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Purpose The association of the regional cerebral metabolic rate of glucose utilisation (rCMRglc) and years of schooling has been extensively studied in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The results suggest that brain reserve capacity (BRC) allows patients with more years of schooling to cope better with AD pathology. The objective of this study was to provide initial evidence for BRC in frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Methods Twenty-nine patients with FTD and 16 healthy age- and education-matched controls underwent PET imaging of the brain with 18F-fluoro-2-deoxy-glucose. A group comparison of rCMRglc was conducted between patients and controls and the output was saved as region of interest (ROI). A linear regression analysis with education as the independent and rCMRglc as the dependent variable, adjusted for age, gender and total score on the CERAD neuropsychological battery, was conducted in SPM2 over the pre-assigned ROI. Results Patients showed a reduced rCMRglc in almost the entire prefrontal cortex and the anterior cingulate cortex as compared with controls (p < 0.05 corrected for multiple comparisons). The regression analysis revealed a significant negative association between years of schooling and rCMRglc in the bilateral inferior frontal cortex (p < 0.001, uncorrected for multiple comparisons), which was independent of demographic variables and cognitive performance level. There was a strong negative correlation of rCMRglc and education (r = −0.45). Conclusion The study provides initial evidence for BRC in FTD. The findings suggest that interindividual differences in educational level affect BRC by partially mediating the relationship between neurodegeneration and the clinical manifestation of FTD.  相似文献   

The usefulness of fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) in differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) has been demonstrated by many investigators, but in only a small number of studies have FDG-PET images been compared with those obtained using other non-iodine tumour-seeking radiopharmaceuticals. In most of the studies, planar imaging was performed for comparison using thallium-201 chloride or technetium-99m 2-methoxyisobutylisonitrile (99mTc-MIBI). Furthermore, FDG-PET studies were not always performed in the hypothyroid state with increased levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which are known to increase FDG uptake by DTC. The aim of this study was to compare the ability of FDG-PET to detect metastatic DTC with that of 99mTc-MIBI whole-body single-photon emission tomography (SPET) and post-therapeutic iodine-131 scintigraphy, evaluated under TSH stimulation. Nineteen patients (8 men, 11 women; age range, 38–72 years, mean 60 years; 17 thyroidectomised and 2 inoperable patients following 131I ablation of the remaining thyroid tissue; 16 papillary and 3 follicular carcinomas) with metastatic DTC underwent FDG-PET whole-body scan (WBS) and 99mTc-MIBI SPET WBS at an interval of less than 1 week, followed by 131I therapy. The SPET images were reconstructed using the maximum likelihood expectation maximisation (ML-EM) method. All patients were hypothyroid at the time of each scan. 131I WBS was performed 3–5 days after oral administration of the therapeutic dose. A total of 32 lesions [10 lymph node (LN), 15 lung, 6 bone, 1 muscle] were diagnosed as metastases, as confirmed by histopathology and/or other imaging modalities (X-ray, US, CT, MRI, bone, 201Tl and 131I scans). FDG-PET, 99mTc-MIBI SPET and post-therapeutic 131I scintigraphy respectively revealed a total of 26 (81.3%), 20 (62.5%) and 22 (68.8%) lesions. These techniques respectively demonstrated nine (90.0%), eight (80.0%) and six (60.0%) LN metastases, and eleven (73.3%), seven (46.7%) and ten (66.7%) lung metastases. They each demonstrated five of the six bone metastases (83.3%). FDG-PET and 99mTc-MIBI SPET were positive in 17 (78.3%) and 14 (63.6%) of the 22 131I-positive lesions, respectively, and also in nine (90.0%) and six (60.0%) of the ten 131I-negative lesions, respectively. Three of the five 131I-positive and FDG-PET-negative lesions were miliary type lung metastases with a maximal nodular diameter of less than 10 mm. Comparison of FDG-PET with 99mTc-MIBI SPET revealed concordant results in 24 lesions, and discordant results in eight lesions (seven with positive FDG-PET alone and one with positive 99mTc-MIBI SPET alone). In conclusion: (a) even using whole-body SPET, FDG PET is superior to 99mTc-MIBI in terms of ability to detect metastases of DTC; (b) the higher sensitivity of FDG-PET compared with the previous studies could partly be due to increased serum TSH.  相似文献   

Surgical resection is the only curative treatment strategy for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (CC). Therefore, accurate staging is essential for appropriate management of patients with CC. We assessed the usefulness of 2-[18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) in the staging of CC. We undertook a retrospective review of FDG PET images in 21 patients (10 female, 11 male; mean age 57 years) diagnosed with CC. Ten patients had hilar CC and 11, peripheral CC. Patients underwent abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (n=20) and computed tomography (CT) (n=12) for the evaluation of primary tumours, and chest radiography and whole-body bone scintigraphy for work-up of distant metastases. For semi-quantitative analysis, the maximum voxel standardised uptake value (SUVmax) was obtained from the primary tumour. All peripheral CCs showed intensely increased FDG uptake, and some demonstrated ring-shaped uptake corresponding to peripheral rim enhancement on CT and/or MRI. In nine of the ten patients, hilar CCs demonstrated increased FDG uptake of a focal nodular or linear branching appearance. The remaining case was false negative on FDG PET. One patient with a false negative result on MRI demonstrated increased uptake on FDG PET. Among the ten hilar CCs, FDG uptake was intense in only two patients and was slightly higher than that of the hepatic parenchyma in the remaining patients. For the detection of lymph node metastasis, FDG PET and CT/MRI were concordant in 16 patients, and discordant in five (FDG PET was positive in three, and CT and MRI in two). FDG PET identified unsuspected distant metastases in four of the 21 patients; all of these patients had peripheral CC. FDG PET is useful in detecting the primary lesion in both hilar and peripheral CC and is of value in discovering unsuspected distant metastases in patients with peripheral CC. FDG PET could be useful in cases of suspected hilar CC with non-confirmatory biopsy and radiological findings.  相似文献   

Purpose The nucleoside analog 3′-deoxy-3′-18F-fluorothymidine (FLT) has been introduced for imaging cell proliferation with positron emission tomography (PET). We prospectively compared the diagnostic efficacy of FLT PET with that of 2-deoxy-2-18F-fluoro-d-glucose (FDG) PET for the preoperative nodal and distant metastatic staging of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods A total of 34 patients with NSCLC underwent FLT PET and FDG PET. PET imaging was performed at 60 min after each radiotracer injection. The PET images were evaluated qualitatively for regions of focally increased metabolism. For visualized primary tumors, the maximum standardized uptake value (SUV) was calculated. Nodal stages were determined by using the American Joint Committee on Cancer staging system and surgical and histologic findings reference standards. Results For the depiction of primary tumor, sensitivity of FLT PET was 67%, compared with 94% for FDG PET (P = 0.005). Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy for lymph node staging on a per-patient basis were 57, 93, 67, 89, and 85%, respectively, with FLT PET and 57, 78, 36, 91, and 74%, respectively, with FDG PET (P > 0.1 for all comparisons). Two of the three distant metastases were detected with FLT and FDG PET. Conclusion In NSCLC, FLT PET showed better (although not statistically significant) specificity, positive predictive value and accuracy for N staging on a per-patient basis than FDG PET. However, FDG PET was found to have higher sensitivity for depiction of primary tumor than FLT PET.  相似文献   

The diagnostic work-up in patients with fever of unknown origin (FUO) is often challenging and frequently includes nuclear medicine procedures. Whereas a role for leucocyte or granulocyte scintigraphy in FUO is generally accepted, a possible role of fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) in these patients remains to be established. To study this, we compared prospectively, on a head-to-head basis, the diagnostic value of FDG-PET and indium-111 granulocyte scintigraphy in patients with FUO. Nineteen patients with FUO underwent both FDG-PET and 111In-granulocyte scintigraphy within 1 week. FDG-PET scans and granulocyte scintigrams were reviewed by different doctors who were blinded to the result of the other investigation. The diagnostic values of FDG-PET and granulocyte scintigraphy were evaluated with regard to identification of a focal infectious/inflammatory or malignant cause of FUO. The sensitivity of granulocyte scintigraphy and FDG-PET were 71% [95% confidence interval (CI): 37–85%] and 50% (CI: 16–84%), respectively. The specificity of granulocyte scintigraphy was 92% (71–100%), which was significantly higher than that of FDG-PET, at 46% (34–62%). Positive and negative predictive values for granulocyte scintigraphy were both 85%. Positive and negative predictive values for FDG-PET were 30% and 67%, respectively. 111In-granulocyte scintigraphy has a superior diagnostic performance compared to FDG-PET for detection of a localised infectious/inflammatory or neoplastic cause of FUO. The poorer performance of FDG-PET is in particular attributable to a high percentage of false positive scans, leading to low specificity.  相似文献   

Purpose The aim of this study is to evaluate the potential role of double phase acquisition of 18F fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) for the differentiation of active pulmonary tuberculoma. Methods A total of 25 consecutive patients with pulmonary tuberculoma were enrolled. PET/CT imaging was performed 60 (range 53–71) and 120 min (range 109–131) after injection of 18F-FDG. The intensity of 18F-FDG uptake by pulmonary lesions was assessed visually, and the intensity was scored with a four-point scale (grade 1: absent, grade 2: faint, grade 3: moderate, grade 4: intense). Results Active tuberculoma shows statistically significant higher values in maximal standardized uptake values SUVmaxE (active = 2.3 ± 0.75, inactive = 0.79 ± 0.15), SUVmaxD (active = 2.48 ± 0.79, inactive = 0.75 ± 0.13), and %ΔSUVmax (active = 8.07 ± 7.77%, inactive = −3.83 ± 6.59) than those of inactive tuberculoma. When greater than or equal to visual grade 2 was used as the cutoff value, the sensitivity and specificity were 100 and 81.8%. When SUVmaxE 1.05 was used as the cutoff point, the sensitivity and specificity were 100 and 100%. When SUVmaxD 0.97 was used as the cutoff value, the sensitivity and specificity were 92.8 and 100%. When %ΔSUVmax 6.59 was used as the cutoff value, the sensitivity and specificity were 71.4 and 100%. The %ΔSUVmax was the potent predictor by logistic regression analysis. Conclusion The ΔSUVmax is a potential predictor for activity of pulmonary tuberculoma. However, the diagnostic performances were similar between visual and quantitative analyses. The visual assessment may be sufficient for determination of pulmonary tuberculoma activity. Further studies are needed to confirm these results and improve statistical accuracy. In-Ju Kim and Jung Sub Lee equally contributed to the current study.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical value of positron emission tomography (PET) with11C-labeled choline (CHOL) for the differential diagnosis of malignant head and neck tumors from benign lesions as compared with18F-fluorodeoxyglucose PET.Methods: We studied 45 patients (28 males, 17 females, age range, 29-84 years) with suspected lesions in the head and neck region using both CHOL and FDG PET within a 2-week period on each patient. All patients fasted for at least 6 hours for both the CHOL and FDG studies. PET imaging was performed 5 min and 50-60 min after intravenous injection of CHOL and FDG, respectively. After data acquisition, PET images were corrected for attenuation, and the reconstructed images were analyzed by visual interpretation. Then, the standardized uptake value (SUV) was calculated for semiquantitative evaluation of tumor tracer uptake. Finally the results of PET scans were compared with the histological diagnoses from surgical specimens or biopsies.Results: With CHOL PET, malignant tumors were correctly detected in 24 (96%) of 25 patients, and benign lesions in 14 (70%) of 20 patients with an accuracy of 84.4%. With FDG PET, malignancy was correctly diagnosed in 23 (92%) of 25 patients, and benign lesions in 13 (65%) of 20 patients resulting an accuracy of 80%. A significant positive correlation between CHOL and FDG SUVs was found for all lesions (r = 0.677, p = 0.004, n = 45). Malignant tumors showed significantly higher tracer accumulation than the benign lesions in both CHOL and FDG studies (5.69 ± 1.61, n = 25 vs. 2.98 ± 2.13, n = 20, p < 0.0001; 9.21 ± 4.23, n = 25 vs. 3.60 ± 2.57, n = 20, p < 0.0001). The cutoff SUV for differentiating malignant and benign lesions was 3.5 for CHOL and 3.9 for FDG. CHOL showed slightly better differentiation between malignant and benign lesions than FDG although some overlap existed on both studies. But the difference was not statistically significant.Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that CHOL PET may be feasible clinically for head and neck tumor imaging. PET imaging with CHOL seems to be able to detect malignant head and neck tumors as effectively as FDG PET. The advantages of CHOL PET were shorter examination period and low uptake in the muscle. However, both CHOL and FDG have some limitations in the evaluation of salivary gland lesions.  相似文献   

Solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN, intraparenchymal lung mass <3 cm) is often a diagnostic challenge. This study was performed to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG PET) in radiologically indeterminate SPN 10 mm on spiral CT. Between August 1997 and March 2001, we identified all patients with radiologically indeterminate SPNs 10 mm who were referred for FDG PET imaging at the VU University Medical Centre. All PET scans were retrospectively reviewed by an experienced nuclear medicine physician. PET was considered positive in cases with at least moderately enhanced focal uptake, and otherwise as negative. Lesions were considered benign on the basis of histology, no growth during 1.5 years or disappearance within at least 6 months. Thirty-five patients with 36 SPNs 10 mm in diameter at clinical presentation were identified (one patient had two metachronous lesions). In 13 of 14 malignant nodules and in two of 22 benign nodules, diagnosis was confirmed by histology. Prevalence of malignancy was 39%. PET imaging correctly identified 30 of 36 small lesions. One lesion proved to be false negative on PET (CT: 10 mm), and in five lesions, PET scans proved to be false positive. Specificity was 77% (17/22; 95% CI: 0.55–0.92), sensitivity 93% (13/14; 95% CI: 0.66–1.0), positive predictive value 72% (13/18; 95% CI: 0.46–0.90) and negative predictive value 94% (17/18; 95% CI: 0.73–1.0). This retrospective study suggests that FDG PET imaging could be a useful tool in differentiating benign from malignant SPNs 10 mm in diameter at clinical presentation. Such results may help in the design of larger prospective trials with structured clinical work-up.  相似文献   



To evaluate peritoneal carcinomatosis in patients with gastrointestinal and gynecologic malignancies and to assess the diagnostic role for 18-FDG-PET and MDCT alone in comparison to the diagnostic accuracy of fused 18F-FDG-PET/MDCT by using surgical and histopathological findings as the standard of reference.

Methods and subjects

Sixty-two patients (13 males, 49 females; age range 43–81; mean age, 62 years with suspected peritoneal carcinomatosis were reviewed for the presence of peritoneal lesions on 18F-FDG-PET/MDCT scans (Discovery LS, GE Medical Systems). The results were compared with the histological findings at laparatomy. Thirty-one patients had peritoneal metastases, while 31 patients had negative histological findings at laparotomy.


CT detected peritoneal seeding in 26/31 patients, 18F-FDG-PET in 25/31 patients, and 18F-FDG-PET/MDCT in 30/31 patients, for a sensitivity of 88%, 88%, and 100%, respectively. False-positive findings were seen in MDCT in one patient, in 18F-FDG-PET in two patients, and in 18F-MDCT-PET/MDCT in one patient, for a specificity of 97%, 94%, and 97%, respectively.


Fused 18F-FDG-PET/MDCT is superior to MDCT and 18F-FDG-PET alone for the detection of peritoneal carcinomatosis especially in small lesions and it offers exact anatomic information for surgical treatment.  相似文献   

Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of 18F-fluorothymidine (FLT) PET/CT for imaging pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Methods This was a pilot study of five patients (four males, one female) with newly diagnosed and previously untreated pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Patients underwent FLT PET/CT, 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET/CT, and contrast-enhanced CT scanning before treatment. The presence of cancer was confirmed by histopathological analysis at the time of scanning in all five patients. The degree of FLT and FDG uptake at the primary tumor site was assessed using visual interpretation and semi-quantitative SUV analyses. Results The primary tumor size ranged from 2.5×2.8 cm to 3.5 × 7.0 cm. The SUV of FLT uptake within the primary tumor ranged from 2.1 to 3.1. Using visual interpretation, the primary cancer could be detected from background activity in two of five patients (40%) on FLT PET/CT. By comparison, FDG uptake was higher in each patient with a SUV range of 3.4 to 10.8, and the primary cancer could be detected from background in all five patients (100%). Conclusions In this pilot study of five patients with primary pancreatic adenocarcinoma, FLT PET/CT scanning showed poor lesion detectability and relatively low levels of radiotracer uptake in the primary tumor.  相似文献   

Purpose  We prospectively investigated the feasibility of 3′-deoxy-3′-18F-fluorothymidine (FLT) positron emission tomography (PET) for the detection of gastric cancer, in comparison with 2-deoxy-2-18F-fluoro-d-glucose (FDG) PET, and determined the degree of correlation between the two radiotracers and proliferative activity as indicated by Ki-67 index. Methods  A total of 21 patients with newly diagnosed advanced gastric cancer were examined with FLT PET and FDG PET. Tumour lesions were identified as areas of focally increased uptake, exceeding that of surrounding normal tissue. For semiquantitative analysis, the maximal standardized uptake value (SUV) was calculated. Results  For detection of advanced gastric cancer, the sensitivities of FLT PET and FDG PET were 95.2% and 95.0%, respectively. The mean (±SD) SUV for FLT (7.0 ± 3.3) was significantly lower than that for FDG (9.4 ± 6.3 p < 0.05). The mean FLT SUV and FDG SUV in nonintestinal tumours were higher than in intestinal tumours, although the difference was not statistically significant. The mean (±SD) FLT SUV in poorly differentiated tumours (8.5 ± 3.5) was significantly higher than that in well and moderately differentiated tumours (5.3 ± 2.1; p < 0.04). The mean FDG SUV in poorly differentiated tumours was higher than in well and moderately differentiated tumours, although the difference was not statistically significant. There was no significant correlation between Ki-67 index and either FLT SUV or FDG SUV. Conclusion  FLT PET showed as high a sensitivity as FDG PET for the detection of gastric cancer, although uptake of FLT in gastric cancer was significantly lower than that of FDG.  相似文献   

We prospectively assessed and compared the usefulness of 11C-choline positron emission tomography (PET) with that of [18F]-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose (FDG) PET for the differentiation between benign and malignant tumors. A total of 126 patients with 130 lesions were studied (25 brain tumors, 51 head and neck tumors, 15 bone tumors, 16 lung tumors, and 23 soft tissue tumors). 11C-choline PET and FDG PET were performed from 5 and 40 min, respectively, after injection of 275–370 MBq tracer. PET data were evaluated using the standardized uptake value (SUV) and were analyzed in accordance with the pathologic data. The 11C-choline uptake in malignancies was 3.9±2.3 (n=81), which was significantly higher than that in benign lesions (n=49) (2.6±1.7, P<0.005). The FDG uptake in malignancies was 5.9±3.8 (n=81) and was also significantly higher than that in benign lesions (2.8±2.0, P<0.0001). The 11C-choline uptake in the lesions correlated with FDG uptake (r=0.65, P<0.003). According to an ROC analysis, the areas under the ROC curves (AUCs) for 11C-choline PET were more than 0.8 in bone, head and neck, lung, and soft tissue tumors, while the AUC was 0.79 in brain tumors. The AUCs for FDG PET were similarly more than 0.8 in bone, head and neck, lung, and soft tissue tumors, but had a lower value of 0.585 in brain tumors. In brain, head and neck, bone, and soft tissue tumors, 11C-choline showed higher contrast than FDG. In conclusion, it is feasible to use 11C-choline PET for differentiation between malignant and benign tumours, especially of the brain, head and neck, bone, and soft tissue. However, attention needs to be drawn to the high uptake of 11C-choline in some benign tumors and tumour-like lesions, as this will be of significance in clinical practice.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the prognostic value of fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG PET) with that of second-look laparotomy (SLL) in patients with advanced ovarian carcinoma following primary chemotherapy. Fifty-five patients who had undergone cytoreductive surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy for advanced ovarian carcinoma were enrolled in the study. Thirty patients underwent SLL after primary treatment (SLL group), while 25 underwent FDG PET after primary treatment without SLL (PET group). We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of the 55 patients for comparison of progression-free interval and disease-free interval between the two groups. Ovarian carcinomas recurred in 37 of the 55 patients. When the progression-free interval and the disease-free interval in patients in the PET group were compared with those in the SLL group, no significant differences were observed. The progression-free interval in the PET and SLL groups were 28.8±12.7 months and 30.6±13.7 months, respectively (P=0.29). The disease-free interval in the negative PET group was 40.5±11.6 months, and that in the negative SLL group was 48.6±12.1 months (P=0.12). In conclusion, FDG PET has a similar prognostic value to SLL, and can substitute for SLL in the follow-up of patients who have had ovarian carcinoma, especially when there is a high risk for recurrence.  相似文献   

Purpose FDG PET is increasingly used in radiotherapy planning. Recently, we demonstrated substantial differences in target volumes when applying different methods of FDG-based contouring in primary lung tumours (Nestle et al., J Nucl Med 2005;46:1342–8). This paper focusses on FDG-positive mediastinal lymph nodes (LNPET). Methods In our institution, 51 NSCLC patients who were candidates for radiotherapy prospectively underwent staging FDG PET followed by a thoracic PET scan in the treatment position and a planning CT. Eleven of them had 32 distinguishable non-confluent mediastinal or hilar nodal FDG accumulations (LNPET). For these, sets of gross tumour volumes (GTVs) were generated at both acquisition times by four different PET-based contouring methods (visual: GTVvis; 40% SUVmax: GTV40; SUV=2.5: GTV2.5; target/background (T/B) algorithm: GTVbg). Results All differences concerning GTV sizes were within the range of the resolution of the PET system. The detectability and technical delineability of the GTVs were significantly better in the late scans (e.g. p = 0.02 for diagnostic application of SUVmax = 2.5; p = 0.0001 for technical delineability by GTV2.5; p = 0.003 by GTV40), favouring the GTVbg method owing to satisfactory overall applicability and independence of GTVs from acquisition time. Compared with CT, the majority of PET-based GTVs were larger, probably owing to resolution effects, with a possible influence of lesion movements. Conclusion For nodal GTVs, different methods of contouring did not lead to clinically relevant differences in volumes. However, there were significant differences in technical delineability, especially after early acquisition. Overall, our data favour a late acquisition of FDG PET scans for radiotherapy planning, and the use of a T/B algorithm for GTV contouring.  相似文献   

Recently carbon-11 acetate (AC) positron emission tomography (PET) has been reported to be of clinical value for the diagnosis of cancer that is negative on fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucoce (FDG) PET. We investigated the uptake of AC in lung cancer to determine whether this tracer is of potential value for tumour detection and characterisation, and to compare AC PET imaging with FDG PET and technetium-99m sestamibi (MIBI) single-photon emission tomography (SPET). Twenty-three patients with 25 lung cancers underwent AC and FDG PET. Twenty of 23 patients were also investigated with MIBI SPET. Dynamic images were acquired for 26 min after the injection of 555 MBq of AC. Standardised uptake values (SUVs) and/or tumour to non-tumour activity ratios (T/N) for each tumour were investigated at 10–20 min after AC administration, 40–60 min after administration of 185 MBq FDG and 15–45 min after administration of 555 MBq MIBI. Twenty lung cancers were resected surgically, and the degree of tracer uptake in the primary lesion was correlated with histopathological features (cell dedifferentiation and aggressiveness) and prognosis. Rapid uptake of AC followed by extremely slow clearance was observed. For the purpose of tumour identification, AC PET was inferior to FDG PET in 8 of 25 (32%) lung cancers, and the T/N of AC was lower than that of FDG. However, AC PET was superior to FDG PET in the identification of a slow-growing tumour (bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma). There was a positive correlation between AC uptake (T/N) and MIBI uptake (T/N) (r=0.799, P<0.0001). A positive correlation was not observed between either AC or MIBI uptake and the degree of cell dedifferentiation in lung adenocarcinomas, whereas FDG uptake did correlate with the degree of cell dedifferentiation. In lung adenocarcinoma, there was a weak correlation between aggressiveness and FDG uptake, but no correlation was evident for AC and MIBI. In addition, a positive correlation was not observed between AC or MIBI uptake and postoperative recurrence in lung adenocarcinoma, whereas FDG uptake did correlate with postoperative recurrence. Thus, the greater the FDG uptake, the higher the malignant grade. In conclusion, for the purpose of tumour identification, AC PET was inferior to FDG PET but superior to MIBI SPET. Neither AC nor MIBI uptake reflects the malignant grade in lung adenocarcinoma, whereas FDG uptake does. AC PET is less diagnostically informative than FDG PET in patients with lung cancer. However, AC PET may play a complementary role in the identification of low-grade malignancies that are not FDG avid.  相似文献   

Purpose Non-invasive imaging of tumour development remains a challenge, especially for tumours in the intraperitoneal cavity. Therefore, the aim of this study was the visualisation of both the development of peritoneal carcinomatosis and tumour regression after radioimmunotherapy with tumour-specific 213Bi-Immunoconjugates, via in vivo bioluminescence imaging of firefly luciferase-transfected cells. Methods Human diffuse-type gastric cancer cells expressing mutant d9-E-cadherin were stably transfected with firefly luciferase (HSC45-M2-luc). For bioluminescence imaging, nude mice were inoculated intraperitoneally with 1 × 107 HSC45-M2-luc cells. On days 4 and 8 after tumour cell inoculation, imaging was performed following D-luciferin injection using a cooled CCD camera with an image intensifier unit. For therapy, mice were injected with 2.7 MBq 213Bi-d9MAb targeting d9-E-cadherin on day 8 after tumour cell inoculation. Bioluminescence images were taken every 4 days to monitor tumour development. Results After i.p. inoculation of HSC45-M2-luc cells into nude mice, development as well as localisation of peritoneal carcinomatosis could be visualised using bioluminescence imaging. Following 213Bi-d9MAb therapy on day 8 after intraperitoneal inoculation of HSC45-M2-luc cells, small tumour nodules were totally eliminated and larger nodules showed a clear reduction in size on day 12 after tumour cell inoculation. Subsequently a recurrence of tumour mass was observed, starting from the remaining tumour spots. By measuring the mean grey level intensity, tumour development over time could be demonstrated. Conclusion Non-invasive bioluminescence imaging permits visualisation of the development of peritoneal carcinomatosis, localisation of tumour in the intraperitoneal cavity and evaluation of therapeutic success after 213Bi-d9MAb treatment.  相似文献   

Reducing the acquisition time of whole-body fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (18F-FDG PET) (corrected for attenuation) is of major importance in clinical practice. With the introduction of lutetium oxyorthosilicate (LSO), the acquisition time can be dramatically reduced, provided that patients are injected with larger amounts of tracer and/or the system is operated in 3D mode. The aim of this study was to determine the optimal dose of 18F-FDG required in order to achieve good-to-excellent image quality when a "3-min emission, 2-min transmission/bed position" protocol is used for an LSO PET camera. A total of 218 consecutive whole-body 18F-FDG PET studies were evaluated retrospectively. After excluding patients with liver metastases, hyperglycaemia and paravenous injections, the final study population consisted of 186 subjects (112 men, 74 women, age 59±15 years). Patients were injected with an activity of 18F-FDG ranging from 2.23 to 15.21 MBq/kg. Whole-body images corrected for attenuation (3 min emission, 2 min transmission/bed position) were acquired with an LSO PET camera (Ecat Accel,Siemens) 60 min after tracer administration. Patients were positioned with their arms along the body. Image reconstruction was done iteratively and a post-reconstruction filter was applied. Image quality was scored visually by two independent observers using a five-point scoring scale (poor, reasonable, good, very good, excellent). In addition, the coefficient of variability (COV) was measured in a region of interest over the liver in order to quantify noise. Of the images obtained in 118 patients injected with 8 MBq/kg 18F-FDG, 92% and 90% were classified as good, very good or excellent by observer 1 and observer 2, respectively. The COV averaged 10.63%±3.19% for doses 8 MBq/kg and 16.46%±5.14% for doses <8 MBq/kg. Administration of an 18F-FDG dose of 8 MBq/kg results in images of good to excellent quality in the vast majority of patients when using an LSO PET camera and applying a 3-min emission, 2-min transmission/bed position acquisition protocol. At lower doses, a rapid decline in image quality and increasing noise are observed. Alternative protocols should be adopted in order to compensate for the loss in image quality when doses <8 MBq/kg are used.  相似文献   



Typically, 18F-FDG PET/CT and 18F-NaF PET/CT scans are done as two separate studies on different days to allow sufficient time for the radiopharmaceutical from the first study to decay. This is inconvenient for the patients and exposes them to two doses of radiation from the CT component of the examinations. In the current study, we compared the clinical usefulness of a combined 18F-FDG/18F-NaF PET/CT scan with that of a separate 18F-FDG-only PET/CT scan.  相似文献   

Takayasu arteritis (TA) is a rare, sporadic and chronic inflammatory arteritis, which predominantly affects the aorta and its branches. Diagnosis can be difficult and there are limitations to the current diagnostic work-up. By detecting areas of active glucose metabolism present in active vasculitis, imaging with fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (18F-FDG PET) could potentially have a role in the management of TA. Our aim was to assess this role by reviewing 28 18F-FDG PET scans performed on 18 patients suspected of having TA. All patients had full clinical and laboratory assessment, cross-sectional imaging and angiography, and 16/18 satisfied the American College of Rheumatologists criteria for TA. 18F-FDG PET achieved a sensitivity of 92%, a specificity of 100%, and negative and positive predictive values of 85% and 100% respectively in the initial assessment of active vasculitis in TA. We conclude that 18F-FDG PET can be used to diagnose early disease, to detect active disease (even within chronic changes) and to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the efficiency of fluorine-18 fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) in the characterisation and primary staging of suspicious renal masses, in comparison with computed tomography, the current standard imaging modality. Fifty-three FDG PET studies were performed within the framework of a prospective study: 35 for both characterisation and staging of a suspicious mass, and 18 for staging early after surgical removal of a renal cancer. In the characterisation of renal masses, a high rate of false negative results was observed, leading to a sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of 47%, 80% and 51% respectively, versus 97%, 0/5 and 83% respectively for CT. FDG PET detected all the sites of distant metastasis revealed by CT, as well as eight additional metastatic sites, leading to an accuracy of 94% versus 89% for CT. However, 36/53 patients (68%) did not have any distant metastasis on either CT or on PET. All but one of these patients had a low Fuhrman histological grade and a limited local stage (pT2). We conclude that FDG PET does not offer any advantage over CT for the characterisation of renal masses but that it appears to be an efficient tool for the detection of distant metastasis in renal cancer. However, our data suggest that a selection process could be implemented to determine which patients should undergo PET. FDG PET could be performed in the event of a solitary metastasis or doubtful images on CT. Selection could also be based on adverse histological findings from nephrectomy specimens in order to perform staging early after nephrectomy.  相似文献   

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