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目的探讨媒体控烟宣传暴露种类及数量对吸烟人群戒烟意愿的影响。方法采用四阶段随机抽样方法,在苏州市6个城区42个街道/镇4 200户家庭,利用KISH码选择4 200名18岁及以上居民进行问卷调查。结果 4 200名调查对象中,现在吸烟者1 141人,吸烟率为27.17%;仅25.15%的吸烟者有打算戒烟的意愿。吸烟人群中,媒体控烟宣传暴露率较高的媒体是电视(48.80%)和报纸(19.76%),而广播(9.20%)、互联网(6.46%)和电影院(3.22%)的控烟宣传暴露率较低。吸烟人群暴露于控烟宣传媒体的数量越多,其意愿戒烟率也越高。结论苏州市居民吸烟率较高,但吸烟人群暴露了公共场所控烟宣传的比例仍相对较低。今后应综合利用多种媒体,加强吸烟有害宣传,激发吸烟者戒烟意愿并采取行动开始戒烟,降低人群吸烟率。  相似文献   

[目的]了解《上海市公共场所控制吸烟条例》实施后,居民吸烟、戒烟、被动吸烟水平及城市控烟整体环境改善情况,为今后控烟工作的持续开展提供基础数据。[方法]2010年11月-2011年1月,在全市18个区(县)采用多阶段分层随机抽样,以面对面访谈形式对1925名常住居民进行“有关吸烟知识、态度和行为的城市基线调查”。[结果]上海市15岁及以上常住居民吸烟率、现在吸烟率、常吸烟率和重型吸烟率分别为28.3%、22.5%、19.6%和8.5%。吸烟人群戒烟率和成功戒烟率分别为20.4%和11.7%;现在吸烟人群尝试戒烟率和一年内尝试戒烟率分别为21.2%和8.5%。非吸烟者被动吸烟率为43.5%,室内工作场所被动吸烟率为48.9%。餐厅和酒吧室内公共场所吸烟率分别高达60.9%和40.O%。城市控烟信息在各类媒体得到初步覆盖,以电视节目(66.1%)和报纸或杂志(58.2%)最高。[结论]上海市已初步形成控烟信息媒体覆盖环境,常住居民吸烟率有所下降但仍处于较高水平,被动吸烟仍未改善,公共场所控烟并没有得到转变。  相似文献   

亓晓  张勇  万霞  杨功焕 《中国健康教育》2012,(11):920-922,926
目的了解北京市控烟策略执行效果及控烟相关认知和行为现状。方法采用计算机辅助的电话调查方法(CATI)在北京市西城区和昌平区开展调查,采用单纯随机抽样方法抽取电话号码,利用SPSS13.0软件进行一般描述性统计分析。结果共接通14084个符合调查范围的电话,成功完成访问2450个。调查对象对公共场所禁止吸烟规定的知晓率均在95%以上,在公共场所看到有人吸烟的比例均接近70%。关于现在吸烟者去过戒烟门诊的比例,西城和昌平区仅为3.7%和2.8%。现在吸烟者看病时医护人员建议戒烟的比例,西城和昌平区分别为36.7%和31.7%。接到过控烟宣传信息的比例均不足1/3。吸烟危害知晓率两区均不足50%,被动吸烟危害知晓率两个区都近60%;现在吸烟人群半年内打算戒烟比例方面,2个区在40%左右;两个区的男性吸烟率均接近50%,二手烟暴露率均超过50%。结论北京市禁烟规定宣传覆盖面广,但是执行效果并不好;控烟相关知识信息宣传尚需加大力度;戒烟门诊执行情况较差;医务人员提供戒烟服务的执行情况尚可,但尚需进一步增加服务队伍,并与医疗保障政策结合起来。北京市西城区和昌平区的控烟相关知识、态度及行为现状要好于全国平均水平。  相似文献   

企业工人中吸烟者的戒烟意愿及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨企业一线工人中吸烟者的戒烟意愿及其影响因素,为有关部门制定控烟与戒烟措施提供科学依据。方法采用方便抽样的方法抽取中山市三乡镇的10家企业,对企业一线工人中所有成年吸烟者采用自填式问卷进行调查,调查内容包括一般人口学特征、吸烟相关知识、态度与行为、既往戒烟经历以及戒烟意愿,并用单、多因素logistic回归分析筛选与戒烟意愿有关的因素。结果共调查1 573名吸烟者,其中男性1 353人,女性174人,664人(42.2%)曾尝试过戒烟;有676人(43.0%)打算戒烟。调查对象的吸烟相关知识的平均分是(11.5±3.9)分(满分28分),对吸烟态度的平均分是(77.0±9.9)分(满分110分),尼古丁依赖程度的平均分为(3.5±2.5)分(满分10分)。多因素logistic回归分析表明,有既往戒烟经历(OR=2.56)、有戒烟信心(OR=14.47)、吸烟相关知识得分高(OR=1.05)、吸烟相关态度得分高(OR=1.05)的人群更倾向于打算戒烟;相对于月收入≤2 000元的人群,〉4 000元收入的(OR=0.48)戒烟意愿低。结论被调查的企业一线工人的吸烟相关知识得分较低,在企业控烟工作中,应加强有关吸烟危害的健康教育,提高企业吸烟者对吸烟危害健康的认识,建立正确的戒烟态度,同时增强其戒烟信心,传授戒烟方法,鼓励多次尝试戒烟,提高戒烟的成功率。  相似文献   

目的通过调查控烟公益广告在南京市地铁站台和公交车内的宣传覆盖程度及其对受众影响,评估控烟大众媒体宣传效果。方法 2012年5-10月选取南京市15个地铁站台和12辆公交车,进行内容为"吸烟正吞噬着你的生命"和"吸烟正在吞噬着你和你孩子的生命"的控烟公益广告宣传,11月在南京市8城区随机抽取1 706名≥18岁成人进行问卷调查,评估宣传效果。结果调查人群的地铁/公交车接触率为84.7%,看到两个广告的比例分别为19.6%和16.4%。看到"吸烟正吞噬着你的生命"的人群中,58.4%的吸烟者表示广告使其戒烟可能性变大,82.9%的非吸烟者表示广告使其劝说他人戒烟可能性变大;看到"吸烟正在吞噬着你和你孩子的生命"的人群中,76.8%的吸烟者表示广告使其在他人面前吸烟可能性减少,78.3%的非吸烟者表示广告使其劝阻他人不当面吸烟可能性变大。结论控烟公益广告宣传能改变公众对吸烟相的态度,提高吸烟者戒烟和非吸烟者拒绝二手烟的意识,今后应持续开展高强度高频次的大众媒体控烟宣传,让更多公众了解吸烟和二手烟的危害,共同拒绝吸烟与被动吸烟。  相似文献   

目的探讨长沙成年吸烟者不同吸烟行为、戒烟行为、控烟政策支持的特征。为长沙市进一步开展控烟工作提供科学依据。方法根据国际烟草政策研究评估调查(ITC项目)要求,分别在长沙、北京、上海、沈阳、广州和银川6个城市使用多阶段抽样法,各抽取800名成年吸烟者,采用人户录音的方式进行面对面问卷调查。结果与结论与其他5个项目城市相比,长沙市吸烟者吸烟行为特征主要为:1.长沙市吸烟者每日吸烟量为21.47支/d、成瘾性HIS为2.80、吸本地烟的比例为95.07%;2.吸烟者戒烟5次以上的比例占10.5%、戒烟意愿不强、戒烟信心不足;3.控烟政策支持力度不够。  相似文献   

目的:了解《杭州市公共场所控制吸烟条例》实施后的控烟效果及对吸烟行为产生的影响,为进一步制订干预策略提供依据。方法:采用Mitofsky--Waksberg二阶段抽样方法,电话调查杭州市2010年以来有吸烟史的15岁以上市民的吸烟行为及其变化情况。结果:杭州市民吸烟率为35.8%,吸烟者戒烟率为13.8%;2010年条例实施后,无人因控烟条例实施而戒烟,吸烟量减少者中有9.5%的吸烟者因为条例实施而减少吸烟;有42.9%的吸烟者因为条例实施而改变吸烟地点。结论:《杭州市公共场所控制吸烟条例》实施一年以来对吸烟者戒烟无影响,但对吸烟量和吸烟场所有影响。相关部门要加强对该条例以及戒烟知识的宣传普及和执行力度。  相似文献   

目的了解成年人吸烟和二手烟暴露、烟草认知情况及公共场所禁烟的态度,为制定控烟政策及干预措施提供依据。方法对昆明市、楚雄市和弥渡县的4类公共场所的人群采用现场随机拦截的方法,共调查599人,调查其吸烟及二手烟暴露情况、烟草危害知识的认知情况和公共场所的禁烟态度。结果云南省成年男性现在吸烟率、二手烟暴露率和尝试戒烟率分别为54.67%、71.00%和55.49%,女性现在吸烟率、二手烟暴露率和尝试戒烟率分为2.68%、55.52%和50.00%;在控烟的知识和态度上,吸烟者对吸烟的认知知晓率(除医院和公交工具全面禁烟)显著低于非吸烟者,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05,P〈0.01)。结论云南省成年人吸烟和二手烟暴露情况较严重,拒绝二手烟的意识仍淡漠,对公共场所全面禁烟的态度不一致,需要政府、社会、社区和家庭共同行动起来,加强对公众的宣传,加大公共场所禁烟的力度,才能减少烟草对人们的危害。  相似文献   

徐哲懿  魏晓敏  黎明 《中国健康教育》2013,(10):910-912,926
目的了解使用上海市12320卫生热线电话咨询人群中吸烟者的比例及开展热线戒烟干预接受程度的现状,为今后开展戒烟热线干预活动提供科学依据。方法采用电话问卷调查方法,对1033名愿意参加吸烟相关情况的求询者进行调查。结果有效问卷1027名(99.4%),调查对象吸烟率和现在吸烟率分别为16.0%和15.6%,男性吸烟率(27.1%)和现在吸烟率(26.4%)均明显高于女性(2.4%);在现在吸烟者中,高吸烟者比例不高(P〈0.01),计划在未来1个月内尝试戒烟和热线免费帮助戒烟的兴趣程度,有时候吸烟者均高于每天吸烟者(P〈0.05)。结论根据吸烟者的戒烟意愿和需求,积极采取适宜的干预手段,提高目标人群对吸烟危害健康的认知程度,帮助吸烟者摆脱尼古丁依赖并成功戒烟,降低本市吸烟率。  相似文献   

目的了解环境限制对南昌市居民吸烟、戒烟意愿和戒烟尝试的影响,为有关部门制定有效的控烟措施提供依据。方法采用多阶段整群抽样方法,于2013年11月20日至12月20日选取南昌市城区居民为调查对象,由调查员入户访谈,共抽取2 500户家庭,成功访谈2 282人。采用SPSS 17.0统计软件下的复查抽样模块进行率的χ2检验。结果现在吸烟率为22.5%;戒烟意愿率为10.1%;戒烟尝试率为21.8%。不同人口学特征与现在吸烟率有关,与现在吸烟者的戒烟意愿和戒烟尝试无关。家中有吸烟限制能有效减少现在吸烟率和提高现在吸烟者的戒烟意愿率。工作场所与公共场所的吸烟规定对吸烟行为均没有影响。医务工作者的戒烟建议、控烟广告和卷烟包装上的健康警示等均不能促使现在吸烟者产生戒烟意愿和进行戒烟尝试。结论有效利用家庭吸烟限制对吸烟行为的影响来控制烟草的流行,同时尽快出台控烟方面的法律法规,加强医务工作者的戒烟服务能力,加大媒体有关吸烟有害健康的宣传力度。  相似文献   

In the context of health campaigns, interpersonal communication can serve at least 2 functions: (a) to stimulate change through social interaction and (b) in a secondary diffusion process, to further disseminate message content. In a 3-wave prospective study of 1,079 smokers, the authors demonstrate that mass media messages (antismoking campaigns and news coverage relevant to smoking cessation) have an indirect effect on smoking cessation intention and behavior via interpersonal communication. Exposure to campaigns and news coverage prompts discussion about the campaigns, and, in turn, about smoking cessation. Interpersonal communication regarding smoking cessation then influences intention to quit smoking and attempts to quit smoking. The study finds evidence not only for the social interaction function of interpersonal communication, but also for the secondary diffusion function. A substantial number of smokers who are not directly exposed to the antismoking campaigns are nevertheless indirectly exposed via communication with people who have seen these campaigns. These results imply that encouragement of interpersonal communication can be an important campaign objective.  相似文献   

As part of an evaluation of the 1990-91 anti-tobacco media campaign carried out by the California Department of Health Services, a study was conducted among 417 regular smokers who had quit during the period of the media campaign. In brief telephone interviews, all respondents identified up to three events or experiences that had influenced them to quit. In response to uncued questions, 6.7 percent of those interviewed indicated that they had been influenced to quit by an advertisement they had seen or heard on radio, television, or billboards. In response to direct questions about the media campaign, 34.3 percent of the respondents indicated that the media campaign''s advertisement had played a part in their decision to quit. Applying the 6.7 percentage to the number of Californians who quit smoking in 1990-91, it can be estimated that for 33,000 former smokers, the anti-tobacco media advertisements were an important stimulus in their quit decision. Multiplying the 34.3 percent by the number of former California smokers who quit in 1990-91, the estimate of former smokers for whom the media campaign''s advertisements played at least some part in their decision to quit rises to 173,000 persons. While causal attributions from such investigations should be made with caution, the evidence suggests that the 1990-91 campaign did influence substantial number of smokers in California to quit.  相似文献   

In 2002, after a decade with no decrease in smoking prevalence, New York City began implementation of a five-point tobacco-control program consisting of increased taxation in 2002, establishment of smoke-free workplaces in 2003, public and health-care--provider education, cessation services, and rigorous evaluation, including annual cross-sectional, citywide telephone surveys using the same measures as CDC's state-based Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). During 2002-2004, estimated adult smoking prevalence decreased from 21.5% to 18.4%, representing nearly 200,000 fewer smokers. However, in 2005, no change in adult smoking prevalence occurred, either among New York City residents overall or among demographic subpopulations. In 2006, to further reduce smoking in New York City, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) implemented an extensive, television-based anti-tobacco media campaign using graphic imagery of the health effects of smoking; the campaign aired simultaneously with a large New York state anti-tobacco media campaign. This report describes the two campaigns and analyzes citywide survey data before and after the campaigns. In 2006, during the first year of the media campaigns, adult smoking prevalence decreased significantly among men (11.6% decrease) and among Hispanics (15.2% decrease). These findings confirm the importance of comprehensive tobacco-control programs and suggest that this intensive, broad-based media campaign has reduced smoking prevalence among certain subgroups.  相似文献   

目的探索影响吸烟者戒烟意愿的因素,为开展有针对性的戒烟干预提供参考。方法采用目的抽样方法从上海市4个居民社区和3家公司中招募吸烟者进行线上问卷调查,问卷调查内容包括一般人口学特征、戒烟意愿、吸烟状态、吸烟成瘾性、烟草危害认知、拒烟自我效能、吸烟合理化信念等信息。采用独立样本t检验、χ2检验以及多因素logistic回归分析进行统计学分析。结果共回收有效问卷336份。吸烟者的年龄为(37.1±10.2)岁,58.3%的文化水平为大专、本科及以上,平均每日吸烟量为(11.46±7.22)支,吸烟者中属于轻度尼古丁依赖者较多(58.3%),计划在未来6个月内戒烟者248名(73.8%)。与低拒烟自我效能者相比,高拒烟自我效能的吸烟者具有戒烟意愿的可能性更大(OR=2.406,95%CI:1.357~4.267);低吸烟合理化信念的吸烟者较高吸烟合理化信念者更有可能具有戒烟意愿(OR=2.112,95%CI:1.167~3.821)。结论吸烟者拒烟自我效能和吸烟合理化信念可对其戒烟意愿分别产生积极和消极的影响,开展控烟工作时可以关注吸烟者拒烟自我效能的提升和吸烟合理化信念的纠正,从而提高吸烟者的戒烟意愿。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: One aim of the anti-tobacco mass media campaigns in NSW is to increase the numbers of smokers calling the Quitline to seek assistance to quit. METHODS: Investigation of the relationship between the weight of television advertising (Target Audience Rating Points: TARPs) and number of calls to the Quitline. RESULTS: There is a high correlation between weekly Quitline calls and TARPs. CONCLUSIONS: Anti-tobacco mass media campaign advertising that promotes the Quitline number encourages smokers to seek assistance to quit.  相似文献   

Antismoking mass media campaigns are known to be effective as part of comprehensive tobacco control programs in high-income countries, but such campaigns are relatively new in low- and middle-income countries and there is a need for strong evaluation studies from these regions. This study examines Malaysia's first national antismoking campaign, TAK NAK. The data are from the International Tobacco Control Malaysia Survey, which is an ongoing cohort survey of a nationally representative sample of adult smokers (18 years and older; N = 2,006). The outcome variable was quit intentions of adult smokers, and the authors assessed the extent to which quit intentions may have been strengthened by exposure to the antismoking campaign. The authors also tested whether the impact of the campaign on quit intentions was related to cognitive mechanisms (increasing thoughts about the harm of smoking), affective mechanisms (increasing fear from the campaign), and perceived social norms (increasing perceived social disapproval about smoking). Mediational regression analyses revealed that thoughts about the harm of smoking, fear arousal, and social norms against smoking mediated the relation between TAK NAK impact and quit intentions. Effective campaigns should prompt smokers to engage in both cognitive and affective processes and encourage consideration of social norms about smoking in their society.  相似文献   

The "truth" campaign was created to change youth attitudes about tobacco and to reduce teen tobacco use throughout Florida by using youth-driven advertising, public relations, and advocacy. Results of the campaign include a 92 percent brand awareness rate among teens, a 15 percent rise in teens who agree with key attitudinal statements about smoking, a 19.4 percent decline in smoking among middle school students, and a 8.0 percent decline among high school students. States committed to results-oriented youth anti-tobacco campaigns should look to Florida's "truth" campaign as a model that effectively places youth at the helm of anti-tobacco efforts.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although studies have addressed the effectiveness of conventional smoking aids such as quit-smoking programs and pharmaceutical therapy, few studies have assessed their likely impact on cessation at the population level relative to the impact of mass media anti-tobacco advertisements. METHODS: A random digit dial telephone survey of 6739 Massachusetts residents conducted in 2001-2002 yielded a subsample of 787 individuals who had quit-smoking within the past 2 years. Measures included the types of cessation aids used and perceptions of their helpfulness. Rates of population impact were estimated. Multinomial logistic regression determined the predictors of being helped by conventional aids, by TV advertisements only, or having no help. RESULTS: Analyses conducted in 2004-2005 showed that advertisements were the most frequently mentioned source of help among recent quitters. Older more dependent smokers were most likely to find conventional aids helpful. Younger respondents and those who had remained abstinent for more than 6 months were most likely to report being helped by TV ads. The most helpful ads were those that depicted illness due to smoking or provided inspirational quit tips. CONCLUSIONS: Anti-tobacco media campaigns are a vital component of the National Action Plan for Tobacco Cessation. It is essential that such a campaign be implemented, both to support the National Quit Line and to provide assistance to those smokers who find no other form of aid helpful.  相似文献   

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