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The addition of natural fibers used as reinforcement has great appeal in the construction materials industry since natural fibers are cheaper, biodegradable, and easily available. In this work, we analyzed the feasibility of using the fibers of piassava, tucum palm, razor grass, and jute from the Amazon rainforest as reinforcement in mortars, exploiting the mechanical properties of compressive and flexural strength of samples with 1.5%, 3.0%, and 4.5% mass addition of the composite binder (50% Portland cement + 40% metakaolin + 10% fly ash). The mortars were reinforced with untreated (natural) and treated (hot water treatment, hornification, 8% NaOH solution, and hybridization) fibers, submitted to two types of curing (submerged in water, and inflated with CO2 in a pressurized autoclave) for 28 days. Mortars without fibers were used as a reference. For the durability study, the samples were submitted to 20 drying/wetting cycles. The fibers improved the flexural strength of the mortars and prevented the abrupt rupture of the samples, in contrast to the fragile behavior of the reference samples. The autoclave cure increased the compressive strength of the piassava and tucum palm samples with 4.5% of fibers.  相似文献   

The subjects of this study were mortars with varying amounts of recycled ceramic aggregate (RCA). As part of the fine aggregate, the RCA volume share is 10%, 20%, 30%, 50% and 100%. First, fresh mixture parameters were evaluated, such as consistency and air content measurement by pressure method. Next, specimens were molded for compressive strength and flexural strength tests after 7, 28 and 56 days of curing. The thermo-humidity parameters of the composites, i.e., coefficient of capillary action and thermal conductivity coefficient were also investigated using nonstationary method. Sorption kinetics of the mortars at different moisture conditions at 20 °C were also evaluated. Sorption tests were carried out using two methods: TM and DVS. The sorption isotherms were plotted on the basis of equilibrium moisture content for the materials tested. The isotherms obtained by the two methods were evaluated. The results allowed us to draw conclusions on the physical and mechanical parameters of the composites with different amounts of RCA and to evaluate the ability to absorb moisture from the environment by these types of materials. A clear decrease in the compressive strength after 28 days of curing compared to the reference mortar was recorded after using 30% to 100% of RCA (approx. 26% to approx. 39%). Changes in flexural strength were significantly smaller, reaching no more than approx. 7.5%. It was shown that the amount of RCA translates into the ability to sorb moisture, which may affect the application of this type of composites. The amount of RCA translates also into the thermal conductivity coefficient, which decreased with increasing amount of RCA.  相似文献   

This article presents research on selected physical and mechanical properties of cement-based plasters and masonry mortars with consistency-improving additives, namely, traditional hydrated lime and a plasticizing and aerating mixture (APA), which, in practice, is often considered to be a lime substitute. Comparative analysis of the properties of mortars with alternative additives—lime or APA—was carried out, taking into consideration possible effects of cement, as two types of Portland cement were used for the research. For fresh mortar, mixture consistency, air content, resistance to segregation, and water retention were determined. Tests on hardened mortars included tests of porosity and impermeability, depth of penetration of water under pressure, drying shrinkage, as well as compressive and bending strength, modulus of elasticity, and adhesion of mortars to the base. In addition, research has shown that cement–lime mortars and cement mortars with APA admixture of similar consistency in the fresh state are characterized by significantly different properties. The results show, in most of the features analyzed, more favorable properties of mortars with the use of traditional lime. For shrinkage only, the use of admixture turned out to be more advantageous.  相似文献   

The use of repair mortars for concrete structures repair with no or limited resistance to the impact caused by freeze and thaw cycles is often the primary repair failure cause. This is particularly important in Poland. Due to the geographical location of the country, there is a large temperature difference between summer and winter. The number of passes through the threshold temperature of 0 °C throughout the year in the winter season exceeds 100. The article presents a comparison of the frost resistance results of tests of repair mortars. The first method was performed according to the Polish Guidelines (without the use of de-icing salts) and the second method according to PN-EN 1504-3 (with the use of de-icing salts). The results obtained were inconsistent in many areas. In particular, significant differences in the results for the change in compressive strength and the change in bending strength were observed. In the case of the frost resistance testing without the use of de-icing salts, a decrease in compressive strength was usually accompanied by a decrease in bending strength. In the case of frost resistance tests with the use of de-icing salts, an increase in the bending strength of mortars was observed (even by a dozen or so percent) with a decrease in the compressive strength of mortars (even by several dozen percent).  相似文献   

In the search for methods to incorporate Phase Change Materials (PCM) into Portland cement mortar mixtures, PCM based on paraffins adhered to a silica-based matrix appear as a suitable option. However, paraffin particles have been observed to escape from the silica matrix when water is added. There are only limited data on how the use of such PCM affects the behaviour of mortars. To evaluate the effect of this PCM addition, Portland mortar mixtures were elaborated with 5%, 10% and 15% of PCM content, and using CEM 42.5 I R and CEM I 52.5 R cement types. Physical properties such as density, open porosity, air content and water absorption were analysed for fresh and dry samples. The results obtained show that the PCM-added mixtures require greater water and cement amounts than the standard mortar mixtures to achieve similar compressive strengths. Compared to non-PCM mixtures the PCM-added mortars present a density lowering of 37% for fresh mixtures and near 45% for dry state forms. A maximum compressive strength of 15.9 MPa was reached for 15% PCM mixtures, while values beyond 40 MPa were achieved for 5% PCM mixtures. Thus, the proposed study contributes to broad the available knowledge of PCM cement mortar mixtures behaviour and their mix design.  相似文献   

The study reported the effect of granite sand on strength and microstructural developments in mortars prepare from OPC with a high coal fly ash (FA) content or from hybrid alkaline cements. The radiological behaviour of the resulting mortars was compared to materials prepared with siliceous sand (with particles sizes of <2 mm) and the relationship between such radiological findings and mortar microstructure and strength was explored. A new method for determining natural radionuclides and their activity concentration Index (ACI) on cement mortars (specifically to solid 5-cm cubic specimens) was applied and validated. The microstructural changes associated in mortars have no effect on mortar radiological content measurements. The mortars with granite sand exhibited very high ACI > 0.96, which would ultimately limit their use. A conclusion of interest is that where information is at hand on the starting materials (OPC, FA, sand, admixtures), their proportions in the mortar and the mixing liquid content (water or alkaline activators) their radiological content is accurately predicted. The inference is that a mortar’s radiological content and ACI can be known prior to mixing, providing a criterion for determining its viability. That in turn lowers environmental risks and the health hazards for people in contact with such materials.  相似文献   

This article presents a new methodology of analysis based on a fast-running experimental procedure to characterise the mechanical response of asphalt mortars in terms of stiffness, ductility, and fatigue resistance. This was achieved using the DMA (Dynamic Mechanical Analyser) three-point bending configuration. The study was carried out by considering the employment of different types of fillers such cement and CaCO3 and different types of binders such as conventional asphalt binder (B35/50) or modifided polymer-modified bitumen (PMB 25/55–65). From the results of this study, the filler was found to have a greater influence on the stiffness and ductility of the asphalt material, while bitumen had a higher effect on the fatigue life of the asphalt mortar. Fatigue life was observed to increase with the use of a polymer-modified binder, while a lower degree of permanent deformation and higher bearing capacity achieved by the use of cement instead of calcium carbonate as active fillers.  相似文献   

The porosity of mortars with recycled ceramic aggregates (10, 20, 30, 50, and 100% as a replacement of natural aggregate) was evaluated and analyzed using three different techniques. The results of gas adsorption (N2), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) image analysis and open porosity allowed establishing the relationship between the recycled aggregate content and the porosity of these mortars, as well as the relationship between porosity and the physical and mechanical properties of the mortars: absorption, density, compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, and drying shrinkage. Using the R2 coefficient and the equation typology as criteria, additional data such as Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller (BET) surface area (N2 adsorption) established significant correlations with the mentioned properties; with SEM image analysis, no explanatory relationships could be established; and with open porosity, revealing relationships were established (R2 > 0.9). With the three techniques, it was confirmed that the increase in porosity is related to the increase in the amount of ceramic aggregate; in particular with gas adsorption (N2) and open porosity. It was concluded that the open porosity technique can explain the behavior of these recycled mortars with more reliable data, in a simple and direct way, linked to its establishment with a more representative sample of the mortar matrix.  相似文献   

Using the waste materials in the production of the building materials limits the storage of the wastes, burdensome for the environment and landscape, and makes possible to manufacture the materials and products with the use of the less volume of the raw materials. Cement concretes and mortars as the basic building materials offer the broad prospects of utilization of the recyclable or waste materials. The wastes from the iron ore processing are the solid wastes resulting from the process of enrichment of the ore concentrate. The paper presents the results of testing three mortars, in which a part of fine aggregate was replaced with the iron oxide concentrate (IOC) resulting from such a process. IOC has been used as a substitute of 10%, 20% and 30% (by mass) of the fine aggregate. The effect of the concentrate on the mechanical performance of the mortars at the high temperature (up to 600 °C) was also investigated. The IOC is a neutral material, not affecting chemically the process of cement hydration. The addition of IOC slightly improves the strength of the cement mortars (by 5% to 10%). In the case of the larger amount (20–30%) of the addition, the use of superplasticizer is necessary. The IOC significantly improves the high temperature resistance of the cement mortars (300 °C). The cement mortars containing 30% of the IOC addition keep 80% of the initial flexural and compressive strength when exposed to the temperature 450 °C.  相似文献   

Graphene’s outstanding properties make it a potential material for reinforced cementitious composites. However, its shortcomings, such as easy agglomeration and poor dispersion, severely restrict its application in cementitious materials. In this paper, a highly dispersible graphene (TiO2-RGO) with better dispersibility compared with graphene oxide (GO) is obtained through improvement of the graphene preparation method. In this study, both GO and TiO2-RGO can improve the pore size distribution of cement mortars. According to the results of the mercury intrusion porosity (MIP) test, the porosity of cement mortar mixed with GO and TiO2-RGO was reduced by 26% and 40%, respectively, relative to ordinary cement mortar specimens. However, the TiO2-RGO cement mortars showed better pore size distribution and porosity than GO cement mortars. Comparative tests on the strength and durability of ordinary cement mortars, GO cement mortars, and TiO2-RGO cement mortars were conducted, and it was found that with the same amount of TiO2-RGO and GO, the TiO2-RGO cement mortars have nearly twice the strength of GO cement mortars. In addition, it has far higher durability, such as impermeability and chloride ion penetration resistance, than GO cement mortars. These results indicate that TiO2-RGO prepared by titanium dioxide (TiO2) intercalation can better improve the strength and durability performance of cement mortars compared to GO.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to better understand the performance changes of naturally aged glass fiber-reinforced concrete (GFRC) and polypropylene fiber-reinforced concrete (PPFRC), especially the degradation of fibers, which is of great significance for evaluating the durability of structures using these two types of composite materials. The mechanical properties, water absorption, and microstructures of GFRC and PPFRC at a curing age of three years, including their compressive strength, full curves of water absorption, fiber-matrix interaction, and fiber degradation, were systematically studied, and the related properties were compared with those at the curing age of 28 days. The degradation of fibers after freeze-thaw cycles was also studied. The results revealed the following. The water/binder ratio (w/b) affects the rate of increase of the long-term compressive strength of naturally aged concrete. In general, the water absorption of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) at the curing age of three years was found to be significantly reduced, but with the increases of w/b and the fiber content to the maximum values, the water absorption of the specimens cured for three years was higher than that of the specimens cured for 28 days. Moreover, with the increase of the curing age, the optimal glass fiber (GF) contents for reducing the water absorption decreased from 1.35% to 0.90% (w/b = 0.30), and from 0.90% to 0.45% (w/b = 0.35), respectively. The GF surface was degraded into continuous pits with diameters of about 200 to 600 nm, and the surface of the pits was attached with spherical granular C-S-H gel products with diameters of about 30 to 44 nm. The freeze-thaw cycles were found to have no significant effect on the pits on the GF surface and the granular C-S-H gel products attached to the pits, but caused a portion of the cement matrix covering the GF to fall off. The interfacial bonding between the polypropylene fiber (PPF) and the cement matrix exhibited almost no change in the PPFRC after three years of curing as compared with that after 28 days of curing. Furthermore, the cement hydration gel on the PPF surface was not significantly damaged by 150 freeze-thaw cycles.  相似文献   

The use of a high volume of industrial solid waste mineral admixture and hybrid fiber can greatly reduce the amount of cement in mortar or concrete, improve its performance, ensure the service properties of mortar or concrete, and reuse industrial solid waste to reduce the environmental burden, which has significant research significance. In this paper, the mechanical properties, wear resistance and microstructure of hybrid fiber-reinforced mortar (HFRM) with a high content of industrial solid waste mineral admixture were systematically studied under different water/binder ratios. Mineral admixtures include fly ash, silica fume and granulated blast furnace slag (slag). The total content of hybrid glass fiber (GF) and polypropylene fiber (PPF) was 2% by volume fractions, and six different water/binder ratios ranging from 0.27 to 0.62 were used. The following conclusions were drawn: fibers have a significant negative effect on the properties of mortars with a low water/binder ratio (w/b = 0.27) and high content of mineral admixtures. In general, the effect of adding hybrid fiber on improving the wear resistance of mortar is more obvious. The average residual weight of hybrid fiber-reinforced mortar is the highest after the wear resistance test. Comprehensively considering the compressive strength, flexural strength, wear resistance and microstructure of the mortar samples, G8PP2-0.40 is the optimal mix ratio. At this time, the replacement rates of fly ash, silica fume and slag are: 20%, 5% and 30%, the water/binder ratio is 0.40, and the content of GF and PPF is 1.6% and 0.4%, respectively.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the mechanical properties and durability performance of latex-modified hybrid fiber-reinforced roller-compacted rapid-set cement concrete (LMHFRCRSC) for emergency repair of concrete pavement. Experimental parameters included the blend ratio of the hybrid fiber, which comprised natural jute fiber (0–0.2 vol.%) and structural synthetic fiber (0–2 vol.%). The mechanical performance of LMHFRCRSC of various blend ratios was evaluated in terms of compressive, flexural, and splitting tensile strength. Durability assessment included chlorine ion penetration and abrasion resistance measurements. Compressive and flexural strength values of 21 and 3.5 MPa, respectively, were the set targets after 4 h of curing; a compressive strength of 35 MPa, a flexural strength of 4.5 MPa, a splitting tensile strength of 4.2 MPa, and chloride ion penetration of 2000 C or less were required after 28 days of curing. Our test results confirmed that all mix proportions satisfied the target values, regardless of the blend ratio of the hybrid fiber. Specifically, the mechanical performance of the concrete improved as the blend ratio of the structural synthetic fiber increased. With regard to durability, a greater amount of jute fiber, a hydrophilic fiber, enhanced the concrete’s durability. Additionally, incorporating jute fiber of 0.6 kg/m3 provided excellent chlorine ion penetration resistance. The optimal blend ratio for the hybrid fiber was natural jute fiber at 0.6 kg/m3 and structural synthetic fiber at 13.65 kg/m3 (mix: J0.6 + P13.65); with this mix proportion, a chloride ion penetration amount of 1000 C or less and maximum mechanical performance were achieved.  相似文献   

With the availability of commercial Natural cements (NC) for the conservation purposes raises a fundamental question about the compatibility between historic and repair mortars. The properties of Natural cements are dependent on the geological location of the raw material extraction and also on the production parameters, both having an impact on the final properties of the mortars produced from each distinct. Therefore, the significance of preservation of 19th and 20th century heritage and selection of the proper binder compatible with the original materials necessitate the study of existing NCs, that nowadays are produced by several manufacturers. This work provides a complex study of the mortars prepared from three NCs available in the market: Groupe Prompt Vicat, France (NCPV); Cemento Collet Marfil (NCM) and Cemento Natural Tigre (NCT), both from Spain. Various mortar sets based on individual NC containing different binder/aggregate ratios and air lime additions were analyzed after 28, 60, and 90 days of curing with the focus on their mineralogical composition (XRD), morphology (SEM), mechanical (flexural and compressive strength), and physical properties such as water absorption by capillarity, water vapor permeability, and water vapor diffusion resistance. Mortars prepared from NCPV, NCM, and NCT show distinct physical-mechanical properties with varying binder/aggregate ratio and air lime addition. This study shows that the NC variability should be taken into consideration when selecting materials for the conservation and rehabilitation of historic renders and plasters. Based on the comparison with original NC mortars, several NC mortars developed in this study show adequate properties for conservation of the buildings from late 19th and early 20th century in terms of compressive strength (>12 MPa), water absorption by capillarity (<20 kg·m−2·h−0.5), water vapor permeability (<4 × 10−10 kg·s−1·m−1·Pa−1), and water vapor diffusion resistance (<28) values.  相似文献   

In this research, the mechanical behavior of masonry mortars made with partial substitution of sand by recycled fine aggregates (RFAs) of mortar (MT) and recycled clay brick (RCB) was compared. Mortar specimens were built in two groups (MT and RCB) considering different replacement proportions by dry weight. To reduce the water absorption of RFAs during mortar making, the prewetting method was utilized. All the mixtures were assembled with a volumetric cement-to-aggregate ratio of 1:4 and a consistency of 175 ± 5 mm. The properties in the fresh and hardening state of mortars were analyzed separately. The experimental results showed that the properties of mortars in a fresh state (bulk density and air content) were affected if RFA was added to the mixture; however, mortars assembled with up to 40% and 50% of MT and RCB, respectively, accomplished a compressive strength value of reference for new mixtures. Both mortar groups showed good results in adhesive strength values, with the RCB mortars standing up as they achieved greater adherence than the control mortar with substitution percentages of up to 30%. Therefore, the reutilization of both RFAs is feasible, notably in rendering and bonding functions.  相似文献   

In line with the trend of using waste raw materials in the technology of building materials, experimental studies of cement mortars containing various amounts of fine-grained waste aggregate were carried out. The waste aggregate was based on an incinerated municipal sewage sludge which was mechanically crushed to an appropriate grading. Chemical and physical properties of the waste aggregate are presented. Mortars with varying amounts of waste aggregate as a replacement for natural sand were prepared. Study determines compressive strength and flexural strength up to 56 days. Properties such as capillary action, air content and thermal conductivity were determined. The results of the tests has shown that the incinerated waste sludge can be used as a partial or total replacement for natural aggregate. In mortars with waste aggregate, a favorable relation between flexural and compressive strengths was observed, which translates into increased strength of the interfacial transition zone. A significant increase in water absorption was observed for mortars containing high amounts of waste aggregate, which is directly related to its porous structure. Conducted studied prove that the aggregate obtained from incineration of the municipal sewage sludge can a feasible alternative for natural aggregates in production of masonry and rendering mortars for construction purposes.  相似文献   

Sulfate attack in concrete structures significantly reduces their durability. This article reports the experimental findings on the effects of sodium sulfate on limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) in an alternate wet and dry media. The samples underwent wet–dry conditions of 28 cycles. Two types of LC3 were studied, one made from clay (LC3-CL) and the other made from fired rejected clay bricks (LC3-FR). The composition of each LC3 blend by weight was 50% clinker, 30% calcined clay, 15% limestone, and 5% gypsum. The reference compressive strength was evaluated at 2, 7, and 28 days of age. Then, ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and LC3-CL blends were subjected to alternate wet–dry cycle tests, immersion in a 5% sodium sulfate solution, or in water. For all exposed samples, sorptivity tests and compressive strength were done. The results showed that LC3 blends met the requirements for KS-EAS 18-1:2017 standard, which specifies the composition and conformity criteria for common cements in Kenya. The LC3 blend also had a lower rate of initial absorption compared to OPC. Additionally, LC3 blend also showed good resistance to sodium sulfate when exposed to alternating wetting and drying environment. OPC showed higher compressive strength than LC3 blends for testing ages of 2, 7, and 28 days. However, the LC3 samples utilized in the sodium sulfate attack experiment, which were later tested after 84 days, exhibited higher compressive strengths than OPC tested after the same period.  相似文献   

Granite is a well-known building and decorative material, and, therefore, the amount of produced waste in the form of granite powder is a problem. Granite powder affects the health of people living near landfills. Dust particles floating in the air, which are blown by gusts of wind, can lead to lung silicosis and eye infections, and can also affect the immune system. To find an application for this kind of waste material, it was decided to study the effect of partially replacing cement with waste granite powder on the properties of fresh and hardened mortars intended for masonry applications. The authors planned to replace 5%, 10%, and 15% of cement with waste material. Series of mortar with the addition of granite powder achieved 50% to 70% of the compressive strength of the reference series, and 60% to 76% of the bending strength of the reference series. The partial replacement of cement with the granite powder significantly increased the water sorption coefficient. The consistency of the fresh mortar, and its density and water absorption also increased when compared to the reference series. Therefore, Granite powder can be used as a partial replacement of cement in masonry mortars.  相似文献   

The widespread application of innovative thermal enhanced façade solutions requires an adequate durability evaluation. The present work intends to assess the durability of a new aerogel cement-based rendering system through the adaptation of different accelerated aging cycles, such as heating–freezing, freeze–thawing, and heat–cold. Several mechanical properties and also capillary and liquid water absorptions were tested for uncoated and coated specimens. A decrease in the mechanical strength, especially after freeze–thaw cycles, was observed. However, the water action promoted the late hydration of the cement paste contributing to the densification of the matrix and, consequently, the increase of the adhesive strength. Additionally, a decrease in the dynamic modulus of elasticity and an increase in the Poisson’s ratio were observed after aging, which indicates a higher capacity of the render to adapt to substrate movements, contributing to a reduction of cracking.  相似文献   

Recently, a self-healing technique capable of repairing cracks in structures has emerged. Among various self-healing technologies, self-healing capsules can be largely classified into two types, depending on the phase of the core material: solid capsules, in which the core material is a powder; and microcapsules, in which the core material is a liquid. Solid capsules and microcapsules have different mechanisms, and their capsule sizes are also distinctly different. This suggests that each has advantages and disadvantages. Most of the studies known to date have utilized single capsules. However, if one uses a mixture of the two types of capsules, it is possible to highlight the strengths of each capsule and compensate for the weaknesses. Therefore, in this study, the first research on complex capsules that mixed solid capsules and microcapsules was attempted. As a result of the experiment, the complex capsule slightly reduced the fluidity of the mortar, but the effect was not significant. Moreover, the complex capsule tended to reduce the compressive strength of the mortar. In particular, it was found that the effect of solid capsules on the reduction in compressive strength among complex capsules was greater than that of microcapsules. Conversely, the healing performance increased when the ratio of solid capsules in the complex capsules was large.  相似文献   

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