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This study examined the relations of nativity, language, and neighborhood context to pregnancy norms among U.S. Hispanic teens. We used data from a sample of 972 Hispanic females and 960 Hispanic males from Waves I and II (1994–1996) of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health) collected in eighty high schools and fifty-two middle schools across the country. Results indicated that nativity, language, and neighborhood context were related to Hispanic teen pregnancy norms, although these relationships varied by gender. Specifically, foreign-born, non-English speaking females and those who lived in immigrant neighborhoods held stronger norms against unmarried teen pregnancies compared to English speakers and/or lived elsewhere. Yet, no relationship was demonstrated for males. The results of this study suggest an immigrant advantage related to female teen pregnancy norms, and that context matters in the formation of pregnancy norms for Hispanic females.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine whether the use of a community mobile health van (the Lucile Packard Childrens Hospital Women’s Health Van) in an underserved population allows for earlier access to prenatal care and increased rate of adequate prenatal care, as compared to prenatal care initiated in community clinics. Methods: We studied 108 patients who initiated prenatal care on the van and delivered their babies at our University Hospital from September 1999 to July 2004. One hundred and twenty-seven patients who initiated prenatal care in sites other than the Women’s Health Van, had the same city of residence and source of payment as the study group, and also delivered their babies at our hospital during the same time period, were selected as the comparison group. Gestational age at which prenatal care was initiated and the adequacy of prenatal care — as defined by Revised Graduated Index of Prenatal Care Utilization (RGINDEX) — were compared between cases and comparisons. Results: Underserved women utilizing the van services for prenatal care initiated care three weeks earlier than women using other services (10.2 ± 6.9 weeks vs. 13.2 ± 6.9 weeks, P = 0.001). In addition, the data showed that van patients and non-van patients were equally likely to receive adequate prenatal care as defined by R-GINDEX (P = 0.125). Conclusion: Women who initiated prenatal care on the Women’s Health Van achieved earlier access to prenatal care when compared to women initiating care at other community health clinics. None of the authors have financial conflicts of interest to disclose.  相似文献   

To compare cardiovascular risk and disease prevalence in U.S. Hispanics/Latinas with and without a history of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Cross-sectional data from 2008 to 2011 were analyzed for 8,262 (305 with GDM history) parous women, aged 20–73 years, from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL). Women with and without a history of GDM were compared on sociodemographic, cardiovascular risk factor, and disease data from standardized interviews and fasting blood tests, using chi-square tests, t-tests, and logistic regressions to determine odds ratios (ORs) and 95 percent confidence intervals (CIs). Adjusting for covariates, compared to those without a history of GDM, women with a history of GDM were younger (M = 39.1 years [95 percent CI = 37.8, 41.6] vs. 45.5 years [95 percent CI = 44.9, 46.1]) and more likely to have health insurance (68.1 percent [95 percent CI = 60.3 percent, 76.0 percent] vs. 54.9 percent [95 percent CI = 52.8 percent, 57.1 percent]), had greater waist circumference (M = 102.3 cm, [95 percent CI = 100.2, 104.3] vs. 98.1 cm [95 percent CI = 97.4, 98.5]) and higher fasting glucose (116.0 mg/dL [95 percent CI = 107.8, 124.3] vs. 104.2 mg/dL [95 percent CI = 103.4, 105.1]), and had higher odds of having metabolic syndrome (OR = 1.7 [95 percent CI = 1.2, 2.6]) or diabetes (OR = 3.3 [95 percent CI = 2.2, 4.8]). Prevalences of heart and cerebrovascular disease were similar. GDM history was positively associated with diabetes but not with cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

There is a growing burden of oral disease among older adults that is most significantly borne by minorities, the poor, and immigrants. Yet, national attention to oral heath disparities has focused almost exclusively on children, resulting in large gaps in our knowledge about the oral health risks of older adults and their access to care. The projected growth of the minority and immigrant elderly population as a proportion of older adults heightens the urgency of exploring and addressing factors associated with oral health-related disparities. In 2008, the New York City Health Indicators Project (HIP) conducted a survey of a representative sample of 1,870 adults over the age of 60 who attended a random selection of 56 senior centers in New York City. The survey included questions related to oral health status. This study used the HIP database to examine differences in self-reported dental status, dental care utilization, and dental insurance, by race/ethnicity, among community-dwelling older adults. Non-Hispanic White respondents reported better dental health, higher dental care utilization, and higher satisfaction with dental care compared to all other racial/ethnic groups. Among minority older adults, Chinese immigrants were more likely to report poor dental health, were less likely to report dental care utilization and dental insurance, and were less satisfied with their dental care compared to all other racial/ethnic groups. Language fluency was significantly related to access to dental care among Chinese immigrants. Among a diverse community-dwelling population of older adults in New York City, we found significant differences by race/ethnicity in factors related to oral health. Greater attention is needed in enhancing the cultural competency of providers, addressing gaps in oral health literacy, and reducing language barriers that impede access to care.  相似文献   

In the United States, having health insurance is an important determinant of health care access and individual health outcomes. Nationwide, a significant proportion of the population does not have health insurance. Hispanics, in particular, are less likely than non-Hispanics to have insurance. A framework was established to examine the relationships between the determinants of insurance coverage and health care affordability in El Paso County, Texas. Data from the 2005 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System were used to examine the relationships described by this framework. The sample included 653 adults, of those 477 self-identified as Hispanic or Latino. In El Paso County, almost half of adult Hispanics lack any type of health insurance coverage, three times the rate of non-Hispanics. Among Hispanics, the lack of health insurance was strongly associated with reduced affordability of health care. Employment status, income, and age were found to have significant associations with insurance coverage and health care affordability. Sex and education level were relevant, yet distal determinants of these outcomes. Ongoing conversations about health care reform should take into account the patterns of coverage within the Hispanic population. Knowing how economic and social factors affect coverage is necessary to inform policy that can effectively alleviate disparities experienced by Hispanics.  相似文献   



To examine racial/ethnic disparities in medical and oral health status, access to care, and use of services in U.S. adolescents.

Data Source

Secondary data analysis of the 2003 National Survey of Children''s Health. The survey focus was children 0–17 years old.

Study Design

Bivariate and multivariable analyses were conducted for white, African American, Latino, Asian/Pacific Islander, American Indian/Alaskan Native, and multiracial adolescents 10–17 years old (n = 48,742) to identify disparities in 40 measures of health and health care.

Principal Findings

Certain disparities were especially marked for specific racial/ethnic groups and multiracial youth. These disparities included suboptimal health status and lack of a personal doctor or nurse for Latinos; suboptimal oral health and not receiving all needed medications in the past year for African Americans; no physician visit or mental health care in the past year for Asian/Pacific Islanders; overweight/obesity, uninsurance, problems getting specialty care, and no routine preventive visit in the past year for American Indian/Alaska Natives; and not receiving all needed dental care in multiracial youth.


U.S. adolescents experience many racial/ethnic disparities in health and health care. These findings indicate a need for ongoing identification and monitoring of and interventions for disparities for all five major racial/ethnic groups and multiracial adolescents.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the perceptions related to seeking eye care for their children among Hispanic immigrant parents. Five focus group discussions with approximately eight Hispanic immigrant parents each were carried out using a designed topic guide to encourage dialogue. Discussion was tape-recorded and transcribed. Qualitative analysis was performed to identify and classify perceived barriers, motivators and possible future interventions. Parents agreed they would take the child to the eye specialist for visible problems, or if recommended by the pediatrician or required for school entry. The most frequently mentioned barriers included cost and the absence of signs, symptoms or a family history of eye problems. Parents identified a need for more information about common pediatric eye conditions, especially non-obvious problems like refractive error. Evaluation of perceptions and barriers is a necessary first step towards developing culturally relevant and effective interventions.  相似文献   

Understanding how military families who have children with special health care needs (CSHCN) successfully cope in the context of exceptional demands of the military lifestyle can inform scholarship, policy, and practice to the benefit of families. Using data from 775 female civilian parents (mothers serving as Key Spouses) married to active duty Air Force members, this study examined differences on dimensions of network support and spouse resiliency between mothers who do and do not have CSHCN, as well as the relative contribution of formal and informal network support to variation in self-reports of resiliency among mothers with CSHCN. Mothers with CSHCN experience significantly less formal and informal network support than their counterparts. Despite this, they reported equivalent overall resiliency, with lower perceived resiliency on only one of four resiliency outcomes. More formal and informal network support was generally associated with higher resilience. Implications for policy, practice, and research are discussed.  相似文献   

Patients with health insurance may find that obtaining an initial appointment for behavioral healthcare is an arduous process. A stratified sample of licensed New Jersey psychiatrists and psychologists was surveyed by telephone. Results revealed that patient access to care under 10 large insurance plans in New Jersey varies by plan, but overall was difficult. Suggestions for dealing with the problem are offered. Behavioral health practitioners and their professional organizations should address these issues more directly and vigorously.  相似文献   



To examine barriers community health centers (CHCs) face in using workers'' compensation insurance (WC).

Data Sources/Study Setting

Leadership of CHCs in Massachusetts.

Study Design

We used purposeful snowball sampling of CHC leaders for in-depth exploration of reimbursement policies and practices, experiences with WC, and decisions about using WC. We quantified the prevalence of perceived barriers to using WC through a mail survey of all CHCs in Massachusetts.

Data Collection/Extraction Methods

Emergent coding was used to elaborate themes and processes related to use of WC. Numbers and percentages of survey responses were calculated.

Principal Findings

Few CHCs formally discourage use of WC, but underutilization emerged as a major issue: “We see an awful lot of work-related injury, and I would say that most of it doesn''t go through workers'' comp.” Barriers include lack of familiarity with WC, uncertainty about work-relatedness, and reliance on patients to identify work-relatedness of their conditions. Reimbursement delays and denials lead patients and CHCs to absorb costs of services.


Follow-up studies should fully characterize barriers to CHC use of WC and experiences in other states to guide system changes in CHCs and WC agencies. Education should target CHC staff and workers about WC.  相似文献   

Objective. To estimate the effect of growth in health care costs that outpaces gross domestic product (GDP) growth ("excess" growth in health care costs) on employment, gross output, and value added to GDP of U.S. industries.
Study Setting. We analyzed data from 38 U.S. industries for the period 1987–2005. All data are publicly available from various government agencies.
Study Design. We estimated bivariate and multivariate regressions. To develop the regression models, we assumed that rapid growth in health care costs has a larger effect on economic performance for industries where large percentages of workers receive employer-sponsored health insurance (ESI). We used the estimated regression coefficients to simulate economic outcomes under alternative scenarios of health care cost inflation.
Results. Faster growth in health care costs had greater adverse effects on economic outcomes for industries with larger percentages of workers who had ESI. We found that a 10 percent increase in excess growth in health care costs would have resulted in 120,803 fewer jobs, US$28,022 million in lost gross output, and US$14,082 million in lost value added in 2005. These declines represent 0.17 to 0.18 percent of employment, gross output, and value added in 2005.
Conclusion. Excess growth in health care costs is adversely affecting the economic performance of U.S. industries.  相似文献   

福州市作为沿海开放城市和全国综合改革试点城市,在深化医疗体制改革的过程中,进行了一些有益的探索,取得了较好的社会效益。  相似文献   

目的为以后更好的开展赴美移民预防接种工作打下基础。方法对2004年福建国际旅行卫生保健中心赴美移民预防接种情况进行回顾分析。结果2004年共为10999位赴美移民进行了预防接种,其中以中、青年和女性占较大比例。各年龄段的性别构成有差异。共接种30604针次,不良反应占0.26%,开具的禁忌证明中药物过敏居多数。结论做好移民接种工作咨询与评估,提高预防接种技术,加强赴美移民预防接种工作管理,是保障移民预防接种工作不断深入开展的关键和重要措施。  相似文献   

Objective. To estimate the incremental cost-effectiveness of improving diabetes care with the Health Disparities Collaborative (HDC), a national collaborative quality improvement (QI) program conducted in community health centers (HCs).
Data Sources/Study Setting. Data regarding the impact of the Diabetes HDC program came from a serial cross-sectional follow-up study (1998, 2000, 2002) of the program in 17 Midwestern HCs. Data inputs for the simulation model of diabetes came from the latest clinical trials and epidemiological studies.
Study Design. We conducted a societal cost-effectiveness analysis, incorporating data from QI program evaluation into a Monte Carlo simulation model of diabetes.
Data Collection/Extraction Methods. Data on diabetes care processes and risk factor levels were extracted from medical charts of randomly selected patients.
Principal Findings. From 1998 to 2002, multiple processes of care (e.g., glycosylated hemoglobin testing [HbA1C] [71→92 percent] and ACE inhibitor prescribing [33→55 percent]) and risk factor levels (e.g., 1998 mean HbA1C 8.53 percent, mean difference 0.45 percent [95 percent confidence intervals −0.72, −0.17]) improved significantly. With these improvements, the HDC was estimated to reduce the lifetime incidence of blindness (17→15 percent), end-stage renal disease (18→15 percent), and coronary artery disease (28→24 percent). The average improvement in quality-adjusted life year (QALY) was 0.35 and the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was $33,386/QALY.
Conclusions. During the first 4 years of the HDC, multiple improvements in diabetes care were observed. If these improvements are maintained or enhanced over the lifetime of patients, the HDC program will be cost-effective for society based on traditionally accepted thresholds.  相似文献   

Modern health care rhetoric promotes choice and individual patient rights as dominant values. Yet we also accept that in any regime constrained by finite resources, difficult choices between patients are inevitable. How can we balance rights to liberty, on the one hand, with equity in the allocation of scarce resources on the other? For example, the duty of health authorities to allocate resources is a duty owed to the community as a whole, rather than to specific individuals. Macro-duties of this nature are founded on the notion of equity and fairness amongst individuals rather than personal liberty. They presume that if hard choices have to be made, they will be resolved according to fair and consistent principles which treat equal cases equally, and unequal cases unequally. In this paper, we argue for greater clarity and candour in the health care rights debate. With this in mind, we discuss (1) private and public rights, (2) negative and positive rights, (3) procedural and substantive rights, (4) sustainable health care rights and (5) the New Zealand booking system for prioritising access to elective services. This system aims to consider: individual need and ability to benefit alongside the resources made available to elective health services in an attempt to give the principles of equity practical effect. We describe a continuum on which the merits of those, sometimes competing, values—liberty and equity—can be evaluated and assessed.  相似文献   

PurposeTo evaluate the impact of a clinic-based chronic care coordinator (CCC) intervention on quality of diabetes care, health outcomes and health service utilization within six community health centers serving predominantly low-income Hispanic and non-Hispanic white patients.MethodsWe used a retrospective cohort study design with a 12-month pre- and 12-month postintervention analysis to evaluate the effect of the CCC intervention and examined: (1) the frequency of testing for glycated hemoglobin (HbAIC), cholesterol LDL level, and microalbumin screen and frequency of retinal and foot exam; (2) outcomes for HbAIC levels, lipid, and blood pressure control; and (3) health care service utilization. Patients with diabetes who received the CCC intervention (n = 329) were compared to a propensity score adjusted control group who are not exposed to the CCC intervention (n = 329). All of the data came from Electronic Medical Record. Four separate sets of analyses were conducted to demonstrate the effect of propensity score matching on results.ResultsThe CCC intervention led to improvements in process measures, including more laboratory checks for HbAIC levels, microalbuminuria screens, retinal and foot exams and also increased primary care visits. However, the intervention did not improve metabolic control.ConclusionsCCC interventions offer promise in improving process measures within community health centers but need to be modified to improve metabolic control.  相似文献   

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