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D Birnbaum 《Infection control and hospital epidemiology》1999,20(10):706-707
If you have calculated the sample size required for an employee survey or an observational study of departmental practices but found that the number of observations required is larger than the number of employees, chances are the error is due to use of approximation formulae. Many of us unknowingly were taught to use approximations that fail to include the finite population correction factor. Depending on the objective of a study and the proportion of a population sampled, it may be necessary to consider this correction factor in order to estimate standard error and sample size accurately. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: The crude mortality rate of the whole population and the mortality of children <5 years of age are the common indicators of the severity of a complex emergency situation. However, these indicators rarely take account of differences in socioeconomic conditions and vulnerability. METHODS: We followed a population in Guinea-Bissau, which fled when fighting took place in the capital during the war in 1998-99. The population stayed close to the area of conflict and returned as soon as a cease-fire was negotiated. A peace treaty was signed after half-a-year. The following 6 months was a period of returning and re-settlement, even though two outbreaks of fighting occurred. RESULTS: In the first half-year the mortality rate was 78% [mortality ratio (MR) = 1.78; 95% CI 1.61-1.97] increased and mortality for children <5 years of age doubled (MR = 2.07; 95% CI 1.79-2.38). In the last 6 months of the war, mortality was slightly increased for children and not at all for the total population. In the first half-year, households living in better houses and having members with schooling were less affected. In the 're-settlement' period two inequalities emerged; the largest ethnic group, Pepel, continued to have high mortality when the mortality of other groups declined; likewise girls continued to have an elevated mortality whereas mortality of boys declined. CONCLUSION: Whereas specific 'free' interventions reduced social inequalities for the groups affected, for the total population health-inequalities were slightly amplified during the war. Once the population returned to their urban homes, mortality fell to pre-war levels even though some fighting continued, limited humanitarian aid was available and the pre-war infra-structure had not been re-established. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: As the workforce is rapidly ageing, research on the consequences of occupational injuries in older workers is becoming more important. One adverse outcome unique to older workers, early retirement, has significant negative social and economic consequences for workers and employers. Although linked to poor worker health, the roles of workplace factors and occupational injury have not been well-defined. METHOD: Changes in retirement plans attributed to an occupational injury were studied in a population-based sample of 1,449 New Hampshire workers aged 相似文献
Rehabilitation is a good model for an integrated delivery network (IDN). Because it is an integral part of the treatment plans of a diverse group of medical specialties, rehab often plays a pivotal role in patients' recovery. Since its focus is on functional outcomes, rehab is compatible with a capitated payment system. In addition, rehab entered the managed care arena before other "product lines," so rehab providers have experience with diverse reimbursement conditions. And although rehab encompasses all levels of care, it is not too large to function as a model for a full-scale IDN. There are four key stages in the development of a rehab IDN: A strong leader with a clear vision organizes a working committee composed of the key leaders of each entity involved in rehab: hospitals, nursing homes, home health, and others. The committee begins to design the proposed network. Though the committee may study other IDNs, its focus is on its own organization's needs and objectives. A master plan addressing systems gaps and opportunities throughout the IDN is drawn up. Integral to the plan is a schedule according to which each of the network's components will be integrated. The master plan is implemented. The working committee determines the IDN's final structure and names the members of the management team. 相似文献
Christine Muff Jan D. Reinhardt Raimund Erbel Nico Dragano Susanne Moebus Stefan Möhlenkamp Klaus Mann Johannes Siegrist On behalf of the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study Investigative Group 《Zeitschrift fur Gesundheitswissenschaften》2011,19(5):453-462
Irregular meal intakes have several harmful effects on health and yet it is largely unknown which factors are related to irregular meal intakes. In order to understand variations in regularity of meal intakes, associations between sociodemographics, health conditions, health behaviours, work characteristics and meal intakes were studied. 相似文献7.
Michael K 《Healthcare benchmarks and quality improvement》2008,15(3):32-33
VAP shares symptoms with several conditions common to the ICU. Diagnosis is considered to be more reliable in the outpatient setting. New measures should reflect the totality of complications that can affect ventilated patients in addition to pneumonia. 相似文献
ABSTRACT: Israel has made impressive progress in improving performance on key measures of the quality of health care in the community in recent years. These achievements are all the more notable given Israel's modest overall spending on health care and because they have accrued to virtually the entire population of the country.Health care systems in most developed nations around the world find themselves in a similar position today with respect to health care quality. Despite significantly increased improvement efforts over the past decade, routine safety processes, such as hand hygiene and medication administration, fail routinely at rates of 30% to 50%. People with chronic diseases experience preventable episodes of acute illness that require hospitalization due to medication mix-ups and other failures of outpatient management. Patients continue to be harmed by preventable adverse events, such as surgery on the wrong part of the body and fires in operating theaters. Health care around the world is not nearly as safe as other industries, such as commercial aviation, that have mastered highly effective ways to manage serious hazards.Health care organizations will have to undertake three interrelated changes to get substantially closer to the superlative safety records of other industries: leadership commitment to zero major quality failures, widespread implementation of highly effective process improvement methods, and the adoption of all facets of a culture of safety. Each of these changes represents a major challenge to the way today's health care organizations plan and carry out their daily work. The Israeli health system is in an enviable position to implement these changes. Universal health insurance coverage, the enrolment of the entire population in a small number of health plans, and the widespread use of electronic health records provide advantages available to few other countries.Achieving and sustaining levels of safety comparable to, say, commercial aviation will be a long journey for health care--one we should begin promptly.This is a commentary on http://www.ijhpr.org/content/1/1/3/ 相似文献
Chou YJ Huang N Lee CH Tsai SL Chen LS Chang HJ 《American journal of epidemiology》2004,160(7):688-695
Although, theoretically, the impacts of a disaster are not randomly distributed across health and socioeconomic classes, empirical evidence of this claim is scarce. In a population-based cohort study, the authors identified risk factors for mortality from the September 21, 1999, Taiwan earthquake, which occurred in the middle of the night. Among 297,047 earthquake victims in central Taiwan who experienced partial or complete dwelling damage, 295,437 (noncases) survived the earthquake and 1,610 (cases) died between September 21 and October 31, 1999. Odds ratios were adjusted for both micro-level individual variables and macro-level neighborhood variables. People with mental disorders (odds ratio (OR) = 2.0, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.1, 3.5), people with moderate physical disabilities (OR = 1.7, 95% CI: 1.2, 2.3), and people who had been hospitalized just prior to the earthquake (OR = 1.4, 95% CI: 1.2, 1.7) were the most vulnerable. The degree of vulnerability increased with decreasing monthly wage (measured in New Taiwanese dollars (NT$)) (NT$20,000 approximately NT$39,999: OR = 1.5, 95% CI: 1.1, 2.1; 相似文献
Kruse RL Alper BS Reust C Stevermer JJ Shannon S Williams RH 《The Journal of family practice》2002,51(11):969-971
To assess whether the term "intention to treat" (ITT) predicts inclusion of all randomized subjects in the analysis, we reviewed 100 randomly selected reports of randomized trials that mentioned analysis by ITT. Only 42 of 100 reports included all randomized subjects in the ITT analysis. We could not determine which categories of participants were excluded from the ITT analysis in 13 trials. The most common categories of excluded subjects were patients who, after randomization, received no follow-up (16/100), received no treatment (14/100), or were found not to meet study entry criteria (12/100). We could determine the number of participants in the ITT analysis for 92 studies. Nineteen of the 92 studies excluded more than 5% of randomized participants, and 10 excluded more than 10%. There is considerable variation in how researchers define and apply the principle of intention to treat. 相似文献
Walensky RP Paltiel AD Goldie SJ Gandhi RT Weinstein MC Seage GR Smith HE Zhang H Freedberg KA 《Vaccine》2004,22(29-30):4044-4053
The goal of a therapeutic HIV vaccine is to attenuate HIV disease progression in those already infected. Our objective was to establish comparative efficacy and cost-effectiveness thresholds at which a therapeutic vaccine would make a valuable contribution to HIV care. Using an HIV computer simulation model, we compared therapeutic vaccination with HIV standard of care without vaccination. Input data were obtained from the literature. Base case and sensitivity analyses related to vaccine magnitude, penetrance, durability, and cost. In the base case (0.5 log magnitude, 25% penetrance, 3-year durability, and US$ 4000 per series), vaccination increased quality-adjusted life expectancy (QALE) by 0.50 months compared to no vaccination (cost-effectiveness ratio US$ 89,900 per quality-adjusted life year (QALY)). Increasing vaccine penetrance to 50% increased the projected QALE benefit to 0.91 months (cost-effectiveness ratio US$ 45,500/QALY). Even modestly effective therapeutic HIV vaccines may produce small but meaningful increases in life expectancy and compare favorably to alternative uses of scarce HIV care resources. 相似文献
This study evaluates the effect of spousal death on mortality among Israeli adults and examines differences in this effect by duration of bereavement, age, sex, education, ethnic origin, household size, and number of children. Data are taken from the Israel Longitudinal Mortality Study which is based on a linkage of records from a 20% sample of the 1983 census to records of deaths occurring during the period 1983-1992. The study population comprised 49,566 men and 41,264 women, of whom 4,402 (9%) and 11,114 (27%), respectively, were bereaved during the follow-up period. Excess mortality among the bereaved was evident among both men and women, especially after bereavement of short duration. During the first 6 months, the excess mortality was about 50% among women and about 40% among men. For men, the effect of bereavement on mortality decreased linearly with age, with a relative risk of 3 among younger men during early widowhood. Bereavement had a greater impact on the more educated men. The effect of bereavement did not vary by ethnic origin or household size. 相似文献
P J Nestel 《The American journal of clinical nutrition》2001,74(5):563-564
The influence of food risk type and risk characteristics on food risk responsibility judgments was studied. A total of 1270 Finnish consumers judged their personal responsibility and the responsibility of three non-personal targets, industry, retail, and society, in relation to six food-related risks. They also evaluated the risks on several psychometric dimensions. The ratings were gathered via internet questionnaire. Industry and society were considered to be most responsible for all risks but the risk of cardiovascular disease, for which personal responsibility was considered to be highest. Judgments of personal controllability predicted personal responsibility judgments, and unnaturalness judgments predicted non-personal targets’ judged responsibility. Personal responsibility judgments were related to different risk dimensions than judgments of non-personal targets’ responsibility. 相似文献
Federico Baranzini Marcello Diurni Francesca Ceccon Nicola Poloni Sara Cazzamalli Chiara Costantini Cristiano Colli Laura Greco Camilla Callegari 《BMC health services research》2009,9(1):228