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Silvia Calderon David Perez-Benedico Lazaro Mesa Daniel Guyton Diane J. Rowold Rene J. Herrera 《Legal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)》2013,15(6):289-292
The purpose of this study is to examine the robustness and sensitivity of the newly available Y-STR multiplex kit, the PowerPlex® Y23 System, by comparing our data at the 23-loci level to the routinely used 17 loci provided by the AmpFlSTR® Yfiler® PCR Amplification kit. For the first time, allelic and genotypic frequencies for the 23 Y-STR loci included in the PowerPlex® Y23 System are provided for the Southeast Florida Hispanic (SFH) population. In addition, we have characterized the SFH population in terms of intra-population and inter-population parameters. We also compared these indices of forensic and population genetics interest in the SFH population to comparable data of previously published populations to assess their phylogenetic relationships. Our 23-loci data was shown to provide more discriminatory values as compared to the data when using only 17 loci. Also, the RST distance values demonstrate the superior capacity of the PowerPlex® Y23 system to discriminate among populations. 相似文献
Seventeen Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats (YSTRs)-DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS385a/b, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635, and Y-GATA-H4-were analyzed in 252 unrelated male individuals from Botswana. A total of 238 unique haplotypes were identified. The discrimination capacity (DC) was 0.9444 whereas the haplotype diversity (HD) was 0.9990. A database search of the 238 unique haplotypes in the Y chromosome haplogroup database (YHRD) yielded three African American, six Sub-Saharan African, and two admixed South American matches. Five additional African–American matches were detected in the Applied Biosystems Y-STR database. RST, multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) and AMOVA were used to investigate population differentiation in Sub-Saharan Africa and in Botswana. The populations in Sub-Saharan Africa were found to be heterogeneous, with Botswana showing significant differences from its neighbors. No geographic regional or ethnic differentiation was observed within Botswana. Regional and ethnic variation can be useful in forensic working hypotheses. 相似文献
M. Gené N. Borrego A. Xifró E. Piqué P. Moreno E. Huguet 《International journal of legal medicine》1999,112(6):403-405
Haplotype frequencies for eight Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat (STR) loci were determined in ¶a population sample from Barcelona (NE Spain). After PCR amplification and denaturing PAGE electrophoresis, DYS19, DYS388, DYS389 I/II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392 and DYS393 loci were typed. Complete eight ¶Y-chromosomal STRs haplotypes could be formed for 223 subjects, among which 137 different haplotypes were observed. The most common haplotype was shared by 13% of the sample, while 108 haplotypes were unique. The discrimination capacity was 61.5% and the gene diversity was 0.978. From the forensic point of view the combined polymorphisms provide a high diagnostic efficiency. 相似文献
Recently introduced rapidly mutating Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat (RM Y-STR) loci, displaying a multiple-fold higher mutation rate relative to any other Y-STRs, including those conventionally used in forensic casework, have been demonstrated to improve the resolution of male lineage differentiation and to allow male relative separation usually impossible with standard Y-STRs. However, large and geographically-detailed frequency haplotype databases are required to estimate the statistical weight of RM Y-STR haplotype matches if observed in forensic casework. With this in mind, the Italian Working Group (GEFI) of the International Society for Forensic Genetics launched a collaborative exercise aimed at generating an Italian quality controlled forensic RM Y-STR haplotype database. Overall 1509 male individuals from 13 regional populations covering northern, central and southern areas of the Italian peninsula plus Sicily were collected, including both “rural” and “urban” samples classified according to population density in the sampling area. A subset of individuals was additionally genotyped for Y-STR loci included in the Yfiler and PowerPlex Y23 (PPY23) systems (75% and 62%, respectively), allowing the comparison of RM and conventional Y-STRs. Considering the whole set of 13 RM Y-STRs, 1501 unique haplotypes were observed among the 1509 sampled Italian men with a haplotype diversity of 0.999996, largely superior to Yfiler and PPY23 with 0.999914 and 0.999950, respectively. AMOVA indicated that 99.996% of the haplotype variation was within populations, confirming that genetic-geographic structure is almost undetected by RM Y-STRs. Haplotype sharing among regional Italian populations was not observed at all with the complete set of 13 RM Y-STRs. Haplotype sharing within Italian populations was very rare (0.27% non-unique haplotypes), and lower in urban (0.22%) than rural (0.29%) areas. Additionally, 422 father-son pairs were investigated, and 20.1% of them could be discriminated by the whole set of 13 RM Y-STRs, which was very close to the theoretically expected estimate of 19.5% given the mutation rates of the markers used. Results obtained from a high-coverage Italian haplotype dataset confirm on the regional scale the exceptional ability of RM Y-STRs to resolve male lineages previously observed globally, and attest the unsurpassed value of RM Y-STRs for male-relative differentiation purposes. 相似文献
Dönbak L Bajanowski T Brinkmann B Hohoff C 《International journal of legal medicine》2006,120(6):395-396
We present the frequency distributions of Y-haplotypes determined by ten Y-chromosomal STR polymorphisms (i.e., DXYS156-Y, DYS19, DYS385, DYS389 I and II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393) in unrelated males from the Eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey (104 Turkish and Arabian-speaking Eti Turks from Adana area, 111 Roma and 110 Turks, Kahramanmara° area). The haplotype diversity was 0.974 in the Eti Turks, 0.979 in the Roma, and 0.989 in the Turks. Two variant alleles were characterized by sequencing, i.e., allele 9.2 at DXYS156 and 12.2 at DYS385. Some of the haplotypes are particular to one of the three populations; some are shared by all three populations. A search against the Y-Haplotype Reference Database revealed several matches to samples not only from Turkey and neighboring regions (e.g., Syria, Iraq) but also from all over Europe.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users. 相似文献
Genetic analysis of Y-STRs has the potential to be used to explore the complexity in population substructures and to perform forensic ancestry inference. In this study, 334 individuals from 12 populations were typed using the PowerPlex® Y23 System (Promega, USA) to investigate their relationship. Population comparisons with other East Asian populations collated from YHRD (Y-STR Haplotype Reference Database) were also performed. Variant alleles, including seven intermediate alleles in 15 samples were observed, while the novel allele 11.3 at the DYS549 locus was confirmed by sequencing. Our results showed that the fraction of unique haplotypes differed among the 12 populations studied here. A close relationship was found between Chinese and other East Asian populations. The present study contributed to the enrichment of the forensic Y-chromosome databases with a high resolution 23 Y-STR marker set, which is informative in forensic casework, such as familial searching and estimating the geographical origin of the offender. 相似文献
Rapidly mutating Y chromosomal short tandem repeat markers (RM Y-STRs) –characterized by at least one mutation per 100 generations– are suitable for differentiating both related and unrelated males. The recently introduced multiplex method RMplex allows for the efficient analysis of 30 Y-STRs with increased mutation rates, including all 26 currently known RM Y-STRs. While currently available RM Y-STR mutation rates were established mostly from European individuals, here we applied RMplex to DNA samples of 178 genetically confirmed father-son pairs from East Asia. For several Y-STRs, we found significantly higher mutation rates in Japanese compared to previous estimates. The consequent father-son differentiation rate based on RMplex was significantly higher (52%) in Japanese than previously reported for Europeans (42%), and much higher than with Yfiler Plus in both sample sets (14% and 13%, respectively). Further analysis suggests that the higher mutation and relative differentiation rates in Japanese can in part be explained by on average longer Y-STR alleles relative to Europeans. Moreover, we show that the most striking difference, which was found in DYS712, could be linked to a Y-SNP haplogroup (O1b2-P49) that is common in Japanese and rare in other populations. We encourage the forensic Y-STR community to generate more RMplex data from more population samples of sufficiently large sample size in combination with Y-SNP data to further investigate population effects on mutation and relative differentiation rates. Until more RMplex data from more populations become available, caution shall be placed when applying RM Y-STR mutation rate estimates established in one population, such as Europeans, to forensic casework involving male suspects of paternal origin from other populations, such as non-Europeans. 相似文献
Tenzin Gayden Shilpa Chennakrishnaiah Joel La Salvia Sacha Jimenez Maria Regueiro Trisha Maloney Patrice J. Persad Areej Bukhari Annabel Perez Oliver Stojkovic Rene J. Herrera 《International journal of legal medicine》2011,125(3):367-375
Linguistic and ethnic diversity throughout the Himalayas suggests that this mountain range played an important role in shaping the genetic landscapes of the region. Previous Y-chromosome work revealed that the Himalayas acted as a biased bidirectional barrier to gene flow across the cordillera. In the present study, 17 Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat (Y-STR) loci included in the AmpFlSTR? Yfiler kit were analyzed in 344 unrelated males from three Nepalese populations (Tamang, Newar, and Kathmandu) and a general collection from Tibet. The latter displays the highest haplotype diversity (0.9990) followed by Kathmandu (0.9977), Newar (0.9570), and Tamang (0.9545). The overall haplotype diversity for the Himalayan populations at 17 Y-STR loci was 0.9973, and the corresponding values for the extended (11 loci) and minimal (nine loci) haplotypes were 0.9955 and 0.9942, respectively. No Y-STR profiles are shared across the four Himalayan collections at the 17-, 11-, and nine-locus resolutions considered, indicating a lack of recent gene flow among them. Phylogenetic analyses support our previous findings that Kathmandu, and to some extent Newar, received significant genetic influence from India while Tamang and Tibet exhibit limited or no gene flow from the subcontinent. A median-joining network of haplogroup O3a3c-M134 based on 15 Y-STR loci from our four Himalayan populations suggests either a male founder effect in Tamang, possibly from Tibet, or a recent bottleneck following their arrival south of the Himalayas from Tibet leading to their highly reduced Y single-nucleotide polymorphism and Y-STR diversity. The genetic uniqueness of the four Himalayan populations examined in this study merits the creation of separate databases for individual identification, parentage analysis, and population genetic studies. 相似文献
Zarrabeitia MT Riancho JA Gusmão L Lareu MV Sañudo C Amorim A Carracedo A 《International journal of legal medicine》2003,117(5):306-311
DNA typing of 8 recently described STRs on the Y chromosome was carried out by means of 2 multiplex amplification reactions for 134 unrelated males from Cantabria, a region in northern Spain. Multiplex 1 included loci DYS460 (GATA A7.1), GATA A10, GATA H4 and DYS439; multiplex 2 included DYS461 (GATA A7.2), GATA C4, DYS437 and DYS438. Haplotype diversity was found to be 99.36%, similar to that obtained with the standard 9-STR set ("minimal haplotype") of the European Y-user group (99.35%). The 13-locus haplotype resulting from the combination of the standard minimal haplotype and the 4-locus multiplex 1 showed a 99.89% diversity. Further inclusion of the 4 loci in multiplex 2 resulted in a haplotype diversity of 99.93%. The combination of the "minimal haplotype" and the multiplex 1 in the present study may be an efficient way of increasing the power of discrimination in forensic cases. 相似文献
In this study, 20 Y-specific short tandem repeat (STR) loci (DYS434, Y-GATA-A10, Y-GATA-H4, DYS438, DYS439, DYS443, DYS444,
DYS446, DYS447, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS460, DYS520, DYS531, DYS557, DYS622, DYS630, DYS635(Y-GATA-C4), and DYS709) were
analyzed in 158 unrelated healthy men from southeast China by three fluorescence-labeled multiplex polymerase chain reaction
systems. The Y-STR multiplexes developed have followed the published nomenclature and International Society for Forensic Genetics
(ISFG) guidelines for STR analysis. Gene diversity ranged from 0.2506 at DYS434 to 0.8034 at DYS447. A total of 157 different
haplotypes were observed, and among these, 156 were unique, while 1 was found two times. The haplotype diversity value calculated
from all 20 loci combined was 0.9997, which is informative. Furthermore, 80 father–son pairs, previously confirmed by autosomal
STR analysis, were typed using the same 20 Y-STR loci, and four mutation events were identified at the Y-GATA-H4, DYS439,
DYS456, and DYS458 loci, giving an average mutation rate of 0.25% per locus per generation (95% confidence interval 0.09–0.54).
These results including the haplotype data at 20 Y-STR loci would enrich Chinese genetic informational resources and provide
useful information in forensic practice.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. 相似文献
We recently introduced a new approach to the evaluation of weight of evidence (WoE) for Y-chromosome profiles. Rather than attempting to calculate match probabilities, which is particularly problematic for modern Y-profiles with high mutation rates, we proposed using simulation to describe the distribution of the number of males in the population with a matching Y-profile, both the unconditional distribution and conditional on a database frequency of the profile. Here we further validate the new approach by showing that our results are robust to assumptions about the allelic ladder and the founder haplotypes, and we extend the approach in two important directions. Firstly, forensic databases are not the only source of background data relevant to the evaluation of Y-profile evidence: in many cases the Y-profiles of one or more relatives of the accused are also available. To date it has been unclear how to use this additional information, but in our simulation-based approach its effect is readily incorporated. We describe this approach and illustrate how the WoE that a man was the source of an observed Y-profile changes when the Y-profiles of some of his male-line relatives are also available. Secondly, we extend our new approach to mixtures of Y-profiles from two or more males. Surprisingly, our simulation-based approach reveals that observing a 2-male mixture that includes an alleged contributor's profile is almost as strong evidence as observing a matching single-contributor evidence sample, and even 3-male and 4-male mixtures are only slightly weaker. 相似文献
Mutations in 14 Y-STR loci among Japanese father-son haplotypes 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Kurihara R Yamamoto T Uchihi R Li SL Yoshimoto T Ohtaki H Kamiyama K Katsumata Y 《International journal of legal medicine》2004,118(3):125-131
In the present study 161 Japanese father/son haplotype transfers in 147 pedigrees were analyzed at 14 Y-STRs with two multiplex PCR-based typing systems. Five isolated single repeat mutations were identified at the DYS389I, DYS439, Y-GATA-H4, DYS389II and DYS391 loci, and a pedigree showing triple alleles at the DYS385 locus (a duplicate locus) without allelic discrepancy between the father and son was also observed. The overall mutation rate estimated across the 14 Y-STRs in the Japanese population was 0.22%/locus/meiosis (95% C.I. 0.09–0.51%). This rate was not significantly different (p>0.05) from those of autosomal STRs and Y-STRs in other populations, including German, Austrian, Polish and Norwegian populations. Furthermore, 138 haplotypes were identified in 147 pedigrees with a haplotype diversity value of 0.9983. Therefore, a combination of the two systems should permit effective analysis with sufficient discriminatory power. 相似文献
Since 1992, the Spanish and Portuguese-Speaking Working Group of the ISFG (GHEP-ISFG) has been organizing annual Intercomparison Exercises (IEs) coordinated by the Quality Service at the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences (INTCF) from Madrid, aiming to provide proficiency tests for forensic DNA laboratories. Each annual exercise comprises a Basic (recently accredited under ISO/IEC 17043: 2010) and an Advanced Level, both including a kinship and a forensic module. Here, we show the results for both autosomal and sex-chromosomal STRs, and for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in two samples included in the forensic modules, namely a mixture 2:1 (v/v) saliva/blood (M4) and a mixture 4:1 (v/v) saliva/semen (M8) out of the five items provided in the 2014 GHEP-ISFG IE. Discrepancies, other than typos or nomenclature errors (over the total allele calls), represented 6.5% (M4) and 4.7% (M8) for autosomal STRs, 15.4% (M4) and 7.8% (M8) for X-STRs, and 1.2% (M4) and 0.0% (M8) for Y-STRs. Drop-out and drop-in alleles were the main cause of errors, with laboratories using different criteria regarding inclusion of minor peaks and stutter bands. Commonly used commercial kits yielded different results for a micro-variant detected at locus D12S391. In addition, the analysis of electropherograms revealed that the proportions of the contributors detected in the mixtures varied among the participants. In regards to mtDNA analysis, besides important discrepancies in reporting heteroplasmies, there was no agreement for the results of sample M4. Thus, while some laboratories documented a single control region haplotype, a few reported unexpected profiles (suggesting contamination problems). For M8, most laboratories detected only the haplotype corresponding to the saliva. Although the GHEP-ISFG has already a large experience in IEs, the present multi-centric study revealed challenges that still exist related to DNA mixtures interpretation. Overall, the results emphasize the need for further research and training actions in order to improve the analysis of mixtures among the forensic practitioners. 相似文献
Genetic analyses of geographically and ethno-linguistically different populations are essential for understanding population stratification and genomic structure in medical Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) and genetic variation and diversity related to forensic and population genetics studies. Here, we genotyped 30 autosomal insertion/deletion (Indel) markers from 502 Tai-Kadai-speaking Gelao individuals residing in the rugged topographical area in Southeastern China. In addition, two comprehensive population genetic comparisons of 15,327 individuals from 95 worldwide populations and of 6122 individuals from Asia and adjoining populations were conducted based on allele frequency data and raw genotype data, respectively. All studied markers were found to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The combined power of discrimination in the Gelao minority group was 0.999999999975, and the combined probability of exclusion was 0.9879. Our results from the forensic statistical parameters indicated that this Indel panel can be independently used as a powerful tool in forensic individual identification but can only be used as a complementary tool in paternity cases involving East Asians. We also found significant allele frequency differences between the Gelao and other continental populations with respect to the markers grouped in clusters ∼Ⅳ, suggesting that these can be used as forensic ancestry informative Indel markers to distinguish the Gelao from other continental populations. Genetic ancestry analyses demonstrated that Tai-Kadai-speaking Gelao share a dominant ancestry component with Hmong-Mien-speaking Miao. Our population genetic results from multidimensional scaling plots, principal component analysis, neighboring-joining tree construction and hierarchical clustering also suggested that the Zunyi Gelao are genetically closer to their linguistically or geographically close populations, such as the Han Chinese, Guizhou Bouyei and the Hubei Tujia, than to Turkic and Tibeto-Burman speakers. 相似文献
Match probability calculation is deemed much more intricate for lineage genetic markers, including Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats (Y-STRs), than for autosomal markers. This is because, owing to the lack of recombination, strong interdependence between markers is likely, which implies that haplotype frequency estimates cannot simply be obtained through the multiplication of allele frequency estimates. As yet, however, the practical relevance of this problem has not been studied in much detail using real data. In fact, such scrutiny appears well warranted because the high mutation rates of Y-STRs and the possibility of backward mutation should have worked against the statistical association of Y-STRs. We examined haplotype data of 21 markers included in the PowerPlex®Y23 set (PPY23, Promega Corporation, Madison, WI) originating from six different populations (four European and two Asian). Assessing the conditional entropies of the markers, given different subsets of markers from the same panel, we demonstrate that the PowerPlex®Y23 set cannot be decomposed into smaller marker subsets that would be (conditionally) independent. Nevertheless, in all six populations, >94% of the joint entropy of the 21 markers is explained by the seven most rapidly mutating markers. Although this result might render a reduction in marker number a sensible option for practical casework, the partial haplotypes would still be almost as diverse as the full haplotypes. Therefore, match probability calculation remains difficult and calls for the improvement of currently available methods of haplotype frequency estimation. 相似文献
We have analyzed the specific male genetic component of 226 Bolivians recruited in five different regions (“departments”), La Paz, Cochabamba, Pando, Beni, and Santa Cruz. To evaluate the effect of geography on the distribution of genetic variability, the samples were also grouped into three main eco-geographical regions, namely, Andean, Sub-Andean, and Llanos. All the individuals were genotyped for 17 Y-STR and 32 Y-SNP markers. The average Y-chromosome Native American component in Bolivians is 28%, and it is mainly represented by haplogroup Q1a3a, while the average Y-chromosome European ancestry is 65%, and it is mainly represented by haplogroup R1b1-P25. The data indicate that there exists significant population sub-division in the country in terms of continental ancestry. Thus, the partition of ancestries in Llanos, Sub-Andean, and Andean regions is as follows (respectively): (i) Native American ancestry: 47%, 7%, and 19%, (ii) European ancestry: 46%, 86%, and 75%, and (iii) African ancestry: 7%, 7%, and 6%. The population sub-structure in the country is also well mirrored when inferred from an AMOVA analysis, indicating that among-population variance in the country reaches 9.74–11.15%. This suggests the convenience of using regional datasets for forensic applications in Bolivia, instead of using a global and single country database. By comparing the Y-chromosome patterns with those previously reported on the same individuals on autosomal SNPs and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), it becomes clear that Bolivians show a strong gender-bias. 相似文献
In some crime cases, the male part of the DNA in a stain can only be analysed using Y chromosomal markers, e.g. Y-STRs. This may be the case in e.g. rape cases, where the male components can only be detected as Y-STR profiles, because the fraction of male DNA is much smaller than that of female DNA, which can mask the male results when autosomal STRs are investigated. Sometimes, mixtures of Y-STRs are observed, e.g. in rape cases with multiple offenders. In such cases, Y-STR mixture analysis is required, e.g. by mixture deconvolution, to deduce the most likely DNA profiles from the contributors.We demonstrate how the discrete Laplace method can be used to separate a two person Y-STR mixture, where the Y-STR profiles of the true contributors are not present in the reference dataset, which is often the case for Y-STR profiles in real case work. We also briefly discuss how to calculate the weight of the evidence using the likelihood ratio principle when a suspect's Y-STR profile fits into a two person mixture. We used three datasets with between 7 and 21 Y-STR loci: Denmark (n = 181), Somalia (n = 201) and Germany (n = 3443). The Danish dataset with 21 loci was truncated to 15 and 10 loci to examine the effect of the number of loci. For each of these datasets, an out of sample simulation study was performed: A total of 550 mixtures were composed by randomly sampling two haplotypes, h1 and h2, from the dataset.We then used the discrete Laplace method on the remaining data (excluding h1 and h2) to rank the contributor pairs by the product of the contributors’ estimated haplotype frequencies. Successful separation of mixtures (defined by the observation that the true contributor pair was among the 10 most likely contributor pairs) was found in 42–52% of the cases for 21 loci, 69–75% for 15 loci and 92–99% for 10 loci or less depending on the dataset and how the discrete Laplace model was chosen. Y-STR mixtures with many loci are difficult to separate, but even haplotypes with 21 Y-STR loci can be separated. 相似文献
de Souza Góes AC de Carvalho EF Gomes I da Silva DA Gil EH Amorim A Gusmão L 《International journal of legal medicine》2005,119(2):70-76
The 17 Y chromosome STR loci DYS19, DYS385, DYS389I and II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS460, DYS461, GATA C4, GATA H4 and GATA A10 were analyzed in a male sample of 126 unrelated individuals from Rio de Janeiro. No shared haplotypes were observed, demonstrating the usefulness and informative power of these Y-STRs in male lineage identification in Rio de Janeiro. Pairwise haplotype analysis showed no significant differences in the comparison of Rio de Janeiro with Iberian samples from different regions of Portugal and Spain, as well as with other Caucasian samples from South America, namely Costa Rica, Buenos Aires (Argentina) and São Paulo (Brazil). The same set of Y-STRs was also typed in 119 father/son pairs and among 2,023 allele transfers, 8 mutations were observed with an overall mutation rate of 0.003955±0.001396 per locus/meiosis across the 17 loci. Except in one case, all mutations were single step. For DYS438 a four-step mutation was found which has never been reported before, where allele 10 mutated to allele 6. 相似文献
The discrete Laplace method is recommended by multiple parties (including the International Society for Forensic Genetics, ISFG) to estimate the weight of evidence in criminal cases when a suspect’s Y-STR profile matches the crime scene Y-STR profile. Unfortunately, modelling the distribution of Y-STR profiles in the population reference database is time-consuming and requires expert knowledge. When the suspect’s Y-STR profile is added to the database, as would be the protocol in many cases, the parameters of the discrete Laplace model must be re-estimated. We found that the likelihood ratios with and without adding the suspect’s Y-STR profile were almost identical with 1,000 or more Y-STR profiles in the database for Y-STR profiles with 8, 12, and 17 loci. Thus, likelihood ratio calculations can be performed in seconds if an established discrete Laplace model based on at least 1,000 Y-STR profiles is used. A match in a population reference database with 17 Y-STR loci from at least 1,000 male individuals results in a likelihood ratio above 10,000 in approximately 94% of the cases, and above 100,000 in approximately 82% of the cases. We offer free software accessible without restrictions to estimate a discrete Laplace model using a Y-STR reference database and subsequently to calculate likelihood ratios. 相似文献
The analysis of STRs is the main tool when studying genetic diversity in populations or when addressing individual identification in forensic casework. Population data are needed to establish reference databases that can be used in the forensic context. To that end, this work investigated five population samples from Albania, Iraq, Lithuania, Slovenia, and Turkey. Individuals were typed for 16 autosomal STRs and 12 X-chromosomal STRs using the NGMSElect™ and Investigator® Argus X-12 kits, respectively. The aim of the study was to characterize the diversity of both STR kits in these population samples and to expand our forensic database.The results showed that all markers were polymorphic in the five populations studied. No haplotype was shared between the males analysed for X-STRs. No statistically significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were observed for any of the genetic markers included in both the kits. Pairwise LD was only detected in X-STRs between markers located in the same linkage group. Power of discrimination values for males and females and the probability of exclusion in duos and trios were high for the populations in this study. 相似文献