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胃食管反流病的食管外表现和并发症   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
就现在所知,胃食管反流病(gastroesophageal reflux disease,GERD)是一种颇为常见的疾病,且因本病与食管腺癌等疾病的发生相关而日益受到人们的关注.对GERD的认识始于食管炎,当时认为由于胃内容物的反流,只造成食管下端黏膜的化学性炎症而命之为反流性食管炎(reflux esophagitis),而将已经发现的其他系统-器官的症状视之为反流性食管炎的并发症.然而,随着研究的深入,已意识到本病的临床谱甚广,反流性食管炎本身所产生的典型症状如烧心、反流,以及非特征性症状如嗳气、吞咽困难、胸-背痛等只是疾病表现的一部分,具有相当的诊断价值,但食管外症状亦常为GERD的诊断提供重要线索,因此,认识这些症状对由此而及早诊断、治疗GERD有相当重要的意义.  相似文献   

以呼吸道症状为突出表现的胃食管反流病   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
胃食管反流病 (GERD)常表现呼吸系统症状 ,致临床诊断困难 ,甚至误诊为呼吸道疾病。本文就 2 7例以呼吸道症状为突出表现的GERD患者探讨其发病机制及治疗。资料与方法一、一般资料以呼吸道症状为主要表现的GERD 2 7例中 ,男 15例 ,女 12例 ,年龄为 31~ 6 8岁 ,平均 46 .31岁。病史 1个月~ 5年 ,平均 5 .6个月。二、临床表现主要表现呛咳、哮喘、胸痛、胸闷及呼吸不畅等症状 ,呛咳或咳嗽 2 3例占 85 % ,以慢性咳嗽为主 ,常在夜间平卧入睡时发生 ,使患者骤然从深睡中惊醒 ;哮喘 4例 ,占 14.8% ,胸痛 7例占 2 5 .9% ,气憋、胸闷…  相似文献   

胃食管反流病的症状诊断   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胃食管反流病(gastroesophageal reflux disease.GERD)是常见病.在西方人群,每周出现烧心和/或反酸等胃食管反流症状者高达20%[1].近年来,GERD在亚洲的发病率呈上升趋势[2],我国部分地区胃食管反流症状的发生率也高达10%以上.  相似文献   

胃食管反流病的症状评分及内镜下表现的对照研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨用胃食管反流病(GERD)的症状评分及内镜下表现的对照研究来预测和评估是否有GERD及其程度。方法对500例有胃食管反流症状的患者按症状频率、病期与程度为评分标准进行症状评分,内镜检查是否有反流性食管炎(RE)并分级。比较症状评分与内镜分级的相关性,分析症状评分对GERD的评估价值。200例无症状体检者作为阴性对照。结果GERD症状评分与RE内镜分级呈正相关(r=0.560,P〈0.01)。RE组患者的症状评分高于非糜烂性反流病(NERD)组,RE组症状评分≥8分者有81.70%,NERD组为59.35%(P〈0.05);RE患者烧心的程度及发作频率、反酸的发作频率与病期重于NERD。GERD组与无反流症状组内镜检查结果比较亦有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论症状评分是诊断GERD的一个良好的筛选项目。  相似文献   

目的利用胃食管反流病诊断问卷(Reflux disease questionnaire,RDQ)分析消化专家门诊胃食管反流病(GERD)患病情况及患者症状特征。方法对就诊于我院消化专家门诊的1636例患者进行RDQ问卷调查,得分≥12分者诊断为GERD。根据RDQ内容对GERD患者症状特点进行分析。结果1636例消化专家门诊的患者中,GERD的发生率为10.8%。男女发病无差异(11.0%VS10.5%,P〉0.05)。60岁以上年龄组GERD的患病率最高(14.6%),而15~30岁年龄组患病率最低(7.7%)。各年龄组内患病率性别间比较差异无显著性。GERD症状中,烧心与反酸为最常见的症状。症状频率积分比严重程度积分更重要(P〈0.05)。结论消化门诊就诊患者GERD患病率较高。GERD患病无性别差异。老年人的GERD患病率高于其他年龄组。烧心和反酸为GERD最常见的症状。症状发生频率比严重程度对GERD的诊断更有意义。  相似文献   

患者:男,58岁。主诉:反酸烧心5年余。 1.病例特点介绍患者诉近5年来间断出现反酸、烧心、胸骨后不适,近期症状加重.故就诊,  相似文献   

<正>胃食管反流病(GERD)的致病因素复杂,病理损害多变,疾病自然病程不一致,内外科治疗结果均不稳定,而且患者的期望值往往高于实际治疗结果。因此,外科医生应对GERD的病理生理有清晰的认识,熟练掌握各种评价手段,谨慎选择外科指征并灵活使用各种抗反流手术技术。1 GERD的分型及病理生理机制1.1 GERD分型GERD分为非糜烂性反流病(NERD)、糜烂性食管炎(EE)和Barrett食管(BE)。其中NERD最常见。EE  相似文献   

胃—食管反流病的咽喉部表现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胃-食管反流病被认为是喉部病变的病因之一,其与咽喉部症状之间的关系日益受到重视。本就反流性咽喉炎的发病机制,临床特征,实验室检查,诊断和治疗等方面作一简要综述。  相似文献   

胃食管反流病(GERD)是临床常见的慢性消化疾病,有着发病率高、易反复且临床表现多样的特点.以咽喉不适、声音嘶哑、咳嗽等食管外症状为主要表现的GERD人群的诊断一直是临床难题.近年来,随着对胃食管反流病认识的不断加深及诊断技术的发展,临床诊断方法更加多样化.本文中笔者就目前几种常用的GERD临床诊断方法的新进展及未来可...  相似文献   

胃食管反流病食管外表现的临床研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Li ZS  Xu XR  Zou DW  Xie WF  Yu XF  Chen XM  Lin Y  Xia J  Zhu FS  Wen W  Su T 《中华内科杂志》2006,45(1):13-16
目的探讨胃食管反流病(GERD)食管外表现(EED)的临床特征和质子泵抑制剂对EED的治疗效果。方法本研究为多中心、开放、前瞻性临床研究,在上海市的4家医院同期入选GERD患者,均符合内镜下有反流性食管炎(RE)的诊断标准,无RE者则为24h食管pH监测阳性的非糜烂性反流病(NERD)。进行GERD典型症状和EED相关症状的问卷调查并记录积分,有EED症状者行电子喉镜检查并记录有关征象,然后对上述资料进行统计、比较分析。结果共分析200例符合标准的GERD患者,伴有EED者95例,无EED者105例;NERD患者66例,RE134例,其中65例为具有EED的RE患者。EED的症状最常见的为咽球感和(或)咽部异物感,发生率为27%,其他常见的依次为咳嗽、咽喉灼痛、声音嘶哑,哮喘较少,其发生率分别为21%、16%、11%、3%。有EED的患者中并存典型GERD症状的发生率为56%,EED症状的严重程度在RE和NERD患者间差异无统计学意义。喉镜检查示声带红斑、水肿32%,杓区红肿25%,咽后壁淋巴增生20%,未见明显异常的42%。95%的EED患者治疗8周后症状基本消失。结论较大比例的GERD患者中有EED存在,而喉镜、常规24hpH监测对诊断的阳性预测值不高,高剂量质子泵抑制剂对EED的治疗有效。  相似文献   

The effect of antisecretory treatment on extraesophageal symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease was evaluated. Seventy‐eight children presenting with typical and extraesophageal symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease underwent a multichannel intraluminal impedance and pH monitoring (MII/pH). Children with a positive MII/pH were randomly treated with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) or histamine H2‐receptor antagonists (H2RAs) during 3 months. At the end of the treatment period, all patients were recalled. A second treatment period of 3 months was given to those patients who were not symptom‐free after 3 months. Thirty‐five of the forty‐one (85.4%) children with a pathologic MII/pH presented with extraesophageal symptoms and were treated with PPIs (omeprazole; n:19) or H2RAs (ranitidine; n:16) for 12 weeks. After 3 months, 11/19 (57.9%) PPI‐treated patients had a complete resolution of symptoms; 6/8 nonresponders were treated with PPI for another 3 months and became all symptom‐free. The other two underwent a Nissen fundoplication. Only 5/16 (31.2 %) patients treated with H2RAs had a complete resolution of symptoms after 3 months; 1/11 was treated again with H2RAs during 3 months, and 10/11 were changed to PPIs. In 3/10, a partial resolution of symptoms was achieved, while in 7/10, a complete remission was obtained (P < 0.05). Antisecretory reflux treatment improves extraesophageal reflux symptoms. The efficacy of PPIs is superior to that of H2RAs in these children.  相似文献   

Twenty-four-hour home esophageal pH monitoring is proposed in order to study gastroesophageal reflux (GER) so that prolonged use of costly hospital equipment and staff can be curtailed and the diagnostic accuracy of the examination improved. Eighty-six patients affected by GER symptoms and 20 healthy volunteers underwent 24-hr home esophageal pH monitoring, x-rays, and endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract to investigate reliability of outpatient recording. Fifteen more patients consecutively underwent out- and inpatient recording to detect possible differences between these methods in the two daily periods. Outpatient monitoring was well tolerated in 94.7% of the patients; 14.3% of them markedly reduced their routine activities. The range of normality of outpatient recording does not differ from that of inpatients. In the 15 patients who consecutively underwent out-and inpatient monitoring, no significant differences were reported. The sensitivity of 24-hr home esophageal pH recording is 0.85, the specificity 1, the accuracy for negative prediction 0.68, and the accuracy for positive prediction 1. The reliability of 24-hr home esophageal pH monitoring is comparable to inpatient recording. It allows hospital cost reduction and is also better tolerated by patients but has not greatly improved the diagnostic accuracy of the gastroesophageal reflux pH monitoring.Supported by the Ministere Pubblica Istruzione, Rome; and Finanziamenti per studi e ricerche 40%, Com. 06, Cat 12-07 imp. 11515, University of Bologna.  相似文献   

Background and Aim:  Epidemiological studies have shown that 10–48% of people in developed countries have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms such as heartburn and acid regurgitation. The present study aimed to examine the prevalence of GERD symptoms and GERD in Japanese subjects.
Methods:  A cross-sectional study of Japanese subjects who visited a clinic for a routine health check up was carried out. Subjects were asked to fill out a self-report questionnaire. GERD was defined as the presence of heartburn and/or acid regurgitation at least twice per week.
Results:  Of the 6035 eligible subjects, 2662 (44.1%) reported having had heartburn and/or acid regurgitation during the past year: 124 (2.1%) daily, 275 (4.6%) twice per week, 773 (12.8%) twice per month and 1490 (24.7%) less than twice per month. Three hundred and ninety-nine (6.6%) subjects were diagnosed as having GERD and there was no relationship between the prevalence of GERD and either sex or age. The prevalence of bothersome GERD symptoms was significantly higher in subjects with GERD than in those without GERD.
Conclusion:  Approximately 6.6% of Japanese have GERD and most persons with GERD described heartburn or acid regurgitation as bothersome.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIM: Epidemiological studies have shown that 10-48% of people in developed countries have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms such as heartburn and acid regurgitation. The present study aimed to examine the prevalence of GERD symptoms and GERD in Japanese subjects. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of Japanese subjects who visited a clinic for a routine health check up was carried out. Subjects were asked to fill out a self-report questionnaire. GERD was defined as the presence of heartburn and/or acid regurgitation at least twice per week. RESULTS: Of the 6035 eligible subjects, 2662 (44.1%) reported having had heartburn and/or acid regurgitation during the past year: 124 (2.1%) daily, 275 (4.6%) twice per week, 773 (12.8%) twice per month and 1490 (24.7%) less than twice per month. Three hundred and ninety-nine (6.6%) subjects were diagnosed as having GERD and there was no relationship between the prevalence of GERD and either sex or age. The prevalence of bothersome GERD symptoms was significantly higher in subjects with GERD than in those without GERD. CONCLUSION: Approximately 6.6% of Japanese have GERD and most persons with GERD described heartburn or acid regurgitation as bothersome.  相似文献   

难治性胃食管反流病诊治进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Background  Kusano et al. developed a questionnaire for the evaluation of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), the frequency scale for the symptoms of GERD (FSSG). The FSSG is now widely used in Japan. We investigated the relationship between FSSG results and cardiac sphincter endoscopic findings. Methods  The subjects were 470 patients who responded to the FSSG before undergoing endoscopy. From the FSSG results, we calculated the total, acid reflux, and dysmotility scores. Endoscopic findings were assessed in terms of the anatomic-functional-pathological (AFP) classification as the A factor, or degree and type of hiatal hernia, and the valve factor, or laxity of the cardiac sphincter. The degree of esophagitis was assessed using the modified Los Angeles classification. We investigated correlations between each score and the anatomy of the cardia. Results  With either definition of esophagitis (grade M or greater, or grade A or greater), the total and acid reflux scores were both significantly higher in the group with reflux esophagitis than in the group without reflux esophagitis. Examination of the relationship between FSSG scores and the A factor revealed no significant differences in the total, acid reflux, or dysmotility scores whether a hiatal hernia was present or absent. Similarly, examination of the valve factor showed no significant difference in any scores between V0 and V1 versus V1 and V2, indicating no correlation between cardiac sphincter laxity and FSSG scores. Conclusions  The FSSG was useful in determining whether reflux esophagitis is present, but it did not predict the anatomy of the cardia.  相似文献   

In order to define the mechanisms of gastroesophageal reflux (GER) in children, we performed simultaneous intraluminal, esophageal motility and pH studies in 24 children with symptomatic reflux and abnormal prolonged pH probe study, ten (group A) without endoscopic and histologic esophagitis, 14 (group B) with endoscopic and histologic esophagitis. Median (ranges) age (years) was 5.0 (6 months-10 years) and 3.0 (6 months-12 years), respectively. Recordings were done for 1 hr before and 1 hr after feeding apple juice (15 ml/kg; pH 4.0). All episodes of GER in group A patients and 77.1% in group B patients were accounted for by abrupt transient lower esophageal sphincter (LES) relaxation (TLESR); 22.9% of reflux events in group B patients occurred during gradual drifts of LES pressure (LESP) to undetectable levels. Esophageal refluxate exposure (mean percentage time with esophageal pH<4.0) the rate of TLESR (number of episodes/hr), and the percentage of TLESRs associated with reflux significantly increased in the fed period both in group A (18.5±5.4%, 6.2±2.65, 87.1%) and in group B (29.7±6.5 7.8±3.05, 84.9%) as compared to the fasting state (group A: 10.8±3.9, 3.9±3.17, 46.1%; group B: 16.1±2.6, 4.14±3.06, 55.17%) (p<0.01). The rate of LESP drifts (number of episodes/hr) was also significantly higher postprandially (4.85±1.24 vs 1.8±0.9,p<0.01); furthermore there was a postfeeding increase of the LESP drift percentage associated with reflux (79.41% vs 46.15%,p<0.01). Residual pressure of TLESRs associated with reflux was significantly lower than that of TLESRs without GER in both groups of patients, during fasting (group A:p<0.01; group B:p<0.05) and fed state (p<0.05), whereas duration of relaxation and LESP in the 1-min period before each TLESR did not discriminate TLESRs associated with reflux from those without reflux. In children with GER disease, TLESR is the most common mechanism of reflux, but gradual LESP drift is associated with more severe disease; the postprandial increase in the esophageal acid exposure is mainly due to increased rate of TLESRs and LESP drifts; degree of sphincter inhibition during TLESRs is a critical factor for the induction of reflux.Presented in part at the 91st Annual Meeting of the American Gastroenterological Association, San Antonio, Texas, May 12–18, 1990.  相似文献   

Abstract   With widespread treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection, and that peptic ulcer diseases are no longer considered a chronic illness and are declining in most parts of the world, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) predominates the upper gastrointestinal disease spectrum. GERD is a well-defined condition. More innovative research in GERD in recent years led us to new conceptual frameworks on pathogenesis and novel diagnostic tests. The proton pump inhibitor test has evolved to become the diagnostic test of choice for the investigation of patients with the disease spectrum of GERD. Multi-channel intraluminal impedance with pH sensor allows the detection of pH episodes irrespective of their pH values (acid and nonacid reflux). It is useful to measure gastroesophageal reflux in the postprandial period, and in patients with persistent symptoms while on therapy and those with atypical symptoms.  相似文献   

Fifty-four children who had chronic bronchopulmonary disease (CBPD) were investigated for the incidence of gastroesophageal reflux (GER). An activity score for CBPD and a numerical reflux score using criteria from a pH probe study were established. Results of barium esophagography, endoscopy, and prolonged esophageal pH probe monitoring were abnormal in 67, 78, and 53% of the patients, respectively. A significant relationship was found between the CBPD activity score and the reflux score; this strongly suggests that, in the patients studied, GER was responsible for the bronchopulmonary symptoms. Antireflux therapy resulted in an improvement of the CBPD activity score in all patients who had abnormal reflux scores. The mean CBPD activity score was 4.4 and 1.3 before and after antireflux therapy, respectively (P less than 0.01). Most patients who had normal reflux scores did not improve on antireflux therapy.  相似文献   

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