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目的通过食管高分辨率测压(high resolution manometry,HRM)对比胃食管反流病(gastroesophageal reflux disease,GERD)患者腹腔镜下Nissen胃底折叠术(laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication,LNF)前后食管动力学的改变情况,探讨手术的抗反流原理。 方法选取2014年6月至2016年7月,火箭军总医院73例连续住院的GERD患者,LNF术前1周内行包括HRM在内一系列术前评估,术后GERD症状明显缓解且吞咽困难等并发症已经消失时复查HRM。对手术前后2次HRM的9个食管动力学参数进行对比分析,并按术前是否存在食管裂孔疝进一步分组分析。 结果术后患者食管长度平均延长了(0.43±1.72)cm,腹腔内下食管括约肌长度平均延长了(1.20± 0.94)cm,术后患者下食管括约肌静息压平均增加了(5.99±7.79)mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa),综合松弛压平均增加了(3.41±5.43)mmHg;远端收缩分数平均增加了(157.26±596.01)mmHg·s·cm,远端收缩延迟时间平均增加了(0.93±2.30)s;上述6个动力学参数与术前比较差异均有统计学意义(P=0.04,<0.01,<0.01,<0.01,0.03,<0.01)。而术后下食管括约肌长度、食管上括约肌压力和收缩前沿速度与术前相比差异无统计学意义(P=0.83,0.43,0.73)。食管长度、下食管括约肌长度和远端收缩分数在食管裂孔疝患者中较无食管裂孔疝患者改善更为显著(P<0.01,<0.01,<0.01)。 结论LNF主要通过延长腹腔内食管长度,增强下食管括约压力,增强食管的廓清功能,从而到达有效的抗反流作用。其中合并食管裂孔疝的患者较无食管裂孔疝患者术后上述食管动力学改善更为显著。  相似文献   

目的分析腹腔镜胃底折叠术和食管裂孔疝修补术治疗胃食管反流病(GERD)主观症状改善的因素分析。 方法回顾分析2011年1月至2019年12月于上海长征医院甲乳疝外科接受腹腔镜下抗反流手术92例患者的临床资料。胃底折叠术包括Nissen患者54例和Toupet患者38例。随访108个月,所有患者均通过电话随访,内容包括反流症状(反酸、胃灼热)的改善,术后并发症、满意度等。并以反流和胃灼热症状的复发作为评判抗反流术后疗效的标准。通过χ2检验单因素分析和Logistic回归多因素分析,分析了性别、年龄(60岁为界)、质子泵抑制剂(PPI)使用时间(30和60个月为界)、PPI反应性(良好/不佳)、裂孔疝复发、手术方式(Nissen/Toupet)以及是否应用补片等因素对于GERD相关症状的影响。 结果所有手术均顺利完成,末次随访时共有11例出现反流复发和21例胃灼热复发,其中12例患者自觉食管炎症状(反流、胃灼热)无缓解,手术总满意率为81.52%。末次随访时共有16例存在不同程度的吞咽困难,Niseen组10例,Toupet组6例。反流复发的单因素分析结果表明性别、年龄、手术方式、术前PPI使用时间以及PPI反应性与反流复发无相关性(P>0.05),裂孔疝复发和是否应用补片是术后反流复发的影响因素(P<0.05),多因素分析提示裂孔疝复发是术后反流复发的独立影响因素。胃灼热复发的单因素分析结果表明性别、年龄、手术方式、术前PPI使用时间以及应用补片与胃灼热复发无相关性(P>0.05),但PPI反应性和裂孔疝复发是术后胃灼热复发的影响因素(P<0.05),多因素分析表明PPI反应性是术后胃灼热复发的独立影响因素。 结论腹腔镜抗反流手术(胃底折叠术和食管裂孔疝修补术)治疗GERD是安全有效的,对于术前PPI反应性较差的患者,手术指征应更加慎重。  相似文献   

目的 探讨腹腔镜胃底折叠术联合胃袖状切除术(LFDSG)治疗肥胖合并胃食管反流病(GERD)的临床疗效。方法 前瞻性分析自2017年5月至2018年5月在新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院腹腔镜、腹壁疝外科收治的60例符合减重手术适应证的肥胖病人的临床资料。依据手术方式分为LSG组(30例)和LFDSG组(30例)。两组术后随访12个月,观察病人术后减重和抗反流效果。结果 两组术后12个月的BMI和多余体重减少百分比(%EWL)与术前比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。与LSG组相比,LFDSG组GERD症状缓解评分(8~13分及14~18分)分布以及术后12个月酸反流(pH≤4)次数、食管近端酸反流(%)、DeMeester评分、食管下段括约肌残余压、食管远端收缩积分的差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。LFDSG组治疗后抗反流有效率显著高于LSG组[28例(93.3%) vs. 21例(70.0%),P<0.05]。LFDSG组病人无并发症发生,LSG组病人住院期间1例发生并发症,出院后3例发生并发症。两组均无死亡病例。结论 LFDSG治疗肥胖合并GERD的效果较好,可达到抗反流与减重的双重目的,有效防治GERD的发生与发展。  相似文献   

目的:总结人工尿道括约肌(artificial urinary sphincter, AUS)植入术用于治疗前列腺术后尿失禁经验。方法:回顾性分析2002年4月—2021年11月中国康复研究中心12例前列腺术后尿失禁行人工尿道括约肌植入术患者的资料。患者平均年龄(68.5±6.5)岁,其中前列腺癌根治术后尿失禁8例,前列腺增生术后尿失禁4例。比较不同类型前列腺术后尿失禁患者尿动力学特点,对人工尿道括约肌植入手术后并发症处理及患者尿失禁和生活质量改善情况进行评估。结果:术后平均随访时间4.5年。截至最近一次随访,10例患者仍然使用初次安装的括约肌装置,手术成功率83.3%。术后10例患者达到社交控尿,其中8例患者达到完全干燥。患者术后尿垫使用量较术前显著下降[(3.9±1.4)片/d vs.(1.1±1.1)片/d,P<0.000 1];尿失禁影响生活质量评分较术前显著改善[(8.3±1.0)分vs.(2.7±1.2)分,P<0.000 1]。术后并发症发生率为16.7%,其中1例患者因尿道溶蚀取出装置,1例患者因排尿困难行膀胱造瘘。结论:人工尿道括约肌植入术为中-重度前列腺...  相似文献   

目的 探讨伴有无效食管动力(IEM)的胃食管反流病(GERD)患者进行腹腔镜胃底折叠术和药物治疗的效果。方法 依据选择标准纳入57例伴有IEM的GERD患者,应用倾向性评分匹配(PSM)进行1 2匹配。对比两组患者治疗前后的胃食管反流病问卷(GerdQ)评分、GERDHRQL生活质量评分、食管动力和治疗后消化道症状。结果 (1)经PSM匹配后纳入39例患者,其中手术组13例(腹腔镜胃底折叠术治疗),药物组26例(艾司奥美拉唑+莫沙必利方案),两组基线年龄、性别、体质指数、食管裂孔疝伴发情况和病程达到均衡。(2)手术组治疗后1、6个月分别比药物组GerdQ评分值低(均P<0.05)。(3)手术组治疗后6个月的GERD-HRQL评分改善值比药物组大(均P<0.001)。(4)药物组患者远端收缩积分(DCI)较基线增大(P<0.05)。手术组患者食管下括约肌(LES)静息压、松弛压4 s中值、LES残余压与术前相比增大,且均高于同期药物组(均P<0.05)。(5)手术组治疗后1个月时吞咽困难发生率高于药物组(P<0.001),6个月后缓解且与药物组差异无统计学意...  相似文献   

目的通过对老年重度胃食管反流病(gasroesophageal reflux disease,GERD)患者行腹腔镜Nissen胃底折叠术(laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication,LNF)的长期随访结果和对照组对比分析,评价该方法远期的安全性和有效性。 方法回顾分析自2005年1月至2011年1月因重度GERD行LNF治疗的老年患者21例,与同期对照组44例对比,分析两组患者的远期治疗效果。 结果两组患者均成功行LNF治疗,术后早期症状均获得缓解,手术时间和术后短期并发症两组比较无明显差异,术后胃镜见食管炎症状均较术前有所好转。术后平均随访7.4年,两组复发率比较无统计学差异,老年组远期吞咽困难发生率高于对照组。 结论LNF治疗老年重度GERD安全、有效,但远期吞咽困难发生率较高于对照组。  相似文献   

Yu L  Li JY  Jiang J  Yu T 《中华外科杂志》2007,45(10):684-687
目的通过Nissen胃底折叠术中监测食管下括约肌压力(LESP)、食管下括约肌总长度(LESL)的变化,判断胃底折叠缝合的松紧程度,改进Nissen胃底折叠术抗反流的治疗效果。方法84例经腹手术治疗滑动型食管裂孔疝患者,根据手术方式分成3组:典型Nissen手术组27例,短松式Nissen手术组39例,短松式Nissen加术中测压组(测压组)18例。对患者术前、术中及术后LESP和LESL、术后并发症、手术远期疗效等进行观察记录。结果全组无术中死亡。术后1个月内典型Nissen手术组患者吞咽困难2例,反酸1例,短松式Nissen手术组反酸2例,测压组无术后吞咽困难或反酸。72例术后随访。典型Nissen手术组中2例有明显吞咽困难,1例恶心、呕吐;短松式Nissen手术组中1例复发;测压组仅1例24hpH监测有明显酸反流,但无症状。结论经腹的典型Nissen手术、短松式Nissen手术治疗食管裂孔疝可取得较为理想的效果,但通过抗反流手术加术中测压,能够更准确判断胃底折叠缝合的松紧程度,有利于避免或减少术后并发症。  相似文献   

目的 探讨腹腔镜食管裂孔疝修补术联合抗反流手术治疗胃食管反流病(GERD)合并食管裂孔疝的安全性和疗效。方法 回顾性分析2005年9月至2015年5月新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院收治的835例GERD合并食管裂孔疝病人的临床资料,均行腹腔镜食管裂孔疝修补术+胃底折叠术。结果 835例均成功完成腹腔镜食管裂孔疝修补术+胃底折叠术,无一例中转开放手术。其中联合其他手术183例(21.9%)。手术时间55.3(40~90)min;术中出血量20.4(5~50)mL,无术中术后输血者。术后24~48 h全流质饮食。术后随访3个月至10年,平均37.5个月。56例(6.7%)病人术后出现并发症,其中吞咽困难28例,食管裂孔疝复发(折叠的胃底疝入胸腔)4例,症状复发18例,胃肠胀气综合征6例。结论 腹腔镜食管裂孔疝修补术+胃底折叠术安全有效、创伤小、恢复快、并发症少,并可联合手术治疗其他疾病,是GERD合并食管裂孔疝病人的理想选择。  相似文献   

目的:总结人工尿道括约肌(AUS)植入用于治疗尿道外伤后尿失禁的经验。方法:回顾性分析我中心2002年4月~2015年12月收治的17例尿道外伤后尿失禁行AUS植入的患者临床资料。患者平均年龄40.29岁,男16例,女1例。其中骨盆骨折尿道断裂患者16例,骑跨伤导致尿道断裂1例。术前作为尿道重建手术的一部分,其中3例行尿道括约肌切断术,5例行尿道扩张术,2例行尿道狭窄切开术。对前期尿道修复手术准备、括约肌植入术后并发症处理及患者尿失禁和生活质量改善情况进行观察评价。结果:17例患者中术后1个月均成功激活装置并正常使用,14例患者能达到社交控尿水平(每日使用尿垫2片及以下),其中8例患者可达到完全干燥,总体手术成功率达到82.3%(14/17)。患者尿垫使用量显著下降(术前3.62±0.35片/d,术后1.29±0.31片/d,P0.01);尿失禁影响生活质量评分(VAS)显著改善(术前6.75±0.36,术后1.86±0.63,P0.01)。术后并发症发生率为23.5%,其中感染1例,局部溶蚀2例,机械故障1例。平均随访时间40.8(13~144)个月。截止最近一次随访,13例患者仍然使用初次安装的括约肌装置,2例患者行一次修复手术,2例患者因术后并发症取出装置。结论:尿道外伤后尿失禁的治疗需根据患者个体情况制定手术方案。AUS植入作为一系列尿路重建手术中的重要步骤,是安全、有效的。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜 Nissen 胃底折叠术治疗胃食管反流病的安全性及临床效果。方法对84例胃食管反流病患者行腹腔镜 Nissen 胃底折叠术,合并食管裂孔疝患者行 Nissen 胃底折叠术的同时行疝修补术。结果84例患者均成功实施腹腔镜 Nissen 胃底折叠术,无中转开腹,无严重并发症及死亡病例。手术时间55~250 min,平均96.4 min,术中出血量20~420ml,平均60.6 ml,术后住院时间5~12 d,平均8.7 d。84例患者术后随访1~24个月,平均15个月。84例患者于术后3个月行24小时食管 pH 值监测与食管测压,DeMeester 评分由87.35±2.81降低到8.72±4.15(P <0.05),食管下段括约肌压力由(6.58±2.97)mmHg 上升到(21.27±5.74)mmHg,均较术前明显改善。术后6个月80例烧心、反酸、胸痛等症状完全消失,无需口服 PPI 制剂者,4例经口服PPI 制剂2个月后停药症状缓解。其中16例伴随夜间睡眠时呛咳均获缓解。32例术后有吞咽梗阻感,经饮食训练4~6周后症状消失。结论腹腔镜 Nissen 胃底折叠术是治疗胃食管反流病一种有效、安全、微创的方法,值得临床广泛推广。  相似文献   



Magnetic sphincter augmentation (MSA) has emerged as an alternative surgical treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The safety and efficacy of MSA has been previously demonstrated, although adequate comparison to Nissen fundoplication (NF) is lacking, and required to validate the role of MSA in GERD management.


A multi-institutional retrospective cohort study of patients with GERD undergoing either MSA or NF. Comparisons were made at 1 year for the overall group and for a propensity-matched group.


A total of 415 patients (201 MSA and 214 NF) underwent surgery. The groups were similar in age, gender, and GERD-HRQL scores but significantly different in preoperative obesity (32 vs. 40 %), dysphagia (27 vs. 39 %), DeMeester scores (34 vs. 39), presence of microscopic Barrett’s (18 vs. 31 %) and hiatal hernia (55 vs. 69 %). At a minimum of 1-year follow-up, 354 patients (169 MSA and 185 NF) had significant improvement in GERD-HRQL scores (pre to post: 21–3 and 19–4). MSA patients had greater ability to belch (96 vs. 69 %) and vomit (95 vs. 43 %) with less gas bloat (47 vs. 59 %). Propensity-matched cases showed similar GERD-HRQL scores and the differences in ability to belch or vomit, and gas bloat persisted in favor of MSA. Mild dysphagia was higher for MSA (44 vs. 32 %). Resumption of daily PPIs was higher for MSA (24 vs. 12, p = 0.02) with similar patient-reported satisfaction rates.


MSA for uncomplicated GERD achieves similar improvements in quality of life and symptomatic relief, with fewer side effects, but lower PPI elimination rates when compared to propensity-matched NF cases. In appropriate candidates, MSA is a valid alternative surgical treatment for GERD management.

Background: About 20% of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) have severely impaired esophageal peristalsis in addition to an incompetent lower esophageal sphincter. In these patients a total fundoplication corrects the abnormal reflux, but it is often associated with postoperative dysphagia and gas bloat syndrome. We studied the efficacy of partial fundoplication in such patients. Methods: A partial fundoplication (240°–270°) was performed laparoscopically in 26 patients (11 men, 15 women; mean age 50.5 years) with GERD (mean DeMeester score: 92 ± 16) in whom manometry demonstrated severely abnormal esophageal peristalsis. Results: All operations were completed laparoscopically and the patients were dicharged an average of 39 h after surgery. The preoperative symptoms resolved or improved in all patients, and no patient developed dysphagia or gas bloat syndrome. Postoperative pH monitoring showed complete or nearly complete resolution of the abnormal reflux in every patient. Conclusions: Partial fundoplication is an excellent treatment for patients with GERD and weak peristalsis, for it corrects the abnormal reflux and avoids postoperative dysphagia.  相似文献   

T Junginger  W Kneist  T T Trinh  A Heintz 《Der Chirurg》2003,74(6):562-8; discussion 568-9
INTRODUCTION: According to randomized studies, semifundoplication in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is related to lower postoperative dysphagia rates than with fundoplication in comparable reflux controls. However there is a lack of long-term results. The object of this study was therefore to determine the influence of partial anterior fundoplication on the long-term clinical outcome (>1 year) in patients with GERD. METHOD: From December 1986 until May 2000, 100 patients suffering from GERD were operated on. Seven of them were not evaluated, four because of revisional surgery, two because of preceding multiple abdominal operations (MEN, colitis ulcerosa), and one because of Nissen fundoplication. In all, the perioperative results of 93 patients (51 men and 42 women aged 21 to 86 years) were evaluated. Fourteen patients died during the follow-up period and two were lost because of changes in address. Thus, 77 patients with a median follow-up of 88 months (range 15-94) were interviewed with a list of standardized questions concerning reflux control and dysphagia. RESULTS: The median operation time was 110 m (range 55-270). In one patient, an esophageal mucosal tear was detected intraoperatively and promptly repaired. Postoperatively, 71.4% (55/77) had no reflux complaints, 85.7% (66/77) had dysphagia, 66.2% took no further medication, and 31.2% (24/77) continued taking medication. The median interval free of symptoms was 25.5 months, and in 40.9% of the patients, symptoms recurred within the first year after operation. Five patients were in need of reoperation. A total of 77.9% of the patients were satisfied with the results of the operation. CONCLUSIONS: With regard to reflux control, long-term results of anterior semifundoplication are comparable to those of fundoplication. However, considering postoperative dysphagia, the technically easier anterior semifundoplication is less eventful and therefore a good alternative which in the long run shows good results after laparoscopic intervention.  相似文献   

目的探讨腹腔镜Nissen胃底折叠术联合His角重建治疗胃食管反流病(GERD)的效果。 方法回顾性分析2018年10月至2021年2月于首都医科大学宣武医院普通外科接受Nissen胃底折叠(360°)+His角重建术和单纯Nissen胃底折叠术GERD患者的临床资料,观察比较两种术式抗反流效果的差异、患者对手术治疗满意度等情况。 结果本研究共纳入GERD患者98例,其中Nissen+His角重建组为52例,Nissen组为46例。术后6个月时,2组患者GERD相关症状(食管症状:反流、胃灼热、胸背痛及剑突下顶胀感。食管外症状:咳嗽、喘息、咽部异物感)评分均显著低于治疗前(P<0.05)。术后症状评分中,Nissen+His角重建组反流、胃灼热症状评分低于Nissen组,差异有统计学意义(反流:Z=-2.466,P=0.014;胃灼热:Z=-2.674,P=0.007);2组其他症状评分差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。2组术后功能性并发症(包括吞咽困难、腹胀、难以嗳气、排气增多及慢性腹部疼痛)发生率相似,经保守治疗均获得明显缓解。Nissen+His角重建组患者对手术治疗满意度为94.2%(49/52),Nissen组患者满意度为91.3%(42/46),2组患者手术满意度差异无统计学意义(P=0.866)。 结论Nissen胃底折叠+His角重建术与Nissen胃底折叠术均有较好的抗反流疗效,手术并发症少、轻微,患者满意度高。与Nissen组相比,Nissen+His角重建组控制反流、胃灼热症状更佳,该结果需要前瞻性、大样本、长期随访结果予以证实。  相似文献   

Background Reflux monitoring using combined multichannel intraluminal impedance (MII) and pH-metry increases the sensitivity for identifying gastroesophageal reflux episodes. The likelihood of a positive symptom index (SI) for patients with reflux disease (gastroesophageal reflux disease [GERD] or nonerosive reflux disease [NERD]) receiving proton pump inhibitor (PPI) treatment has been used to select candidates for antireflux surgery. Little is known about the advantages of MII-pH monitoring compared with pH monitoring alone for evaluating GERD/NERD patients off PPI treatment considered as candidates for antireflux surgery or for assessing changes in MII-pH-detected reflux episodes after antireflux surgery. This study aimed to determine the additional value of MII over pH-metry alone for patients off PPI treatment before and after antireflux surgery. Methods For this study 12 patients (4 women and 8 men; mean age, 45 years; range, 27–74 years) were evaluated using ambulatory MII-pH monitoring before and 3 months after mesh-augmented hiatoplasty. Reflux events were identified by MII-pH (A) and pH-metry (B) as patients recorded symptoms on a data logger. For each symptom, a symptom index was calculated for reflux events identified by MII-pH and by pH-monitoring alone. Results Preoperatively, MII-pH monitoring identified 71.9 ± 8.4 reflux episodes, whereas pH monitoring identified only 51.0 ± 7.8 (p < 0.05). Postoperatively, MII-pH monitoring identified 35.5 ± 6.6 reflux episodes, whereas pH monitoring identified only 19.6 ± 4.7 (p < 0.05). The pre- and postoperative symptom index for MII-pH monitoring was higher than pH monitoring (preoperative 91.7% vs 25%, p = 0.006; postoperative 50% vs 16.7%, p = 0.012). Conclusion Combined MII-pH-metry improves the pre- and postoperative assessment of GERD patients off PPI and results in a higher symptom-reflux association.  相似文献   

Introduction. According to randomized studies, semifundoplication in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is related to lower postoperative dysphagia rates than with fundoplication in comparable reflux controls. However there is a lack of long-term results. The object of this study was therefore to determine the influence of partial anterior fundoplication on the long-term clinical outcome (>1 year) in patients with GERD. Method. From December 1986 until May 2000, 100 patients suffering from GERD were operated on. Seven of them were not evaluated, four because of revisional surgery, two because of preceding multiple abdominal operations (MEN, colitis ulcerosa), and one because of Nissen fundoplication. In all, the perioperative results of 93 patients (51 men and 42 women aged 21 to 86 years) were evaluated. Fourteen patients died during the follow-up period and two were lost because of changes in address. Thus, 77 patients with a median follow-up of 88 months (range 15–94) were interviewed with a list of standardized questions concerning reflux control and dysphagia. Results. The median operation time was 110 m (range 55–270). In one patient, an esophageal mucosal tear was detected intraoperatively and promptly repaired. Postoperatively, 71.4% (55/77) had no reflux complaints, 85.7% (66/77) had dysphagia, 66.2% took no further medication, and 31.2% (24/77) continued taking medication. The median interval free of symptoms was 25.5 months, and in 40.9% of the patients, symptoms recurred within the first year after operation. Five patients were in need of reoperation. A total of 77.9% of the patients were satisfied with the results of the operation. Conclusions. With regard to reflux control, long-term results of anterior semifundoplication are comparable to those of fundoplication. However, considering postoperative dysphagia, the technically easier anterior semifundoplication is less eventful and therefore a good alternative which in the long run shows good results after laparoscopic intervention.  相似文献   

BackgroundRoux-en-Y gastric diversion (RNYG) is an alternative approach for patients with persistent or recurrent gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) after surgical fundoplication, especially in patients with esophageal dysmotility or morbid obesity, because redo fundoplication could offer unfavorable outcomes.ObjectiveTo evaluate long-term outcomes of RNYG for failed fundoplication and its impact on esophageal function.SettingA retrospective cohort study and a systematic review.MethodsPatients who underwent RNYG after failed fundoplication between 1995 and 2019 were identified. Surgical-related complications, GERD, dysphagia, and endoscopic and esophageal manometric findings were reviewed. A literature search for relevant studies was performed from several databases from database inception to September 2019.ResultsA total of 101 patients (mean age, 52.1 yr; 86.1% female; mean body mass index, 35.8 kg/m2) were included. Overall complication rates within and more than 30 days after surgery were 36.3% and 53.5%. GERD symptoms were resolved in 70.1% after RNYG. However, 39.7% had a recurrence during a median follow-up of 56.2 months. In patients with no baseline dysphagia (n = 36), 16 (44%) developed new-onset dysphagia after surgery. In patients with severe baseline dysphagia (n = 9), 5 patients (56%) had persistent dysphagia after surgery. Seven studies involving 381 patients were included in our systematic review. High rates of GERD improvement have been reported across studies; however, long-term GERD, dysphagia, and objective outcomes were infrequently reported.ConclusionRNYG is an effective alternative surgery in a subset of patients with intractable symptoms who failed fundoplication. However, patients should be informed of the risks of postoperative GERD symptoms and dysphagia. Referral for a careful evaluation by a multidisciplinary foregut team is warranted.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Laparoscopic fundoplication effectively controls reflux symptoms in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). However, symptom relapse and side effects, including dysphagia and gas bloat, may develop after surgery. The aim of the study was to assess these symptoms in patients who underwent laparoscopic fundoplication, as well as in control subjects and patients with hiatal hernia. METHODS: A standardized, validated questionnaire on reflux, dysphagia, and gas bloat was filled out by 115 patients with a follow-up of 1 to 7 years after laparoscopic fundoplication, as well as by 105 subjects with an incidentally discovered hiatal hernia and 238 control subjects. RESULTS: Patients who underwent fundoplication had better reflux scores than patients with hiatal hernia ( P = .0001) and similar scores to control subjects ( P = .11). They also had significantly more dysphagia and gas bloat than patients with hiatal hernia and controls ( P < .005 for all comparisons). Gas bloat and dysphagia were more severe in hiatal hernia patients than in controls ( P < 0.005). After fundoplication, the 25% of the patients with the shortest follow-up (1.5 +/- 0.2 years) and the 25% patients with the longest follow-up (5.8 +/- 0.6 years) had similar reflux, dysphagia, and gas bloat scores ( P = .43, .82, and .85, respectively). CONCLUSION: In patients with severe GERD, laparoscopic fundoplication decreases reflux symptoms to levels found in control subjects. These results appear to be stable over time. However, patients who underwent fundoplication experience more dysphagia and gas bloat than controls and patients with hiatal hernia-symptoms that should be seen as a side effect of the procedure and of GERD itself.  相似文献   

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