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南疆地区不同类型黑热病流行状况调查显示,荒漠型黑热病流行区人群利什曼素阳性率为68.24%(101/148),砾漠型流行区为20.97%(39/186)。解剖白蛉1 475只,其中吴氏白蛉1 271只,占86.17%;长管白蛉193只,占13.08%;亚历山大白蛉11只,占0.75%。在3只吴氏白蛉和1只亚历山大白蛉体内共检出4株自然感染的前鞭毛体。荒漠型和砾漠型流行区分别检出1名黑热病患者。南疆地区黑热病流行基本状况和媒介白蛉的种类及分布未发生明显变化。  相似文献   

采用PCR-RFLP方法对我国内脏利什曼病传播媒介中华白蛉(Phlebotomus chinensis)、吴氏白蛉(Ph.wui)、长管白蛉(Ph.longiductus)和亚历山大白蛉(Ph.alexandri)等4种白蛉的核糖体内转录间隔2区(ITS2)进行分型。PCR-RFLP结果显示,以限制性内切酶DraⅠ酶切ITS2片段,可分出4种RFLP带型,即A为450 bp,B为154 bp/127 bp/93 bp/66 bp/10 bp,C为311 bp/80 bp/60 bp,D为353 bp/300 bp/160 bp/58 bp。结果显示,4种白蛉均只有1种RFLP带型,中华白蛉为AA型,亚历山大白蛉为BB型,吴氏白蛉为CC型,长管白蛉为DD型。利用PCR-RFLP方法可区分我国4种内脏利什曼病传播媒介的种类。  相似文献   

目的普查治疗黑热病病人喷洒灭蛉药阻断传播途径。初步查明库车县黑热病性质与媒介白蛉种类和栖性。方法通过对出现的所有病例进行确认,发现新的病例,人工捕集白蛉了解其种类。用利什曼素皮试对当地黑热病流行程度进行初步评估。结果普查2 050人,查出新发病人1例,杀虫剂(大灭)喷洒灭蛉50户。当地1996~2006年6月共发现黑热病病人26例,死亡3例。皮试78人,阳性13例。捕获白蛉54只,除1只为吴氏白蛉外,其余53只均为长管白蛉。结论库车县三区(乡)黑热病特点与喀什周围地区黑热病相同,应加强防治工作。同时应当深入调查库车县黑热病的流行范围,使防治工作有针对性。  相似文献   

目的调查研究新疆喀什绿洲主要蛉种的组成比,为制定喀什绿洲内脏利什曼病防制策略提供依据。方法 2008、2011年在新疆喀什绿洲伯什克拉姆乡、浩罕乡于白天和夜间以人工小时法、灯诱法采集白蛉,解剖鉴定蛉种,计算当地长管白蛉和吴氏白蛉的种群组成比,结合以往新疆喀什绿洲内2种白蛉的组成比的文献,比较喀什绿洲主要蛉种组成比的变化。结果夜间共捕获白蛉1 453只,其中吴氏白蛉1 066只,占73.4%;长管白蛉387只,占26.6%;白天在人房内捕捉白蛉,共捕获白蛉104只,以长管白蛉为主,占87.5%(91/104),吴氏白蛉仅占12.5%(13/104)。与以往调查结果相比,吴氏白蛉占当地蛉种组成比(69.3%)上升,长管白蛉占当地蛉种构成比(30.7%)下降。结论夜间村内捕获白蛉以吴氏白蛉为主,白天人房内捕获白蛉以长管白蛉为主。吴氏白蛉占当地蛉种组成比(69.3%)上升,因此应重视吴氏白蛉在当地内脏利什曼病传播中的作用,并制定相应的防治策略。  相似文献   

目的了解新疆南部不同类型内脏利什曼病部分流行区媒介白蛉动态。方法选择库尔勒砾漠地带、喀什古老绿洲农业区和伽师荒漠农业区作为监测点;3种类型监测点采用粘性油纸法、诱蛉灯法、捕蛉管人工捕集法和白布灯照诱引法捕集白蛉;对捕集的白蛉观察密度、鉴定蛉种并检查雌蛉自然感染前鞭毛体。结果喀什、伽师和库尔勒捕蛉管人工捕集法白蛉密度分别为34.83、27.69和0.73只/人工小时;喀什解剖白蛉860只,其中吴氏白蛉占77.6%,长管白蛉占22.4%。伽师解剖白蛉604只,均为吴氏白蛉;库尔勒解剖白蛉11只均为亚历山大白蛉;吴氏白蛉是喀什古老绿洲农业区和伽师荒漠农业区夜间在有灯光的户外和人房外墙活动的优势蛉种;长管白蛉是喀什古老绿洲农业区白天主要在人房内和畜舍内活动的优势蛉种,夜晚也可在人房外墙捕到;亚历山大白蛉是库尔勒砾漠地带的优势蛉种。结论喀什和伽师白蛉密度甚高,应根据各自的特点,采取有效方法控制传播媒介,降低人群内脏利什曼病发病率。  相似文献   

目的了解和掌握喀什地区黑热病的流行现况。方法通过对重点流行乡村居民进行普查;根据县级医院以及乡(镇)卫生院所提供的已治愈黑热病患者的线索,随访患者;采用不同捕蛉法捕捉户外及人房内白蛉。结果3年共普查43467人,查出现患病例242人,患病率为0.56%(242/43467)。随访62例患者,均被确认为黑热病。2004~2006年的普查患病率分别为0.74%,0.56%和0.36%;2004年与2006年的调查结果相比较,差异具有统计学意义(χ^2=19.47,P〈0.05)。捕蛉灯法在户外不同场所捕捉429只白蛉,其中长管白蛉占19.35%,吴氏白蛉占80.65%,吴氏白蛉为户外优势种。捕蛉管法在人房内、外墙壁上捕捉白蛉658只,密度为8.62只;吴氏白蛉占25.68%,长管白蛉占74.32%;长管白蛉为人房内优势种。结论喀什地区的黑热病发病率较往年呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

用白蛉属的三种白蛉去叮咬感染沙鼠利什曼原虫的BALB/c鼠和长爪沙鼠的皮肤病变,表明副蛉亚属的亚历山大白蛉是沙鼠利什曼的良好昆虫宿主;该种原虫在阿蛉亚属的中华白蛉长管亚种体内发育良好,但仅进展到白蛉的咽基部;而在劳蛉亚属硕大白蛉吴氏亚种体内,原虫停滞在胃内。作者分析了我国沙鼠利什曼分布区内白蛉的种类和本文人工感染实验的结果,指出副蛉亚属蛉种是沙鼠利什曼原虫的主要媒介,而硕大白蛉吴氏亚种作为媒介的可能性很小。  相似文献   

目的 鉴别吴氏白蛉 (Phlebotomus wui)和斯氏白蛉 (Phlebotomussmirnovi)的主要形态特征 ,有助于区分该两种白蛉。 方法 用两种白蛉原描述的形态进行比较研究 ,以图、表对比的方法说明两种白蛉在形态特征上的不同。 结果表明吴氏白蛉与斯氏白蛉均属于劳蛉亚属的种类 ,是两个不同的独立种。 结论 吴氏白蛉与斯氏白蛉是两个形态特征完全不同的蛉种 ,存在着严格的地理隔离。吴氏白蛉是我国西北荒漠地区典型的野生野栖种类 ,是新疆、内蒙古黑热病自然疫源地的传播媒介。微小司蛉新疆亚种 (S.minutussinkiangensis)在描述上不需要更改的情况下 ,根据种名优先法勿需更名。  相似文献   

在新疆阿克苏地区,不同景观地带有不同类型的土壤和蛉种组成。在地带性土壤为棕钙土的山地和灌淤土区的古老绿洲,中华白蛉长管亚种分别占91.1%和92.5%,棕漠土区的山麓砾质戈壁,亚历山大白蛉为优势种,占91.5%,而在林灌草甸土区的荒漠,则以硕大白蛉吴氏亚种为多,占60.9%.本文结合以往新疆的蛉种调查资料分析,认为土壤类型是影响白蛉分布的重要因素。白蛉人工感染实验和自然感染调查的结果表明,上述三种白蛉都是阿克苏地区黑热病的媒介,其传病作用则随景观地带的不同而异。  相似文献   

1980-1982年,在内蒙古不同景观地带的21个旗(县)内对白蛉种类进行了调查。仅在6个旗(县)查见6种白蛉,即白蛉属的中华白蛉,硕大白蛉吴氏亚种,蒙古白蛉,安氏白蛉和亚历山大白蛉;司蛉属的微小司蛉新疆亚种。对不同景观地带的调查结果表明,白蛉主要分布在干旱荒漠地带,平原和山丘地区的数量很少,而在半荒漠(沙地)及干旱草原地带则未查见白蛉。  相似文献   

Visceral and cutaneous leishmaniases are endemic in some parts of Kenya, where they are transmitted by phlebobotomine sandflies of genus Phlebotomus. This review is a compilation of the currently known distribution of phlebotomine sandflies in the parts of Kenya that have been studied, from the time sandflies were first reported in the country. So far 48 species of sandflies have been identified falling in the genera Phlebotomus Rondani & Berte and Sergentomyia Franca & Parrot. Genus Phlebotomus in Kenya is represented in five subgenera, namely Phlebotomus, Larroussius, Synphlebotomus, Paraphlebotomus and Anaphlebotomus. Genus Sergentomyia has the largest number of sandflies, and is represented in four subgenera, namely Sergentomyia, Sintonius, Grassomyia and Parvidens.  相似文献   

A field study on the distribution of phlebotomine sandflies was carried out during summer months of 2009 and 2010 in eight sites in two Ionian islands and in northern Greece. A total of 490 sandflies (74.5% females) were collected. Six species of the Phlebotomus genus and two of the Sergentomyia genus were identified. The species with the widest distribution in the islands were Phlebotomus neglectus (32.8%), Phlebotomus similis (30.3%), Phlebotomus tobbi (16.7%), and P. perfiliewi (15.9%), whereas P. simici (50%), P. neglectus (24.5%), and P. tobbi (9.6%) predominated in the mainland. As most of these species are proven or suspected vectors of human and animal pathogens, prevention measures have to be taken in these areas during the summer months when sandflies are active.  相似文献   

Phlebotomine sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae) of Marrakech city, Morocco   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The sandflies at 17 sites within or near the Moroccan city of Marrakech were surveyed between 2002 and 2006. Overall 2310 specimens were collected and five species were identified. Phlebotomus (Phlebotomus) papatasi was the most prevalent species (47.4%), followed by Sergentomyia (Sergentomyia) minuta (16.6%), S. (S.) fallax (16.1%), P. (Paraphlebotomus) sergenti (12.8%) and P. (Larroussius) longicuspis (7.1%). Phlebotomus sergenti appeared to be the most endophilic species. When the collection sites were categorized into five types of habitat, only P. papatasi and S. minuta were found to be common in every habitat type. Urbanization seemed to have a significant effect on the numbers and species of sandfly. In the year after the demolition and redevelopment of the Akioud neighbourhood, there were far fewer sandflies and species of sandfly than observed before the redevelopment. Two years later, however, the sandfly population was found to be much larger than that seen before the neighbourhood was demolished.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo investigate Phlebotomus sand fly fauna and their vectorial capacity in Hamadan, Iran.MethodsDuring the three consecutive years (2010-2012), from May to October, sandflies were sampled monthly from residential areas of Hamadan and selected villages using sticky traps.ResultsA total of 3 089 sandflies comprising 12 species from 2 genera were collected, of which 6 species are known vectors of leishmaniasis in Iran and/or other parts of the world. About 75% of the collected sandflies were of two dominant species, Phlebotomus kandelaki (38%) and Phlebotomus papatasi (36.6%). These species in combination with Phlebotomus major (6.8%), Phlebotomus sergenti (6.3%), Phlebotomus caucasicus (5.3%), Phlebotomus wenyoni (1.3%), Sergentomyia sintoni (2.9%) and Sergentomyia dentate (2%) collectively comprised the majority of the sandflies. Other species including Phlebotomus halpensis, Phlebotomus longiductus, Phlebotomus comatus and Phlebotomus alexandri each comprised only less than 1% of collected samples.ConclusionsAlthough none of the 158 dissected female Phlebotomus kandelaki and Phlebotomus papatasi were infected with leishmania promastigote, it is probable that in the future, factors such as environmental changes, migration and urbanization can ease the transmission of leishmaniases in this area.  相似文献   

As part of a continuous, standardized programme of monitoring the Leishmania vectors in German military camps in northern Afghanistan between 2007 and 2009, a detailed taxonomic analysis of the endemic sandfly fauna, as sampled using light and odour-baited traps, was conducted. Of the 10 sandfly species that were recorded, six may serve as enzootic and/or zooanthroponotic vectors of parasites causing human leishmaniasis. The use of a simple DNA-'barcoding' technique based on the mitochondrial cyt b gene, to identify the collected sandflies to species level, revealed (1) a clear discrimination between the potential vector species, (2) clustering of species within most subgenera, and (3) particularly high heterogeneity within the subgenus Paraphlebotomus (Phlebotomus alexandri being grouped with Ph. papatasi rather than with other Paraphlebotomus species). The data also indicate a high level of genetic heterogeneity within the subgenus Sergentomyia but close similarity between Sergentomyia sintoni and Sergentomyia murgabiensis. The morphological similarity of many medically important sandflies can make species identification difficult, if not impossible. The new DNA-barcoding techniques may provide powerful discriminatory tools in the future.  相似文献   

A survey of Phlebotomine sandflies undertaken in April 1985 in Hoshangabad and Khandwa districts of Madhya Pradesh yielded 332 sandflies on 204 sticky traps. Sandflies were collected from feral habitats of termite hills, rodent burrows and tree holes and indoor habitats of human dwellings and cattle sheds. The sandflies belonged to eight species viz., Phlebotomus argentipes, P. papatasi, P. colabaensis, Sergentomyia clydei, S. babu, S. bailyi, S. punjabaensis, and S. indica. Among them P. colabaensis, S. clydei and S. indica were found only in feral habitats, whereas P. argentipes and P. papatasi and other Sergentomyia species collected were found in domestic as well as feral habitats. Termite hills and rodent borrows were the most productive habitats, an observation accounted for by the predilection of sandflies to seek microhabitats offering high humidities and equable temperatures to avoid high summer temperature and low relative humidities of outside environment. Sandfly collection by sticky traps is recommended as an objective method of collection.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo assess molecular characterization, distribution, seasonal activities of sandfly species and Leishmania parasites infecting them for this zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis focus.MethodsThe collections were carried out in 2009–2011 using CDC traps, Sticky Papers and manual aspirator in and around the villages in Abarkouh district. Individual sandflies were characterized by PCR amplification and sequencing of fragments of their mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Leishmania parasite infections within sandflies were performed by targeting Cyt b, ITS-rDNA, k-DNA and microsatellite genes.ResultsThe PCR assays detected only Leishmania major (L. major). All infections (30) were found in the abundant and widespread vector Phlebotomus papatasi (P. papatasi). Small numbers of other sandfly species were also screened for infections, but none was found. Sergentomyia sintoni and P. papatasi were the predominant members in all locations of this district and in all habitats throughout the trapping season. Only five other sandfly species were found, namely Phlebotomus ansari, Phlebotomus caucasicus, Phlebotomus sergenti, Sergentomyia dentata and Sergentomyia merviney.ConclusionsIn the current survey, the only infections detected are of L. major in females of P. papatasi (30 out of 190). The rates of infection of P. papatasi by L. major are not significantly different in compare with other locations in Iran with no diversity of parasite strains. Zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis may have emerged only recently in Abarkouh district, and the reason may well be the instability of the transmission cycles there.  相似文献   

Zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis is an important vector-borne infectious disease in western China. In this study, an epidemiological study was carried out on the vector of zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis in rural areas from Sichuan Province, southwestern China. In the 1263 phlebotomine sandflies captured, 859 (68.01%) were females and 404 (31.99%) males, belonging to Phlebotomus chinensis (83.37%), Sergentomyia koloshanensis (6.57%), Sergentomyia squamirostris (4.04%), and Sergentomyia barraudi (6.02%), respectively. The average prevalence of Leishmania parasites in P. chinensis females was 1.98%, which was detected by real-time quantitative PCR. Phylogenetic analysis based on ITS2-rDNA revealed that Leishmania parasites detected in sandflies belonged to the L. donovani group and formed a novel haplotype. This was the first report on molecular detection of L. donovani in naturally infected P. chinensi from China.  相似文献   

The species and ecology of sandflies present in the coastal district of Bar, which lies in Montenegro, an endemic focus of visceral leishmaniasis (VL), were investigated in 1996-1999. A mean of 10 cases of VL and a greater number of viral infections (some of which are attributed to pathogens transmitted by sandflies) are diagnosed each year in this district. Phlebotomus papatasi, P. perfiliewi, P. tobbi, P. neglectus and Sergentomyia minuta were collected, P. perfiliewi being recorded for the first time in Montenegro. The ecology and distribution of each of these five species are described and their role, if any, in the transmission of Leishmania to humans is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Sandfly fever turkey virus (SFTV) is a recently-discovered sandfly fever Sicilian virus (SFSV) variant (family Bunyaviridae, genus Phlebovirus), characterized during retrospective evaluation of febrile disease outbreaks in Turkey. In addition to causing sandfly fever, SFTV was observed to induce elevation of liver enzymes, and to cause thrombocytopenia in affected individuals. This study was conducted to identify vectors for phleboviruses including SFTV in Ankara province, Turkey, where evidence indicates ongoing circulation of SFTV, as well as Toscana virus. Sandfly sampling was performed in Ankara province in the vicinity or in animal housing facilities in 15 peri-domestic sites. Male sandflies were identified morphologically, whereas females were evaluated individually for Phlebovirus RNA via a nested-PCR assay with consensus primers. Selected individuals and PCR-positive sandflies were subjected to barcoding via cytochrome c oxidase sequence analyses. The source of blood meals in virus-infected sandflies was investigated using a multiplexed PCR targeting the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene of various vertebrates. A total of 667 sandflies were captured in 11 locations. Morphological identification of males (n=226) revealed Phlebotomus major sensu lato as the most abundant species (38.9%), followed by Phlebotomus sergenti (20.4%), Phlebotomus halepensis (17.7%), Phlebotomus papatasi (10.2%), Phlebotomus simici (3.98%), Larrousius spp. (3.53%), Phlebotomus tobbi (1.32%), Phlebotomus perfiliewi perfiliewi (1.32%), and others. Virus sequences were detected in 3 (3/441) sandflies, two of which were characterized as P. major s.l. via barcoding. The detected sequences in sandflies were identified as SFTV, and were identical or similar to sequences from patients from the same area and the prototype SFTV strain. Bovine and human blood meals were demonstrated in SFTV-infected sandflies. P. major s.l. has been identified as the vector species for SFTV. Bovidae need to be evaluated as probable amplifying hosts for SFTV.  相似文献   

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