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目的探讨乌鲁木齐地区腹泻病的发生频率和流行规律。方法按新疆维吾尔自治区统~监测方案,采用定点监测、疫情旬报、典型病人大便培养以及外环境定时定点采样进行分离培养。结果2010年5月1日-10月31日,乌鲁木齐市76个监测点,累计报告腹泻病患者20259例,报告发病率为802.74/10万,与2009年同期相比,发病率上升15.44%;6-8月发病处于高峰,病例多集中于0—5岁年龄组;以散居儿童居多;市区河坝水、自来水、公厕混合便、食品以及苍蝇中均未监测到霍乱弧菌流行菌株。结论2010年乌鲁木齐市辖区内未发生腹泻病流行或暴发疫情,但腹泻病发病率仍高于全疆平均水平,应加强腹泻病监测工作。  相似文献   

王爱群  陈竞 《内科》2013,8(4):400-401
目的探讨手足12病的流行病学特征,为科学防治提供依据。方法对广西南宁市江南区2010~2012年手足口病疫情资料进行分析。结果2010~2012年共报告手足口病10716例,各乡镇均有发病;其中重症97例,死亡3例,年平均发病率为792.94/10万。发病高峰在每年4-5月份,发病主要集中在4岁以下小儿,以散居和托幼儿童为主,发病男女性别比为1.75:1。结论手足口病的防治不容忽视,应加强疫情监测,加强散居和托幼机构儿童手足口病的预防控制工作,在每年4~5月对重点人群采取综合防控措施,以遏制手足口病的暴发和流行。  相似文献   

目的 探讨新疆百日咳的流行特点.为制定控制和降低百日咳发病的措施提供依据.方法 利用描述流行病学分析方法.对1990~2007年新疆法定传染病报告系统百日咳疫情资料进行流行特点描述.结果 1990~2007年新疆共报告百日咳病例6 051例,年均报告发病率为1.89/10万,报告发病率波动在0.96~3.44/10万之间.监测数据显示,1990~2007年中1990,1996,2004,2007年的发病率均在3/10万以上;南部地区高发,春夏为高发季节;病例主要集中在婴幼儿和学龄前儿童,80%左右的病例集中在7岁以下儿童.结论 应进一步提高和保持百白破联合疫苗常规免疫接种率,加强疫情监测和传染源管理.  相似文献   

目的 了解2013—2022年江苏省无锡市惠山区其他感染性腹泻病流行特征,为制订防治策略提供科学依据。方法 应用描述流行病学方法分析其他感染性腹泻病疫情资料,以卡方检验比较率的差异、P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果 2013—2022年无锡市惠山区其他感染性腹泻病报告发病数为3 176例,年均发病率为42.74/10万,发病率2021年最高75.87/10万、2013年最低18.10/10万,年报告发病率呈现波浪型上升趋势(趋势χ2=178.592,P<0.001)。12月至次年3月为发病高峰,共报告发病1 817例、占57.21%;发病率居前3位地区分别为阳山镇115.23/10万、玉祁街道84.04/10万和前洲街道48.60/10万;年均报告发病率男性46.02/10万高于女性39.04/10万;发病年龄主要集中在10岁以下、占80.79%,其中1岁~组报告发病率最高1 508.52/10万;散居儿童最多1 917例、占60.36%,其次为学生579例、占18.23%,第三为幼托儿童436例、占13.73%。优势毒株为诺如病毒和轮状病毒、占明...  相似文献   

目的通过对2006~2010年新疆阿克苏地区法定传染病发病情况进行分析,掌握法定传染病疫情动态、发病规律和流行趋势,为制定和调整传染病防治措施提供科学依据。方法采用描述性流行病学方法,对5年来阿克苏地区法定报告传染病疫情资料进行整理与统计分析。结果5年来,阿克苏地区法定传染病散发和暴发流行并存,死亡率呈逐年上升趋势,肺结核和艾滋病死亡率最高,个别传染病暴发疫情影响着全地区的发病水平。呼吸道传染病、血源及性传播疾病和肠道传染病仍然是严重危害人民群众身体健康的主要传染病,发病以肺结核、病毒性肝炎、梅毒、痢疾和其他感染性腹泻病为主。农民发病居首位,散居儿童和青壮年发病维持较高水平。结论阿克苏地区法定传染病发病率仍处于较高水平,应继续加强疫情监测,重点抓好农民和散居儿童的防治工作,提高疫苗接种质量,同时,采取针对性与综合性相结合的防治措施,控制传染病的流行和传播。  相似文献   

目的了解四川省石棉县手足口病流行特征及病原体分布情况,为制定防制措施提供科学诊据。方法对石棉县2010-2014年报告的手足口病进行描述性流行病学分析。结果 2010-2014年共报告发病619例,报告重症病例1例,无死亡病例发生,年平均报告发病率99.50/10万,以2014年发病最高;发病呈现双峰型,每年4-7月出现第1个高峰,10-12月出现第2个高峰,多发生于5岁以下儿童,占发病总数的93.86%,男性多于女性,散居儿童为发病首位,占发病总数的82.23%;病原体以EV71型和COXA16型为主要流行毒株,不同血清型间无交叉免疫。结论石棉县手足口病的发病存在明显的地区、季节、性别及年龄差异,需加强散居儿童、托幼儿童监管人员防控知识宣传,同时加大疫情监测、指导、督查力度,及时处置散发病例和聚集性病例,有效控制聚集性疫情和突发公共卫生事件的发生。  相似文献   

目的 了解和掌握喀什地区伤寒流行规律,为制定防制对策提供科学依据. 方法运用描述流行病学方法,对2004~2006年伤寒疫情检测资料进行整理和分析. 结果 2004~2006年伤寒发病率分别为19.1/10万、11.18/10万、16.31/10万,年平均发病率为15.96/10万,发病高峰为每年6~10月份,发病年龄主要集中在10~20岁年龄组,以农民、学生和散居儿童为主. 结论 喀什地区伤寒发病率仍处于相对较高水平,应继续加强疫情监测,采取综合性防治措施,控制伤寒的流行和传播.  相似文献   

目的掌握新疆猩红热的流行状况,为制定防制策略和预测疫情趋势提供依据。方法对1951—2007年新疆猩红热的疫情进行描述分析并了解发病水平和流行特征。结果57年问新疆猩红热疫情呈现波动起伏状态,具有一定的周期性,有过2次大的流行;全年均有病例发生;发病集中于学生、幼托儿童和散居儿童;北疆地区发病高于南疆地区;1994年之后全疆发病水平呈现相对较低状态,2002年起猩红热疫情呈上升趋势。结论3~14岁年龄组为新疆猩红热发病的高危人群,应加强全疆中、小学校和托幼机构疫情监测,提高医疗机构的诊疗水平,防止暴发流行。  相似文献   

目的分析甘肃省平凉市手足口病的监测结果,掌握手足口病流行特征,为制定防控策略提供参考依据。方法对2008─2013年平凉市手足口病监测资料进行统计学分析。结果 2008─2013年平凉市报告手足口病5 236例,年均发病率39.0/10万;其中重症26例,死亡10例;6─7月为发病高峰,占发病总数的58.23%;散居儿童占发病人群的74.87%,高发年龄为1~5岁儿童;病原毒株检测以肠道病毒71型为主。结论平凉市手足口病的发病有明显的地区、季节、年龄和性别差异,应重点加强5岁以下散居儿童的监测工作,落实手足口病的科学宣传和健康教育工作,预防和控制手足口病的流行,降低传染病疾病负担。  相似文献   

目的分析广东省乙型脑炎流行特征,探讨防制策略。方法采用SPSS12.0软件建立数据库,进行描述性流行病学分析和多重线性回归分析。结果1990年以来,广东省于1995年和2003年出现2次乙脑发病的小高峰,其余各年度乙脑报告发病率均较低,疫情比较稳定。疫情主要分布在粤西和粤东地区;发病时间集中在每年5~7月,6月份为发病高峰;乙脑报告病例以1~14岁儿童为主,多为无免疫史和免疫史不详者。多重线性回归分析结果显示稻田种植面积、年平均降雨量与乙脑发病率存在统计学关联。结论广东省乙脑流行呈现明显的周期性、季节性和一定的地域性,1~14岁儿童为乙脑易感人群。接种乙脑疫苗和灭蚊是预防控制乙脑流行的重要措施。  相似文献   

支架置入术治疗颈动脉狭窄   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :总结血管内支架置入治疗颈动脉狭窄的安全性和疗效。方法 :收治颈动脉狭窄患者 16例 ,其中 3例进行狭窄预扩 ,3例使用脑保护装置 ,共放置自膨式支架 18枚。结果 :18枚支架均成功置入 ,术中无严重并发症 ,1例 (6 3% )术后第 3天发生非处理血管供血区脑梗死。随访 1~ 8个月 ,无新发短暂性脑缺血发作 (TIA)和脑梗死 ,末次改良Rankin量表评分平均 0 75 (0~ 2 )分 ,所有患者生活均自理。 10例患者术后 3个月颈动脉彩超复查 ,均未见再狭窄。结论 :支架置入治疗颈动脉狭窄是一种比较安全和可能有效的方法 ,但亟需设计随机对照临床试验观察其长期疗效和不良反应。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To increase the current knowledge of the outcome of juvenile systemic sclerosis (jSSc), which is currently limited. METHODS: In order to investigate the patient outcome and prognostic factors, starting October 1994, we distributed questionnaires to 324 paediatric rheumatology centres. RESULTS: Until 15 May 1998 responses from 46 centres were received, 34 of which returned completed questionnaires on a total of 135 patients. One hundred and twenty-two of the 135 patients were Caucasian, 100 were female. The mean age at disease onset was 8.8 yr (S.D. +/- 3.3 yr). The mean disease duration at the last follow-up was 5 yr(S.D. +/- 3.3 yr). At the last follow-up the disease was still active and required medication in 82 patients, 36 had inactive disease on medication, and 16 were in remission. Ninety per cent of the living patients were fully active in daily life at the last follow-up. Eight of the 135 patients had died. These patients had a median age at onset of the disease of 10.5 yr (range 6.7-15.8 yr). The median disease duration until death was 2 yr (range 1-8 yr). The causes of death were heart failure (five), renal failure (one), sepsis (one) and in one case the cause was not defined. The 1 yr survival rate was 99%, the 2 yr was 97% and the 4 yr was 95%. CONCLUSIONS: At a mean follow-up of 5 yr, the current results show a favourable outcome in most patients with childhood onset jSSc and a significantly better survival than in the adult SSc patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the frequency, histological type and the epidemiological pattern of lung cancer (LC), during a 40 year period, at the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases (INER). MATERIAL AND METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 1999. Data were abstracted from the INER's service reports for 1983-1996 and the surgical pathology archives for 1957-1996. Data from 1961 patients were analyzed, to obtain frequency measures on: the characteristics of INER LC patient admissions, age, sex, histological studies, specimens and diagnoses. RESULTS: Between 1983-1996, LC ranked eighth to second place in INER inpatient admissions. Results were grouped by decades. In the first two decades (1957-1976), 9% of patients were female; 32% in the third (1977-1986), and 38% in the last decade (1987-1996). Epidermoid cell carcinoma was more frequent in the two first decades (61%) and adenocarcinoma in the last two, (41% and 62%, respectively.) CONCLUSIONS: LC is currently more frequent in women, and adenocarcinoma is the most frequent neoplasia.  相似文献   

The relationship between plasma progesterone (P(4)) levels and the formation and degeneration of the corpus luteum (CL) was assessed monthly during gestation of the viviparous lizard Barisia imbricata imbricata. Histochemical activity of the delta(5-4) isomerase 3 beta-hydroxysteroide dehydrogenase (delta(5-4)3beta-HSD) in the luteal tissue and embryonic development were also observed. Females were gravid throughout winter and great part of spring (late November or early December until late May or early June). Corpus luteum development occurred in the first third of gestation (December and January) when the embryo reached developmental stage 27. Four sequential stages were identified during development and three stages during regression of the CL. The follicular and thecal tissue participated in the formation of the luteal cell mass. According to Xavier's classification, the CL of B. i. imbricata is a subtype from Type III. The activity of delta(5-4)3beta-HSD was observed mainly in the luteal cell mass. The first degenerative changes in the CL were observed in the early second third of the gestation and continued gradually until parturition. Progesterone levels increased in early pregnancy and reached its highest level during January (3.07+/-1.04 ng/ml) when mature corpora lutea were present. Gradual diminution in progesterone concentrations occurred in the second and last third of pregnancy and coincided with advanced degenerative changes and diminution in histochemical activity of delta(5-4)3beta-HSD in the luteal tissue. These observations suggest that the CL is the major source of progesterone during pregnancy of B. i. imbricata.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Significant improvements in management of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) have occurred in the last years, but their impact on surveillance outcome is unknown. To clarify this, we compared survival of HCC patients identified along 3 consecutive quinquennia of surveillance. METHODS: A cohort of 417 HCC-free outpatients with compensated cirrhosis was prospectively followed for 148 months (range, 1-213 months) with periodic ultrasound examinations. RESULTS: HCC developed in 112 patients, at a 3.4% rate per year, and was the prime cause of death (n = 54). Forty-six (41%) patients had a single tumor, with a mean size of 3.7 cm, 3.0 cm, and 2.2 cm in the 3 quinquennia (first vs. second: ns; first vs. third: P = 0.017; second vs. third: P = 0.02), and 38 (44%) underwent radical therapy. Mortality rates in HCC patients fell from 45% in the first quinquennium to 37% in the second and 10% in the third (first vs. second: ns; first vs. third: P = 0.0009; second vs. third: P = 0.018) in parallel with a reduction in yearly mortality of treated patients (34%, 28%, and 5%, respectively; first vs. second: ns; second vs. third: P = 0.036; first vs. third: P = 0.0024). After stratification for quinquennium, tumor staging, according to Cancer of the Liver Italian Program (CLIP), was the only independent predictor of survival (P = 0.015). CONCLUSIONS: Cirrhotic patients developing a HCC during the last 5 years of surveillance survived longer than previously, as a consequence of improved management of the tumor and complications of cirrhosis.  相似文献   

AIMS: Patients with Type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) appear to have remarkably stable HbA1c levels, regardless of the need for improvement. The purpose of the present study was therefore to study predictors of intra-individual variability of the HbA1c level together with changes in HbA1c over time. METHODS: Hospital records of patients with Type 1 DM seen at our diabetes clinic from February 1992 to May 1997 were reviewed for HbA1c measurements and clinical data. In the main study, 214 patients who had been on insulin for more than 1 year, and in a sub-study, 14 patients newly started on insulin, were included. RESULTS: The coefficient of variation (CV) of the intra-individual HbA1c measurements, after at least 1 year of insulin, was 8.8 +/- 3.7% (mean +/- SD). There was a positive association between the CV and the HbA1c measurement at inclusion in the study (P < 0.05), and also a negative association between the CV and age (P < 0.05). Fifty per cent of the patients had a difference between first and last HbA1c below 1%, and 83.6% had a difference below 2%. In the sub-study, there was a positive association between the mean HbA1c value the first year on insulin (excluding the first 3 months) and the last HbA1c measurement (P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The HbA1c levels in individual patients remain remarkably stable over time. Furthermore, the HbA1c level shortly after starting insulin is a predictor of future glycaemic control.  相似文献   

Fifteen patients with acute leukemiawere found to have evidence of ageneralized hemostatic disorder.These patients could be divided intothree groups. The first group consistedof three patients with increased fibrinogen catabolism without clinical orlaboratory evidence of intravascularcoagulation. The second group of fivepatients had laboratory evidence ofintravascular coagulation withoutclinically evident bleeding or thrombosis. The third group of seven patients developed symptomatic intravascular coagulation characterizedby bleeding, renal failure, and poorresponse to platelet transfusions.Laboratory evidence for intravascularcoagulation in these patients includedfalling plasma fibrinogen and factor Vlevels and elevated serum levels offibrinogen degradation products.Heparin therapy resulted in clinicalimprovement in all seven patients.Rising plasma fibrinogen and factorV levels correlated with a beneficialclinical response to heparin. Increasedfibrinogen catabolism, asymptomaticintravascular coagulation, and symptomatic intravascular coagulation formpart of a spectrum of generalizedhemostatic disorders in acute leukemia.

Submitted on February 29, 1972 Revised on May 10, 1972 Accepted on May 17, 1972  相似文献   

目的探讨血浆氨基末端B型脑钠肽前体(NT-proBNP)对陈旧性心肌梗死(OMI)患者心力衰竭的诊断价值。方法选取2010年5月—2013年5月我院心内科及ICU收治的OMI患者250例,美国心脏病学会协会(NYHA)分级Ⅰ级者为非心力衰竭组(158例),Ⅱ~Ⅳ级者为心力衰竭组(92例)。比较两组血浆NT-proBNP浓度。结果心力衰竭组血浆NT-proBNP浓度高于非心力衰竭组,且随着NYHA分级增加而逐渐升高(P0.01)。结论 NT-proBNP是诊断OMI患者心力衰竭的可靠指标。  相似文献   

目的:研究饮食结构与血糖、血脂的关系及其对健康的影响.方法:我们采用问卷调查和体检资料相结合的方法,选取了每年5月份规律进行体检北京某单位为观察样本单位,随机抽取100例成年受试者作为研究对象,调查研究2000-2004年的有关资料.结果:天冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)随着时间延长,有逐年升高趋势;除第5年与第4年比较的差值无显著性外,其余年度间差值均有统计学意义.血糖(GIU)随着时间延长,也有逐年升高趋势;除第3年与第2年和第5年与第4年比较的差值无显著性外,其余年度间差值均有统计学意义.总胆固醇(TCH)随着时间延长,有逐年升高趋势;但除第2年与第1年,第4年与第3年和第5年与第4年比较的差值无显著性外,其余年度间差值均有统计学意义.甘油三脂(TG)随着时间延长,有逐年升高趋势,但除第5年与第1年比较差值有显著性外,其余年度间差值均无统计学意义.结论:该单位职工存在致AST和GIU显著升高的因素,对血浆脂质的升高作用不明显.  相似文献   

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