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Previous studies of control of fingertip forces in skilled manipulation have focused on tasks involving two digits, typically the thumb and index finger. Here we examine control of fingertip actions in a multidigit task in which subjects lifted an object using unimanual and bimanual grasps engaging the tips of the thumb and two fingers. The grasps resembled those used when lifting a cylindrical object from above; the two fingers were some 4.25 cm apart and the thumb was approximately 5.54 cm from either finger. The three-dimensional forces and torques applied by each digit and the digit contact positions were measured along with the position and orientation of the object. The vertical forces applied tangential to the grasp surfaces to lift the object were synchronized across the digits, and the contribution by each digit to the total vertical force reflected intrinsic object properties (geometric relationship between the object's center of mass and the grasped surfaces). Subjects often applied small torques tangential to the grasped surfaces even though the object could have been lifted without such torques. The normal forces generated by each digit increased in parallel with the local tangential load (force and torque), providing an adequate safety margin against slips at each digit. In the present task, the orientations of the force vectors applied by the separate digits were not fully constrained and therefore the motor controller had to choose from a number of possible solutions. Our findings suggest that subjects attempt to minimize (or at least reduce) fingertip forces while at the same time ensure that grasp stability is preserved. Subjects also avoid horizontal tangential forces, even at a small cost in total force. Moreover, there were subtle actions exerted by the digits that included changes in the distribution of vertical forces across digits and slight object tilt. It is not clear to what extent the brain explicitly controlled these actions, but they could serve, for instance, to keep tangential torques small and to compensate for variations in digit contact positions. In conclusion, we have shown that when lifting an object with a three-digit grip, the coordination of fingertip forces, in many respects, matches what has been documented previously for two-digit grasping. At the same time, our study reveals novel aspects of force control that emerge only in multidigit manipulative tasks.  相似文献   

Recent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies suggest that the control of fingertip forces between the index finger and the thumb (precision grips) is dependent on bilateral frontal and parietal regions in addition to the primary motor cortex contralateral to the grasping hand. Here we use fMRI to examine the hypothesis that some of the areas of the brain associated with precision grips are more strongly engaged when subjects generate small grip forces than when they employ large grip forces. Subjects grasped a stationary object using a precision grip and employed a small force (3.8 N) that was representative of the forces that are typically used when manipulating small objects with precision grips in everyday situations or a large force (16.6 N) that represents a somewhat excessive force compared with normal everyday usage. Both force conditions involved the generation of time-variant static and dynamic grip forces under isometric conditions guided by auditory and tactile cues. The main finding was that we observed stronger activity in the bilateral cortex lining the inferior part of the precentral sulcus (area 44/ventral premotor cortex), the rostral cingulate motor area, and the right intraparietal cortex when subjects applied a small force in comparison to when they generated a larger force. This observation suggests that secondary sensorimotor related areas in the frontal and parietal lobes play an important role in the control of fine precision grip forces in the range typically used for the manipulation of small objects.  相似文献   

Control of grasp stability during pronation and supination movements   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
 We analyzed the control of grasp stability during a major manipulative function of the human hand: rotation of a grasped object by pronation and supination movement. We investigated the regulation of grip forces used to stabilize an object held by a precision grip between the thumb and index finger when subjects rotated it around a horizontal axis. Because the center of mass was located distal to the grip axis joining the fingertips, destabilizing torque tangential to the grasp surfaces developed when the grip axis rotated relative to the field of gravity. The torque load was maximal when the grip axis was horizontal and minimal when it was vertical. An instrumented test object, with a mass distribution that resulted in substantial changes in torque load during the rotation task, measured forces and torques applied by the digits. The mass distribution of the object was unpredictably changed between trials. The grip force required to stabilize the object increased directly with increasing torque load. Importantly, the grip force used by the subjects also changed in proportion to the torque load such that subjects always employed adequate safety margins against rotational slips, i.e., some 20–40% of the grip force. Rather than driven by sensory feedback pertaining to the torque load, the changes in grip force were generated as an integral part of the motor commands that accounted for the rotation movement. Subjects changed the grip force in parallel with, or even slightly ahead of, the rotation movement, whereas grip force responses elicited by externally imposed torque load changes were markedly delayed. Moreover, blocking sensory information from the digits did not appreciably change the coordination between movement and grip force. We thus conclude that the grip force was controlled by feedforward rather than by feedback mechanisms. These feedforward mechanisms would thus predict the consequences of the rotation movement in terms of changes in fingertip loads when the orientation of the grip axis changed in the field of gravity. Changes in the object’s center of mass between trials resulted in a parametric scaling of the motor commands prior to their execution. This finding suggests that the sensorimotor memories used in manipulation to adapt the motor output for the physical properties of environmental objects also encompass information related to an object’s center of mass. This information was obtained by somatosensory cues when subjects initially grasped the object with the grip axis vertical, i.e., during minimum tangential torque load. Received: 16 October 1998 / Accepted: 1 February 1999  相似文献   

Control of isometric grip forces during manipulation of objects is an essential feature of all skilled manual performances. Recent studies suggested that the anticipation of movement-induced loads may be a cerebellar function. We analysed grip force adjustments to fluctuations of inertial loads during discrete vertical movements with a grasped object in five patients with cerebellar atrophy and five healthy control subjects. Normally grip force is precisely adapted to the load fluctuations, in particular to the maximum load force, which occurs early in upward and late in downward movements. Both groups produced similar accelerations of the grasped object and consequently similar maximum loads. However, cerebellar patients established increased static grip forces during stationary holding of the object and increased force ratios between grip and load force at the time of maximum acceleration. These findings are congruent with earlier studies analysing grip and load force coupling in patients with cerebellar lesions. In contrast to earlier studies, we found no significant differences in the timing of grip force onset and grip force maximum relative to the onset of movement and maximum acceleration, respectively, between normal controls and four of five cerebellar patients. However, a regression analysis between grip and load forces during the load increase and decrease phases of the movement suggested deficits in the close temporospatial coupling between the two forces in all cerebellar patients. Our findings give further support to the notion that the cerebellum plays a crucial role in the forward control of grip force magnitude and timing during voluntary object manipulation. Compared to earlier studies, the increase in grip forces may be interpreted as a general control strategy to compensate for motor deficits, whereas impairments of temporal grip force regulation may occur at different degrees of dysfunction during the progression of cerebellar atrophy.  相似文献   

Cortical activity in precision- versus power-grip tasks: an fMRI study   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Most manual grips can be divided in precision and power grips on the basis of phylogenetic and functional considerations. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to compare human brain activity during force production by the right hand when subjects used a precision grip and a power grip. During the precision-grip task, subjects applied fine grip forces between the tips of the index finger and the thumb. During the power-grip task, subjects squeezed a cylindrical object using all digits in a palmar opposition grasp. The activity recorded in the primary sensory and motor cortex contralateral to the operating hand was higher when the power grip was applied than when subjects applied force with a precision grip. In contrast, the activity in the ipsilateral ventral premotor area, the rostral cingulate motor area, and at several locations in the posterior parietal and prefrontal cortices was stronger while making the precision grip than during the power grip. The power grip was associated predominately with contralateral left-sided activity, whereas the precision-grip task involved extensive activations in both hemispheres. Thus our findings indicate that in addition to the primary motor cortex, premotor and parietal areas are important for control of fingertip forces during precision grip. Moreover, the ipsilateral hemisphere appears to be strongly engaged in the control of precision-grip tasks performed with the right hand.  相似文献   

The present study examined the initiation of digit contact and fingertip force development during whole-hand grasping. Sixteen healthy subjects grasped an object instrumented with force transducers at each digit and lifted it 10 cm. The grip (normal) and load (tangential) forces and the position of the object were recorded. Twenty-five lifts were performed with various object weights (300 g, 600 g, 900 g) and surface textures (sandpaper and rayon). Despite the large number of degrees of freedom, grip initiation with an object using the whole hand was characterized by stereotypical contact patterns, which are idiosyncratic to each subject across all object weights and textures. However, in spite of the initial asymmetric control, the forces were mainly synchronized by the occurrence of the peak grip and load force rates. The contribution of each digit to the total grip force decreased from radial to ulnar digits. The final force distribution was generally established already at the onset of load forces. Only subtle adjustments were seen thereafter, suggesting a fairly fixed force distribution pattern throughout the grasp. The findings suggest that, despite the large number of degrees of freedom in terms of contact initiation and force distribution in whole-hand grasping: (1) subjects employ preferred movement patterns to establish object contact with their digits, and (2) synchronize the subsequent force development and temporal coordination of the task. Thus while the complexity of the task requires control mechanisms beyond those seen in two-finger precision grasping, there are strategies to simplify the complex task of the initiation and development of fingertip forces in whole-hand grasping.  相似文献   

We investigated within- and between-hand grip and load force coordination in healthy young subjects during bimanual tasks involving realistic manual actions. Actions involving disparate actions of the two hands (bimanual asymmetry) were expected to result in lower overall measures of within- and between-hand measures of grip and load force coordination. As dissociation between two hands performing disparate actions may be expected, it was also hypothesized that increased task asymmetry would result in a shift toward higher within-hand force coordination. Features such as object rotation were found to reduce some, but not all indices of both within- and between-hand force coordination. The action of connecting two independent objects was associated with declines in all indices of within- and between-hand force coordination. Evidence of task-specific differences in force application timing and a trend toward within-hand grip-load coordination differences in the current data set suggest that individual hand specification emerges naturally in everyday bimanual prehension tasks, independent of the action role of the assigned to the dominant and non-dominant hands.  相似文献   

A characteristic of skilled movement is the ability of the CNS to predict the consequences of motor commands. When we lift an object there is an anticipatory increase in grip force that prevents a grasped object from slipping. When an object is pulled from our grasp by an external force, a reflexive modulation in grip force prevents slippage. Here we examine how external perturbations to a grasped object influence anticipatory grip force during object manipulation using a bimanual task, with each hand holding a computer-controlled object. Subjects were instructed to maintain the position of the object held in the right hand. Loading was applied to this restrained object: either self-generated by the action of their left hand or externally generated by a motor. The magnitude of the grip force response to self-generated loading increased after the object was loaded, and the latency of this response remained predictive of load force. This implies that external and self-generated loading increase the anticipatory grip force response. Unlinked trials, where the subject's moved their left hand but no loading was generated on the right-hand object were used to assess the presence of purely predictive control of grip force. External loading soon after self-generated loading maintained an existing predictive response once the linkage between the subject's action and object loading had been removed. However, external loading had no influence as the existing prediction decays. Therefore, the predictive grip force response during object manipulation can be significantly modified by object loading from an external source.  相似文献   

Most objects that we manipulate have curved surfaces. We have analyzed how subjects during a prototypical manipulatory task use visual and tactile sensory information for adapting fingertip actions to changes in object curvature. Subjects grasped an elongated object at one end using a precision grip and lifted it while instructed to keep it level. The principal load of the grasp was tangential torque due to the location of the center of mass of the object in relation to the horizontal grip axis joining the centers of the opposing grasp surfaces. The curvature strongly influenced the grip forces required to prevent rotational slips. Likewise the curvature influenced the rotational yield of the grasp that developed under the tangential torque load due to the viscoelastic properties of the fingertip pulps. Subjects scaled the grip forces parametrically with object curvature for grasp stability. Moreover in a curvature-dependent manner, subjects twisted the grasp around the grip axis by a radial flexion of the wrist to keep the desired object orientation despite the rotational yield. To adapt these fingertip actions to object curvature, subjects could use both vision and tactile sensibility integrated with predictive control. During combined blindfolding and digital anesthesia, however, the motor output failed to predict the consequences of the prevailing curvature. Subjects used vision to identify the curvature for efficient feedforward retrieval of grip force requirements before executing the motor commands. Digital anesthesia caused little impairment of grip force control when subjects had vision available, but the adaptation of the twist became delayed. Visual cues about the form of the grasp surface obtained before contact was used to scale the grip force, whereas the scaling of the twist depended on visual cues related to object movement. Thus subjects apparently relied on different visuomotor mechanisms for adaptation of grip force and grasp kinematics. In contrast, blindfolded subjects used tactile cues about the prevailing curvature obtained after contact with the object for feedforward adaptation of both grip force and twist. We conclude that humans use both vision and tactile sensibility for feedforward parametric adaptation of grip forces and grasp kinematics to object curvature. Normal control of the twist action, however, requires digital afferent input, and different visuomotor mechanisms support the control of the grasp twist and the grip force. This differential use of vision may have a bearing to the two-stream model of human visual processing.  相似文献   

 The experiment examined the anticipatory modulation of grip force with respect to load force during a drawer opening task. An impact force was introduced by a mechanical stop that arrested movement of the pulling hand. The results showed a typical grip force profile which consisted of two evolving phases, one to control drawer movement onset, and the other to secure grip force at the expected impact. Initially, grip force increased with the load force that was developed to overcome the inertia of the drawer. After the first peak, a small decline was observed, followed by a proactive grip force increase prior to the time of impact. During this ramp-like increase of grip force, load force remained unchanged. In addition, a reactive response was triggered by the impact. That anticipatory control with respect to an impact force is not innate but, rather, is learned by experience was evidenced by a comparison of adults and children. Whereas adults made the characteristic grip force adjustments to anticipate the impact, children used a probing strategy with irregular build-up of force until impact. Furthermore, adults calibrated the second phase of the grip force profile in the initial trials of the task, indicating that grip force was rapidly updated with information related to the impact force. The present results demonstrate that grip-load force coordination during manipulation is a necessity for dealing with destabilizing load perturbations produced by self-induced movement and impact forces. It is concluded that grip force is adjusted automatically, but in a flexible manner, to secure grip in accordance with the characteristics of the pulling synergy. Received: 13 October 1997 / Accepted: 29 June 1998  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate grip-load force regulation in Huntington's disease (HD) patients as compared to control subjects during the performance of a manipulative task that required rhythmical unimanual or bimanual isodirectional/non-isodirectional actions in the sagittal plane. Results showed that the profile of grip-load ratio force was characterized by maxima and minima that were attained at upward and downward hand positions, respectively. Minimum force ratio was higher in patients than in controls, which points to an elevated baseline that may be related to the inherent bradykinesia observed in HD. Maximum force ratio was also increased in patients, but this effect depended on the performance condition, with largest amplifications occurring during non-isodirectional movements. The latter rescaling may be associated with the complexity of the coordination mode and its asymmetrical load characteristics. In addition, the temporal delay between the grip and load force peaks was augmented in patients versus controls, indicating a disturbed coupled activation of both forces. Furthermore, the interval was largest during non-isodirectional movements followed by isodirectional and unimanual movements, which denotes that the grip-load force coupling deteriorated as a function of coordinative complexity. Together, these data indicate a deficit in the grip-load force constraint due to HD and illustrate the degrading effect of striatal dysfunction on (bi)manual manipulative function.  相似文献   

We investigated the coordination of fingertip forces in subjects who lifted an object (i) using the index finger and thumb of their right hand, (ii) using their left and right index fingers, and (iii) cooperatively with another subject using the right index finger. The forces applied normal and tangential to the two parallel grip surfaces of the test object and the vertical movement of the object were recorded. The friction between the object and the digits was varied independently at each surface between blocks of trials by changing the materials covering the grip surfaces. The object’s weight and surface materials were held constant across consecutive trials. The performance was remarkably similar whether the task was shared by two subjects or carried out unimanually or bimanually by a single subject. The local friction was the main factor determining the normal:tangential force ratio employed at each digit-object interface. Irrespective of grasp configuration, the subjects adapted the force ratios to the local frictional conditions such that they maintained adequate safety margins against slips at each of the engaged digits during the various phases of the lifting task. Importantly, the observed force adjustments were not obligatory mechanical consequences of the task. In all three grasp configurations an incidental slip at one of the digits elicited a normal force increase at both engaged digits such that the normal:tangential force ratio was restored at the non-slipping digit and increased at the slipping digit. The initial development of the fingertip forces prior to object lift-off revealed that the subjects employed digit-specific anticipatory mechanisms using weight and frictional experiences in the previous trial. Because grasp stability was accomplished in a similar manner whether the task was carried out by one subject or cooperatively by two subjects, it was concluded that anticipatory adjustments of the fingertip forces can emerge from the action of anatomically independent neural networks controlling each engaged digit. In contrast, important aspects of the temporal coordination of the digits was organized by a “higher level” sensory – based control that influenced both digits. In lifts by single subjects this control was mast probably based on tactile and visual input and on communication between neural control mechanisms associated with each digit. In the two-subject grasp configuration this synchronization information was based on auditory and visual cues.  相似文献   

Thirteen patients with Parkinson's disease and 13 age-matched control subjects performed vertical point-to-point arm movements with an instrumented object, starting and ending with the object being held stationary. All Parkinsonian patients were tested on medication. Parkinsonian patients retained all aspects of predictive grip force control. Compared with healthy controls, they generated similar static grip forces during stationary holding and similar force ratios between maximum grip and load force, reflecting effective grip force adjustments in relation to movement-induced inertial loads. Grip and load force maximums coincided very closely, indicating that temporal aspects of predictive grip force regulation were also unaffected. However, Parkinsonian subjects showed additional oscillations in acceleration and grip force due to tremor and produced significantly slower arm accelerations due to bradykinesia. The results suggest that Parkinson's disease does not significantly impair the anticipation of movement-induced load fluctuations during voluntary arm movements with a grasped object performed on medication.  相似文献   

A total of 20 right-handed subjects were asked to perform a grasp-lift-and-hold task using a precision grip. The grasped object was a one-degree-of-freedom manipuladum consisting of a vertically mounted linear motor capable of generating resistive forces to simulate a range of object weights. In the initial study, seven subjects (6 women, 1 man; ages 24-56 yr) were first asked to lift and hold the object stationary for 4 s. The object presented a metal tab with two different surface textures and offered one of four resistive forces (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 N). The lifts were performed both with and without visual feedback. Next, the subjects were asked to perform the same grasping sequence again after ring block anesthesia of the thumb and index finger with mepivacaine. The objective was to determine the degree to which an internal model obtained through prior familiarity might compensate for the loss of cutaneous sensation. In agreement with previous studies, it was found that all subjects applied significantly greater grip force after digital anesthesia, and the coordination between grip and load forces was disrupted. It appears from these data, that the internal model alone is insufficient to completely compensate for the loss of cutaneous sensation. Moreover, the results suggest that the internal model must have either continuous tonic excitation from cutaneous receptors or at least frequent intermittent reiteration to function optimally. A subsequent study performed with 10 additional subjects (9 women, 1 man; ages 24-49 yr) indicated that with unimpaired cutaneous feedback, the grasping and lifting forces were applied together with negligible forces and torques in other directions. In contrast, after digital anesthesia, significant additional linear and torsional forces appeared, particularly in the horizontal and frontal planes. These torques were thought to arise partially from the application of excessive grip force and partially from a misalignment of the two grasping fingers. These torques were further increased by an imbalance in the pressure exerted by the two opposing fingers. Vision of the grasping hand did not significantly correct the finger misalignment after digital anesthesia. Taken together, these results suggest that mechanoreceptors in the fingertips signal the source and direction of pressure applied to the skin. The nervous system uses this information to adjust the fingers and direct the pinch forces optimally for grasping and object manipulation.  相似文献   

Old age impairs the ability to form new associations for declarative memory, but the ability to acquire and retain procedural memories remains relatively intact. Thus, it is unclear whether old age affects the ability to learn the visuomotor associations needed to set efficient fingertip forces for handling familiar objects. We studied the ability for human subjects to use visual cues (color) about the mechanical properties (texture or weight) of a grasped object to control fingertip forces during prehension. Old and young adults (mean age 77 years and 22 years, respectively) grasped and lifted an object that varied in texture at the gripped surfaces (experiment 1: sandpaper versus acetate surface materials) or weight (experiment 2: 200 g versus 400 g). The object was color-coded according to the mechanical property in the "visual cue" condition, and the mechanical property varied unpredictably across lifts in the "no visual cue" condition. In experiment 1 (texture), the young adults' grip force (force normal to the gripped surface) when the object lifted from the support surface was 24% smaller when the surfaces were color-coded. The old adults' grip force did not vary between the visual conditions despite their accurate reports of the grip surface colors prior to each lift. Comparable findings were obtained in experiment 2, when object weight was varied and peak grip force rate prior to object lift-off was measured. Furthermore old and young subjects alike used about 2 N of grip force when lifting the 200 g object in experiment 2. Therefore, the old adults' failure to adjust grip force when the color cue was present cannot be attributed to a general inability or unwillingness to use low grip force when handling objects. We conclude that old age affects the associative learning that links visual identification of an object with the fingertip forces for efficiently handling the object. In contrast, old and young subjects' grip force was influenced by the preceding lift, regardless of visual cues, which supports existing theories that multiple internal representations govern predictive control of fingertip forces during prehension.  相似文献   

Summary The coordination of manipulative forces was examined while children and adults repeatedly lifted a small object between the thumb and index finger. Grip force, load force (vertical lifting force), grip force rate and the vertical position of the test object were continuously measured. In adults, the force generation was highly automatized and was nearly invariant between trials. After a preload phase in which the grip was established, the grip and load forces increased in parallel under isometric conditions until the load force overcame the force of gravity and the object started to move. During this loading phase, the force rate profiles were essentially bell shaped and single peaked, suggesting that the force increases were programmed as one coordinated event. Children below the age of two exhibited a prolonged preload phase and a loading phase during which the grip and load forces did not increase in parallel. A major increase in grip force preceded the increase in load force, and at the start of the loading phase, the grip force was usually several Newtons (N). The force rate profiles were multi peaked with step-wise force increases most likely allowing peripheral feedback to play an important role in the control of the forces. After the age of two, the grip force increased less during the preload phase. The loading phase was more regularly characterized by a parallel increase of the grip force and load force and the duration of the various phases decreased. The older children programmed the forces in one force rate pulse indicating the emergence of an anticipatory strategy. Yet, the mature coordination of forces was not fully developed until several years later. It was concluded that the development of the precision grip was based upon the formation of a lift synergy coupling grip and load force generating circuits and that it seems to involve a transition from feedback control to feedforward control.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the activity changes in single units of the somatosensory cortex in response to lubricating and adhesive coatings applied to a hand-held object. Three monkeys were trained to grasp an object between the thumb and index fingers and to lift and hold it stationary within a narrow position window for 1 s before release. Grip forces normal to the skin surface, load forces tangential to the skin surface, and the displacement of the object were measured on each trial. Adhesive (rosin) and lubricant (petroleum jelly) coatings were applied to the smooth metal surface of the object to alter the friction against the skin. In addition, neuronal activity evoked by force pulse-perturbations generating shear forces and slip on the skin were compared with the patterns of activity elicited by grasping and lifting the coated surfaces. Following changes in surface coatings, both monkeys modulated the rate at which grip forces normal to the skin surface and load forces tangential to the skin surface were applied during the lifting phase of the task. As a result, the ratio of the rates of change of the two forces was proportionately scaled to the surface coating properties with the more slippery surfaces, having higher ratios. This precise control of normal and tangential forces enabled the monkeys to generate adequate grip forces and prevent slip of the object. From a total of 386 single neurons recorded in the hand area of the somatosensory cortex, 92 were tested with at least 1 coating. Cell discharge changed significantly with changes in surface coating in 62 (67%) of these cells. Of these coating-related cells, 51 were tested with both an adhesive and lubricating coating, and 45 showed significant differences in activity between the untreated metal surface and either the lubricant or the adhesive coating. These cells were divided into three main groups on the basis of their response patterns. In the first group (group A), the peak discharge increased significantly when the grasped surface was covered with lubricant. These cells appeared to be selectively sensitive to slip of the object on the skin. The second group (group B) was less activated by the adhesive surface compared with either the untreated metal or the lubricated surface, and they responded mainly to variations in the force normal to the skin surface. These cells provide useful feedback for the control of grip force. The third group (group C) responded to both slips and to changes in forces tangential to the skin. Most of these cells responded with a biphasic pattern reflecting the bidirectional changes in load force as the object was first accelerated and then decelerated. One hundred sixty-eight of the 386 isolated neurons were tested with brief perturbations during the task. Of these, 147 (88%) responded to the perturbation with a significant change in activity. In most of the cells, the response to the perturbation was shorter than 100 ms with a mean latency of 44.1 +/- 16.3 (SD) ms. For each of the cell groups, the activity patterns triggered by the perturbations were consistent with the activity patterns generated during the grasping and lifting of the coated object.  相似文献   

Studies on grasp control underlying manual dexterity in people with Parkinson disease (PD) suggest that anticipatory grasp control is mainly unaffected during discrete tasks using simple two-digit grasp. Nevertheless, impaired hand function during daily activities is one of the most disabling symptoms of PD. As many daily grasping activities occur during functional movements involving the whole body, impairments in anticipatory grasp control might emerge during a continuous dynamic task such as object transport during walking. In this case, grasp control must be coordinated along with multiple body segments. The present study investigated the effect of PD on anticipatory grasp control and intersegmental coordination during walking with a hand-held object. Nine individuals with idiopathic PD (tested OFF and ON medication) and nine healthy age-matched controls carried a grip instrument between their right thumb and index finger during self-paced and fast walking. Although the amplitude of grip forces was higher in standing and walking for subjects with PD, both subjects with PD and control subjects coupled grip and inertial force changes in an anticipatory fashion while walking. However, gait-induced motions of the object relative to that of the trunk (i.e., dampening) was reduced in subjects with PD. Medication increased the dampening in all subjects with PD. We suggest that these differences are associated with impairments in intersegmental coordination.  相似文献   

A commonly experienced effect of cold is a sensation of numbness and loss of sensibility in the fingers. Intact tactile sensibility of the grasping digits is essential for the efficient scaling of grip force level during the manipulation of hand-held objects. We investigated whether or not cooling of the grasping digits affects scaling of the grip force magnitude in relation to the loads resulting from continuous vertical arm movements performed with a grasped instrumented object. Maxima and minima of load force occurred at the lower and upper turning point of the movement cycle, respectively, and were accompanied by maximum and minimum peaks in grip force occurring close in time prior to and following digit cooling, respectively. Thus, digit cooling did not influence the ability to adjust the grip force profile in anticipation of movement-induced fluctuations in load force. However, subjects established significantly higher grip forces against the hand-held object following digit cooling and generated a 10–70% higher ratio between grip and load forces at the upper and lower turning points of the movement cycle. It is thought that the impaired economical scaling of grip force level is the result of reduced sensory feedback from the grasping fingers during digit cooling. The results provide further evidence to support the suggestion that cutaneous afferent input plays a subordinate role in the predictive temporal regulation of the grip force profile, but is used to adapt economically the force level to the actual loading requirements during dynamic object manipulation. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the change in the fingertip forces and balance control of young adults and older adults. The subjects lifted an object of constant weight (i.e., 1500 g) using their right hand, first in a seated position and then in a standing position. We quantified the ability of the participants to adjust their fingertip forces across trials by comparing the percentage of change in the peak grip force, peak load force and the ratio between peak grip force and peak load force. Moreover, we quantified their ability to stabilize their balance following the lifting of the object in the standing condition. The results showed that in both conditions young adults reduced their peak grip force much more than older adults across trials. In the seated condition, young adults increased slightly their peak load force, across trials, while older adults reduced it. In the standing condition, both groups showed similar change in peak load force across trials. Remarkably, older adults improved their balance stability similarly to young adults in the standing condition. This observation suggests that the ability of the older adults to modulate grip force applied to an object while standing is diminished probably to dedicate more attention to the balance control task rather than fine-tuning the grip force. Reducing balance instability following repetitive lifting is certainly more beneficial as the consequences of a fall could be more dramatic than dropping a cup of coffee.  相似文献   

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