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分别描述了维生素A、维生素A酸、维生素A酸受体与肺癌的关系并简要探讨了它们之间的相互关系。  相似文献   

60年前,张爱玲与苏青聊天时,两人一致表示:从一个女性的角度看,能够用自己赚的钱固然最自在,可是到底还是用别人的钱更快活些。这里的别人就是丈夫。张爱玲说:"用丈夫的钱,如果爱他的话,那是一种快乐。愿意想自己是吃他的饭、穿他的衣服,那是女人的传统的权利,即使女人现在有了职业,还是舍不得放弃的。"60年后的女人,工作早已不像当年那样是为了"买些零星东西,贴补家用";独立生活,甚至养家糊口都已经不是问题。那么现在的女人,是愿意用男人的钱,还是更愿意大家各花各的钱,算个清楚呢?  相似文献   

维生素A,C,E的防癌功效   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕洪章 《药物与人》1997,10(5):22-23
有资料报道,在癌症死亡病例总数中,上皮细胞癌仅占50%以上,而维生素A对维持上皮细胞的正常发育非常重要,它对人体上皮细胞分化有很大的控制作用,可使上皮细胞的生长发育导向非角质化的成熟细胞,一旦维生素A缺乏,细胞的分化作用就会导致岐途,向角质化的鳞状细胞发展,或形成上皮组织的过度增殖,给细胞癌变创造了基础。当人体内维生素A含量充足时,它可增强人体细胞免疫与体  相似文献   

近几十年来,肺癌的病因研究大多集中在吸烟、空气污染等方面。吸烟作为肺癌的一个主要的病因已是一个众所周知的事实。但在研究中也发现多数吸烟者并没有发生肺癌,这除了癌症的多因论可作出解释外,还有一种可能,那就是缺乏基因的敏感性,或者与一些可防止吸烟者发病的因素有关。目  相似文献   

为提高围产期保健水平,降低高危孕产妇、围产儿死亡率,达到母子安全系统管理要求,我县在全面实行孕产妇保健保偿责任制和“量化管理、质量控制动态工资制”的基础上,今年以来普遍推行了高危孕产妇分级系统管理法,简称A、B、C管理法,通过实践,收到了明显效果。一、概念与基本做法所谓A、B、C管理法,是指将影响孕妇妊娠的病理因素与社会因素如交通距离的远近、家庭关心程度、本户经济状况、文化知识水平等有机结合,按孕产妇高危程度与医院的救治能力进行对应分级  相似文献   

刘博士,您好:我是一位40岁的已婚男子。最近,一个很偶然的机会我看了好多A片,以前从来没看过,结果上了瘾,很想再看,特别是一些A片当中女人的叫床声,我很喜欢听,觉得老婆应该向片子里学习……但是我老婆认为那些都是下流的东西,很肮脏,她认为搞那么多花样没用,为此我们常常闹得很不愉快。我不知道自己是不是太色,或是太不正常了?一读者读者,你好:有很多严肃的研究已经证实,色情影片通常是多数男人的最爱,女人反而是对言情小说内浪漫的故事有所反应,认为故事可以留下很大的想象空间,满足了女性编故事或期待下一个故事的来临的心理。单纯从这…  相似文献   

Background Drowsy driving is estimated to be a causal factor in 2–16 % of vehicular crashes. Several populations are reported to be at high risk for drowsy driving accidents, including shift workers, teenage drivers, medical residents, and pilots. Although new parents are known to have significant sleep disruption, no study has investigated vehicular accidents or near miss accidents in this population. Methods A preliminary cross-sectional, anonymous survey of parents who had given birth within the previous 12 months. Participants were asked about their sleep, including validated measures of sleep disruption, their driving patterns, and information about near miss traffic accidents and actual crashes. Results Overall, 72 participants were enrolled. A large proportion of participants had poor sleep including approximately 30 % with daytime sleepiness, 60 % with poor daytime function and two-thirds with poor sleep quality. The mean sleep duration was only 6.4 h. Although most participants drove <100 miles per week, 22.2 % reported at least one near miss accident and 5.6 % reported a crash. Sleep problems were more common in those with near miss accidents and actual crashes than in those without. Of note, poor sleep quality was associated with a sixfold increase in near miss accidents even after accounting for other factors. Conclusion Poor sleep is common in new parents and we provide preliminary evidence that sleep disruption in this population is associated with near miss motor vehicle accidents. Drowsy driving results in thousands of unnecessary serious injuries and fatalities each year; raising public awareness that new parents are a high-risk group is important.  相似文献   

中老年维生素A营养状况及血清维生素A,E相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用高效液相色谱法测定了北京地区160名45~80岁在职和离退休干部血清维生素A和E水平,并记录了膳食维生素A与胡萝卜素摄入情况。结果表明,受检者膳食维生素A与胡萝卜素平均每日摄入量为1045.50±754.65视黄醇当量,达到及超过RDA。血清维生素A平均含量为1.57±0.46μmol/L,血清维生素A水平有随年龄增加而上升趋势。受检者中有12.1%的人血清维生素A含量低于正常水平。研究结果还表明血清维生素A与维生素E的含量之间存在明显的正相关关系。  相似文献   

我今年33岁,是一家大型民企的销售管理人员,办公室除了经理外,还有两男三女。每天家里、公司两点一线的生活,平淡无味,老公、孩子是我的全部。  相似文献   

维生素A,铁,叶酸和维生素B12需要量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Blanchard et al. (2009) demonstrated that hebephilia is a genuine sexual preference, but then proposed, without argument or evidence, that it should be designated as a mental disorder in the DSM-5. A series of Letters-to-the-Editor criticized this proposal as a non sequitur. Blanchard (2009), in rebuttal, reaffirmed his position, but without adequately addressing some central criticisms. In this article, we examine hebephilia-as-disorder in full detail. Unlike Blanchard et al., we discuss definitions of mental disorder, examine extensive evidence from a broad range of sources, and consider alternative (i.e., non-pathological) explanations for hebephilia. We employed Wakefield’s (1992b) harmful dysfunction approach to disorder, which holds that a condition only counts as a disorder when it is a failure of a naturally selected mechanism to function as designed, which is harmful to the individual in the current environment. We also considered a harmful-for-others approach to disorder (Brülde, 2007). Examination of historical, cross-cultural, sociological, cross-species, non-clinical empirical, and evolutionary evidence and perspectives indicated that hebephilic interest is an evolved capacity and hebephilic preference an expectable distributional variant, both of which were adaptively neutral or functional, not dysfunctional, in earlier human environments. Hebephilia’s conflict with modern society makes it an evolutionary mismatch, not a genuine disorder. Though it should not be classified as a disorder, it could be entered in the DSM’s 5-code section, used for non-disordered conditions that create significant problems in present-day society.  相似文献   

目的 研究LewisX (LeX) ,唾液酸化LewisX (sialyl-LeX) ,LewisA (LeA)和唾液酸化LewisA (sialyl-LeA)在大肠癌中的表达状况及其与肿瘤发生、分化、转移及预后的关系。方法 应用催化信号放大法 (CSA)检测 90例大肠癌、5 1例转移淋巴结和 30例远离癌组织的正常大肠黏膜LeX ,sialyl-LeX ,LeA和sialyl-LeA的表达状况 ,并对其中 5 3例患者进行随访。结果 LeX ,sialyl -LeX ,LeA和sialyl-LeA阳性物质在远离癌组织的正常大肠黏膜中阳性表达率分别为 93 3% (2 8/ 30 ) ,16 7% (5 / 30 ) ,93 3% (2 8/ 30 )和 90 0 % (2 7/ 30 ) ,而在大肠癌组织中阳性率分别为 90 0 % (81/ 90 ) ,94 4 % (85 / 90 ) ,78 9% (71/ 90 )和 80 0 % (72 / 90 ) ,转移淋巴结标本中阳性率分别为 6 8 7% (35 / 5 1) ,96 1% (49/ 5 1) ,6 6 7% (34/ 5 1)和 6 6 7% (34/ 5 1)。结论 癌细胞膜Lewis糖抗原的唾液酸化及异常糖基的形成 ,可能与肿瘤转移行为有关。sialyl-LeX可以作为预测大肠癌侵袭、转移的肿瘤相关抗原 ,对评估患者预后较LeX ,LeA和sialyl-LeA具有更重要的临床意义。  相似文献   

树英 《家庭育儿》2008,(12):91-92
现代社会巨大的生存竞争,让白领女士们越来越争强好胜,具有攻击性(Attack)、过分的抱负(Ambition)、过分的固执(Adamancy)和过分的焦虑(Anxious)……西方的专家把具有这些特征的行为模式称为"A型行为模式",并指出了这种行为对身体健康的巨大危害性.……  相似文献   

Cervical cancer is one of the most common gynecological malignancies in Korea, although the incidence has been declining in recent years. This study explored whether antioxidant vitamin intakes influenced the risk of cervical cancer. The association between antioxidant vitamin intakes and cervical cancer risk was calculated for 144 cervical cancer cases and 288 age-matched, hospital-based controls using unconditional logistic regression models. Cases reported statistically lower mean dietary intakes of vitamin A, β -carotene, and vitamin C than did controls. Total intakes of vitamins A and E, which included both dietary and supplement intake, were also lower in cases. Those patients in the highest quartiles of dietary vitamin A, β -carotene, and vitamin C intakes had statistically significantly lower cervical cancer risks than those in the lowest quartiles for vitamin A, β -carotene, and vitamin C: odds ratio (OR) = 0.36 [95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.19–0.69), OR = 0.48 (CI = 0.26–0.88), and OR = 0.36 (CI = 0.18–0.69), respectively. Total intakes of vitamins A, C, and E were strongly inversely associated with cervical cancer risk: OR = 0.35 (CI = 0.19–0.65), OR = 0.35 (CI = 0.19–0.66), and OR = 0.53 (CI = 0.28–0.99), respectively. The findings support a role for increased antioxidant vitamin intake in decreasing the risk of cervical cancer. These associations need to be assessed in large prospective studies with long-term follow-up.  相似文献   

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