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目的了解托幼机构儿童膳食营养与体格发育的状况.方法采用5日记帐称重法对遵义市某幼儿园2.5岁~6.0岁儿童共381名进行膳食调查,同时进行体格检查及血红蛋白测量.结果蛋白质、热量相对摄入不足,动物性蛋白摄入偏少,维生素A、钙和铁明显摄入不足,营养素之间不平衡.体格检查身长有18人不达标,占4.7%;体重不达标6人,占1.6%;超标28人,占7.3%;贫血22人,占5.8%.结论合理的膳食结构,科学的膳食行为是保证儿童正常生长发育的需要.  相似文献   

目的:了解托幼机构儿童膳食营养与体格发育的状况。方法:采用5日记帐称重法对遵义市某幼儿园2.5岁~6.0岁儿童共381名进行膳食调查,同时进行体格检查及血红蛋白测量。结果:蛋白质、热量相对摄入不足,动物性蛋白摄入偏少,维生素A、钙和铁明显摄入不足,营养素之间不平衡。体格检查身长有18人不达标,占4.7%;体重不达标6人,占1.6%;超标28人,占7.3%;贫血22人,占5.8%。结论:合理的膳食结构,科学的膳食行为是保证儿童正常生长发育的需要。  相似文献   

采用膳食调查、生长发育调查的方法,对齐齐哈尔市某幼儿园414名3.5~7岁日托儿童营养状况进行了分析与评价。儿童体格发育的群体评价结果优于哈尔滨市及九市城区1985年标准,达到或稍高于国际参考标准。膳食中供给不足的营养素主要是钙、视黄醇、核黄素、抗坏血酸,分别为平均供给量的52.0%、52.7%,42.5%和47.5%。  相似文献   

目的了解洪雅县托幼机构儿童膳食营养情况,分析与体格发育的关系,以指导膳食工作。方法采用记账和称重法对8所幼儿园膳食情况进行调查,并进行身高、体重和血色素等测定,分析膳食营养与体格发育的关系。结果幼儿园中膳食营养素和能量基本上能满足要求,膳食结构较合理,但部分营养素含量不足或结构不合理,铁的摄入量与贫血的患病率呈负相关。结论洪雅县幼儿园膳食总体上较合理,但应进一步改善,以促进儿童体格发育。  相似文献   

做好托幼机构的膳食管理,保证幼儿营养的供给,满足生长发育的需要,是儿童保健工作的一项重要内容。近年来张家港市妇幼保健所在托幼机构卫生保健工作中,十分注重对膳食的管理,并取得了较大的成效。1999年起,该市托幼机构幼儿体重超均值率均在55.0%以上;身高超均值率均在43.0%以上。现总结其主要做法和体会如下。  相似文献   

平衡膳食对儿童体格发育影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
蒋海乐  林贤青 《中国学校卫生》2005,26(12):996-996,998
目的 探讨平衡膳食对幼儿体格发育的影响,避免营养缺乏和营养过剩的发生.方法 以整体普查的方法对杭州市胜利幼儿园全体小班日托儿童104名进行调查.结果 该园儿童的膳食供给比较合理.平衡膳食促进了儿童体格发育,入园时与平衡膳食1 a后儿童体格发育情况比较,男童发育达标率由48.3%提高到了87.9%,女童发育达标率由50.0%提高到了88.5%.结论 平衡膳食能促进儿童的生长发育,家庭的膳食结构有待改进.  相似文献   

【目的】 评估幼儿园集体儿童的营养及体格发育状况,加强对集体儿童的膳食管理,保证在园儿童的体格发育所需的营养供给。 【方法】 对昆明市三所幼儿园3~6岁儿童1 272人进行膳食调查和体格检查。膳食调查营养计算采用电脑软件进行计算。体格检查方法按《中国九市儿童体格发育调查方案》要求进行,评价采用WHO的评价标准。【结果】 膳食调查园内、外的计算结果分别为:园内蛋白质摄入量43.5 g,达到平均供给量的87.7%,热量摄入量1 250 kCal,达供给量84.7%;园外蛋白质摄入量为8.47 g;达供给量的17.23%;热量摄入量为:211 kCal;达供给量的14.4%。各种营养素摄入基本达到建议推荐标准;只有钙、锌摄入不足。体格发育:W/A(年龄别体重)达平均值以上人数为415人(32.6%);H/A(年龄别身高)达平均值以上人数为527人(41.4%);W/H(身高别体重)达平均值以上人数为508人(39.9%)。总患病率为18.5%;其中呼吸道感染率占10%;营养不良患病率仅占3.5%; 【提示】 昆明市正规幼儿园(指教办、机关办)的膳食营养管理工作做得好,但仍应注意调整膳食结构;要重视园外补充量的摄入,在托幼机构及家长中开展营养教育,科学制定带量食谱,从而保证儿童的体格发育所需的营养素供给。  相似文献   

房少华  李燕  李慰 《中国妇幼保健》2007,22(10):1372-1374
目的:研究回族幼儿集体膳食,促进回族幼儿体格发育。方法:采用横断面调查方法,用SPSS10.0 for windows统计软件对所得资料进行统计学分析。结果:保教人员营养及保健知识知晓率由培训前的0.0%~30.0%上升到培训后的70.0%~90.0%;热能、蛋白质、钙、铁、锌,维生素A、B1、B2、C的摄入明显提高;谷类、豆类及制品、乳类、蛋类、鱼虾类、深色蔬菜、菌藻的摄入量及每周进食次数明显增加;身高、体重达均值以上者由36.3%、26.7%提高到51.5%、65.8%。低体重、发育迟缓、消瘦率由1.8%、2.7%、0.9%下降到0.0%、0.9%、0.0%。结论:开展对保教人员及家长、幼儿的营养知识教育;改进不合理的膳食结构是提高幼儿体格发育水平的有效途径。  相似文献   

膳食营养摄入情况直接关系到儿童的体格发育和身体健康。2006年,沙市区共有示范幼儿园3家,实行三餐一点的膳食管理制度,为了解该区示范幼儿园儿童膳食营养状况与体格发育情况,于2007年3月对其中一所幼儿园儿童膳食营养与体格发育情况进行了调查分析,报告如下。1对象和方法1.1对象荆州市沙市区一所示范幼儿园所有在园儿童。1.2方法1.2.1食谱资料采用称重法,对每餐食物种类进行称重登记,随机抽取3岁组(小班)、4岁组(中班)、5岁组(大班)各一个班,连续收集3 d进食量(三餐一点)。1.2.2体格发育指标测量每个儿童体重、身高。1.2.3对照指标中国营养…  相似文献   

幼儿生长发育的过程中,营养是促进其健康成长的重要因素,而合理膳食和医务监督是幼儿健康成长的重要保证.健康是幼儿全面发展的第一要素[1].……  相似文献   

老年高血压病平衡膳食护理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 通过对老年高血压病人膳食调查,为饮食护理干预提供依据.方法 对160例高血压病人膳食问卷调查,了解膳食危险因素,采用平衡膳食治疗高血压.结果 患者遵医饮食等非药物措施与药物治疗相结合,收缩压下降20 mmHg或舒张压下降10mmHg达17.5%.收缩压下降10 mmHg或舒张压下降5-10 mmHg达32.5%,收缩压下降3-10 mmHg或舒张压下降1-5 mmHg达28.1%.结论 膳食结构不合理是高血压病的重要易患因素之一,饮食治疗亦可配合药物治疗起到良好的降压作用,并能减少药物剂量而降低其副作用.  相似文献   

[目的 ] 了解缺铁性贫血 (IDA)对幼儿生长发育的影响。 [方法 ]对 1997年 5月至 1999年 7月在济南市中心医院社区内实行档案化管理的 3 90名 1岁儿童按贫血与否分为IDA组 ( 180例 )和正常对照组 ( 2 10人 ) ,将其体格发育和丹佛小儿发育筛查 (DDST)结果进行对比分析。 [结果 ]IDA组体格发育略低于正常对照组 ,差异无显著性 (P >0 0 5 ) ;DDST项目通过率则IDA组明显低于对照组 ,有 9个项目差异有显著性 (P <0 0 1或P <0 0 5 )。 [结论 ]IDA对幼儿生长发育有严重影响 ,应引起家长和儿保工作者的高度重视。  相似文献   

以平衡膳食为基础,适量补充维生素预防慢性疾病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析并评价了美国医学会杂志发表的Bjelakovic等“抗氧化补充剂在一级和二级预防的随机研究中的死亡率”一文,认为由于该报告的局限性,其“采用β-胡萝卜素、维生素A和维生素E治疗可能增加死亡率”的结论不适用于健康群体和中国情况。众多证据显示,以平衡膳食为基础,适量补充维生素有助于慢性疾病的预防。  相似文献   

Gluten-free diet (GFD) is the cornerstone treatment for celiac disease (CD). GFD implies a strict and lifelong elimination from the diet of gluten, the storage protein found in wheat, barley, rye and hybrids of these grains, such as kamut and triticale. The absence of gluten in natural and processed foods, despite being the key aspect of GFD, may lead to nutritional consequences, such as deficits and imbalances. The nutritional adequacy of GFD is particularly important in children, this the age being of maximal energy and nutrient requirements for growth, development and activity. In recent years, attention has focused on the nutritional quality of gluten-free products (GFPs) available in the market. It is well recognized that GFPs are considered of lower quality and poorer nutritional value compared to the gluten-containing counterparts. The present review focuses on the nutritional adequacy of GFD at the pediatric age, with the aim being to increase awareness of the potential complications associated with this diet, to identify strategies in order to avoid them and to promote a healthier diet and lifestyle in children with CD.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether an essential fatty acid (EFA)-deficient diet (saturated fat) fed during development would alter the pattern of dendritic growth in pyramidal neurons of mouse occipital cortex. Pregnant and lactating mice were fed either a saturated fat or control diet throughout pregnancy and lactation. At weaning, one female was selected randomly from each litter, and these animals were maintained on their respective diets and reared in an enriched environment for eight weeks. Following this, their brains were processed histologically using a modified Golgi-Cox method, and patterns of dendritic growth were analysed in occipital pyramidal cells. A Sholl concentric circle analysis indicated that, for basilar dendrites, starting at a distance of 62.5 μm, animals fed saturated fat had fewer crossings than controls, which is indicative of either shorter dendrites or of less dendritic branching. Although the analysis of branching order was not significant, the trend seen in these data supports less branching in the saturated fat group, particularly of third- and fourth-order dendrites. Similar effects were seen in the apical dendrites, although to a lesser extent. Covariance analysis indicated that these effects could not be accounted for by the smaller brains in the EFA-deficient group. They can therefore be considered preliminary support for an effect of EFA on the pattern of dendritic development.  相似文献   

We assessed mercury levels in the feathers of little tern (Sternula albifrons) chicks from hatching to fledging and in their prey captured by adults in three main foraging habitats: lagoon, salinas, and adjacent sea. These data were used to model mercury concentration in chick feathers through food ingestion, in order to explore the effects that changes in diet would have on the mercury burden of chicks as they aged. The mercury concentration in feathers of chicks raised in sandy beaches was higher than in those raised in salinas. Lagoon prey had a significantly higher mercury concentration (0.18 ± 0.09 μg g−1 dry weight [d.w.]) than prey from salinas and the adjacent sea (both 0.06 ± 0.03 μg g−1 d.w.). In relation to prey species group, mercury content was significantly higher for bottom fish (0.17 ± 0.10 μg g−1 d.w.) than for pelagic (0.08 ± 0.06 μg g−1 d.w.), euryhaline fish (0.04 ± 0.02 μg g−1 d.w.), and crustacea (0.08 ± 0.03 μg g−1 d.w.). To understand the importance of mercury content of each prey group, we ran several theoretical scenarios assuming that chicks were fed on only one species at a time. Considering a diet restricted to lagoon (mostly benthic) prey, A- and B-chicks may encounter health problems with an excess of mercury. On the contrary, a diet restricted to marine (mostly pelagic) prey would decrease the mercury concentration in chick feathers; the fast growth rate and the related mercury dilution effect in little tern chicks seem to decrease mercury levels in their feathers. Our study supports the fact that marine pelagic prey are important for estuarine seabirds because they provide a food resource with lower contamination levels. This model may have a wider application in similar seabird species and coastal environments.  相似文献   

GDM is a multifactorial disease, so there is controversy regarding the mechanisms involved in its pathogenesis. We speculate whether lifestyle and eating habits influenced the appearance and pathogenesis of GDM. To explore this issue, the aim of the present study was to analyze maternal diet and lifestyle characteristics in early pregnancy and their influence on the development of GDM. The study included 103 pregnant women who completed a questionnaire on nutritional knowledge, lifestyle and eating habits. Perinatal and biochemical outcomes as well as pregestational lifestyle and eating habits were compared between normoglycemic women and those who developed GDM. The results obtained showed that women who developed GDM had erroneous knowledge regarding nutrition. Consumption of white bread (p = 0.018), added sugars (p = 0.037), legumes (p = 0.025), fish (p = 0.014), butter (p = 0.010) and the performance of less physical activity (p = 0.024) correlated with glucose intolerance in pregnant women. In conclusion, we found a relationship between dietary and lifestyle habits at the beginning of pregnancy and the later diagnosis of GDM.  相似文献   

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