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Hilbert-Huang变换是一种新的分析非线性非平稳信号的时频方法,这种方法的关键部分是经验模态分解(EMD)方法,任何复杂的信号都可以通过EM D分解为有限数目并且具有一定物理意义的固有模态函数。我们结合该方法给出一种抑制Wigner-Ville分布交叉项的新方法,并将其应用于癫痫脑电信号(EEG)中,且得到了比较好的结果。  相似文献   

时频分析在心率变异性研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心率变异(HRV)包含着心血管神经体液调节的大量信息,由于信号提取的无创性,心率变异性分析是近年生理信号分析研究的热点。鉴于动态变化或病理状态下心电信号的非平稳特性,传统的时域和频域HRV分析有一定的局限性,而时频分析法在这方面显示出其明显的优越性。目前较常用的时频分析法有短时傅里叶变换(STFT)、Wigner-Ville分布(WVD)、小波变换等。本研究系统阐述了这3种时频分析方法在HRV分析中的应用,并提出了今后的研究方向和发展前景。  相似文献   

目的 鉴于匹配追踪算法具有良好的参数化描述特性,应用匹配追踪算法研究癫痫脑电的时频分布特征.方法 通过仿真算例,将匹配追踪算法与短时傅里叶变换、Wigner-Ville分布结果进行比较,验证该方法的频率分辨率高及参数化表征的优越性;应用上述3种方法对癫痫脑电和正常脑电进行时频分析,研究癫痫异常放电在时频平面的表现.结果 仿真结果表明基于匹配追踪算法能得到较好的时频分布;对癫痫脑电和正常脑电进行时频分析,癫痫脑电和正常脑电在时频平面上存在明显的差异.结论 基于匹配追踪的时频分析方法,能够更好地揭示脑电类非平稳信号的特征.  相似文献   

结合应用多分辨率小波分解方法和直方图参数统计方法 ,分析大鼠脑电信号 (Electroencephalogram,EEG)在不同行为状态下的非稳态时频动态变化特性。利用埋植电极记录自由活动大鼠在清醒期、慢波睡眠期和快动眼睡眠期的皮层 EEG,应用小波变换将 EEG分解成 δ、θ、α和 β四个分量 ,求各分量功率对数值直方图和功率百分比值直方图的均值、方差、偏斜度和峭度。结果表明 :EEG功率对数值的分布比较接近正态分布 ,而多数功率百分比值的分布与正态分布差别显著。单因素方差分析结果显示这些直方图统计参数在不同行为状态之间和不同分解分量之间具有显著差别。 EEG在不同时期的某些特征波 (例如 :慢波睡眠期的 δ波、清醒期和快动眼睡眠期的 θ波等 )使功率对数值分布具有较大的偏斜度值和峭度值。由此可见 ,EEG小波分解分量的直方图参数是一种新的描述EEG动态时频变化特性的定量分析指标  相似文献   

基于小波包分析的意识任务特征提取与分类   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将基于小波包变换的多尺度分析方法应用于自发脑电 (EEG)的特征提取。在对 3种意识任务的脑电信号进行多级小波包分解的基础上 ,将不同尺度空间的能量信号作为特征值 ,组成不同意识任务的特征向量 ,并利用径向基函数神经网络进行分类测试。结果表明 ,小波包变换方法的分类正确率高于自回归模型方法。小波包分析方法可以作为不同意识任务脑电信号特征提取的一种新方法 ,具有较强的稳定性  相似文献   

高频心电信号的维格纳分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据高频心电信号的发生机制,本文讨论了把维格纳分布用于分析这种信号的优点。运用注射脑垂体后叶素(pit)建立家兔心肌缺血模型,用维格纳分布系统地分析了家兔缺血产生、缓解过程中心电波形的变化。观察到一些有用的规律,证实维格纳分布为高频心电信号研究展示了新前景。  相似文献   

心室颤动的时-频分析和胺碘酮的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究心室颤动时主导频率的动态性空间时间变化。在19只犬中建立正交心电图和心脏电除颤系统;诱发心室颤动持续10~30 s;使用时-频分析法分析心室颤动时频率的时频变化。另有4只犬在诱发心室颤动后静注胺碘酮100 mg以观察主导频率的改变。结果显示:在427个10 s VF和335个30 s VF的试验中,主导频率的变化与平均频率相差12%~18%;79个使用胺碘酮的试验中,主导频率的均值和变异性均降低。表明:在10~30 s心室颤动时心电图主导频率有明显和持续性的变异,胺碘酮可减小心室颤动时的频率和变异。  相似文献   

A new method of phase spectral analysis of EEG is proposed for the comparative analysis of phase spectra between normal EEG and epileptic EEG signals based on the wavelet decomposition technique. By using multiscale wavelet decomposition, the original EEGs are mapped to an orthogonal wavelet space, such that the variations of phase can be observed at multiscale. It is found that the phase (and phase difference) spectra of normal EEGs are distinct from that of epileptic EEGs. That is the variations of phase (and phase difference) of normal EEGs have a distinct periodic pattern with the electrical activity proceeds in the brain, but do not the epileptic EEGs. For epileptic EEGs, only at those transient points, the phase variations are obvious. In order to verify these results with the observational data, the phase variations of EEGs in principal component space are observed and found that, the features of phase spectra is in correspondence with that the wavelet space. These results make it possible to view the behavior of EEG rhythms as a dynamic spectrum.  相似文献   

Spinal somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP) has been employed to monitor the integrity of the spinal cord during surgery. To detect both temporal and spectral changes in SSEP waveforms, an investigation of the application of timefrequency analysis (TFA) techniques was conducted. SSEP signals from 30 scoliosis patients were analysed using different techniques; short time Fourier transform (STFT), Wigner-Ville distribution (WVD), Choi-Williams distribution (CWD), coneshaped distribution (CSD) and adaptive spectrogram (ADS). The time-frequency distributions (TFD) computed using these methods were assessed and compared with each other. WVD, ADS, CSD and CWD showed better resolution than STFT. Comparing normalised peak widths, CSD showed the sharpest peak width (0.13±0.1) in the frequency dimension, and a mean peak width of 0.70±0.12 in the time dimension. Both WVD and CWD produced cross-term interference, distorting the TFA distribution, but this was not seen with CSD and ADS. CSD appeared to give a lower mean peak power bias (10.3%±6.2%) than ADS (41.8%±19.6%). Application of the CSD algorithm showed both good resolution and accurate spectrograms, and is therefore recommended as the most appropriate TFA technique for the analysis of SSEP signals.  相似文献   

本文针对脑电信号的非平稳性,引入小波包分解理论处理临床脑电.根据脑电信号的不同节律特性,提出应用小波包分解构造不同频率特性的时变滤波器,提取脑电信号不同节律的动态特性,并由此构造各种节律的动态脑电地形图.为了研究不同脑功能状态下脑电信号各种节律的动态特性,文中对两组不同的临床脑电数据进行分析,比较两种状态下各种节律的动态特性.实验结果表明,利用小波包分解对脑电信号进行滤波,能够有效提取临床脑电不同节律的动态特性,为分析脑电信号提供一条新的途径.  相似文献   

多普勒超声血流信号是一个非平稳的高斯随机过程,其时频分布与血流的速度及其变化有密切的关系。由于假设信号在一定时间间隔内是平稳的,实际上难以获得同时具有较好的时间、频率分辨率的超声多普勒时频分布。一种估计多普勒超声血流信号时频分布的方法是基于Levinson-Durbin算法的自回归(AR)模型法。但用该算法估计出的参数的误差随时间间隔的缩短而增大。Burg提出一种递推算法,不需要计算自相关,而是用使前向与后向预测误差能量之和最小的方法求出模型的参数。我们将用两种算法估计出的多普勒时频分布及理论的时频分布进行比较,发现用Burg算法估计出的多普勒时频分布比用Levinson-Durbin递推算法估计出的多普勒时频分布更接近理论的时频分布,尤其是频率带宽性能得到了明显的改善。  相似文献   

临床上分析癫痫脑电信号非常重要。由于临床记录的癫痫脑电信号中含有大量的伪迹干扰,特别是肌电伪迹,所采集的脑电信号无法正确反映大脑的生理及病理状况。本研究利用小波变换的多分辨率特性和独立分量分析(ICA)的盲源分离特性,把用连续小波变换分解的脑电子带信号作为ICA输入,经ICA分离后,有效地消除了癫痫脑电中的肌电伪迹,并分离出了癫痫样特征波,效果理想。  相似文献   

Drowsiness is one of the main causal factors in many traffic accidents due to the clear decline in the attention and recognition of danger drivers, diminishing vehicle-handling abilities. The aim of this research is to develop an automatic method to detect the drowsiness stage in EEG records using time, spectral and wavelet analysis. A total of 19 features were computed from only one EEG channel to differentiate the alertness and drowsiness stages. After a selection process based on lambda of Wilks criterion, 7 parameters were chosen to feed a Neural Network classifier. Eighteen EEG records were analyzed. The method gets 87.4% and 83.6% of alertness and drowsiness correct detections rates, respectively. The results obtained indicate that the parameters can differentiate both stages. The features are easy to calculate and can be obtained in real time. Those variables could be used in an automatic drowsiness detection system in vehicles, thereby decreasing the rate of accidents caused by sleepiness of the driver.  相似文献   

A simulated first heart sound (S1) signal is used to determine the best technique for analysing physiological S1 from the following five time-frequency representations (TFR): the spectrogram, time-varying autoregressive modelling, binomial reduced interference distribution, Bessel distribution and cone-kernel distribution (CKD). To provide information on the time and frequency resolutions of each TFR technique, the instantaneous frequency and the −3 dB bandwidth as functions of time were computed for each simulated component of the S1. The performance index for selecting the best technique was based on the relative error and the correlation coefficient of the instantaneous frequency function between the theoretical distribution and the computed TFR. This index served to select the best technique. The sensitivity of each technique to noise and to small variations of the signal parameters was also evaluated. The results of the comparative study show that, although important limitations were found for all five TFRs tested, the CKD appears to be the best technique for the time-frequency analysis of multicomponent signals such as the simulated S1.  相似文献   

A new approach based on the implementation of multiclass support vector machine (SVM) with the error correcting output codes (ECOC) is presented for classification of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. In practical applications of pattern recognition, there are often diverse features extracted from raw data which needs recognizing. Decision making was performed in two stages: feature extraction by eigenvector methods and classification using the classifiers trained on the extracted features. The aim of the study is classification of the EEG signals by the combination of eigenvector methods and multiclass SVM. The purpose is to determine an optimum classification scheme for this problem and also to infer clues about the extracted features. The present research demonstrated that the eigenvector methods are the features which well represent the EEG signals and the multiclass SVM trained on these features achieved high classification accuracies.  相似文献   

The authors propose a simulated first heart sound (S1) signal that can be used as a reference signal to evaluate the accuracy of time-frequency representation techniques for studying multicomponent signals. The composition of this simulated S1 is based on the hypothesis that an S1 recorded on the thorax over the apical area of the heart is composed of constant frequency vibrations from the mitral valve and a frequency modulated vibration from the myocardium. Essentially, the simulated S1 consists of a valvular component and a myocardial component. The valvular component is modelled as two exponentially decaying sinusoids of 50 Hz and 150 Hz and the myocardial component is modelled by a frequency modulated wave between 20 Hz and 100 Hz. The study shows that the simulated S1 has temporal and spectral characteristics similar to S1 recorded in humans and dogs. It also shows that the spectrogram cannot resolve the three components of the simulated S1. It is concluded that it is necessary to search for a better time-frequency representation technique for studying the time-frequency distribution of multicomponent signals such as the simulated S1.  相似文献   

癫痫脑电特征波的综合检测分类方法研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文将小波变换、人工神经网络、专家规则判据等多种检测方法有机地结合起来 ,用于癫痫脑电特征波的检测与分类 ,以充分发挥不同方法的优势。这种综合检测分类方法是先将预处理的多导脑电时间序列经小波变换将脑电中癫痫特征波在不同尺度下分离出来 ,再对选出的癫痫嫌疑波进行特征参数提取 ,然后把特征参数送入已经训练好的人工神经网络进行分类识别 ,最后再由专家规则判断筛选并作出检测分类统计报告。研究表明 ,该方法具有很好的信号特征提取和屏蔽随机噪声能力 ,获得了较好的检出率 ;尤其适合于非平稳、非线性生物医学信号的检测分类 ,值得进一步深入研究  相似文献   

Analysis of EEG transients by means of matching pursuit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Matching pursuit (MP), a new technique of time-frequency signal analysis, was applied to simulated signals and the awake and sleep EEG. With the MP algorithm, waveforms from a very large class of functions were fitted to the local signal structures in a recursive procedure. By means of this technique, sleep spindles were localized in the time-frequency plane with high precision, and their intensities and time spans were found. The MP technique makes following the temporal evolution of transients and their propagation in brains possible. It opens up new possibilities in EEG research providing a means of investigation of dynamic processes in brains in a much finer time-frequency scale than any other method available at present.  相似文献   

在脑电(EEG)信号自动检测和分类的研究中,EEG信号的特征提取至关重要。本文分析了目前主要EEG信号特征提取方法的优缺点,并提出了一种基于回声状态网络(ESN)的EEG信号特征提取方法。该方法可以实现EEG信号的非线性特征提取,并且其特征提取过程是近似可逆的,因而在特征提取过程中损失的信息较少。该方法在EEG信号特征提取过程中,主要计算量是求解状态矩阵的伪逆,计算简单高效。在对波恩大学癫痫研究所的EEG数据库进行多类别分类的实验中,本文所提出的EEG信号特征提取方法展现出了良好的性能。  相似文献   

基于脑电信号分析的癫痫特征检测方法及研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
癫痫特征的自动检测在临床上有很重要的意义,可以减轻医疗工作者的劳动量。本文综述和分析了癫痫特征检测的各种方法,包括非线性滤波、模板匹配、拟态法等传统的方法和小波变换、神经网络等近年发展起来的新方法。  相似文献   

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