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手掌部分解剖结构可视化的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
目的:建立手的可视化模型。方法:采用新鲜成人手标本的冰冻薄层断面切片(0.2mm),在PC机上对手部骨骼、指屈肌腱、掌部筋膜间隙以及手的外形进行三维重建。结果:初步建立了基于解剖结构的可视化手模型并精确显示手掌部主要解剖结构。结论:可视化手模型为手部某些疾病的诊断和治疗提供了三维的形态学资料,也为虚拟现实技术提供了数字模型。  相似文献   

目的 建立手舟骨动脉血供三维数字可视化模型,为基础研究及临床应用提供形态学基础。 方法 8具尸体行一次性全身动脉造影、螺旋CT扫描,运用Mimics软件构建腕骨及手舟骨滋养动脉的3D可视化模型。 结果 (1)该模型能够清晰显示桡骨、尺骨远端与手部各骨及其周围血管网,并可任意旋转观察与测量;(2)手舟骨有3支主要的滋养动脉;(3)通过选择性透明或隐藏处理后,对手舟骨营养血管入骨点及其在骨内的分布情况得到了很好的显示。 结论 该模型可清晰的显示手舟骨及其滋养动脉的来源、分布、及空间毗邻,可为手舟骨疾患的临床诊治提供直观的数字化解剖学依据。  相似文献   

颞骨可视化模型的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:建立颞骨可视化模型,初步探索该模型的功能。方法:采用中国数字人数据在个人计算机上用3d-doctor软件重建颞骨及其内部部分结构;在模型中测量内耳门后唇中点到总骨脚根以及颈静脉球顶的距离。结果:所建模型能清楚地显示颞骨、颈内动脉岩内段、下颌髁突、面神经主干、前庭蜗神经主干、内耳道、骨迷路、鼓室和部分咽鼓管、外耳道、乙状窦和颈静脉球;通过模型测量内耳道后唇中点到总骨脚根以及颈静脉球顶的距离分别是7.0mm,10.3mm。结论:可以通过虚拟人数据实现骨迷路、面神经主干、前庭蜗神经主干等精细结构的可视化。此模型在相关结构间距离测量上具有优势。  相似文献   

医学体数据可视化的研究和实现   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
医学体数据可视化在临床上已成为辅助诊断和辅助治疗的重要手段,其技术也成为近年来研究和应用的热点.本文讨论了体数据可视化中的体绘制算法(volume rendering)中最常用的光线投射法,并利用Visualization Tool Kit(VTK)--一个包含了多种体绘制技术的基于面向对象方法设计的、功能强大的可视化类库,来实现断层医学图像的三维重建,并比较了这几种体绘制技术的各自特点.重建效果表明基于VTK的体绘制技术具有应用灵活、重建效果逼真、重建速度较快等优点.  相似文献   

放射治疗需要制定周密的计划,可视化技术对制定放疗计划具有重要作用。本文以VC++6.0为工具,基于VTK开发了多种可视化算法,研究了放射治疗计划中的可视化技术。利用OpenGL图形库模拟了虚拟放疗环境,研究了一种实时的放射治疗设备碰撞检测方法,可以检测计划中潜在的碰撞,以确保放射治疗计划的安全实施。试验表明,此种可视化方法有助于医生制定合理高效的放射治疗计划。  相似文献   

目的:建立中国人体上纵隔区域内主要结构的数字化可视模型,为临床上纵隔疾病的影像学诊断及外科手术方案选择提供形态学依据。方法:采用第三军医大学数字人体研究所提供的数字化可视人体数据集中上纵隔部位的连续图像,运用体数据绘制及表面绘制的重建方法,在计算机上对上纵隔内各个重要结构进行计算机三维重建和立体显示。结果:上纵隔数字化可视模型能够清晰显示其各个主要结构的形态、位置及毗邻关系,各结构可单独显示和合成显示,并可任意方向的旋转。结论:数字化可视人体数据集对于上纵隔内容的显示,能较好地提供完整而精确的解剖学断面数据,重建后的可视化模型能准确反映该区域复杂的解剖学结构特点及其空间毗邻关系。  相似文献   

目的 探讨应用数字化虚拟技术研究纵形断指的临床解剖学特点.方法 将虚拟手模型三维图形文件导入Mimics软件,利用Simulation模块的正交立体切割工具,对重建后的手分别沿指体侧中线、指体侧中线偏背侧、指体侧中线偏掌侧、指体掌(背)侧中线截面进行切割,并对其解剖学形态进行观察测量. 结果建立了基于解剖结构的可视化手...  相似文献   

周围神经损伤与再生的可视化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周围神经损伤后其远近端形态改变与神经再生及功能恢复有密切联系。本试验通过硅胶管桥接大鼠坐骨神经缺损模型,对不同时间点、损伤区不同部位的坐骨神经进行连续切片,光、电镜观察摄像后,利用计算机图像重建技术,采用体素模型在SGI三维图形工作站上对大鼠坐骨神经损伤后变性、再生过程中形态结构改变进行三维重建和显示。三维图像显示新生神经纤维与正常神经纤维相比有郎飞氏结尚未形成、排列紊乱、髓鞘较薄、轴索较细、胶原纤维增生等差异。  相似文献   

目的研究利用股部的CT数据进行三维重建和初步的虚拟解剖。方法10例临床病人股部Light-speed CT增强扫描的原始数据,利用“医学三维图像工作室”软件系统对其进行读取、三维重建和虚拟解剖。结果重建出的股部图像逼真,分皮肤、肌肉、骨骼和动脉等4类器官伪彩显示,相互间结构层次清晰,能实时旋转、任意厚度多次切割。结论本研究实现了虚拟解剖的部分功能,对局部解剖和断层影像解剖学教学以及临床影像诊断具有明确的辅助作用。  相似文献   

目的:建立正常人前列腺及其毗邻结构的三维可视化数字模型。为解剖教学、临床诊断和男性盆腔手术提供动态三维形态学资料。方法:采用第三军医大学解剖学教研室的第1例中国数字化可视人体数据集1号(CVH1)盆腔连续断面图像分割出前列腺及其毗邻结构的轮廓数据,运用AMIRA商业软件进行计算机三维重建和可视化显示。结果:重建出了前列腺及其毗邻结构的三维可视化模型,该模型可从任意角度进行观察,清晰地显示前列腺与毗邻结构的空间位置关系。结论:前列腺及其毗邻结构的可视化模型为人体解剖教学和临床泌尿外科应用提供三维数字化工具,为CT、MRI男性盆腔断面影像研究提供了形态学资料。  相似文献   

A preliminary study for a new model of sense of community   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although Sense of Community (SOC) is usually defined as a multidimensional construct, most SOC scales are unidimensional. To reduce the split between theory and empirical research, the present work identifies a multifactor structure for the Italian Sense of Community Scale (ISCS) that has already been validated as a unitary index of SOC. This study was carried out in two steps: (a) a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted of a three‐factor structure, and (b) the author tested the predictive validity of the dimensions to confirm its structure. The study results validate the three‐factor solution (i.e., Place Attachment, Needs Fulfillment and Influence, and Social Bonds). Therefore, the ISCS is a valid measure of SOC and a base from which to develop a new model for this construct. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Finite element modelling of the human lumbar vertebral column employs data-processing procedures for study of the linear and nonlinear elasticity of materials such as are currently used in mechanics or in civil engineering. Thanks to developments in computer science, requiring a close collaboration between doctors and engineers, we put forward in this preliminary study a linear computerised model of the lumbar column comprising 4824 meshes and 6813 nodes. By reducing the simplificatory hypotheses and integrating new parameters, this model as developed is capable of important clinical applications in surgery and ergonomics.
Modélisation de la colonne lombaire humaine. Etude préliminaire
Résumé La modélisation en éléments finis de la colonne lombaire humaine utilise les procédés informatisés d'étude de l'élasticité linéaire et non linéaire des matériaux telle qu'elle est couramment employée en mécanique ou en génie civil. Grâce au développement de l'informatique, nécessitant une collaboration étroite entre médecins et ingénieurs, nous proposons, dans cette étude préliminaire, un modèle informatisé linéaire de la colonne lombaire comportant 4824 mailles et 6813 noeuds. En réduisant les hypothèses simplificatrices et en intégrant de nouveaux paramètres, ce modèle évolué est susceptible d'importantes applications cliniques en chirurgie et en ergonomie.

Studies in monkeys and humans suggest a dissociation between the visual fields near and far from the hand. In this study, we investigated visual detection and spatial discrimination in near- and far-hand fields using the stimulus of a flashing light emitting diode placed near (1 cm) and/or far (40 cm) from the hand. We found that there was greater accuracy (i.e., fewer errors) in the near-hand field. Control experiments indicated that (a) the superior near-hand detection performance was not due to response strategies, (b) the hand did not serve as a spatial reference, (c) the greater accuracy in the near-hand field did not reflect within-hemisphere or within-hemispace facilitation and (d) the effect appeared to be essentially due to viewing of the hand but not proprioceptive information. The results suggest there is an interconnected system for integrated (visual–tactile) coding of peripersonal space centered on body parts and comprising bimodal visuo-tactile cells.  相似文献   

The effect of Thuja occidentalis extract on the inhibition of lung metastasis induced by B16F-10 melanoma cells was studied in C57BL/6 mice. The extract was administered by three different modalities. A remarkable reduction in tumor-nodule formation was shown by simultaneous (74.4%) and prophylactic (71.5%) mode of administration. The effect was comparatively low in drug administration after tumor development (60.2%). Increased lung collagen hydroxyproline (21.13 µg/mg protein) in the metastasized lungs of control animals compared with normal animals (0.98 µg/mg protein) was significantly reduced in Thuja-treated animals. The elevated level of uronic acid (349.5 µg/100 mg tissue) and hexosamine contents in metastatic control animals was significantly reduced in the animals treated with alcoholic extract of Thuja. Similarly the elevated levels of serum sialic acid and serum gamma glutamyl transpeptidase activity in the untreated control animals was significantly reduced in the animals treated with the extract of Thuja. The lifespan of the Thuja treated animals also was seen to be significantly increased.  相似文献   

目的建立可供计算机自动识别与三维重建的高精度人体原位肝脏和游离肝脏可视化数据集。方法采用管道灌注法对肝脏进行灌注填充,经数控机床逐层铣切,完成断面图像数码摄影。结果获取无缺损的连续薄层横、冠、矢状断面可视化肝脏图像数据集。结论经灌注后铣切获取的薄层肝脏断面图像能够更好地展示肝内管道系统的断面解剖学数据,有利于计算机准确而快捷地识别与完成肝内管道系统的三维重建。  相似文献   

目的通过鉴定小鼠骨髓来源巨噬细胞(bone marrow-derived macrophages,BMDM)的功能表型,从而研究巨噬细胞功能极化的可塑性及其内在机制。方法采用流式细胞术检测体外诱导分化的小鼠骨髓来源巨噬细胞纯度;采用荧光定量PCR技术检测由RAW264.7极化的M1、M2巨噬细胞中M1、M2特定标记基因的表达来鉴定RAW264.7的功能状态;小鼠BMDM极化为M1、M2巨噬细胞时,荧光定量PCR技术检测M1、M2中特定标记基因TNF-α、IL-6、Arginase、Fizz-1 mRNA水平的表达,组蛋白去乙酰化酶抑制剂Trichostatin A(TSA)、DNA去甲基化酶抑制剂5-氮杂-2-脱氧胞(Aza)刺激M1、M2巨噬细胞后,检测TNF-α、IL-6、Arginase、Fizz-1 mRNA水平表达的变化。结果 RAW264.7细胞经LPS刺激8 h极化为M1巨噬细胞;RAW264.7细胞经IL-4体外刺激24 h极化为M2巨噬细胞。小鼠BMDM在LPS、IL-4刺激下,分别极化为M1、M2巨噬细胞,改变体外刺激条件,M1巨噬细胞可重分化为M2样巨噬细胞,M2巨噬细胞可重分化为M1样巨噬细胞,M1样巨噬细胞和M2巨噬细胞是介于M1、M2中间状态的2种巨噬细胞;药物TSA、Aza的加入使M1、M2中特定标记基因TNF-α、IL-6、Arginase、Fizz-1 mRNA水平表达增加。结论巨噬细胞的功能极化具有可塑性,巨噬细胞的极化可能与染色质状态的改变有关。  相似文献   

Cephalographic evaluations often hinge on univariate statistical analyses of their component dimensions. These analyses generally depict a progressive increase in cephalometric form with age. Such analyses are, however, complicated by the varied inter-dimensional correlations. But when the cephalometric dimensions were combined together in cluster analysis, complex associations between various age groups were noted in the 1-18 year range. Such multivariate analyses revealed far more complex craniofacial age changes than traditionally envisaged. These data therefore indicated the need for further investigation of such "normocephalic gold standards" before their value in craniofacial evaluation can be established.  相似文献   

A model simulating the interaction of a uniform 50 Hz power-line electric field with an idealised human body is described. The conclusions drawn can be used to construct a simple instrument which can monitor respiratory and plethysmographic signals, even though attention is focused on respiration. An experimental arrangement has been evaluated and provided a good agreement with the theoretical model.  相似文献   

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