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IntroductionCognitive disorders such as deficit of attention and executive and visuoconstructive dysfunctions occur in Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD). Memory impairment is not an early feature and statement not well delimited.Case reportA 78-year-old man with PDD underwent neuropsychological assessment and moreover demonstrated memory decline. After death, pathology examination of the brain and immunohistochemy analysis confirmed PD and showed Lewy body pathology (LBP) in the insula, limbic and especially in CA3 hippocampus areas. Hippocampus and gyrus parahippocampic also exhibited neurofibrillary tangles. Lack of senile plaque and lack of beta A4 amyloid deposition were noticeable in the whole brain examination.ConclusionSevere executive dysfunctions are probably related to LBP and dysfunction in memory process may be related to DNF lesions in medial temporal area.  相似文献   

IntroductionTransmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) have been under epidemiological surveillance in France and in Europe since the early 1990s. The observation of iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), the outbreak of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (ESB) and its probable transmission to many species gave rise to the surveillance which remains warranted by the emergence of a variant of CJD (vCJD), in 1996.State of artIn France, epidemiological surveillance is coordinated by the InVS which receives input from cases notifications addressed to INSERM Unit 708 directly by clinicians or more often following requests for 14-3-3 detection in CSF. All suspected cases are followed up until a final diagnosis is established. Thanks to the effectiveness of the French network of neuropathology, autopsies are performed in more than half of patients who die with a diagnosis of suspected CJD. Diagnostic criteria allow comparison of the incidence of the different forms of the disease in all countries with a system of surveillance. Sporadic CJD is the most frequent form of the disease with more than 80% of the cases. Its origin remains unknown. To date, cases of iatrogenic CJD referred to the French surveillance network have been caused by dura mater grafts or human growth hormone treatments administrated in the 1980s. Ten percent of TSE are of genetic origin with an autosomic dominant transmission of a mutation or an insertion located on the PRNP gene. The most recent form of the disease is vCJD which is a new form, first described in the United Kingdom in 1994.Prospect and conclusionActive epidemiological surveillance remains a timely issue, particularly in France, because of the development of new cases of iatrogenic CJD after human growth hormone treatment. It is of importance in France and worldwide because of the emergence of post-transfusional cases of vCJD and the possible appearance of vCJD in persons with valine-valine or methionine-valine genotypes at codon 129.  相似文献   



The aim of this paper was to analyze the experiences of students to whom a telepresence robot was made available in periods during which they were prevented from attending university courses.


This research uses a psychopathological approach to everyday virtual life. At the end of the period of use of the robot, non-directive research interviews were conducted with the students.


The analysis shows that the device can be experienced by these students as a potential space of subjectivation because it appears to help avoid a possible collapse and thus facilitates the mobilization of psychic elements that were not previously elaborated.


The robot is experienced as the possibility of an augmented body, and, beyond, of an augmented subject into which the students project a part of themselves, enabling a subjective appropriation of the self via a mirror effect. Finally, it is important to recall that this device is used within an educational program. Any educational or learning process upsets references, as for an adolescent experiencing the changes that affect him. The role of peers is important in sustaining a sense of permanence of identity.


There is thus the possibility of a space of intersubjectivation enabling the construction of the link on three levels: the subjectivation of the absent subject represented by the avatar-robot; the subjectivation of the subject's peers; the internal links of the group.  相似文献   

Sans résuméAvec 21 FiguresNo type of sensation is understood by physiologists or psychologists. If the study of feeding is postponed until the nature of sensation is clarified, we shall have long time to wait, indeed. (J. R. Brobeck, 1957)  相似文献   

Résumé Présentation anatomoclinique de quatre lapins (dont trois avec vérification anatomique) appartenant à la race Chinchilla-Tchécoslovaque, provenant de deux nichées issues de la même femelle, mais de deux pères différents, atteints d'une ataxie et de parésie spastique des pattes.L'affection diffère de l'ataxie héréditaire du lapin deSawin-Anders par son début périnatal et par sa survie prolongée.Anatomiquement il s'agit d'une atteinte généralisée de tous les neurones du système nerveux central et même des ganglions. La lésion se présente comme un oedème cellulaire suivi d'une fonte des structures intraneuronales. D'importantes réactions gliales (oligodendrocytaires et astrocytaires) accompagnent les changements des neurones.Tous les sujets malades étaient mâles. La femelle de la même nichée avait un système nerveux intact.L'image anatomique fait penser à des troubles du métabolisme de l'eau et des electrolytes probablement conditionnés génétiquement. La souche des lapins reste en observation.Zusammenfassung Klinisch-anatomische Beschreibung von vier Kaninchen (davon drei morphologisch untersuchte) der tschechoslovakischen Chinchilla0Rasse, die zwei Würfen desselben Weibchens, aber verschiedener Väter, entstammen und Ataxie sowie spastische Paresen der Extremitäten boten.Die Erkrankung unterscheidet sich von der hereditären Ataxie des Kaninchens (Sawin-Anders) durch ihren perinatalen Beginn und die verlängerte Überlebenszeit.Morphologisch handelt es sich um eine generalisierte Affektion sämtlicher Neurone des ZNS und der Ganglien. Die Veränderungen manifestieren sich als Zellödem, das von einem Verlust intraneuronaler Strukturen gefolgt ist. Erhebliche Gliareaktion (der Oligo- und Astroglia) begleiten die neuronalen Läsionen.Bei sämtlichen erkrankten Tieren handelte es sich um Männchen; die Weibchen desselben Wurfes boten ein intaktes Nervensystem.Das morphologische Bild läßt möglicherweise genetisch bedingte Störungen des Wasser- und Elektrolytstoffwechsels vermuten. Die betreffende Kaninchensippe bleibt in Beobachtung.  相似文献   



This literature review set out to describe the history and the evolutions in German-, English- and French-speaking countries of a psychiatric notion, “litigious delusion”. The author focuses on a subgroup taking the form of querulent delusion or querulousness (a pathological tendency towards litigious behaviors).


The author studies writings by legal and psychiatric specialists in French, English and German from the middle of the 19th century (first mention of the diagnostic entity Querulantenwahn by the German psychiatrist Johann Ludwig Casper) to the present day. He closely follows the evolution of the notion of Querulantenwahn in Germany and describes the contributions by experts such as Richard von Krafft-Ebing, Emil Kraepelin and Kurt Schneider. In France, he shows how Taguet and Pottier's délire des persécutés–persécuteurs became a subgroup of Cullerre and De Clérambault's délire de revendication (litigious delusion). Finally, he explains why these categories have not been studied more in depth in English-speaking countries with reference to work by experts in psychiatry and by legal specialists.


The concepts of querulousness and litigious delusion have had different outcomes according to the country. In Germany, the Querulantenwahn is a clinical entity still mentioned in psychiatric manuals, although it now refers to a personality disorder. In France, psychiatrists prefer to use the term querulousness (quérulence), a notion that is incorporated into the category of paranoid delusions. In English-speaking countries, querulous individuals are liable not to be addressed to psychiatric care, and tend to be known as vexatious litigants, a judicial term that prevents them from accessing the courts.


The author sheds light on the reasons why the definition of querulousness seems so divergent from one country to another; he proposes a reflection on the disappearance of litigious delusion as a clinical concept.


Further reflection on the nosographic status of the concepts of querulousness and litigious delusion is required to determine their correct positioning in psychiatric classifications. Meanwhile, new institutional responses adapted to the psychiatric and legal situation of so-called “querulous” persons need to be elaborated.  相似文献   

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