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The AMPA receptors are ligand-gated ion channels belonging to the family of ionotropic glutamate receptors. They play an essential role in fast excitatory synaptic transmission in the CNS of vertebrates. Their activity-dependent directed transport and fast turnover at the plasma membrane contribute to synaptic plasticity and require numerous trafficking and scaffolding proteins. Participating in the delivery and synaptic localization of AMPA receptors is a recently discovered protein family named transmembrane AMPA receptor regulatory proteins (TARPs). In addition to their function in trafficking, TARPs alter the biophysical properties of AMPA receptors in remarkable ways and thus contribute significantly to the functional plasticity of the synapse. The study of TARP-mediated functional plasticity of AMPA receptors, which has emerged only recently as a hot new field, promises to yield valuable insight into the regulation of neuronal communication.  相似文献   

《Acta histochemica》2022,124(7):151941
As a major excitatory neurotransmitter in the cephalopod visual system, glutamate signaling is facilitated by ionotropic receptors, such as α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) receptors (AMPAR). In cephalopods with large and well-developed brains, the optic lobes (OL) mainly process visual inputs and are involved in learning and memory. Although the presence of AMPAR in squid OL has been reported, the organization of specific AMPAR-containing neurons remains unknown. This study aimed to investigate the immunocytochemical localization of the AMPA glutamate receptor subtype 2/3-immunoreactive (GluR2/3-IR) neurons in the OL of Pacific flying squid (Tordarodes pacificus). Morphologically diverse GluR2/3-IR neurons were predominantly located in the tangential zone of the medulla. Medium-to-large GluR2/3-IR neurons were also detected. The distribution patterns and cell morphologies of calcium-binding protein (CBP)-IR neurons, specifically calbindin-D28K (CB)-, calretinin (CR)-, and parvalbumin (PV)-IR neurons, were similar to those of GluR2/3-IR neurons. However, two-color immunofluorescence revealed that GluR2/3-IR neurons did not colocalize with the CBP-IR neurons. Furthermore, the specific localizations and diverse types of GluR2/3-IR neurons that do not express CB, CR, or PV in squid OL were determined. These findings further contribute to the existing data on glutamatergic visual systems and provide new insights for understanding the visual processing mechanisms in cephalopods.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity among AMPA receptor (AMPAR) subtypes is thought to be one of the key postsynaptic factors giving rise to diversity in excitatory synaptic signaling in the CNS. Recently, compelling evidence has emerged that ancillary AMPAR subunits—the so-called transmembrane AMPA receptor regulatory proteins (TARPs)—also play a vital role in influencing the variety of postsynaptic signaling. This TARP family of molecules controls both trafficking and functional properties of AMPARs at most, if not all, excitatory central synapses. Furthermore, individual TARPs differ in their effects on the biophysical and pharmacological properties of AMPARs. The critical importance of TARPs in synaptic transmission was first revealed in experiments on cerebellar granule cells from stargazer mice. These lack the prototypic TARP stargazin, present in granule cells from wild-type animals, and consequently lack synaptic transmission at the mossy fibre-to-granule cell synapse. Subsequent work has identified many other members of the stargazin family which act as functional TARPs. It has also provided valuable information about specific TARPs present in many central neurons. Because much of the initial work on TARPs was carried out on stargazer granule cells, the important functional properties of TARPs present throughout the cerebellum have received particular attention. Here we discuss some of these recent findings in relation to the main TARPs and the AMPAR subunits identified in cerebellar neurons and glia.  相似文献   

Substance P (SP) and glutamate are implicated in cardiovascular regulation by the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS). Our earlier studies suggest that SP, which acts at neurokinin 1 (NK1) receptors, is not a baroreflex transmitter while glutamate is. On the other hand, our recent studies showed that loss of NTS neurons expressing NK1 receptors leads to loss of baroreflex responses and increased blood pressure lability. Furthermore, studies have suggested that SP may interact with glutamate in the NTS. In this study, we sought to test the hypothesis that NK1 receptors colocalize with glutamate receptors, either N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors or AMPA receptors or both in the NTS. We performed double-label immunofluorescent staining for NK1 receptors and either N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor subunit 1 (NMDAR1) or AMPA specific glutamate receptor subunit 2 (GluR2) in the rat NTS. Because vesicular glutamate transporter 2 (VGLUT2) containing fibers are prominent in portions of the NTS where cardiovascular afferent fibers terminate, we also performed double-label immunofluorescent staining for NK1 receptors and VGLUT2. Confocal microscopic images showed that NK1 receptors-immunoreactivity (IR) and NMDAR1-IR colocalized in the same neurons in many NTS subnuclei. Almost all NTS neurons positive for NK1 receptor-IR also contained NMDAR1-IR, but only 53.4% to 74.8% of NMDAR1-IR positive neurons contained NK1 receptors-IR. NK1 receptor-IR and GluR2-IR also colocalized in many neurons in NTS subnuclei. A majority of NK1 receptor-IR positive NTS neurons also contained GluR2-IR, but only 45.8% to 73.9% of GluR2-IR positive NTS neurons contained NK1 receptors-IR. Our results also showed that fibers labeled for VGLUT2-IR were in close apposition to fibers and neurons labeled for NK1 receptor-IR. The data support our hypothesis, provide an anatomical framework for glutamate and SP interactions, and may explain the loss of baroreflexes when NTS neurons, which could respond to glutamate as well as SP, are killed.  相似文献   

We investigated the distributions of AMPA glutamate receptor subtypes GluR1 and GluR4 in the hamster superior colliculus (SC) with antibody immunocytochemistry and the effect of enucleation on these distributions. We compared these labelings to those of GluR2/3 in our previous report (Park et al., 2004, Neurosci Res., 49:139–155) and calcium-binding proteins calbindin D28K, calretinin, parvalbumin, and GABA. Anti-GluR1-immunoreactive (IR) cells were scattered throughout the SC. By contrast, anti-GluR4-IR cells formed distinct clusters within the lower lateral stratum griseum intermediale (SGI) and lateral stratum album intermediale (SAI). The GluR1- and GluR4-IR neurons varied in size and morphology. The average diameter of the GluR1-IR cells was 13.00 µm, while the GluR4-IR cells was 20.00 µm. The large majority of IR neurons were round or oval cells, but they also included stellate, vertical fusiform and horizontal cells. Monocular enucleation appeared to have no effect on the GluR1 and GluR4 immunoreactivity. Some GluR1-IR cells expressed calbindin D28K (9.50%), calretinin (6.59%), parvalbumin (2.53%), and GABA (20.54%). By contrast, no GluR4-IR cells expressed calcium-binding proteins or GABA. Although the function of the AMPA receptor subunits in SC is not yet clear, the distinct segregation of the GluR subunits, its differential colocalization with calcium-binding proteins and GABA, and differential responses to enucleation suggest the functional diversity of the receptor subunits in visuo-motor integration in the SC.  相似文献   

Tian JY  Guo JF  Wang L  Sun QY  Yao LY  Luo LZ  Shi CH  Hu YC  Yan XX  Tang BS 《Neuroscience letters》2012,516(2):207-211
Autosomal dorminant Parkinson's disease (ADPD) has been associated with mutations in the SCNA, LRRK2, UCHL1, HtrA2 and GIGYF2 genes. We studied the prevalence of variants in all five genes in 12 Chinese unrelated families with ADPD and 4 families with both essential tremor (ET) and Parkinson's disease (PD) phenotypes using direct sequencing analysis. We found 27 variants in the LRRK2 gene, eight in GIGYF2 gene, three in the SCNA and UCHL1 gene respectively, in which five variants were novel. However, no pathogenic mutations in the five genes were found in these families. Our result indicated that SCNA, LRRK2, UCHL1, HtrA2 and GIGYF2 genes' mutations might not be a main reason for Chinese ADPD.  相似文献   

The green fluorescent protein can be fused to the ends of a mature glutamate receptor subunit to produce functional, fluorescent receptors. However, there are good reasons to search for internal regions of receptor subunits that can tolerate green fluorescent protein insertion. First, internal insertions of green fluorescent protein may produce functional, fluorescent subunits that traffic more correctly. Second, fluorescent proteins inserted near interacting surfaces of subunits could potentially create reagents suitable for fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements. Finally, internal green fluorescent protein insertions could potentially produce subunits capable of signaling conformational changes through intrinsic changes in fluorescence intensity. To identify regions of receptor subunits that are permissive for green fluorescent protein insertion, we used a series of recombinant transposons to create fluorescent protein insertions in three alpha-amino-5-methyl-3-hydroxy-4-isoxazole propionic acid receptor subunits. A combined analysis of the relative fluorescence intensity and glutamate-gated ion channel function of 69 different green fluorescent protein fusion proteins identified permissive zones for the creation of bright and fully functional receptor subunits in the C-terminal portion of the amino terminal domain, the intracellular tail of the carboxy terminal domain, and within the pore-forming regions of the channel.  相似文献   

Differences among the various striatal projection neuron and interneuron types in cortical input, function, and vulnerability to degenerative insults may be related to differences among them in AMPA-type glutamate receptor abundance and subunit configuration. We therefore used immunolabeling to assess the frequency and abundance of GluR1 and GluR2, the most common AMPA subunits in striatum, in the main striatal neuron types. All neurons projecting to the external pallidum (GPe), internal pallidum (GPi) or substantia nigra, as identified by retrograde labeling, possessed perikaryal GluR2, while GluR1 was more common in striato-GPe than striato-GPi perikarya. The frequency and intensity of immunostaining indicated the rank order of their perikaryal GluR1:GluR2 ratio to be striato-GPe > striatonigral > striato-GPi. Ultrastructural studies suggested a differential localization of GluR1 and GluR2 to striatal projection neuron dendritic spines as well, with GluR1 seemingly more common in striato-GPe spines and GluR2 more common in striato-GPi and/or striatonigral spines. Comparisons among projection neurons and interneurons revealed GluR1 to be most common and abundant in parvalbuminergic interneurons, and GluR2 most common and abundant in projection neurons, with the rank order for the GluR1:GluR2 ratio being parvalbuminergic interneurons > calretinergic interneurons > cholinergic interneurons > projection neurons > somatostatinergic interneurons. Striosomal projection neurons had a higher GluR1:GluR2 ratio than did matrix projection neurons. The abundance of both GluR1 and GluR2 in striatal parvalbuminergic interneurons and projection neurons is consistent with their prominent cortical input and susceptibility to excitotoxic insult, while differences in GluR1:GluR2 ratio among projection neurons are likely to yield differences in Ca2+ permeability, desensitization, and single channel current, which may contribute to differences among them in plasticity, synaptic integration, and excitotoxic vulnerability. The apparent association of the GluR1 subunit with synaptic plasticity, in particular, suggests striato-GPe neuron spines as a particular site of corticostriatal synaptic plasticity, presumably associated with motor learning.  相似文献   

The NR1 sub-unit homologue of the NMDA glutamate receptor was characterised in the honeybee. Sequence analysis suggests that the honeybee NMDA receptor may act as a coincidence detector molecule similar to its counterpart in the mammalian nervous system. The localisation of the expression sites at the mRNA and the protein levels indicates that the receptor is expressed throughout the brain, in neurons and in glial cells.  相似文献   

Eighteen human congenital melanocytic naevi (CMN) from 17 patients were screened for activating point mutations in the oncogenes N-ras and CDK4 and for sequence variants in the MC1R gene by combined RFLP-PCR/SSCP analysis. In addition, all lesions were screened for deletions and point mutations in the tumour suppressor genes p53 and p16INK4a (CDKN2A) by combined multiplex PCR/SSCP analysis. Positive screening data were specified by sequencing of the corresponding PCR product. Activating point mutations in the N-ras gene (nine CAA (Gln) to AAA (Lys) transversions and one CAA (Gln) to CGA (Arg) transition at codon 61) were detected at high frequency (56%). Furthermore, three missense mutations (V92M) and two silent mutations (CGA (Arg) to CGG (Arg), codon 213, exon 6) were found in the MC1R and p53 genes, respectively. No mutations were found in p16 or CDK4. The activated N-ras oncogene, which is also found in human cutaneous melanomas, may constitute a potential risk factor for melanoma formation within CMN.  相似文献   

Genes that are highly expressed in the inner ear, as revealed by cDNA microarray analysis, may have a crucial functional role there. Those that are expressed specifically in auditory tissues are likely to be good candidates to screen for genetic alterations in patients with deafness, and several genes have been successfully identified as responsible for hereditary hearing loss. To understand the detailed mechanisms of the hearing loss caused by the mutations in these genes, the present study examined the immunocytochemical localization of the proteins encoded by Crym, KIAA1199 homolog, Uba52, Col9a3, and Col9a1 in the cochlea of rats and mice. Confocal microscopic immunocytochemistry was performed on cryostat sections. Ultrastructurally, postembedding immunogold cytochemistry was applied using Lowicryl sections. Crym protein was predominantly distributed in the fibrocytes in the spiral ligament, as well as the stria vascularis in rats. KIAA1199 protein homolog was localized in various supporting cells, including inner phalangeal, border, inner and outer pillar, and Deiters' cells. Uba52 protein was restrictedly localized within the surface of the marginal cells of the stria vascularis. Collagen type IX was found within the tectorial membrane as well as fibrocytes in the spiral ligament. The present results showed cell-specific localization of the encoded proteins of these highly expressed genes, indicating that the coordinated actions of various molecules distributed in different parts of the cochlea are essential for maintenance of auditory processing in the cochlea.  相似文献   

To clarify the involvement of GluR2 and GluR3 subunits of AMPA receptor in orofacial neuropathic pain, we studied changes in nocifensive behavior and extracellular-signal regulated kinase (ERK) phosphorylation followed by infraorbital nerve (ION)-partial transection model applied to GluR2 or GluR3 delta7 knock-in (KI) mice. In these animals, last seven amino acids of GluR2 or GluR3 subunit, the binding sites of interacting protein, are deleted in vivo. Head-withdrawal threshold to mechanical stimulation of the whisker pad skin ipsilateral to ION-partial transection was significantly reduced at 1, 3, 5, 7, 11 and 14 days after transection compared with that before transection in wild-type mice. In the GluR2 and GluR3 delta7 KI mice, the head-withdrawal threshold did not change following ION-partial transection. The number of pERK-LI cells examined in Vc and C1-C2 in wild-type mice after the non-noxious stimulation was larger than that of GluR2 and GluR3 delta7 KI mice. The present findings suggest that GluR2 and GluR3 subunits of AMPA receptor play roles in the trigeminal nerve injury-mediated enhancement of Vc and C1-C2 neuronal excitability, and hyperalgesia.  相似文献   

The present study is aimed at exploring whether some single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within GRIA1, GRIA2 and GRIA4 could be associated with schizophrenia and whether they could predict clinical outcomes in Korean in-patients treated with antipsychotics. One hundred forty five patients with MD, 221 in-patients with schizophrenia and 170 psychiatrically healthy controls were genotyped for 17 SNPs within GRIA1, GRIA2 and GRIA4. Baseline and final clinical measures, including the Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale (PANSS), were recorded. No significant association was found with the diagnosis of schizophrenia. We observed an association between rs3813296 genotype and improvement on PANSS negative scores. Our findings provide no evidence for an association between SNPs within GRIA1, GRIA2 and GRIA4 under investigation and schizophrenia susceptibility, although rs3813296 (GRIA2) could be associated with improvement on PANSS negative scores. However, taking into account the several limitations of our study, further research is needed to draw more definitive conclusions.  相似文献   

Guo Y  Deng X  Zhang J  Su L  Xu H  Luo Z  Deng H 《Neuroscience letters》2012,517(1):18-20
Tourette syndrome/chronic tic phenotype (TS-CTD) is a neurological disorder manifested particularly by motor and vocal tics and associated with a variety of behavioral abnormalities. Recently, the mitochondrial ribosomal protein L3 gene (MRPL3) S75N, the DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog subfamily C member 13 gene (DNAJC13) A2057S, the orofacial cleft 1 candidate 1 gene (OFCC1) R129G and c.-5A>G variants are reported to be associated with Tourette syndrome/chronic tic phenotype (TS-CTD) in patients of European ancestry. To evaluate whether these variants are associated with TS-CTD in Chinese Han patients, we screened 132 Chinese Han patients from Mainland China. None of the 132 samples from patients with TS-CTD showed the MRPL3 S75N, DNAJC13 A2057S, OFCC1 R129G and c.-5A>G variants, and these variants probably are a rare cause of TS-CTD in a Chinese Han ethnic group. Genetic heterogeneity of TS should be considered and tests designed to detect these variants in Chinese Han ethnic group probably will not have a diagnostic utility in clinical practice.  相似文献   

The serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase isoform 3 (SGK3) and stargazin have both been shown to enhance the synaptic expression level of GluR1. The present study was performed to elucidate whether SGK3 and stargazin interact or are effective through different pathways in the regulation of GluR1. Proteins were expressed in Xenopus oocytes by injection of complementary RNA (cRNA) encoding GluR1, SGK isoforms, and/or stargazin. In oocytes expressing GluR1 6 days after cRNA injection, glutamate induced an inward current (IGlu), which was increased approximately fourfold following coexpression of SGK3. Coexpression of stargazin similarly enhanced IGlu. Coexpression of both SGK3 and stargazin stimulated the current by a factor of 15.5. Replacement of the serine by alanine at the only SGK consensus sequence (RXRXXS/T) in stargazin enhanced the efficacy of stargazin but did not prevent further stimulation of IGlu by additional coexpression of SGK3. Western blotting showed that stargazin accelerated membrane insertion of GluR1 protein leading to enhanced GluR1 plasma membrane protein abundance 2 days, but not 6 days, after cRNA injection, while SGK3 increased plasma membrane protein abundance 6 days after cRNA injection. In conclusion, SGK3 and stargazin regulate GluR1 independently, and thus, their effects on glutamate-induced currents are additive.  相似文献   

The endometrium expresses estrogen (ER) and progesterone receptors (PR), which are involved in autocrine and paracrine regulation processes in response to estrogen and progesterone. The aim of the present study was to evaluate immunohistochemical distribution patterns of estrogen receptor alpha (ER alpha), estrogen receptor beta (ER beta) and PR in normal human endometrial tissue with the use of monoclonal antibodies. Human endometria were obtained from 17 premenopausal patients undergoing surgery for non-malignant diseases and were classified to be in proliferative, early secretory and late secretory phases by histological and anamnestical means. Distribution patterns of the steroid receptors were evaluated using the IRS-score and the Mann-Whitney rank-sum test was used to compare the means. Correlation was assessed with the Spearman factor and linear regression analysis. ER alpha and PR expression decreased significantly (p<0.05) in glandular epithelium from the proliferative to the late secretory phase. ER beta expression showed a similar significant decrease (p<0.05), although staining intensity was lower than that of ER alpha. A significant correlation between expression of all three steroid receptors was observed (p<0.001). Distribution patterns of ER alpha, ER beta and PR in normal human endometrium showed a cyclic variation during the menstrual cycle. A significant correlation between expression of ER alpha, ER beta and PR was also demonstrated using regression analysis, indicating dependence of expression of these three steroid receptors. The present study shows the presence of steroid receptors in human endometrial epithelium, indicating that these cells respond to estrogen and progesterone and thus playing a significant role in endometrial physiology.  相似文献   

The presence of phenylalanine (F) at the 6' position of transmembrane domain 2 (TM2) in the alpha4 subunit of alpha4beta2 nicotinic receptors enhances desensitization. As the GABA A receptor affords the ability to study the influence of as few as one and as many as five Fs at this position, we have used it to investigate potential subunit- and stoichiometry-dependent effects of the TM2 6'F mutation on desensitization. Whereas the presence of one F at this position decreased extent of desensitization, desensitization was increased in all configurations that included two or more Fs at the TM2 6' position; desensitization was particularly rapid with 3 or 4 F residues present. Our results demonstrate the ability of F residues at the TM2 6' position to modulate desensitization is likely conserved in the cys-loop family of ligand-gated ion channels. Moreover, our findings demonstrate both stoichiometric- and subunit-dependent effects of the ability of this mutation to regulate desensitization in GABA A receptors.  相似文献   

We characterized the distribution of AMPA receptor (AMPAR) subunits and the transmembrane AMPA receptor regulatory proteins (TARPs) γ-2 and γ-4 in adult rat nucleus accumbens (NAc) using a method that separates plasma membranes into synaptic membrane-enriched and extrasynaptic membrane-enriched fractions. We also measured GluA1 phosphorylated at serine 845 (pS845 GluA1) and serine 831 (pS831 GluA1). GluA1-3 protein levels and pS831 GluA1/total GluA1 were higher in synaptic membranes. However, pS845 GluA1/total GluA1 was higher in extrasynaptic membranes, consistent with a role for S845 phosphorylation in GluA1 insertion at extrasynaptic sites. Homeric GluA1 receptors were detected in extrasynaptic membranes, consistent with evidence for extrasynaptic Ca(2+)-permeable AMPARs in other systems. The TARP γ-2 was enriched in synaptic membranes, whereas γ-4 was mainly found in extrasynaptic membranes, suggesting distinct roles for these proteins in the NAc. These experiments provide fundamental information that will aid in the interpretation of studies on AMPAR-related plasticity in the NAc.  相似文献   

The serotonin1B receptor (5-HT1BR) plays a role in cognitive processes that also involve glutamatergic neurotransmission via amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazoleproprionic acid (AMPA) receptors. Accumulating experimental evidence also highlights the involvement of 5-HT1BRs in several neurological disorders. Consequently, the 5-HT1BR is increasingly implicated as a potential therapeutic target for intervention in cognitive dysfunction. Within the hippocampus, a brain region critical to cognitive processing, populations of pre- and post-synaptic 5-HT1BRs have been identified. Thus, 5-HT1BRs could have a role in the modulation of hippocampal pre- and post-synaptic conductance. Previously, we demonstrated colocalization of 5-HT1BRs with the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor subunit NR1 in a subpopulation of granule cell dendrites (Peddie et al. [53]). In this study, we have examined the cellular and subcellular distribution of 5-HT1BRs with the AMPA receptor subunit GluR2. Of 5-HT1BR positive profiles, 28% displayed colocalization with GluR2. Of these, 87% were dendrites, corresponding to 41% and 10% of all 5-HT1BR labeled or GluR2 labeled dendrites, respectively. Dendritic labeling was both cytoplasmic and membranous but was not usually associated with synaptic sites. Colocalization within dendritic spines and axons was comparatively rare. These findings indicate that within the dentate gyrus molecular layer, dendritic 5-HT1BRs are expressed predominantly on GluR2 negative granule cell processes. However, a subpopulation of 5-HT1BRs is expressed on GluR2 positive dendrites. Here, it is suggested that activation of the 5-HT1BR may play a role in the modulation of AMPA receptor mediated conductance, further supporting the notion that the 5-HT1BR represents an interesting therapeutic target for modulation of cognitive function.  相似文献   

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