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赵俐 《广西中医药》2005,28(4):31-32
补中益气汤为李东垣《脾胃论》名方,用于治疗脾胃气虚、气虚下陷所致的诸多病症。有补中益气,升阳举陷之功效。该方应用广泛,证属气虚气陷者,辨证使然,每获奇效,现举验案数则如下。  相似文献   

刘良徛  李伟 《江西中医药》2006,37(12):61-62
补中益气汤出自李东垣《脾胃论》一书,是根据内经“劳之温之、损者益之”的经旨而制订的甘温补剂。是治疗劳役伤脾、气虚身热、病后体虚、脾气衰弱等症的良方,是补气升阳、甘温除热的代表方。其功效益气升阳、调补脾胃,主治脾胃气虚、中气下陷所引起的一切病证。笔者近年来根据“谨守病机,异病同治”的古训,师古法而不泥其方,灵活辨证运用于治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD),收到满意临床效果,现报道如下:  相似文献   

补中益气汤出自《脾胃论》,是补气升阳的代表方,原为甘温补气除热而设。临床上常用于治疗中气不足,气虚下陷或气虚发热之证。在临床上笔者师其法而用之,治疗脑鸣、淋证、畏寒等病,取得满意效果。  相似文献   

三升阳方,指升阳散火汤、升阳益胃汤和补中益气汤.三方均载于李杲《脾胃论》,均有升阳、益胃和补中的作用.仝小林教授临床运用三方治疗非感染性不明原因发热,取得了良好的效果.仝教授认为,三方同治郁火,区别在于脾虚程度的不同.升阳散火汤为脾阳被遏,脾胃气虚程度尚轻,外郁四末,上郁咽喉,治以升发清阳之气为主,佐以补脾;升阳益胃汤脾虚较前方为重,除四肢发烫外,尚有全身热象;补中益气汤脾胃气虚重,除有周身发热外,中气下陷之诸证是其显著特点.笔者通过对三方的方义、方源、方证及临床运用的分析与总结,以进一步解读仝小林教授对于东垣气虚发热理论的理解和运用.  相似文献   

补中益气汤临床新用体会益阳县中医院(413002)贺罗生主题词补中益气汤/治疗应用补中益气汤为李东垣《脾胃论》方。有补中益气,升阳举陷,甘温除热之功。主治因气虚发热,中气下陷所致的多种病证。笔者曾运用本方治疗不寐、心悸、石淋、月经过多等而获奇功。兹择...  相似文献   

李蒂 《中医药学刊》2004,22(10):1917
“火与元气不两立”是李东垣在《脾胃论》中论述阴火与元气相互制约关系时所提出的理论,从而使后世医家更加明确了“元气”与“火”的基本概念、“火与元气不两立”的病理机制以及其在治疗上的临床意义。李东垣通过自己长期的临床观察,提出“火与元气不两立”的理论,是他治疗内伤发热配方制剂的理论依据。东垣治疗内伤发热诸证的方剂,都是依据这一原则定出来的,其中最具代表性的方剂是“补脾胃泻阴火升阳汤”、“补中益气汤”等,具有补气升阳、甘温除热的作用,临床用于治疗脾胃气虚证、气虚下陷证、气虚发热证等。  相似文献   

补中益气汤方出李东垣《脾胃论》,是治疗“清气隔于下、阴火乘其土位”之证,适应范围较广,是一切虚损劳伤所致气虚的主方。方中黄芪益气为君药,党参补中为臣药,白术健脾、当归补血、陈皮理气为佐药,升麻、柴胡升阳为使药。本方不仅能补气升阳、甘温除热,而且还有补气摄血之疗效。笔者近几年把此方广泛用于临床各种病症,尽管它们是不同疾病,但在其发展过程中均出现共同的中气下陷病机,均取得较好  相似文献   

补中益气汤出自李东垣《脾胃论》,有黄芪、甘草、人参、当归、陈皮、升麻、柴胡’白术组成,目前临床常以党参作为人参代用品。有补中益气,升阳举陷的作用。为治脾胃气虚和气虚下陷而设,为甘温除大热的代表方。刘怀栋主任医师在多年的临床实践中’取其配伍之妙和调补中焦阳气的功能,应用该方治疗眼科多种疑难疾病,收到了良好效果,现总结如下。  相似文献   

李敏侠  王旭东 《陕西中医》2003,24(4):364-365
补中益气汤方出李东恒《脾胃论》,是治疗 "清气隔于下 ,阴火乘其上 "之证 ,适用范围极广 ,是一切虚损劳伤所致气虚的主方。方中黄芪益气为君药 ,参、草补中为臣药 ,白术健脾、当归补血、陈皮理气 ,均为佐药。升麻、柴胡升阳为使药。合而升阳益气 ,甘温除热。笔者近几年来 ,每以  相似文献   

甘温除热,指用昧甘性温的方药,以解除气虚发热的一种治法。为金元医家李东垣所刨,以益气升阳的补中益气汽为代表方剂.甘温除热理论渊源于《内经》,李东垣根据先贤的理论结合自己的医疗实践和经验,提出治疗气虚发热“惟当以辛甘温之剂,补其中升其阳,甘寒以泻其火则愈矣”(《脾胃论》)“盖温能除大热,大忌苦寒之药泻胃土耳!今立补中益气汤。”  相似文献   

腰椎间盘突出症是腰椎间盘发生退行性改变以后,在外力的作用下,导致椎间后部压力增高,发生纤维环破裂向后外侧突出,刺激后纵韧带或压迫神经根,引起腰腿疼痛的病症。属中医学“腰痛”和“痹证”范畴。从2001年3月~2007年3月,笔者运用自拟三木固脱汤为主治疗腰椎间盘突出症而致腰腿疼痛,取得较好的疗效,现将资料完整的58例报道如下。  相似文献   

消化性溃疡是临床常见病、多发病,经治疗症状虽有改善,且易复发。近年来认为本病的发生与幽门螺旋杆菌有高度相关性,故有“无幽门螺旋杆菌就无胃病”之说。笔者近年来,自拟愈疡汤治疗消化性溃疡48例,疗效较好。  相似文献   

胃脘痛是常见多发病。疼痛的主要部位是在上腹近心窝处,但不能与心痛混为一谈。它属现代医学的急、慢性胃炎、胃十二指肠溃疡、慢性肝炎的上腹疼痛等病的范畴。  相似文献   

内伤发热属临床常见病之一,缘于脏腑虚损,阴阳气血失调,以定时或不定时的频发低热为特点,多数患者神疲虚惫兼见,其病程冗长,缠绵难愈,甚为痛苦。近年来,我们根据临床表现,辨证施治,取得较好的治疗效果,现将体会浅谈如下。  相似文献   

<正>陆氏针灸疗法于2010年被纳入国家级非物质文化遗产名录,其作为"海派中医"的代表之一也同时被收录上海市非物质文化遗产名录。陆氏针灸在针刺、配穴、切诊方法以及经络理论等方面,均有不少独特的见解。陆氏针灸的创始人及核心人物为陆瘦燕先生。陆氏针灸的诸多理论形成,不仅凝聚了陆瘦燕先生毕生的心血,也同时囊括了包括朱汝功先生和很多受业弟子的努力挖掘和汇总、发展。谈月涓医师师从陆瘦燕先生,不仅将陆瘦燕先生  相似文献   

胃溃疡是一种慢性消化道疾病,反复发作,缠绵不愈。治疗上非常棘手,临床证状以上腹胃脘部疼痛,或隐痛、刺痛、胀痛为主,伴有胃脘胀满,嗳气或反酸、纳呆,神疾乏力,面黄,消瘦。近年来,我们运用越鞠汤治疗该病138例,疗效满意,现报道如下。  相似文献   

2005年6月~2007年3月,笔者采用中西医结合的方法治疗中风病气虚血瘀证患者72例,并与同期单纯西药治疗的36例进行对照观察,疗效满意,现报告如下。  相似文献   

Oplopanax elatus(Nakai) Nakai, a member of the ancient angiosperm plant family Araliaceae, is used for the treatment of different disorders in the medicine systems of China, Russia, and Korea, and was designated in Russia as a classical adaptogen. Despite extensive studies of classical adaptogens, there are comparatively few reports concerning the chemical composition and pharmacological effects of O. elatus in English. The plant is a potential source of saponins, flavonoids, anthraquinones, terpenes, and other active compounds. Experimental studies and clinical applications have indicated that O. elatus possesses a number of pharmacological activities, including adaptogenic, anti-convulsant, anti-diabetic, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, blood pressure modulating, and reproductive function effects. In this review, the chemistry, safety, and therapeutic potential of O. elatus are summarized and highlighted to encourage the further development of this plant.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of Zhuyesh- igao granule (ZSG) on tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-2, IL-6, and IL-8 in rats with radiation esophagitis. METHODS: Fifty Wistar rats were randomly divid- ed into five groups (10 rats in each group): con- trol (without radiation), saline-treated, and low, medium, and high-dose ISG-treated groups. Rats were given normal saline (10 mL/kg) or 1.15, 2.3, or 4.6 g/kg ZSG by intragastric administration once a day for 7 days. A rat model of radiation esophagi- tis was established by local irradiation of Co60 (490.25 cGy/min, totaling 30 Gy). The administra- tion of ZSG was continued for another 7 days and on the 7th day post-irradiation, inferior vena cavablood was collected. The serum was separated, and TNF-a, IL-1, IL-2, 11_-6, and IL-8 protein levels were determined. RESULTS: Inflammatory response factors were found in the serum of each group. However, levels in ZSG-treated groups were significantly lower than in the saline-treated group (P〈0.05). CONCLUSION: ZSG may prevent the development of radiation esophagitis, perhaps by inhibiting the generation and release of the inflammatory re- sponse factors TNF-a, IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, and IL-8.  相似文献   

Some plants have proven efficacy in the management of diabetes mellitus, of which Costus afer is one. This study was designed to evaluate the cytological and biochemical properties, and comparative ameliorating effects, of an aqueous extract of Costus afer Ker Gawl.(Costaceae) leaf and glibenclamide(GBM), in liver, kidney, and pancreatic injury induced by alloxan. Thirty male albino rats were divided into six weight-matched groups. Group one served as the negative control(non-induced and non-treated, control), while groups 2–6 were alloxan-induced diabetic groups. Group 2 served as a positive control(induced and non-treated, IC), groups 3–5 were treated with different doses of the extract(375, 750, and 1 125 mg/kg body weight) and glibenclamide, respectively. Body weight, absolute and relative organ weights, food and fluid intake, levels of serum glucose and liver enzymes and kidney parameters were calculated and compared. Hepatocytes, renal tubules, and pancreatic cells of diabetic rats, in diabetic non-treated and treated rats were harvested and examined histopathologically. There was dose dependent amelioration on the injuries induced by alloxan on both hepatocytes, renal tubules, and pancreatic cells after treatment with Costus afer. The glucose level was reduced significantly in the Costus afer treated diabetic rats compared with the non-treated diabetic group. Costus afer leaves seem to be effective against diabetic cell injury induced in rat liver, kidney, and pancreas.  相似文献   

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