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We report on a 4-year-old girl with retinoblastoma and de novo balanced translocation [46,X,t (X;13) (q23;q13)]. Unilateral retinoblastoma was discovered at age 9 months along with developmental delay and several manifestations of Turner syndrome. Chromosome studies showed an X/13 translocation and an X inactivation pattern showing the translocated X chromosome active in all 50 cells examined. Standard Southern blot analysis and pulsed field gel electrophoresis using a 3.8 kb EcoR1 fragment of the cDNA probe to the 3' end of the RB1 locus demonstrated a normal genomic pattern. The results of the cytogenetic and molecular analysis suggests that the RB1 locus has not been disrupted by the chromosome rearrangement. This case is the fifth report of an X/13 translocation associated with a retinoblastoma.  相似文献   

We report on a 4-year-old girl with retinoblastoma and de novo balanced translocation [46,X,t (X;13) (q23;q13)]. Unilateral retinoblastoma was discovered at age 9 months along with developmental delay and several manifestations of Turner syndrome. Chromosome studies showed an X/13 translocation and an X inactivation pattern showing the translocated X chromosome active in all 50 cells examined. Standard Southern blot analysis and pulsed field gel electrophoresis using a 3.8 kb EcoR1 fragment of the cDNA probe to the 3′ end of the RB1 locus demonstrated a normal genomic pattern. The results of the cytogenetic and molecular analysis suggests that the RB1 locus has not been disrupted by the chromosome rearrangement. This case is the fifth report of an X/13 translocation associated with a retinoblastoma.  相似文献   

Males with duplications within the long arm of the X chromosome are rare and most cases are inherited from a maternal heterozygote. We report a male with a de novo Xq duplication and review of the literature. The proband was ascertained prenatally after an abnormal expanded alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) screen and abnormal ultrasound findings. Chromosome analysis on amniocyte and subsequent peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures showed a male karyotype containing additional material on the long arm of the X chromosome. Fluorescence in situ hybridization with an X chromosome whole chromosome paint probe showed that the additional material was derived from the X chromosome, interpreted as a dup(X)(q13.3q24). Further characterization of the duplication by array CGH showed a duplication size between 30-44 Mb as determined by the map position of the flanking clones on the array, and refined the breakpoints of the duplicated region to Xq21.32 --> Xq25. At birth, the proband had multiple craniofacial abnormalities, musculoskeletal anomalies, bilateral cryptorchidism with scrotal hypoplasia, conductive hearing loss, and profound generalized hypotonia despite normal birthweight, length, and head circumference. Although data regarding Xq duplications in males are limited, a clear pattern of characteristic features can be discerned as illustrated in the present case and confirmed in our literature review. Mental, psychomotor and growth retardation, as well as, craniofacial anomalies, muscle hypotonia, hypoplastic genitalia, cryptorchidism, feeding difficulties, and endocrine dysfunction are all significant issues in these individuals.  相似文献   

A case of complete ureteropelvic duplication   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A case of complete ureteropelvic duplication is reported. In this case, two ureters, i.e. a ureter from the superior renal pelvis and one from the inferior renal pelvis, began within the sinus of the left kidney. This case was in agreement with the "Weigert-Meyer Law".  相似文献   

We report three lipomas with rearrangements of chromosome 13. The karyotype of the tumors studied were 45,XX,-8,+der(8)t(8;13)(q22;q12),del(10)(p12),-13; 46,XY,del(13)(q12q22), and 46,XY,t(11;12)(q23;q13),del(13)(q12q22), respectively, revealing common involvement of band 13q12 in the rearrangement. Three other lipomas with aberrations of bands 13q12-q13 have been reported, suggesting that such tumors with abnormalities of chromosome 13 could represent a subgroup of lipoma in addition to those already reported with abnormalities of chromosomes 12q and 6p. The rearrangements of #13 in all these cases also involved loss of the band 13q14 to which the antioncogene associated with retinoblastoma and osteosarcoma is localized. Detailed clinical, histopathologic, and molecular studies should help to further characterize the various cytogenetically defined subgroups of lipoma.  相似文献   

目的 明确1例智力低下患儿8号染色体短臂异常的片段来源和位置,探讨该异常核型的发生机制、临床表型特征和家庭再发风险.方法 高分辨显带分析患者及其父母外周血染色体核型,比较基因组杂交芯片(array comparative genomic hybridization,array CGH)精细定位拷贝数异常改变的染色体片段区域,荧光定量PCR验证芯片分析结果.结果 患儿异常染色体为8p11.2-p23.1倒位重复和8p23.2-pter缺失;在重复和缺失之间间隔有1个长为5.70 Mb的拷贝数正常片段,嗅觉受体(olfactory receptor,OR)基因簇位于该片段的两端.结论 这是1例典型的inv dup del(8p)综合征,临床上以重度智力低下、大脑发育不良和特殊面容为主要特征,由8p23.1上OR基因簇的重复序列发生非等位同源重组所致.再生育时,不仅要预防inv dup del(8p)的再发风险,还要注意由同一重组机制造成的另外3种不良结局的妊娠风险.就目前所知,这是国内第1例明确诊断的inv dup del(8p)综合征.  相似文献   

Many nonrandom chromosome abnormalities, usually autosomal in nature, have been found to be associated with specific types of acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). Specific abnormalities involving the sex chromosomes are rare. We have recently identified a structural abnormality of the X chromosome, for example, idic(X)(q13) in three patients: two with MDS progressing to ANLL and one with ANLL de novo. All three patients were elderly females with a very aggressive form of ANLL. Six other patients with a similar abnormality have been discovered in the literature; all having either MDS or ANLL and a short survival. It is suggested that the abnormality identifies a subset of MDS and ANLL occurring in elderly females.  相似文献   

We report a de novo dup(X)(q23→q26) in a 3-year-old girl with growth retardation, developmental delay, and minor anomalies. X-inactivation in lymphocytes by BRDU labeling showed the abnormal X was late replicating. The androgen receptor assay (HAR) demonstrated a skewed methylation (88.8%) of the paternal allele and a 11.2% methylation of the maternal allele. These data, which suggest the duplication was paternally inherited, are the first parental-origin identification of a duplication Xq. The mild phenotype of the patient may be related to the size and region of the duplication, the low percentage of a dup(X) active detected by the HAR assay, or a combination of these mechanisms. Am. J. Med. Genet. 70:404–408, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We report on a 24-year old woman with an Xq duplication and findings suggestive of Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). Her birth weight was at the 3rd centile and her birth length was less than the 3rd centile. She was hypotonic and had a weak cry as an infant. There were no feeding difficulties, although her mother reports that as an infant, she was “small for her age.” Excessive weight gain began between 3 and 4 years. The patient's development was delayed and she received special education. She has a history of hiding food. She has a sleep disturbance disorder and inappropriate social behavior. At the age of 24 years her height was below the 5th centile and weight >>95th centile. She has physical findings typical of PWS, skin picking, and speech articulation defects. Cytogenetic analysis showed a 46,X,dup(X)(q23q25) karyotype. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) studies using a chromosome X painting probe demonstrated that the rearrangement was intrachromosomal. The X-chromosome fold scoring technique was used to determine the X inactivation pattern and indicated that some cells expressed the abnormal X chromosome. Results of FISH studies using the SNRPN probe localized to 15q11q13 and DNA studies using the PW71B and SNRPN probes were normal. The duplicated X chromosome, random X inactivation pattern, and the negative molecular studies for PWS indicate that the abnormal X chromosome is the basis of this patient's phenotype. This patient emphasizes the importance of obtaining a karyotype even when a syndrome diagnosable by molecular methods is strongly suspected. Am. J. Med. Genet. 80:227–231, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic and molecular studies of trisomy 13.   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
Chromosome heteromorphisms, restriction fragment length polymorphisms, or both were used to study the parental origin of 33 cases of simple trisomy 13 and eight cases of translocation trisomy 13. The most common origin for the simple trisomies was non-disjunction at maternal meiosis I, while for the translocations an equal number of paternally and maternally derived cases was observed. In seven of the simple trisomies, information was obtained from both the cytogenetic and molecular markers, making it possible to study recombination between the two non-disjoined chromosomes. Five of the seven cases involved errors at meiosis I, with crossing over being detected in two of three cases of maternal origin and in one of two cases of paternal origin. This indicates that absence of recombination because of pairing failure is unlikely to be of major importance in the genesis of trisomy 13.  相似文献   

Xq28 duplications encompassing MECP2 have been described in male patients with a severe neurodevelopmental disorder associated with hypotonia and spasticity, severe learning disability and recurrent pneumonia. We identified an Xq28 duplication in three families where several male patients had presented with intestinal pseudo-obstruction or bladder distension. The affected boys had similar dysmorphic facial appearances. Subsequently, we ascertained seven further families where the proband presented with similar features. We demonstrated duplications of the Xq28 region in five of these additional families. In addition to MECP2, these duplications encompassed several other genes already known to be associated with diseases including SLC6A8, L1CAM and Filamin A (FLNA). The two remaining families were shown to have intragenic duplications of FLNA only. We discuss which elements of the Xq28 duplication phenotype may be associated with the various genes in the duplication. We propose that duplication of FLNA may contribute to the bowel and bladder phenotype seen in these seven families.  相似文献   

The pathological and cytogenetic features of an extrarenal malignant rhabdoid tumor (MRT) arising from the paravertebral region in an infant were investigated. The patient died 4 months after diagnosis, due to aggressive tumor progression. The tumor was composed of medium-sized round cells with cytoplasm containing eosinophilic inclusions, which ultrastructurally were composed of densely packed whorled intermediate filaments. Flow-cytometric analysis of the tumor cells revealed a diploid pattern. Amplification of the N-myc oncogene was not identified. Immunohistologically, the inclusion bodies showed a positive reaction with antiserum against vimentin. The tumor cells were not reactive with antiserum against epithelial membrane antigen, anti-keratin (polyclonal) or cytokeratin (monoclonal, CK1), but did react with 5H10, an antiserum established from human sarcomatous Wilms' tumor. This case is discussed with reference to the literature on extrarenal MRT, placing stress on the histogenesis of this tumor.  相似文献   

From 1978 to 1985, we observed eitht cases of acute nonlymphocytic leukemia or preleukemia, three cases of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and three cases of chronic myeloid leukemia in patients previously treated exclusively with radiotherapy for other tumor types. The latent period from administration of radiotherapy to development of leukemia varied between 12 and 243 months. Clonal chromosome aberrations reported previously as characteristic of acute nonlymphocytic leukemia following therapy with alkylating agents were observed in three of the eight patients with acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (5q− and −7) and in two of the three patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (−7 and 12p−). All three patients with radiotherapy-related chronic myeloid leukemia presented a t(9;22)(q34;q11). The results suggest that cytogenetic characteristics may reflect the etiology in radiation-induced acute leukemias, whereas radiation-related chronic myeloid leukemia does not seem to differ chromosomally from de novo cases of the disease.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic findings in a case of pediatric glioblastoma.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report a patient with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) which showed stable and unstable telomeric associations involving the short arms of chromosomes 4 and 7. The karyotype was hyperdiploid, with chromosome numbers ranging from 84 to 87 in all cells, and showed a single stemline with variations in the number of marker chromosomes, teleomeric associations, and double minutes (dmin). The karyotype designation is 83-86,XX,-X,rea(X),-4,tas(4;7)(p16;?p22),der(6)t(6;?)(p21;?), -8, -9, der(9)t(9;?)(?p11;?), dup(9)(p12p23), -10 x 2, del(10)(p11), -11,del(11)(p11), -12, der(12)t(12;?) (p13;?),-13, -14 x 2,der(14)t(14;?) (p11;?), -16 x 2, -19, -21 x 2, -22 x 2, + 9-13mar, + dmin. Loss of the short arm of chromosome 10, structural aberrations of the short arm of chromosome 9, and dmin are consistent findings in GBM, whereas the high chromosome number is less common. Chromosome instability associated with the phenomenon of telomeric association/fusion has not been reported in GBM.  相似文献   

We report on a 3-year-old boy with a terminal deletion of 22q. The activity of alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase was normal while arylsulfatase A activity was reduced. Molecular analysis demonstrated the lack of paternal alleles of D22S45 and D22S55.  相似文献   

We performed chromosomal analysis of a primary testicular tumor from an individual who, on subsequent analysis of peripheral blood, was found to have a balanced (13q14q) translocation. Histologically, the tumor was a mixed germ cell neoplasm, predominantly embryonal carcinoma, with some teratomatous elements. The modal chromosome count of the tumor cells was 62, with most counts ranging from 54 to 66. In addition to a t(13q14q) chromosome (of constitutional origin), nine nonrandomly acquired chromosomal abnormalities were identified, including an abnormal chromosome #1 and a probable i(12p). These findings are further discussed and compared with cytogenetic data on human testicular neoplasms from the literature. This case is also discussed with regard to the possible association of a constitutional t(13q14q) and various malignancies and related disorders.  相似文献   

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