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A YAC contig has been constructed spanning 1.1 Mb of human chromosomeband 10q11.2 which encompasses three markers (D10S141, RET,D10S94) closely linked to the gene for MEN 2A. This physicallinkage group is ordered cen-D10S141-RET-D10S94-qter, and mustinclude MEN2A, which lies in a 480 kb region between flankingmarkers D10S141 and D10S94.  相似文献   

Localisation of a gene for chondrocalcinosis to chromosome 5p   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chondrocaicinosis is a common disorder which may associate withacute and chronic arthritis. A familial form, inherited as anautosomai dominant trait, has been mapped In a iarge famiiyin which affected members aiso suffer recurrent fits in childhood.The gene which causes this disease shows linkage with severalpoiymorphic markers on chromosome 5p with a maximum multipointlod score of 4.6 between D5S810 and D5S416. Mapping a iocusfor chondrocalcinosis will allow the heterogeneity of the disorderto be assessed and may also be relevant to understanding theaetiology of osteoarthritis with which it commoniy associates.  相似文献   

At least 1 in 1000 males lacks part of the long arm of the Y chromosome. This chromosomal aberration is often associated with short stature and infertility. Deletion mapping and genotype-phenotype analysis have previously defined two non-overlapping critical regions for growth controlling gene(s), GCY(s), on the euchromatic portion of the Y chromosome long arm. These initial mapping assignments were based on the analysis of patients carrying a pure 46,XYq- karyotype as defined by classical cytogenetic karyotyping. Four genes have been assigned to the distal one of the two critical regions. To determine whether one or both of these two critical regions harbours GCY and whether one of the four genes assigned to the distal region is involved in determination of stature, nine adult patients with Yq chromosomal abnormalities were studied in detail. By PCR and FISH analysis, we showed that all patients with a previously defined pure 46,XYq- karyotype are actually mosaics with cells containing an idic(Y) or ring(Y) chromosome in association with 45,X0 cells. This leads us to conclude that (1) FISH is an absolute prerequisite for the correct identification of Y chromosomal rearrangements and (2) only patients with interstitial Y deletions are reliable predictors for the physical location of stature gene(s) on Yq. Our molecular analyses of chromosomes from patients with interstitial Yq deletions finally establishes the proximal interval between markers DYZ3 and DYS11 as the only GCY critical interval. No functional gene has so far been identified in this region adjacent to the centromere.  相似文献   

Lissencephaly is a human brain malformation manifested by a smooth cerebral surface and severe mental retardation. Some of the patients have been shown to have deletions in chromosome 17p13.3, and recently, LIS-1 has been proposed to be the disease-associated gene. We have now mapped the mouse homolog of LIS-1 to mouse chromosome 11B3 by using fluorescence in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes. The analysis of yeast artificial chromosome clones placed Lis-1 in close proximity to the microsatellite marker D11Mit65.  相似文献   

Mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIC (MPS IIIC, or Sanfilippo syndrome C) is a rare lysosomal storage disorder caused by a deficiency of acetyl-coenzyme A:α-glucosaminide-N-acetyltransferase. Patients develop progressive neuropsychiatric problems, mental retardation, hearing loss, and relatively minor visceral manifestations. The pattern of transmission is consistent with an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. The aim of this study was to find a locus for MPS IIIC using a homozygosity mapping approach. A genomewide scan was performed on DNA from 27 affected individuals and 17 of their unaffected relatives. Additional patients were recruited, and DNA was obtained from a total of 44 affected individuals and 18 unaffected family members from 31 families from 10 countries. A working candidate interval was defined by looking for excess homozygosity in patients compared with their relatives. Additional markers were genotyped in regions of interest. Linkage analysis was performed to support the informal analysis. Inspection of the genomewide scan data showed apparent excess homozygosity in patients compared with their relatives for markers on chromosome 8. Additional genotyping identified 15 consecutive markers (from D8S1051 to D8S2332) in an 8.3 cM interval for which the genotypes of affected siblings were identical in state. A maximum multipoint lod score of 10.61 was found at marker D8S519. A locus for MPS IIIC maps to an 8.3 cM (16 Mbp) interval in the pericentromeric region of chromosome 8.  相似文献   

Localisation of Y chromosome sequences in normal and ''XX'' males.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Three unique sequences derived from the Y chromosome have been mapped within the human genome. A Y specific sequence DYS20 is localised to Yq11.2. DXYS25 and DXYS27 are both X-Y homologous sequences which map to the Y short arm and to Xq21. DXYS25 maps more distally than DXYS27, on the Y short arm and on the X long arm. Y specific restriction fragments for these two sequences are shown to be present in the genome of two XX males, and an aberrant signal for DXYS25 is demonstrated at the tip of an X chromosome short arm in one XX male by in situ hybridisation. The implications of these findings for the location of the testis determining factor are discussed.  相似文献   

Central areolar choroidal dystrophy (CACD) is a rare inherited retinal disease which causes progressive profound loss of vision in patients during their 4th decade. We have identified a Northern Irish family with 19 affected individuals in three living generations. We have performed a total genome search and established linkage of CACD in this family to chromosome 17p (multipoint Zmax = 5.65 at D17S938). The genes for phosphatidylinositol transfer protein (PITPN), retinal guanylate cyclase (GUC2D), beta-arrestin 2 (ARRB2), pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) and recoverin (RCV1) map to this region and are candidate genes for retinal disease. Analysis of the coding region of the PITPN gene failed to reveal any mutation in this family.   相似文献   

Dissecting the centromere of the human Y chromosome with cloned telomeric DNA   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
We have used telomeric DNA to break the human Y chromosome withinthe centromeric array of alphold satellite DNA and have createdtwo derivative chromosomes; one consists of the short arm and140 kb of alphoid DNA, the other consists of the long arm and480 kb of alphoid DNA. Both segregate accurately at mitosis.It Is known that there is no large scale sequence duplicationaround the alphoid DNA and so the simplest Interpretation ofour results is that the sequence responsible for accurate segregationis the alphoid DNA Itself. Although the long arm acrocentrlcderivative segregates accurately it lags with respect to theother chromosomes In about 10% of anaphase cells and thus additionalsequences may be required for orderly segregation. The shortarm acrocentric chromosome Is probably no larger than 12 MbIn size and thus our results also demonstrate that chromosomesof this size are capable of accurate segregation.  相似文献   

As part of a general effort to identify new genes mapping todisease-associated regions of human chromosome 22, we have isolatedheterogeneous nuclear RNA from somatic cell hybrids selectedfor their chromosome 22 content. Inter-Alu PCR amplificationyielded a series of human DNA fragments which all detected evolutionarlly-conservedsequences. The centromere-most gene fragment candidate, XEN61,was shown to lie centromerlc to the chromosome 22 breakpointin the X/22-33-11TG somatic cell hybrid. This region, whichis still devoid of characterized genes, overlaps with the criticalregion for the cat eye syndrome (CES), a developmental disorderassociated with chromosomal duplication within 22pter-q11.2.Gene dosage analysis performed on DNA from six CES patientsconsistently revealed the presence of four coples of XEN61.A fetal brain cDNA clone, 61EW, was identified with XEN61 andentirely sequenced. The deduced protein is the E subunit ofvacuolar H+-ATPase. This 31 KDa component of a proton pump isessential in eukaryotic cells as it both controls acidificationof the vacuolar system and provides it with its main protonmotiveforce. RT-PCR experiments using ollgonucleotides designed fromthe 61EW cDNA sequence indicated that the corresponding messengeris widely transcribed.  相似文献   

We have identified a novel polymorphic L1 retroposon insertion, designated LY1, in the centromeric alphoid array of the human Y chromosome. The element belongs to the transpositionally active Ta subset and its presence is compatible with normal centromere function. It was found at highest frequency in China, where it accounts for 23% of the Han sample, and was present at low frequencies in the surrounding areas, but was not found at all outside Asia. Chromosomes carrying LY1 show considerable microsatellite diversity, suggesting an ancient origin for the lineage at approximately 10 000 years ago (with wide confidence limits), but only limited subsequent migration.  相似文献   

Camurati-Engelmann disease, progressive diaphyseal dysplasia, or diaphyseal dysplasia Camurati-Engelmann is a rare, autosomal dominantly inherited bone disease, characterised by progressive cortical expansion and sclerosis mainly affecting the diaphyses of the long bones associated with cranial hyperostosis. The main clinical features are severe pain in the legs, muscular weakness, and a waddling gait. The underlying cause of this condition remains unknown.In order to localise the disease causing gene, we performed a linkage study in a large Jewish-Iraqi family with 18 affected subjects in four generations. A genome wide search with highly polymorphic markers showed linkage with several markers at chromosome 19q13. A maximum lod score of 4.9 (theta=0) was obtained with markers D19S425 (58.7 cM, 19q13.1) and D19S900 (67.1 cM, 19q13. 2). The disease causing gene is located in a candidate region of approximately 32 cM, flanked by markers D19S868 (55.9 cM, 19q13.1) and D19S571 (87.7 cM, 19q13.4).  相似文献   

Transient neonatal diabetes mellitus (TNDM) is a rare condition which presents with intrauterine growth retardation, dehydration, and failure to thrive. The condition spontaneously resolves before 1 year of age but predisposes patients to type 2 diabetes later in life. We have previously shown that, in some cases, TNDM is associated with paternal uniparental disomy (UPD) of chromosome 6 and suggested that an imprinted gene responsible for TNDM lies within a region of chromosome 6q. By analysing three families, two with duplications (family A and patient C) and one with several affected subjects with normal karyotypes (family B), we have further defined the TNDM critical region. In patient A, polymorphic microsatellite repeat analysis identified a duplicated region of chromosome 6, flanked by markers D6S472 and D6S311. This region was identified on the Sanger Centre's chromosome 6 radiation hybrid map (http://www.sanger.ac.uk/HGP/Chr6) and spanned approximately 60 cR3000. Using markers within the region, 418 unique P1 derived artificial chromosomes (PACs) have been isolated and used to localise the distal breakpoints of the two duplications. Linkage analysis of the familial case with a normal karyotype identified a recombination within the critical region. This recombination has been identified on the radiation hybrid map and defines the proximal end of the region of interest. We therefore propose that an imprinted gene for TNDM lies within an 18.72 cR3000 (approximately 5.4 Mb) interval on chromosome 6q24.1-q24.3 between markers D6S1699 and D6S1010.  相似文献   

The immunoregulatory signaling (IRS) family includes several molecules, which play major roles in the regulation of the immune response. The CMRF-35A and CMRF-35H molecules are two new members of the IRS family of molecules, that are found on a wide variety of haemopoietic lineages. The extracellular functional interactions of these molecules is presently unknown, although CMRF-35H can initiate an inhibitory signal and is internalized when cross-linked. In this paper, we described the gene structure for the CMRF-35A gene and its localization to human chromosome 17. The gene consists of four exons spanning approximately 4.5 kb. Exon 1 encodes the 5' untranslated region and leader sequence, exon 2 encodes the immunoglobulin (Ig)-like domain, exon 3 encodes the membrane proximal region and exon 4 encodes the transmembrane region, the cytoplasmic tail and the 3' untranslated region. A region in the 5' flanking sequence of the CMRF-35A gene, that promoted expression of a reporter gene was identified. The genes for the CMRF-35A and CMRF-35H molecules are closely linked on chromosome 17. Similarity between the Ig-like exons and the preceding intron of the two genes suggests exon duplication was involved in their evolution. We also identified a further member of the CMRF-35 family, the CMRF-35J pseudogene. This gene appears to have arisen by gene duplication of the CMRF-35A gene. These three loci - the CMRF-35A, CMRF-35J and CMRF-35H genes-form a new complex of IRS genes on chromosome 17.  相似文献   

Prepubertal periodontitis (PPP) is a rare and rapidly progressive disease of young children that results in destruction of the periodontal support of the primary dentition. The condition may occur as part of a recognised syndrome or may occur as an isolated finding. Both autosomal dominant and recessive forms of Mendelian transmission have been reported for PPP. We report a consanguineous Jordanian family with four members affected by PPP in two nuclear sibships. The parents of the affected subjects are first cousins. We have localised a gene of major effect for PPP in this kindred (Zmax=3.55 for D11S901 at θ=0.00) to a 14 cM genetic interval on chromosome 11q14 flanked by D11S916 and D11S1367. This PPP candidate interval overlaps the region of chromosome 11q14 that contains the cathepsin C gene responsible for Papillon-Lefèvre and Haim-Munk syndromes. Sequence analysis of the cathepsin C gene from PPP affected subjects from this Jordanian family indicated that all were homozygous for a missense mutation (1040A→G) that changes a tyrosine to a cysteine. All four parents were heterozygous carriers of this Tyr347Cys cathepsin C mutation. None of the family members who were heterozygous carriers for this mutation showed any clinical findings of PPP. None of the 50 controls tested were found to have this Tyr347Cys mutation. This is the first reported gene mutation for non-syndromic periodontitis and shows that non-syndromic PPP is an allelic variant of the type IV palmoplantar ectodermal dysplasias.

Keywords: prepubertal periodontitis; periodontal disease; cathepsin C; linkage  相似文献   

Norrie disease is a human X-linked recessive disorder of unknown etiology characterized by congenital blindness, sensory neural deafness and mental retardation. This disease gene was previously linked to the DXS7 (L1.28) locus and the MAO genes in band Xp11.3. We report here fine physical mapping of the obligate region containing the Norrie disease gene (NDP) defined by a recombination and by the smallest submicroscopic chromosomal deletion associated with Norrie disease identified to date. Analysis, using in addition two overlapping YAC clones from this region, allowed orientation of the MAOA and MAOB genes in a 5'-3'-3'-5' configuration. A recombination event between a (GT)n polymorphism in intron 2 of the MAOB gene and the NDP locus, in a family previously reported to have a recombination between DXS7 and NDP, delineates a flanking marker telomeric to this disease gene. An anonymous DNA probe, dc12, present in one of the YACs and in a patient with a submicroscopic deletion which includes MAOA and MAOB but not L1.28, serves as a flanking marker centromeric to the disease gene. An Alu-PCR fragment from the right arm of the MAO YAC (YMAO.AluR) is not deleted in this patient and also delineates the centromeric extent of the obligate disease region. The apparent order of these loci is telomere ... DXS7-MAOA-MAOB-NDP-dc12-YMAO.AluR ... centromere. Together these data define the obligate region containing the NDP gene to a chromosomal segment less than 150 kb.  相似文献   

We have performed genetic linkage analysis on a four generation British family with cone-rod dystrophy. Significant linkage to the disease gene was obtained with eight marker loci situated on chromosome 17p12-p13. A maximum two-point lod score of 5.93 with no recombination was obtained with marker locus D17S1844. Critical recombinants identified with flanking marker loci placed the disease gene between D17S796/D17S938 and D17S954, an interval estimated to be 8 cM in size. This new localisation for autosomal dominant cone-rod dystrophy (CORD6) overlaps with regions attributed previously to Leber's congenital amaurosis, central areolar choroidal dystrophy and dominant cone dystrophy. Given their differences in phenotype, the most plausible explanation would be that these different retinal disorders are caused by mutations in different genes mapping close together within the genome.   相似文献   

It is widely accepted that male determination in man depends on the presence of a factor or factors on the Y chromosome. These factors may be localised within the Y chromosome through the study of structural anomalies of the Y. A thorough review of seven different structural anomalies of the Y is presented: dicentric Y chromosomes, Y isochromosomes, ring Y chromosomes, Y; autosome, Y;X, and Y;Y translocations, and Y deletions. The evidence from these studies indicates that a gene or genes on the short arm or the Y near the centromere play a crucial role in the development of the testes. A few studies indicate that one or more factors on the long arm of the Y may also influence testicular development. If such a factor is present on the long arm, then it too must be very near the centromere. The theory that separate genes independently control the initial development and maturation of the tests (on the long and short arms of the Y, respectively) may be premature. Recently proposed arguments in its favour are examined. Some evidence also indicates the presence of a fertility factor on the non-fluorescent segment of the long arm. Relevant information on the H-Y antigen is discussed.  相似文献   

The structural gene for threonyl-tRNA synthetase was mapped to human chromosome 5 by an analysis of the isoelectric focusing patterns of this enzyme from human × Chinese hamster interspecific somatic cell hybrids. The threonyl-tRNA synthetase gene is the fourth of seven aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase genes mapped in humans to be assigned to this chromosome. Regional mapping studies showed that the threonyl-tRNA synthetase gene is on the short arm of chromosome 5, p13-cen, and is close to, but separable from, the gene for leucyl-tRNA synthetase which maps to 5cen-5q11.  相似文献   

Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) is a glycoprotein with divergent activities: It induces the differentiation of certain myeloid leukemic cells, inhibits the differentiation of embryonic stem cells, and promotes bone remodelling in vivo and in vitro. The murine LIF gene has been assigned to the proximal region of chromosome 11 at sub-bands A1-A2, by analysis of a panel of mouse x Chinese hamster somatic cell hybrids and by in situ hybridization. Interestingly, the proximal portion of chromosome 11 has been shown, by virtue of its parental origin effects, to contain gene(s) involved in fetal growth. It is also interesting that there is a preponderance of chromosome 11 abnormalities in embryonal carcinoma cells. The localization of the murine LIF gene confirms the homology of a portion of murine chromosome 11 with human chromosome 22q, the site of the human LIF gene.  相似文献   

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