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Cellular changes were studied in specimens of the gastric mucosa from 131 patients with gastric biopsies from the normal mucosa and from those with various forms of chronic gastritis. The normal gastric mucosa was associated with moderate cell exfoliation and with normal cell structures. In cases of superficial gastritis and interstitial gastritis, the cellular material was more abundant than in smears from the normal stomach. The cells encountered were of surface mucosal and often also of glandular origin and were found together with numerous inflammatory cells. Cases with preatrophic and atrophic gastritis and with gastritis of the stomach remnant presented evidence of cellular metaplasia and nuclear and cytoplasmic alterations in surface mucosal cells. The results from study of gastric cellular changes in smears have led to further clarification of the diagnostic role of cytology which reflects the histologic alterations of gastric disorders and also often complements gastric biopsy findings.  相似文献   

慢性萎缩性胃炎中医药治法分类研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的:了解和明确中医药对慢性萎缩性胃炎(chronic atrophic gastritis,CAG)主要治法的现状及构成分布的主次,评价其优势和不足.以期为制定符合临床的规范化治疗方案提供框架结构.方法:通过网络数据库检索2000-2008年中西医学期刊,收集合中医治法具体病例数据的论文139篇中确诊CAG病例10748例,对78种治疗方法进行归纳、分类、统计和总结,分析比较CAG中医治法的构成比及其差异.结果:中医治法构成比排在首位的为益气健脾法,超过20%;其余按构成比高低顺序排列、并超过10%的依次为疏肝理气、滋阴养胃、清热化湿法;但健脾益气法与疏肝理气法比较无显著性差异,表明该二法为CAG最常见治法.而超过5%的依次为温中健脾、活血化瘀法;低于5%的为温阳补肾和其他治法.结论:CAG以益气健脾为最基本大法,疏肝理气法亦为最常见治法之一;其治法分类的排列主次可作为制定CAG临床规范化治疗方案的依据之一.  相似文献   

The histological pattern of fundic and antral mucosa was evaluated in endoscopically bioptic material obtained from 32 dyspeptic patients in the absence of circumscribed lesions of the stomach, duodenum, hepato-biliary area and pancreas, and in 30 asymptomatic controls. The data obtained failed to reveal any significant differences between the dyspeptic patients and the asymptomatic control group as regards the presence of chronic inflammatory alterations of the fundic or antral mucosa. Furthermore, the present findings reconfirmed the well-known progression with age, of the gastric inflammatory damage both in the antral and fundic area in the two groups considered without evidence of significant differences between them. Therefore, in conclusion dyspepsia "sine materia" does not have a histological pattern of chronic gastritis either of the fundus or of the antrum as its substrate.  相似文献   

~~Role of the HLA-DQ locus in the development of chronic gastritis and gastric carcinoma in Mexican patients@Roberto Herrera-Goepfert$Department of Pathology, Institute Nacional de Cancerologia (INCan), Mexico City, Mexico @Jesús K Yamamoto-Furusho$Dep…  相似文献   

In a review of the literature it is considered a possible relation between duodenogastric reflux and chronic gastritis. Doubtless bile acids are able to break down mucosal barrier in an acute action. But it is not proven, that bile acids cause chronic gastritis in chronic action. Furthermore duodenogastric bile reflux is a frequent and physiological event. Therefore we can not accept the duodenogastric reflux as the cause of simple chronic gastritis. The expression "reflux gastritis" is not correct for each kind of chronic gastritis that is no auto-immune gastritis.  相似文献   

规范慢性胃炎的诊断与治疗   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
慢性胃炎是一类在人群中发病率很高的疾病。有资料显示,成年人80%以上具有不同程度的慢性浅表性胃炎,在各级医院消化科门诊中,因慢性胃炎前来就诊患者比例也很高。同时,慢性胃炎与胃癌发生密切相关,肠型胃癌的发生、发展模式:“慢性浅表性胃炎→萎缩性胃炎→肠上皮化生→不典型增生→胃癌”已得到公认。可见该病不但影响了人们的生活质量,对人类健康亦构成了严重的危害。  相似文献   

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