biceps tendon sheath and subcoracoid bursa in a child, aged 14. Primary synovial chondromatosis is characterised by multiple calcified nodules in joints, tendons or bursa areas. The condition is more usual in large joints, in particular in lower extremities. It may be symptomless until the volume of chondromatosis has increased to such an extent that it results in pain, locking symptom or palpable mass. The treatment is removal of the loose bodies and potentially synovectomy, in means of open or arthroscope-assisted surgery. Postoperative follow-up is recommended due to the risk of recidivism and potential malignant transformation. The disease is more common in older patients and there are only isolated cases in pediatric population. 相似文献
目的探讨磁共振(MR)肩关节造影诊断肩关节损伤的临床价值。方法回顾性分析20例肩关节损伤患者常规MRI和MR肩关节造影的影像表现,并与肩关节镜手术结果对照。结果关节镜诊断结果:肩袖部分撕裂17例,肩袖全层撕裂3例,肩袖撕裂并发盂唇损伤5例。MRI诊断结果:肩袖部分撕裂16例,肩袖全层撕裂3例,肩袖撕裂并发盂唇损伤1例。MR肩关节造影诊断结果:肩袖部分撕裂17例,肩袖全层撕裂3例,肩袖撕裂并发盂唇损伤5例。MR肩关节造影诊断结果与关节镜结果一致。结论MR肩关节造影较常规MRI检查能够提高肩关节损伤的诊断准确性。 相似文献
《Journal of plastic surgery and hand surgery》2013,47(5):347-349
AbstractA 40-year-old woman presented with a six-month history of synovial chondromatosis of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the right ring finger, which was resected through both dorsal and volar incisions. To our knowledge there have been only 17 reported cases of articular synovial chondromatosis of the digital joint so far. We present a case affecting the metacarpophalangeal joint with a review of scattered information found in other 17 reports. 相似文献
The posterior luxation of the shoulder joint is a rarely reported and often not recognized lesion in the clinical workday.
The authors present the first case of a posterior luxation of the shoulder joint in combination with an contralateral anterior
shoulder joint fracture dislocation. In that case the authors stress the importance of an exact clinical and radiology diagnostic
and the right way to reduce a posterior luxation of the shoulder joint. Finally they draw the readers attention to operative
steps to prevent a reluxation of the shoulder joint.