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Recurrent interstitial cystitis following cystoplasty: fact or fiction?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The severity of symptoms in interstitial cystitis may necessitate surgical treatment in approximately 10% of the patients. Substitution cystoplasty provides satisfactory results in most of these cases, while avoiding the need for urinary diversion. It has been suggested that interstitial cystitis may affect the bowel segment used in this form of operation. We studied bowel segments removed from cystoplasties in 5 patients with interstitial cystitis and compared these to bowel used for lower urinary reconstruction for other disorders in 6 patients. All segments showed varying degrees of inflammation, fibrosis and mastocytosis but there was no difference between the 2 groups for these features. We conclude that inflammation and fibrosis is the usual reaction of bowel to exposure to urine, and they do not represent a specific spread of interstitial cystitis in those patients. However, this reaction does mimic the histological appearance of interstitial cystitis in the bladder and may suggest a model for this disease.  相似文献   

Substitution cystoplasty was performed in 157 patients aged 4 to 71 years; 62% suffered no post-operative complication. The commonest complication was sphincter-weakness incontinence, found in 18%, mainly in patients having a cystoplasty for interstitial cystitis; it was rare for the patient to complain of this incontinence. Ten per cent suffered incontinence due to colonic overactivity and this occurred in patients with neuropathic sphincter-weakness incontinence or an artificial sphincter; all of these patients complained of their incontinence. This was corrected by "patching" in all cases. Voiding difficulties requiring clean intermittent self-catheterisation occurred in 15%. More worrying was the universal finding, when looked for by blood gas analysis, of a metabolic acidosis with respiratory compensation. It was concluded that in the absence of neuropathy, sphincter weakness or an artificial sphincter, an unmodified ileocaecal segment substitution cystoplasty is adequate; in the presence of neuropathy, sphincter weakness or an artificial sphincter, a "pouch" type of substitution cystoplasty should be performed. All patients should have blood gas analyses from time to time as part of their routine post-operative follow-up.  相似文献   

The management of patients with IC remains a challenge because no single agent has proven universally effective. DMSO and PPS have been evaluated through early placebo-controlled trials, and these two agents are FDA approved treatments for IC. BCG is currently undergoing a large placebo-controlled trial, and hyaluronic acid is receiving similar clinical evaluation. Sacral nerve root stimulation shows promise with early favorable results. As with any treatment algorithm, it is reasonable to begin with conservative treatment using time-dependent milestones, allowing adequate trials of successive therapy while ensuring an appropriate pace for timely symptom resolution.  相似文献   

Treating interstitial cystitis (IC) is one of the greatest challenges facing physicians and other health care providers who manage patients with this condition. The symptoms of urinary frequency and urgency, dysuria, and chronic pelvic pain characterize IC, but it is the debilitating pelvic pain associated with IC that is most difficult to control. The pathophysiology of IC pain is poorly understood, but is thought to be a complex entity including nociceptive, visceral, and neuropathic components. There are currently no universally effective therapies available. Oral treatments, however, are frequently used, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, tricyclic antidepressants, gabapentin, and pentosan polysulfate, all of which have shown varying degrees of efficacy. Recognition that IC pain is multifactorial, and probably has a neuropathic component, has led to the use of some of these agents, previously prescribed for other neurologic conditions associated with chronic pain. Intravesical and surgical options are also available, which expands the armamentarium for those who treat pain secondary to IC. Treating IC requires managing all of the symptoms of this disease. This review aims to cover standard and novel treatment options, while concentrating on the management of pain.  相似文献   

Interstitial cystitis represents a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Most patients can be managed conservatively, but a small number of patients do not respond to conservative therapy and for them surgical treatment is indicated. This article reviews the historical and currently used surgical modalities. Enterocystoplasty is the surgical treatment of choice for intractable interstitial cystitis. The results of enterocystoplasty are satisfactory in approximately 80% of patients. However, no histological findings, such as mast cell density or degree of inflammation, can be used as a preoperative predictor of treatment results. The best results of cystoplasty seem to be achieved in patients who have a small bladder capacity, determined preoperatively under anesthesia. Approximately 10%–20% of patients may not be able to void spontaneously after surgery and require self-catheterization. Because of the unpredictable results, cystoplasty must be recommended with caution for certain patients. There is no evidence to indicate that a supratrigonal cystectomy and substitution cystoplasty offer a therapeutic advantage over augmentation cystoplasty alone. The choice of bowel segment does not affect the final outcome provided that it is tubularized and made spherical in configuration.  相似文献   

The histology of interstitial cystitis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Several studies have reported histologic findings in interstitial cystitis (IC) bladder biopsy specimens. However, these studies used a variety of criteria to define IC, which may explain the variation noted in the histologic changes. Clinical experience shows that these biopsy specimens are often not helpful in confirming the diagnosis. Our study was designed to examine the histologic features identified in bladder biopsy specimens from patients with IC and compare them with biopsy specimens from a control population. Although IC patients as a group had a higher incidence and degree of denuded epithelium, ulceration, and submucosal inflammation, none of these findings was pathognomonic. In addition, these findings occurred only in interstitial cystitis patients with pyuria or small bladder capacity. The inflammatory infiltrate seen in IC was composed predominantly of lymphocytes, with increasing numbers of plasma cells as the degree of inflammation increased. There was no specific predilection for the inflammatory infiltrate to be perineural. Submucosal inflammation was associated with denuded epithelium, ulceration, pyuria, and a clinical response to therapy suggesting a pathophysiologic relationship. Epithelial and basement membrane thickness, submucosal edema, vascular ectasia, fibrosis, and detrusor muscle inflammation and fibrosis were not significantly different in the IC and control patients. These findings suggest that IC is a chronic submucosal inflammatory disease, at least in those patients with small bladder capacities or pyuria. IC is best diagnosed from its clinical features; the histologic changes identified in the bladder biopsy play a supportive role in this diagnosis. Mast cells play a limited role in the diagnosis of IC.  相似文献   

Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a heterogeneous chronic disease of unknown etiology that impacts a very large number of women. Symptoms are highly variable: patients may suffer from pelvic pain that is exacerbated by bladder filling, and can be associated with a variety of lower urinary tract symptoms including frequency and urgency. Given the varying presentations and severities of corresponding treatment must be tailored to each specific patient. Current American Urological Association (AUA) guidelines separate the IC treatment recommendations into six tiers of increasing invasive therapies. These treatment guidelines begin with education and lifestyle modifications and progress through levels of physical, pharmacological, and ultimately surgical therapies for those that fail the less invasive therapies. The purpose of this review is to outline the recommendations for the treatment of IC and the evidence from which these recommendations arise. Furthermore, we examine the most up to date literature so that we may recognize future directions in the treatment of IC.  相似文献   

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation was used in a prospective series of 23 patients with classical interstitial cystitis. This treatment reduced pain in 18 patients and urinary frequency returned to normal in 8. Four women with a history of cystitis for 1 or 2 decades had no symptoms during transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for 7 or more years and lesions disappeared or were hardly detectable. A 2 to 3-fold increase in bladder capacity with anesthesia also was registered. Complete transurethral resection of visible lesions in 30 patients resulted in initial disappearance of pain in all and a decrease in urinary frequency in 21. The mode of action of the 2 methods and registered complications are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Interstitial cystitis is a chronic non-infectious inflammatory disease of the bladder of unknown aetiology which is characterized by irritative voiding symptoms and suprapubic pain related to bladder filling. Surgical treatment is indicated in severely symptomatic patients when medical therapies have failed, usually after a period of several years. The authors' experience with a modified technique of ileocystoplasty following supratrigonal cystectomy performed in five patients with interstitial cystitis is presented here. METHODS: A modified technique of bladder augmentation using ileum following supratrigonal bladder resection is described. RESULTS: All patients experienced relief from their symptoms. No patient had residual bladder pain and urinary frequency settled down in all. Bladder capacity was increased significantly. Three patients voided spontaneously postoperatively and two required clean intermittent self-catheterization. CONCLUSIONS: Supratrigonal cystectomy and ileocystoplasty can be a satisfactory option in refractory cases of interstitial cystitis. A simplified technique of ileal bladder construction that provides satisfactory bladder capacity is presented. Most urologists are familiar with ileal surgery, having used the ileum as a conduit after cystectomy for urinary diversion.  相似文献   

The historical origins of interstitial cystitis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Summary The content of these papers has been heavily weighted towards reconstructions performed utilizing segments of stomach. This was not done to place a value judgment on this type of reconstruction, rather it helps establish an awareness of: (1) potentially serious metabolic and gastrointestinal complications not previously reported in children and (2) particularly frequent symptomatic disturbances collectively included in the hematuria-dysuria syndrome. Recognition of problems specifically associated with a certain type of intestinal segment, as well as complications generally accompanying any form of intestinal reconstruction, will hopefully provide pediatric urologists and nephrologists with a better understanding of the issues that must be addressed in using these newer surgical techniques and focus attention on the specific indications and contraindications for incorporating intestinal segments into the urinary tract. Although long-term follow-up information still remains sparse, it appears that regular surveillance programs are required and both pediatric nephrologists and urologists need to be part of these programs.  相似文献   

间质性膀胱炎的流行病学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年有关间质性膀胱炎的患病率结合了验证有效的症状量表的结果评价患者的症状,发现问质性膀胱炎实际患病率远高于以前的结果.  相似文献   

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