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郭晓斐  高翠巧 《中国肿瘤》2014,23(6):447-449
中国癌症基金会主要通过参与中央财政转移支付项目和中央财政支持社会组织参与社会服务项目、举办癌症防治公益活动及科普宣传,以及开展癌症患者援助项目等方面推动我国癌症防治事业的发展。全文概述中国癌症基金会的宗旨、业务范围以及成立30年来在我国癌症防控中的作用。  相似文献   

癌症已经成为严重威胁人类生命和社会发展的重大疾病,是2 1世纪全球最严重的公共卫生问题之一。2005年第58届世界卫生大会呼吁世界卫生组织及其成员国采取紧急行动预防和控制癌症;2006年世界卫生组织提出全球抗癌行动计划。癌症控制日益引起世界各国政府的特别关注。  相似文献   

曾昭华  曾雪萍 《中国肿瘤》2000,9(6):262-263
为了探明中国癌症与土壤环境中稀土元素及其含量的关系,我们深入地研究了云南、湖北、贵州、北京、江西、天津、江苏等29个省、市、自治区的胃癌、食管癌、肝癌、宫颈癌、肺癌、大肠癌、白血病、鼻咽癌、乳腺癌死亡率与土壤中稀土元素的关系。1稀土元素的特征与分布1.1稀土元素的特征 稀土元素包括La(斓)、Ce(铈)、Pr(镨)、Nd(钕)、Pm (矩)、Sm(钐)、Eu(铕)、Gd(钆)、Tb(铽)、Dy(镝)、Ho(钬)、Er(饵)、Tm(铥)、Yb(镱)、Lu(镥)和Y(钇)。 它们是白色或灰白色金属,质…  相似文献   

2020年是"健康四川"癌症防治专项行动的开局之年,新冠肺炎的流行一定程度上影响了癌症防控工作的开展.四川省针对疫情态势,结合不同阶段疫情防控要求,调整癌症防控措施,因地制宜落实"抗疫防癌"策略,取得了阶段性成效.本文介绍了新冠疫情下四川省癌症防控工作的具体实践,供同行参考.  相似文献   

2004年-2005年中国第三次全死因调查显示,我国城乡居民癌症死亡率为135.88/10万,属世界较高水平,而且仍呈持续增长的趋势。癌症死亡率比上世纪70年代增加了83.1%,比90年代初期增加了22.5%。癌症在城市死亡原因中居首位(25.0%),在农村死亡原因中位于第二(21.0%),城市癌症死亡率明显高于农村。2005年,全国癌症新发病人259.6万,死于癌症的人数179.8万。肺  相似文献   

陈建国 《中国肿瘤》2018,27(5):321-327
摘 要:《柳叶刀肿瘤学》(Lancet Oncology)近期以专委会名义发表了专栏文章,提出并讨论了美国未来癌症研究的优先策略(优先事项)。本文介绍了该专栏文章的发表背景、所涉及的癌症研究的主要优先策略及其提出的实现这些优先策略的措施与时间节点。结合笔者几十年来癌症研究的实践,对中美癌症研究的过去和现状作初步点评。期待能对我国的肿瘤防控、重大项目的实施以及政策制定有所启迪和借鉴。  相似文献   

核仁小分子RNAs (small nucleolar RNAs, snoRNAs) 是一类小分子非编码RNA,其广泛分布于真核生物的细胞核核仁中。近年来,越来越多的研究证明snoRNAs的失调与癌症相关。snoRNAs可能作为抑制基因或原癌基因参与到癌症发生与发展的过程中。并且,snoRNAs相关的基因印记、人端粒末端转移酶以及核糖体病变也被发现与癌症的发生有关。另外,snoRNAs在癌症的诊断与治疗中具有潜在的应用。本文简要总结了snoRNAs的新功能以及snoRNAs在癌症诊断与治疗中潜在应用的研究进展。  相似文献   

俞顺章 《中国肿瘤》2009,9(2):88-89
癌症是人类仅次于心血管病的第二号杀手,让国家和个人都为此付出了极大代价。为使所有国家人民卫生水平得到提高,癌症的负担不断减轻,WHO提出四项政策和措施。  相似文献   

目的:通过健康教育提高癌症患者进行化疗的信心.方法:2003年1月~2004年12月对在我科住院接受化疗的298人进行不同形式的健康教育.结果:消除了癌症患者对化疗的恐惧心理,主动接受治疗,提高了癌症患者的化疗率,保证了患者多程化疗的顺利完成.结论:健康教育对癌症化疗患者有十分重要的辅助意义.  相似文献   

我国癌症一级预防的策略与措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
众所周知癌症发病率呈逐渐上升的趋势,其死亡率居高不下。叨年代我国每年新发癌症病人已达160万,每年约130万人死于癌症,癌症形势非常严峻。本文试图引用国际上癌症控制的经验,结合我国情况,探讨癌症的一级预防策略与措施。一、我国癌症一级预防的必要性与可行性世界卫生组织(W410)建议各国实行的癌症控制目标是:预防癌症,早期诊断并提供治愈性治疗,解除癌症患者的痛苦,使医疗资源得到最佳利用并有益于全社会成员。WhO提出至少约1/3的癌症可以预防;约1/3的癌症若能早期诊断可以治愈;而其余1/3的患者可缓解症状得姑息治疗…  相似文献   

癌症已经成为严重威胁中国人群健康的主要公共卫生问题之一。本文归纳了安徽省肿瘤流行病学现况,并总结了安徽省癌症防控工作现状,梳理了安徽省城市癌症筛查模式,提出了一些癌症防控建议,为今后我省癌症防控工作提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

我国结直肠癌的流行趋势及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wan DS 《中华肿瘤杂志》2011,33(7):481-483
结直肠癌具有明显的地域分布差异,其发病率高低相差可达25倍[1].这种差异又随时间的推移发生变化,原来属于低发区的非洲、亚洲及拉丁美洲和欧洲的部分地区,近年来结直肠癌的发病率不断攀升,由低发趋向高发,增长最快的有日本、中国香港、新加坡、匈牙利、波兰、以色列和波多黎各.特别是日本,2002年结直肠癌男性发病率高达49.3/10万,高于北美的发病率(44.4/10万);女性发病率也升至26.5/10万[1],上升的主要是结肠癌.我国亦不例外,结直肠癌也由低发趋向于高发,亟须引起重视,加强对结直肠癌的防治研究.  相似文献   

原发性肝癌是世界范围内主要的癌症死亡原因之一,早期筛查高危人群并进行有效的三级预防是当前降低肝癌死亡率的主要策略。本文总结了目前原发性肝癌的流行特征和主要致病因素;同时以乙型肝炎病毒导致的肝细胞癌发生发展为例,在癌症进化发育学框架下探讨了癌症发病机制研究对完善肝癌防控策略的促进作用,并将该模式拓展到丙型肝炎致癌以及肝内胆管癌等其他类型的原发性肝癌防控问题。本文将流行病学研究与机制研究的碎片化证据串联在一起,以期为进一步完善原发性肝癌防控体系以及个体化干预策略提供指导依据。  相似文献   

癌症是危害中国居民健康的疾病之一。其每年发病数和死亡数分别占全球的23.7%和30%。由于人口老龄化、工业化、城市化进程的加剧,生活方式的改变等原因,中国癌症的发病数和死亡数仍持续增加,癌症负担已不容忽视。癌症的发生发展是遗传和环境相互作用的结果,除年龄因素外,感染、不良生活方式等与癌症的发病密切相关。目前,国内癌症防控形势严峻,面临极大的挑战,如何实施系统的预防措施,有效降低癌症发病率和死亡率是亟待解决的问题。   相似文献   

Infection with high-risk human papillomaviruses (HPVs) is an essential step in the multistep process leading to cervical cancer. There are approximately 120 different types of HPV identified: of these, 18 are high-risk types associated with cervical cancer, with HPV-16 being the dominant type in most parts of the world. The major capsid protein of papillomavirus, produced in a number of expression systems, self assembles to form virus-like particles. Virus-like particles are the basis of the first generation of HPV vaccines presently being tested in clinical trials. Virus-like particles are highly immunogenic and afford protection from infection both in animal models and in Phase IIb clinical trials. A number of Phase III trials are in progress to determine if the vaccine will protect against cervical disease and, in some cases, genital warts. However, it is predicted that these vaccines will be too expensive for the developing world, where they are desperately needed. Another problem is that they will be type specific. Novel approaches to the production of virus-like particles in plants, second-generation vaccine approaches including viral and bacterial vaccine vectors and DNA vaccines, as well as different routes of immunization, are also reviewed.  相似文献   



In 2015–2016, the Comprehensive Cancer Control National Partnership provided technical assistance workshops to support 22 cancer coalitions in increasing human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination uptake and increasing colorectal cancer (CRC) screening in their local communities. As national efforts continue to invest in providing technical assistance, there is a current gap in understanding its use as a strategy to accelerate implementation of evidence-based interventions (EBIs) for cancer prevention. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of technical assistance on the participants’ knowledge, attitudes, and skills for implementing EBIs in their local context and enhancing state team collaboration.


Data were collected August-November 2017 using web-based questionnaires from 44 HPV workshop participants and 66 CRC workshop participants.


Both HPV vaccination and CRC screening workshop participants reported changes in knowledge, attitudes, and skills related to implementing EBIs in their local state context. Several participants reported increased abilities in communicating and coordinating with partners in their states and utilizing additional implementation strategies to increase HPV vaccination uptake and CRC screening rates.


Findings from this study suggest that providing technical assistance to members of comprehensive cancer control coalitions is useful in promoting collaborations and building capacity for implementing EBIs for cancer prevention and control.

Vaccination strategies for the treatment and prevention of cervical cancer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Immunotherapy of HPV-induced premalignant anogenital lesions and cervical cancer has made impressive progress. HPV as causative agent is targeted by prophylactic and therapeutic vaccination strategies. Preclinical and clinical studies have shown induction of natural and/or vaccine-induced immune responses. This review will summarize the status of vaccine development and clinical testing published since March 2003. RECENT FINDINGS: For prophylactic vaccines there is first clinical evidence of effectivity (ie, 100% protection from HPV infection and dysplasia by virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies). Also, therapeutic vaccines have entered clinical evaluation. While prophylactic VLP vaccines are immunogenic per se, therapeutic vaccines will need further adjuvants to guide T cell differentiation, expansion, survival, and homing to tumor sites. To enhance clinical outcome of successful T cell induction in patients, the susceptibility of the tumor cells for lysis must be addressed in the future, since tumor immune evasion is a severe problem in cervical cancer. SUMMARY: While successful prophylactic HPV vaccines have entered large clinical trials, therapeutic HPV vaccines, in spite of T cell induction, lack clinical responses due to the problem of tumor immune evasion. Adjuvants for systemic and local immune modulation will be mandatory for effective therapy.  相似文献   

Novel strategies for the early detection and prevention of lung cancer   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States. Despite evidence of molecular abnormalities in biological specimens, progress in this disease is hampered by the lack of diagnostic markers useful for clinical practice. The majority of patients with lung cancer are still diagnosed at an advanced stage, when prognosis is poor. This article reviews new strategies being studied for the early detection of lung cancer. These strategies involve new methods of imaging (including low-dose computed tomography [CT] scanning), DNA analysis, and proteomic-based techniques. These strategies have not only improved our understanding of lung cancer but show promise in offering better survival to patients with this deadly disease. Of paramount importance in the search for methods of early detection is the need for the identification of the ideal population to screen, a multidisciplinary approach, and validation of promising techniques.  相似文献   

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