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A management project was carried out to reduce the stress among newly hired nursing professionals in our hospital. A work group was set up which, utilizing interviews and consensus seeking techniques, identified the main stress causing factors from which a Welcoming Program was designed having two fundamental aspects: on the one hand, a welcoming program which serves to create an atmosphere of trust in order to aid a new professional's integration; while on the other hand, providing the newcomer with a welcoming guide which includes the most pertinent information regarding the Nursing Department, the Health Center and the Health District. This program was applied to 431 newly hired professionals between the years 1996 and 1999. In order to evaluate the results, a questionnaire sent to those newcomers hired over the past year, obtaining 91 sample cases. 96.7% considered the information regarding the Center's norms to be "very useful"; 94.5% considered the information regarding Center's structure to be "very useful"; and 57.1% considered the information regarding the Health District to be "very useful". 96.7% considered it "very favorable" to know the Nursing management team and the entire group found this Program very satisfactory and feel integrated in this Hospital. Compared to the four previous years before the implementation of this program, labor absences inferior to 48 hours were reduced by 28% and global absenteeism declined 8%.  相似文献   

Using a questionnaire with open and closed questions, this study aimed to: verify among nursing professionals which are the most used regions for intramuscular medication application; identify the method they use for delimiting the puncture regions and site; identify their knowledge of complications and contraindications of using the regions and verifying the use of the ventrogluteal region. Thirty-two professionals participated in the study, which used the dorsogluteal (65.62%) and deltoid (31.25%) regions. The need for updating these professionals was disclosed, especially regarding to anatomy, the adequate terminology used for designating the regions and the knowledge of complications and contraindications. Investments in training these professionals are essential for using the ventrogluteal region.  相似文献   

Abstract Background. Although many nurses have become aware of the importance of family‐centered nursing, very little is known about the advanced knowledge and intervention skills of family nursing in Japan. Objectives. We examined the characteristics of their recognition of family nursing and factors related to the practice of family nursing. Methods. The subjects were nursing staff at a large hospital in Fukuoka, Japan (n = 596). A study using self‐administered questionnaires was conducted in October 2002. Factor analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were used to analyse the data. Results. Of 596 nurses, 376 returned questionnaires (63·6%). The study achieved the following findings. (1) The nurse's recognition of family nursing had four subscales: skills required to interview family members to construct a trusted relationship; assessment of family structure and family functioning; interventional skills of family nursing; and skills to collect information on family members. (2) The predictors of family nursing recognition were ‘gender’, ‘job position in hospital’, ‘individual experience of caring for their family members’, ‘length of clinical experience’ and ‘types of wards where they work’. (3) The predictors of practice of family nursing were ‘interventional skills of family nursing’, ‘skills to collect information on family members’ and the ‘total of four skills’. Conclusions. It is implied that the acquisition of knowledge and skills of family nursing in hospital settings are invaluable to consciousness‐raising and practice of family nursing. Relevance to clinical practice. As the factors related to practice or recognition of family nursing have been identified, the present findings are useful for hospital administrators who want to promote family nursing in their hospitals.  相似文献   

运用IKAP理论对代谢综合征患者进行健康教育的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
代谢综合征(metabolic syndrome,MS)又称X综合征(syndrome X)、胰岛素抵抗综合征(insulin resistance syndrome),是一组与糖尿病、心血管病(CVD)密切相关的疾病。近年MS的发病率不断升高,严重威胁着人们的身体健康。2003年9月-2004年9月,本研究对在我院体检中心被确诊为MS的患者运用IKAP理论进行健康教育,现报道如下。  相似文献   

Scand J Caring Sci; 2012; 26; 436–448 Knowledge about patients’ rights among professionals in public health care in Finland Background: The legal rights of patients include civil rights for patients and the duties of healthcare professionals. Knowledge of legislation and the ability to put juridical norms into practice are among the main aspects of professionals. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe the level of healthcare professionals’ knowledge about patients’ legal rights and to describe background variables associated with the knowledge. The legal rights are based on the Finnish Act on the Status and Rights of Patients. Method: The data were collected from healthcare professionals (nurses and physicians) in public health care in Finland (recruited N = 290, responded n = 191) with a questionnaire designed for the study. The response rate was 66%. The data were analysed statistically. Results: Healthcare professionals were partially familiar with patients’ legal rights. The right to good health care, treatment and access to care and right to self‐determination were the best‐known areas. The respondents lacked knowledge on the right to information and the right to use the services of patient ombudsman. Based on self‐evaluation, half of the respondents thought that they had weak knowledge of the legislation on patients’ rights. However, they perceived knowledge about patients’ rights as being important. There was no correlation between respondents’ self‐evaluated knowledge and actual scoring on the knowledge test. Conclusion: These results implicate a need for further education aimed at healthcare professionals and development of professional training about patients’ legal rights.  相似文献   

高职护理专业护生教学见习的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我院承担衢州学院护理专业护生的教学见习的具体带教与管理。本研究为了解高职护理专业护生教学见习中的问题,更好地做好教学见习带教与管理,进行了一次调查,现报道如下。对象与方法以衢州学院医学系高职护理3022、3023、3031、3032、5024班220名护生为调查对象,应用一次性调查  相似文献   

目的 了解临床护士掌握心理护理技能的现状,并探讨有效的培训方法。方法 对103名临床护士进行培训前后的问卷调查,通过比较做近期效果评价。结果 培训后85%的护理人员对心理护理的定义及内涵掌握较好,96%的护理人员认识到心理护理的重要性,47%的护理人员能够很好地掌握心理护理理论及技巧,71%的护理人员认识到提高护理人员自身素质对开展心理护理重要性,82%的护理人员体会到专业的心理护理技能培训是开展心理护理的前提。结论 加强临床护理人员心理护理技能培训,可提高医院整体护理效果和护理质量。  相似文献   

目的 了解临床护士掌握心理护理技能的现状,并探讨有效的培训方法.方法 对103名临床护士进行培训前后的问卷调查,通过比较做近期效果评价.结果 培训后85%的护理人员对心理护理的定义及内涵掌握较好,96%的护理人员认识到心理护理的重要性,47%的护理人员能够很好地掌握心理护理理论及技巧,71%的护理人员认识到提高护理人员自身素质对开展心理护理重要性,82%的护理人员体会到专业的心理护理技能培训是开展心理护理的前提.结论 加强临床护理人员心理护理技能培训,可提高医院整体护理效果和护理质量.  相似文献   

目的 分析四川省护理本科生临床决策能力现状.方法 利用护理专业大学生临床决策能力测量工具调查四川省4所大学2008年护理专业毕业实习10~12个月的本科生415名,并对调查结果进行分析.结果 四川省护理本科生临床决策能力总平均分为(72.86±4.53)分;各维度得分率以确定目标能力最高,评价反馈能力最低;本科护生临床决策能力的合格率为99.52%,良好占4.82%,及格占94.70%,不合格占0.48%.结论 四川省本科护生护理临床决策能力多数为合格水平,但尚未达到优秀.  相似文献   

目的 了解养老机构中护工对护理分级的认知情况,分析存在的问题,提出改进措施,以提高护理分级质量.方法 采用自行设计的问卷对122名护工进行有关护理分级及其内容方面的调查.结果 护工对护理分级、护理分级的依据和全照顾护理(介护)项目认知程度相对较高,其余项目认知较低;不同工作年限、文化程度的护工,对护理分级的认知情况差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 护工对护理分级认知不足,应加强其专业训练与教育,从而提高其对护理分级内容判断的准确性,提高护理服务的效果及病人满意度.  相似文献   

目的研究护理部主任的工作压力源情况,为减少其工作压力提供依据。方法选取山东省二三级医院的护理部主任\副主任或总护士长293人。以山东省卫生厅便函的方式发放自行设计的工作压力源问卷,调查护理部主任的工作压力源。结果护理部主任压力源得分从高到低依次是:工作特征、组织结构、职业生涯、家庭冲突、工作角色和人际冲突。结论护理部主任的压力源主要来自工作特征和组织结构,应针对此采取相应的缓解压力方式。  相似文献   

目的 研究护理部主任的工作压力源情况,为减少其工作压力提供依据。方法 选取山东省二三级医院的护理部主任\副主任或总护士长293人。以山东省卫生厅便函的方式发放自行设计的工作压力源问卷,调查护理部主任的工作压力源。结果 护理部主任压力源得分从高到低依次是:工作特征、组织结构、职业生涯、家庭冲突、工作角色和人际冲突。结论 护理部主任的压力源主要来自工作特征和组织结构,应针对此采取相应的缓解压力方式。  相似文献   

目的 调查不同学历护生对优质护理的认知现状,归纳分析其对优质护理观点的异同.方法 采用问卷调查法,对哈尔滨市某三级甲等医院105名实习护生进行调查,了解不同学历护生对优质护理的认知现状,并对结果进行分析.结果 不同学历护生在优质护理6个维度即:护士的工作态度、专业技术和能力、优质护理的先提条件、病区环境、护理操作是否及时以及与患者家属的合作性方面的认知程度比较无显著差异,在6个维度下的14个条目中认知程度比较有显著差异.结论 不同学历护生均认为护士的工作态度是优质护理中最重要的,而对与患者家属的合作性这一维度认识不足.  相似文献   

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