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Doppler echocardiographic studies were performed in 380 consecutive patients with 415 normally functioning artificial valves to establish normal Doppler characteristics for each type of prostheses used in our institution, with particular reference to Starr-Edwards valves, and to serve as control studies for future assessment. None of the patients were in heart failure at the time of the study. Peak transaortic velocities (m.s-1) were higher and effective orifice areas (cm2) smaller in mechanical valves as a whole, when compared with bioprostheses (P less than 0.01); 2.7 +/- 0.7 and 1.4 +/- 0.55 for Starr-Edwards, 2.7 +/- 0.6 and 1.5 +/- 0.6 for Bjork-Shiley, 1.8 +/- 0.1 and 1.5 +/- 0.6 for Duromedics and 1.5 +/- 0.06 and 2 +/- 0.12 for bioprostheses, respectively. In the mitral position, the average peak diastolic velocities (m. s-1) and pressure half-times (ms) were higher in mechanical valves, but there was a large overlap between the various types and sizes of prostheses (P = NS); 1.6 +/- 0.3 and 98 +/- 25 for Starr-Edwards, 1.4 +/- 0.3 and 88 +/- 26 for Bjork-Shiley, 1.8 +/- 0.1 and 75 +/- 5 for Duromedics and 1.5 +/- 0.3 and 90 +/- 20 for bioprostheses, respectively. There was an inverse relation between valve size and pressure halftime for Starr-Edwards prostheses (P less than 0.01). Doppler flow characteristics in mechanical valves where similar in patients with normal and dysfunctioning prostheses. Valvular or myocardial dysfunction could best be ascertained when early postoperative studies were available for comparison.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Early diagnosis of acute prosthetic thrombosis remains a challenge,in 20 patients with 23 thrombosed cardiac valves, we evaluatedthe respective value of transthoracic (TTE) and transoesophageal(TEE) Doppler echocardiography. According to the presence orabsence of prosthetic obstruction by continuous-wave Doppler,prostheses were separated into two groups. Group 1 included nine thrombosed prostheses (8 mitral, 1 aortic)with severe obstruction. All patients presented with severesymptoms of heart failure. Transthoracic Doppler echocardiographyallowed immediate diagnosis of prosthetic thrombosis, even incritically ill patients, showing (1) eccentric transprostheticcolour flow jets in all eight mitral prostheses, (2) severeobstruction on Doppler examination (mean gradient = 18 to 36mmHg in eight mitral prostheses, and 69 mmHg in one aortic valve),and (3) direct echocardiographic evidence of thrombosis (i.e.thrombus or abnormal disc or leaflet motion) in four patients.All nine patients were immediately treated by surgery (n=8)or fibrinolysis (n =1) on the basis of TTE results only. TEEallowed better visualization of thrombus and restricted leafletor disc motion, but had little influence on patient management. Group 2 included 14 thrombosed prostheses (10 mitral, 4 aortic)with mild or absent obstruction, in three patients with massivemitral prosthetic thrombosis, an associated minimal thrombosisof a prosthetic aortic valve was found at surgery, but was detectedneither by TTE, nor by TEE. The 11 remaining patients presentedwith isolated partial mitral (n = 10) or aortic (n = 1) thrombosis.Clinical presentation was fever, cerebral embolism, or milddyspnoea, but no heart failure. TTE was normal in all. Continuous-waveDoppler showed normal prosthetic function in five patients andmild obstruction in six. TEE allowed diagnosis of prostheticthrombosis in all, showing an abnormal mobile echo around theprosthesis, despite normal disc or leaflet motion. In conclusion, transthoracic Doppler echocardiography is thediagnostic procedure of choice in patients with severely obstructiveprosthetic thrombosis, while the transoesophageal approach appearspromising in partial thrombosis with mild or absent obstruction.  相似文献   

This is a comparative study of 60 sets of observations of mitral valve end-diastolic gradient, mean diastolic gradient, and mitral valve area obtained by Doppler echocardiography and cardiac catheterization. The studies were performed in 28 patients, 16 of whom underwent mitral valve balloon valvuloplasty. These 16 patients had studies performed before, immediately after valvuloplasty, and one week later. Thus 28 studies were performed before or without valvuloplasty (Group I) and 32 after valvuloplasty (Group II). The time interval between Doppler echocardiography and cardiac catheterization was less than 24 hours in 44 studies and 24 to 72 hours in 16 studies. In Doppler echocardiography the gradients were obtained by simplified Bernoulli's equation and the mitral valve area by pressure half-time method. There was excellent correlation between end-diastolic gradients (r = 0.96, p less than 0.001) and mean diastolic gradients (r = 0.92, p less than 0.001) measured by the two techniques. A statistically significant correlation also existed in the mitral valve area values (r = 0.53, p less than 0.005). On separate analysis Group I showed excellent correlation for all three variables (r values of 0.90, 0.87, and 0.82 for end-diastolic gradients, mean-diastolic gradients, and mitral valve area, respectively). Group II also showed excellent correlation of end-diastolic gradients (r = 0.80) and mean diastolic gradients (r = 0.87), but poor correlation of the mitral valve areas (r = 0.17; p = NS) by the two techniques. Doppler echocardiography can accurately measure transmitral gradients both before and after valvuloplasty.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Transesophageal echocardiography has added another dimension to the assessment of prosthetic valve dysfunction with high-resolution images that allow for more detailed structural evaluation of tissue and mechanical valves. This study is a retrospective analysis of 140 prosthetic valves (90 tissue, 50 mechanical) in the mitral (89), aortic (45), and tricuspid (6) position in 116 patients studied by transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography techniques. Transesophageal echocardiography was consistently better than the transthoracic technique in the evaluation of structural abnormalities of tissue valves in the mitral and aortic positions with respect to leaflet thickening, prolapse, flail, and vegetations. With transesophageal echocardiography, five tissue mitral valves had flail leaflets that were not identified by the transthoracic technique. Transesophageal echocardiography was better than transthoracic in the detection, quantification, and localization of prosthetic mitral regurgitation. Physiological mitral regurgitation was detected in 31 valves by transesophageal echocardiography compared to seven by transthoracic technique. By transesophageal echocardiography, mitral regurgitation was paravalvular in 24% compared with 4% by transthoracic technique. Left atrial spontaneous contrast was seen in 42% of the patients with a mitral prosthesis detected only by transesophageal echocardiography. Six patients had left atrial or left atrial appendage thrombus and in five patients they were detected only by transesophageal echocardiography. We conclude that transesophageal echocardiography should be a complimentary test to transthoracic studies in patients with suspected prosthetic valve dysfunction or for the follow-up of older tissue valves.  相似文献   

Doppler echocardiography is being used increasingly in the follow-up of patients with valvular heart prostheses because it provides unique hemodynamic information about flow through prosthetic valves. A baseline checkup about 3 months after implantation is now recommended. We therefore now supply each patient with an identity and follow-up card for each particular prosthesis.  相似文献   

Transthoracic Doppler echocardiography is an accurate noninvasive method for the evaluation of prosthetic valve function. The flow characteristics and pressure gradients of normally functioning mechanical and bioprosthetic valves have been, in general established. Normal functioning mitral valve prostheses have a valve area > 1.8 cm2 with the St. Jude valve having the largest effective valve area and normally functioning aortic prosthetic valves have a peak instantaneous gradient of < 45 mmHg, with the Starr-Edwards valves (Starr-Edwards, Irvine CA) showing the highest gradients. The incidence of minimal or mild regurgitation is approximately 15% to 30% in the mitral position and 25% to 50% in the aortic position, with the higher incidence of regurgitation seen with mechanical compared to bioprosthetic valves. Transthoracic Doppler echocardiography can accurately detect patients with prosthetic valvular stenosis. The presence of prosthetic aortic regurgitation can also generally be accurately assessed, except in the presence of both prosthetic aortic and mitral valves. Assessment of prosthetic mitral regurgitation remains limited due to significant attenuation of the ultrasound beam by the prosthesis and the frequent underestimation of severity of regurgitation. Other limitations of transthoracic studies include assessment of leaflet morphology, detection of vegetations and valve abscesses, and differentiation between valvular and paravalvular regurgitation.  相似文献   

Homografts and stentless xenografts are increasingly used in aortic valve surgery. Echocardiography technicians and cardiologists have to know what they will find when performing an echo-Doppler examination in patients who received a stentless valve. We therefore evaluated echocardiographic images of 74 patients who received a Freestyle stentless bioprosthesis with three techniques and a follow-up of 2 years in two high-volume hospitals. Of the patients studied, 81% were operated using the subcoronary technique, 12% using the root-inclusion technique, and 7% using the full-root technique. Results: Transvalvular gradients across the stentless valves were low: 8.0 mmHg when implanted with the subcoronary technique, 8.2 +/- 5.1 mmHg using the root-inclusion technique, and 6.5 mmHg using the full-root technique. Trivial aortic insufficiency (grade 1) was observed in 10.7% of the patients (8.9% for the subcoronary technique, 13% for the root-inclusion technique, and 0% for the full-root technique). When the bioprosthesis was implanted using the subcoronary technique or the root-inclusion technique, the prosthesis was placed inside the recipient aortic root. Using these techniques, a lumen between the double layer of the xenograft and the aortic wall could be observed. With the root-replacement technique, the porcine root became the most proximal part of the ascending aorta. As the native aortic wall was removed, in most cases, no double lumen could be observed with imaging of the ascending aorta.  相似文献   

Colour flow mapping was used to examine the pattern of regurgitantflow in 46 patients with mitral regurgitation due to mitralvalve prolapse. Valve morphology was assessed from the real-timetwo-dimensional image and the presence of mitral regurgitationwas determined from real time Doppler. On morphological criteria11 (24%) patients had isolated or predominant anterior leafletprolapse, 22 (48%) patients posterior and 13 (28%) patientsbi-leaflet prolapse. A single regurgitant jet was detected in43 patients (93%) and multiple jets in three (7%). The directionof the regurgitant jet was assessed in multiple views in twoorthogonal planes (antero-posterior and medial-lateral) definedin relation to the mitral valve leaflets. The regurgitant jetwas eccentric in the antero-posterior plane of the mitral leafletsin 40 of 45 (89%) cases and in the medial-lateral plane in 36of 40 (90%) cases. Posterior leaflet prolapse was usually associatedwith antero-medially directed jets, anterior leaflet prolapsewith postero-central or postero-lateral jets and bi-leafletprolapse with predominantly postero-medial jets. In a subgroupof patients with significant mitral regurgitation and an eccentricregurgitant jet, a ‘swirling’ effect was producedwith late systolic flow in the body of the left atrium towardthe mitral valve. Colour flow mapping in patients with mitral regurgitation dueto mitral valve prolapse demonstrated eccentric jets in mostpatients. The direction of regurgitant flow appeared to dependgreatly on the dynamic anatomy of the mitral valve leafletsduring systole. Although a single jet was detected in most patients,multiple jets did occur in a minority.  相似文献   

Pitfalls in the echo-Doppler diagnosis of prosthetic valve disorders   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Assessment of artificial heart valves is a classic example of pitfalls in Doppler and color flow echocardiography. These limitations should be analyzed in the context of the most common clinical conditions associated with prosthetic valve dysfunction, that is, assessment of stenosis, regurgitation, endocarditis, and source of emboli. Estimation of the mean transvalvular gradient in addition to valve areas may avoid potential problems of over- or underestimation of stenotic lesions. The combination of acoustic attenuation, acoustic shadowing, and jet(s) eccentricity makes accurate grading of prosthetic regurgitation difficult and often frustrating. Reverberations and side lobe are frequent artifacts that decrease the ability of two-dimensional echocardiography to identify endocarditis-induced lesions such as vegetations and abscesses, as well as potential sources of emboli such as thrombus and atrial septal abnormalities. Transesophageal echocardiography has provided a new window in the evaluation of prosthetic cardiac valve function. With this approach, high frequency, high resolution transducers greatly improve the quality of ultrasound and color flow Doppler images that result in a higher diagnostic yield. In patients with suspected mitral prosthesis malfunction, transesophageal echocardiography is the method of choice. Contrast study during the transesophageal examination increases the sensitivity to detect potential sources of emboli such as patent foramen ovale. The improvement in diagnostic accuracy may allow one to avoid further diagnostic tests and, in selected patients, it may facilitate optimal timing of a surgical intervention.  相似文献   

AIMS: To characterize the origin and mechanisms of generation of Doppler mirror images in the left atrium observed in patients with mechanical bileaflet mitral valve prosthesis. We hypothesized that these systolic colour Doppler images are artifactual and generated by reflection of the left ventricular outflow tract flow at the leaflet of the mitral valve prosthesis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Fifty patients with mechanical bileaflet mitral valves were prospectively examined by means of transthoracic Doppler-echocardiography. From different apical views, the left atrium was carefully interrogated for systolic colour flow signals, which were further analysed by pulsed wave Doppler. In all patients, a systolic colour Doppler signal was detected in the left atrium. Pulsed wave Doppler analysis revealed a low velocity signal (= mirror image) corresponding to the shape and duration of the left ventricular outflow tract signal. The peak velocities of these mirror images, however, were consistently lower than the velocities obtained from the left ventricular outflow tract. In addition, if paravalvular mitral valve leakage was present, a high velocity signal identical to the duration of mitral regurgitation time was detected outside the ring of the prosthesis. CONCLUSIONS: Mirror image artifacts mimicking mitral regurgitation occur in patients with mechanical mitral valves prosthesis. As mirror image artifacts can be specifically identified by analysis of shape. velocity, and duration of pulsed wave Doppler spectra, their identification will help to avoid misinterpretation of both spectral and colour Doppler signals in patients with prosthetic mitral valves.  相似文献   

Pulsed, continuous-wave, and color Doppler were performed in 165 normal mitral prostheses and 58 patients with prosthetic dysfunction (46 regurgitant and 12 obstructive valves) proved by catheterization and/or surgery. Mean mitral gradient (MG) and pressure half-time (PHT) were determined in all cases.Among normal prostheses, a wide range of both MG and PHT was observed in each type of valve and a considerable overlap between valves of different size. St-Jude's valve had the most optimal hemodynamics. Mild mitral insufficiency was detected in 14% of tissue and 24% of mechanical mitral valves.Repeat studies were performed in 30 patients over a 2.4 years period. Nine patients developed Doppler evidence of new prosthetic dysfunction, while Doppler parameters remained unchanged in 21 patients during the follow-up period.Among malfunctioning valves, Doppler correctly identified all cases of prosthetic obstruction (n=12), and 42 of 46 regurgitant valves.We conclude that Doppler echocardiography is a very useful technique in both non-invasive assessment and follow-up of normal prosthetic valves in the mitral position and in detecting prosthetic dysfunction, especially when prosthetic obstruction is present.  相似文献   

Subvalvular pannus formation is a rare but clinically important complication with prosthetic valves. Transthoracic echocardiography still plays a role in the initial assessment of mechanical aortic valve dysfunction. But evaluation with transesophageal echocardiography is more useful. Subvalvular area may be a blind spot of echocardiography due to acoustic shadowing. The case presented herein underlines the significant role of transgastric plane and three‐dimensional TEE in the assessment of subvalvular pannus formation in mechanical aortic valves.  相似文献   

To determine the value of transesophageal echocardiography in the assessment of prosthetic cardiac valves, 11 patients with clinically suspected cardiac prosthetic valve dysfunction were studied by transesophageal two-dimensional imaging, as well as by color Doppler flow mapping. Among these 11 patients, there were 10 with biological tissue valves and 3 with metallic valves (1 Bjork-Shiley, 2 St. Jude). Nine patients had replacement of mitral valves alone. The remaining two had received both mitral and aortic prostheses. The degree of mitral regurgitation was graded by transesophageal color Doppler according to the area of the regurgitant jet visualized. The degree of aortic regurgitation was graded by the jet height/left ventricular outflow height ratio method. All transesophageal studies were performed without complication and all were well tolerated. The pathological morphology of the cardiac prosthesis was clearly visualized by transesophageal two-dimensional imaging and subsequently proven at surgery. Of those tested, one patient was found to have a torn leaflet, one had a dislodged leaflet, one patient had paravalvular leakage, four had cusp vegetations, and five patients had prosthetic degeneration for other reasons. Mitral regurgitation was graded as absent in one patient, mild in two patients, moderate in two patients, and severe in six patients. Aortic regurgitation was graded as severe in both patients with aortic prostheses. We conclude that in patients with clinically suspected cardiac prosthetic dysfunction, transesophageal two-dimensional imaging combined with color Doppler can provide reliable information that corresponds to surgical findings.  相似文献   

Although valve replacement remains the cornerstone of treatment for critical heart valve dysfunction, problems including thromboembolism, infection, and primary failure of the prosthesis remain. Resting studies of valve hemodynamics are sometimes insufficient to reveal valve dysfunction. Early studies using cardiac catheterization focused on changes in prosthetic function seen with various types of exercise or drug-induced stress. These studies suffered from an inability to adequately stress catheterized patients and were cumbersome to the patient and the investigator. With the introduction of Doppler echocardiography, however, studies could be performed after significant exercise with low risk and increased ease. Using echocardiography, reports of exercise-induced changes in aortic and mitral valve hemodynamics have appeared. Over 600 patients have been studied using Doppler echocardiography. In the aortic position, all prostheses studied have a mild peak instantaneous gradient (18-26 mmHg) at rest, which increases with exercise (35-63 mmHg). No significant differences between the four models of mechanical prostheses studied are found. The gradients achieved with exercise do not appear to be related to the heart rate achieved or duration of exercise. Smaller prostheses are associated with larger gradients; however, the correlation was not strong. All mitral valve prostheses studied are also mildly stenotic at rest (range of mean gradients 2.3-7.1 mmHg) and become moderately stenotic with exercise (range 5.1-16.5). Although the lowest gradients are seen with St. Jude Medical and Medtronic Hall prostheses, their gradients are not significantly less than with other valves.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Doppler ultrasound flow velocities across clinically normally functioning mitral (Bjork-Shiley, Medtronic Hall, Lillehei-Kaster, Duromedic and Starr-Edwards) and aortic (Bjork-Shiley, Medtronic Hall, Lillehei-Kaster and Duromedic) valve prostheses are described. To enable ease of reference for the echocardiographer and to avoid the need for time-consuming calculations of pressure drops and effective valve orifice areas, peak flow velocities and, where relevant, pressure half times across valves of different types and sizes are tabulated. In the mitral position, there was significant negative correlation between peak velocity and valve size and between pressure half time and valve size only when a large number and a wide range of sizes of a given type of mitral prosthesis was studied. Similarly, there was significant negative correlation between peak velocity and aortic valve size for Bjork-Shiley and Duromedic valves. Regurgitant jets were detected across 18.4% of mitral and 42% of aortic prostheses.  相似文献   

We report a patient in whom the commonly accepted Doppler echocardiographic findings failed to suggest prosthetic valve dysfunction. This was diagnosed by M-mode technique. We therefore feel that M-mode echocardiography still has its place in the complete evaluation of patients with suspected prosthetic valve dysfunction.  相似文献   

Intermittent dysfunction of mechanical mitral valve prosthesis is an uncommon condition. It carries serious clinical implications if unrecognized. Here, we present a case of a 28‐year‐old female with a history of rheumatic multivalvular disease, for which she had undergone double valve replacement and tricuspid annuloplasty. Six months later, she presented with heart failure. Clinical examination revealed intermittent loss of closing clicks followed by a pansystolic murmur at the apex, suggestive of mitral prosthetic valve dysfunction. We highlight the echocardiographic findings of paroxysmal mitral valvular regurgitation secondary to prosthetic valve malfunction secondary to prosthetic valve thrombosis.  相似文献   

To develop a noninvasive approach to the quantification of thestenotic aortic valve area, Doppler echocardiography and cardiaccatheterisation were performed in 24 patients with pure aorticstenosis. The transmitral volumetric flow was measured by Dopplerechocardiography and calculated as the product of the correctedmitral orifice area (CM A) and the diastolic velocity integral(DVI). The maximal aortic jet velocities were recorded by Dopplertechnique and integrated to obtain the systolic velocity integral(SVl). Assuming that the aortic and mitral volumetric flowsare equal, the aortic valve area (A VA) was calculated as: AVA= CM A x DVI/SVI. Mean pressure gradient and cardiac outputwere measured during catheterisation and the aortic valve areawas calculated by the Gorlin formula. Comparison between theaortic valve area determined by Doppler technique and catheterisationyielded a close correlation (r = 0.92, P<0.001), and therewas no significant difference between the two measurements.Good correlations of the instantaneous pressure gradient andthe stroke volume were also obtained between the two techniques(r = 0.91 and r = 0.90, respectively, P<0.001). These resultsdemonstrate that our Doppler echocardiographic method providesa promising approach to the noninvasive quantification of theaortic valve area in aortic stenosis  相似文献   

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