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口腔黏膜给药系统研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了口腔中不同部位的黏膜对药物渗透和吸收的差异、不同类型的口腔黏膜给药系统以及质量评价方法.并指出了该技术的发展前景和尚待解决的问题.  相似文献   

口腔黏膜给药系统研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍口腔黏膜结构 ,综述了口腔给药黏膜吸收因素和剂型的最新研究进展  相似文献   

谢葩  夏爱晓  何仁 《海峡药学》2011,23(2):8-10
几十年来,人们为了提高INS的疗效,不断改进INS的剂型,随着新技术和吸收促进剂的发展,INS非注射给药途径,如黏膜给药系统也在不断发展。由于注射给药病人依从性差,非注射途径应用INS一直是人们探索的理想途径。本文就目前INS黏膜给药系统研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

万展  周剑  韩美娜  杨峰 《药学实践杂志》2012,30(2):86-88,142
微针透皮给药系统是近年来透皮给药系统研究的热点。微针透皮给药系统具有注射给药和透皮给药的双重优势,具有快速、方便、无痛等众多优点,研究表明可以显著提高药物透皮速率和吸收量,特别是在蛋白质、多肽、DNA和RNA等大分子物质的透皮制剂研究领域表现出良好的效果和应用前景,本文对微针透皮给药系统应用研究的最新进展进行了综述。随着微针加工技术、载药技术和应用研究的不断深入,微针透皮技术在临床领域将会有更广泛的应用。  相似文献   

徐佳 《中国医院药学杂志》2012,(21):1755-1756,1762
目的:对近年来中药口腔黏膜给药新剂型的研究概况作一综述。方法:根据有代表性的文献,对相关内容进行分析、归纳、整理。结果:近几年来,中药口腔黏膜给药系统日益受到人们重视,已由传统的散剂、片剂、液体制剂等剂型改良得到新型给药系统。结论:中药口腔黏膜给药新剂型的研制,可以克服传统剂型给药量大,生物利用度低,作用不持久,给药不便等缺点,为更好地发挥中药局部及全身治疗作用提供了新的方法和思路。  相似文献   

口腔黏膜粘附给药系统利用有粘附性的高分子聚合物与口腔黏膜产生粘附作用,延长药物在口腔中的滞留时间,控制药物的释放速度和释药量,发挥局部或全身治疗作用。近年来国内口腔黏膜粘附给药系统的剂型有口腔贴膜剂、片剂、口腔粘附凝胶剂、喷雾剂、含袋等多种,给药方式独特,药物吸收利用充分,有着广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

微针是经皮给药的物理促渗方法之一,有着很好的市场前景。本文介绍微针的透皮促渗机制、促进药物经皮渗透的因素、复合技术以及微针在大分子经皮促渗中的应用。  相似文献   

陈磊  桂双英 《安徽医药》2014,18(3):407-411
由于皮肤对药物的吸收有阻碍作用,以传统透皮方式给药难以达到治疗效果,经皮给药的关键在于如何突破皮肤的屏障作用.微针是一种结合皮下注射与经皮给药双重释药优点的新技术,微针可以在皮肤上产生供药物通过的孔道,可以显著提高药物的经皮吸收,特别是对于多肽、蛋白和疫苗等经皮渗透性显著提高.该文在对国内外相关文献报道的基础上,对微针的制备材料和制备方法、微针的分类及其在经皮给药系统中的应用进行综述.  相似文献   

姜建芳  高建青 《医药导报》2006,25(10):1082-1084
作为一种高效、无痛、精确、便利的给药系统,微针可显著促进药物及疫苗的经皮转运,显示其在经皮给药领域的良好应用前景。  相似文献   

Introduction: Transdermal drug delivery offers a number of advantages for the patient, not only due to its non-invasive and convenient nature, but also due to factors such as avoidance of first-pass metabolism and prevention of gastrointestinal degradation. It has been demonstrated that microneedles (MNs) can increase the number of compounds amenable to transdermal delivery by penetrating the skin’s protective barrier, the stratum corneum, and creating a pathway for drug permeation to the dermal tissue below.

Areas covered: MNs have been extensively investigated for drug and vaccine delivery. The different types of MN arrays and their delivery capabilities are discussed in terms of drugs, including biopharmaceutics and vaccines. Patient usage and effects on the skin are also considered.

Expert opinion: MN research and development is now at the stage where commercialisation is a viable possibility. There are a number of long-term safety questions relating to patient usage which will need to be addressed moving forward. Regulatory guidance is awaited to direct the scale-up of the manufacturing process alongside provision of clearer patient instruction for safe and effective use of MN devices.  相似文献   

微针有助于改善患者的用药依从性,提高药物的生物利用度.近年来,微针在疫苗接种、蛋白质和多肽给药、DNA给药、皮肤美容、眼科用药、局部麻醉、微量取样等领域均有应用.微针在胰岛素给药和局部麻醉中的研究已进入临床试验阶段,在皮肤美容、疫苗接种和蛋白质给药方面已有上市产品.  相似文献   

Importance of the field: Microneedles are small-scale devices that are finding use for transdermal delivery of protein-based pharmacologic agents and nucleic acid-based pharmacologic agents; however, microneedles prepared using conventional microelectronics-based technologies have several shortcomings, which have limited translation of these devices into widespread clinical use.

Areas covered in this review: Two-photon polymerization is a laser-based rapid prototyping technique that has been used recently for direct fabrication of hollow microneedles with a wide variety of geometries. In addition, an indirect rapid prototyping method that involves two-photon polymerization and polydimethyl siloxane micromolding has been used for fabrication of solid microneedles with exceptional mechanical properties.

What the reader will gain: In this review, the use of two-photon polymerization for fabricating in-plane and out-of-plane hollow microneedle arrays is described. The use of two-photon polymerization-micromolding for fabrication of solid microneedles is also reviewed. In addition, fabrication of microneedles with antimicrobial properties is discussed; antimicrobial microneedles may reduce the risk of infection associated with the formation of channels through the stratum corneum.

Take home message: It is anticipated that the use of two-photon polymerization as well as two-photon polymerization-micromolding for fabrication of microneedles and other microstructured drug delivery devices will increase over the coming years.  相似文献   

Introduction: Anterior and posterior segment eye diseases are highly challenging to treat, due to the barrier properties and relative inaccessibility of the ocular tissues. Topical eye drops and systemically delivered treatments result in low bioavailability. Alternatively, direct injection of medication into the ocular tissues is clinically employed to overcome the barrier properties, but injections cause significant tissue damage and are associated with a number of untoward side effects and poor patient compliance. Microneedles (MNs) has been recently introduced as a minimally invasive means for localizing drug formulation within the target ocular tissues with greater precision and accuracy than the hypodermic needles.

Areas covered: This review article seeks to provide an overview of a range of challenges that are often faced to achieve efficient ocular drug levels within targeted tissue(s) of the eye. It also describes the problems encountered using conventional hypodermic needle-based ocular injections for anterior and posterior segment drug delivery. It discusses research carried out in the field of MNs, to date.

Expert opinion: MNs can aid in localization of drug delivery systems within the selected ocular tissue. And, hold the potential to revolutionize the way drug formulations are administered to the eye. However, the current limitations and challenges of MNs application warrant further research in this field to enable its widespread clinical application.  相似文献   

口服结肠定位给药系统   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
综述了近年来口服结肠定位给药系统的发展状况 ,并评价了各类结肠定位给药系统的优、缺点和发展前景  相似文献   

In addition to successfully delivering drugs to a specific site within the body, a goal of any drug delivery system is to improve patient compliance. Thus, rapidly disintegrating oramucosal drug delivery systems are the focus of extensive research due to their ability to rapidly and efficiently deliver drugs. These drug delivery systems are able to release the drug as soon as they come into contact with saliva, thus obliviating the need for water during administration which is an attribute that makes them highly attractive for patient groups such as infants, pediatrics and geriatrics. The significant physiological and anatomical structural features of the oral cavity, the rationale behind the formulation and use of rapidly disintegrating technologies for oramucosal drug delivery, and the technologies that are currently available on the market or that are still under various stages of development is also discussed in this review article. The various technologies are described in terms of their methods of formulation and known mechanisms of drug release. The challenges posed by accurate in vitro disintegration and dissolution testing of rapidly disintegrating drug delivery systems employing conventional and the most recent novel methodologies are also discussed, including the use of ex-vivo permeation studies and in vivo models.  相似文献   

与传统的口服和肠外给药途径相比,经皮给药系统作为一种非侵入性替代方法非常有吸引力.特别对于儿童患者,它有助于克服该群体特有的问题,如吞咽困难、口服制剂的适口性以及与针头相关的恐惧和疼痛.然而,儿童的皮肤屏障功能有效地限制了药物的经皮吸收.微针可突破皮肤最外层的角质层,增加经皮给药的药量.过去几十年,以微针为基础药物输送...  相似文献   

Introduction: The skin, as the largest organ, is a better option for drug delivery in many diseases. However, most transdermal delivery is difficult due to the low permeability of therapeutics across the various skin layers. There have been many innovations in transdermal drug delivery to enhance the therapeutic efficacy of the drugs administered. Microneedles (MN), micron sized needles, are of great interest to scientists as a new therapeutic vehicle through transdermal routes, especially for vaccines, drugs, small molecules, etc.

Areas covered: This review covers new insights into different types of MNs such as solid, hollow, coated and dissolving MNs (SMNs, HMNs, CMNs, and DMNs) for selected biomedical applications in detail. Specific focus has been given to CMNs and DMNs for vaccine and drug delivery applications with recent developments in new MNs covered.

Expert opinion: This review explores the feasibility of innovative MNs used as a drug delivery carrier. Because most of the SMNs and HMNs have many limitations, it is difficult to achieve therapeutic efficacy. Therefore, many scientists are investigating functional modifications of MNs through covalent and non-covalent methods, especially for CMNs and DMNs. The biomedical applications of MNs are growing and new exciting improvements could be achieved, thus resulting in better micro/nano technologies in the near future.  相似文献   

空心微针类似于微米级的注射针,具有注射给药和透皮给药的双重特点.作为一种新型的透皮给药技术,空心微针近年来在疫苗和胰岛素等生物大分子药物的递送方面显示出极大的潜力.笔者根据近年来国内外相关的研究报道,对空心微针的促透机制、常用制备材料及工艺和在透皮给药中的应用等进行归纳总结,以期为空心微针技术的研究和发展提供参考借鉴.  相似文献   

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