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上海市医疗保险职工意愿自负医疗费用比例的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上海市已于 2 0 0 0年 12月 1日正式实施职工基本医疗保险 ,由个人自负一部分医疗费用是这次医疗制度改革的一个重点。根据 2 0 0 0年 10月 2 0日上海市人民政府令第 92号发布的《上海市城镇职工基本医疗保险办法》规定 :职工门诊急诊超过个人支付部分的费用 ,由附加基金支付 4 5 %~ 90 % ,即个人自负比例在 10 %~ 5 5 % ;职工住院超过个人支付部分的费用 ,由统筹基金支付 85 %~ 92 % ,即个人自负比例在 8%~ 15 %。职工对这种自负比例的承受能力 ,直接关系到保障职工基本医疗、提高职工健康水平的大问题[1] 。1 资料与方法1 1 调查对…  相似文献   

职工医疗保险制度改革的核心任务之一就是要保障广大职工的基本医疗和遏制医疗费用的过快增长,使职工基本医疗消费水平与我国的生产力发展水平相适应,使财政、企业和个人都能承受,逐步建立一个新型的对供、需、保三方都有制约作用的医疗费用控制机制。本文试图通过国务院首批试点城市之一的镇江市医改5年来的实践研究,探讨总量控制和个人自付比例在医疗费用控制机制中的作用,为建立中国特色的职工基本医疗保险费用控制机制提供一条有效途径。1 总量控制支付方式对医疗服务供方制约的实践11 医疗保险费用是定点医疗机构(以下简称“供方”)…  相似文献   

1999年,全国城镇职工医疗保险制度改革已全面启动,医疗保险制度改革的主要任务是:建立城镇职工基本医疗保险制度,即适应社会主义市场经济体制,根据财政、企业和个人的承受能力,建立保障职工基本医疗需求的社会医疗保险制度。其原则是:基本医疗保险的水平要与社会主义初级阶段生产力发展水平相适应;城镇所有用人单位及其职工都要参加基本医疗保险,实行属地管理;基本医疗保险费由用人单位和职工双方共同负担;基本医疗保险基金实行社会统筹和个人账户相结合。  相似文献   

温州市补充医疗保险的需求及其影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据温州市职工基本医疗保险覆盖范围 ,笔者设计了与之对应的 5个补充医疗保险方案 ,调查了职工对这些补充医疗保险方案的意愿支付情况。结果表明 :5种方案的需求价格弹性在 0 .88~ 1 .3 4之间。覆盖特需医疗服务的方案D和E需求价格弹性较大 ,覆盖大病重病的方案A接受程度最高 ,价格弹性最小 ,应优先考虑加以推广。个人经济状况、医疗服务利用及对基本医疗保险的了解程度影响补充医疗保险需求。  相似文献   

基本医疗保险制度下职工个人经济负担分析及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对参加城镇职工基本医疗保险的职工个人来讲 ,除了要缴纳本人工资的2%的保险费外 ,可能发生的费用支出还包括 :(1)个人账户不足以支付当年的门诊医疗费造成的额外费用 ;(2)住院费用中免赔额(惠民县医保政策规定 ,参保职工住院费3400元~5000元应支付840元免赔额 ,5000元以上支付420元免赔额。)和自付比例造成的个人负担部分 ;(3)住院费用超过支付限额部分的职工个人自付。本文以惠民县为例 ,分析这些可能的医疗费用支出对参保职工造成的影响。一、当年门诊医疗费超出参保职工个人账户额造成的经济负担建立个人账户用于支付门诊费用的目的就…  相似文献   

医疗保险与基本医疗需求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医疗需求的层次是多方面的,与经济基础密切相关,它决定了人们对医疗消费的意向。经济收入越高,人们对医疗消费的需求就越高。我国目前经济不够发达,国家财力有限,人均收入较低,在现有的财力下,是不能满足职工的所有医疗需求的。我国医疗制度的改革方向是:逐步实行医疗费用由国家、用人单位、个人3方共同负担的原则,在保障职工基本医疗需求的前提下,有效地控制医疗费用的不合理增长。医疗制度改革的目的,不是满足职工的所有医疗需求,而是满足职工的基  相似文献   

国务院《关于建立城镇职工基本医疗保险制度的决定》(以下简称《决定》)明确指出 :“加快医疗保险制度改革 ,保障职工基本医疗 ,是建立社会主义市场经济的客观要求和重要保障。”建立城镇职工基本医疗保险制度 ,要“根据财政、企业和个人的承受能力 ,建立保障职工基本医疗需求的社会医疗保险制度。”本文按照《决定》精神 ,结合我区实际 ,对一些问题作些探讨。一、贫困地区建立医疗保险制度面临的几个问题(一 )职工的医疗消费水平相对较低 ,实行职工基本医疗保险 ,按一定比例筹资 ,使财政和企业负担明显增加。据统计 ,1998年宁夏自治区…  相似文献   

医疗保险制度是社会保障体系的重要组成部分。镇江市作为国务院医疗保障制度改革的试点城市,历经5年的实践,建立了新型的由用人单位和职工共同缴纳的医疗保险费用体系,社会统筹医疗基金和职工个人医疗账户相结合的城镇职工基本医疗保险制度,保证了职工的基本医疗  相似文献   

1997年我国将有57个城市开展社会医疗保险制度的试点工作。这个新制度的突出特点是社会统筹医疗基金和职工个人医疗帐户相结合,既发挥社会统筹共济性强的长处,也发挥个人帐户有激励作用和制约作用的优点。在职工医疗费用的支付办法方面实行三段式付费方式,即第一阶段先从个人医疗帐户支付,第二阶段自付本人年工资收入的5%,第三阶段由社会统筹医疗基金支付,但个人仍要负担一定比例。  相似文献   

一、职工基本医疗保障水平的内涵急需明确 四部委关于职工医疗保险制度的基本原则明确提出了“使城镇全体劳动者都能得到基本医疗保障”,“基本医疗保障水平和方式要与我国社会生产力发展水平以及各方面的承受能力相适应”。应该说改革方案提出了基本医疗保障水平的概念。但是在“两江”和全国57个城市改革试点的实践过程中,对基本医疗保障水平的内涵这一关系到整个方案系统、子系统及其相互联系和具体运作的关键问题未能明确界定,致使“医改”在医疗基金筹集水平、基金支付、结算、各段基金的  相似文献   

Shiell A  Gold L 《Health economics》2003,12(11):909-919
The use of willingness to pay to value the benefits of health care is increasing. Much of this work assumes that health preferences are well formed or 'complete' and readily revealed if the right question is asked in the right way. We examined this assumption, seeking evidence in a mixed-methods study that explored the meaning and implications of vague responses to a payment-scale based willingness to pay exercise.One-half of the sample said that their vagueness meant that their maximum willingness to pay was actually greater than the amount that they had previously said it was. Thirty percent agreed that they would probably pay pound 10 more than a sum that they had previously said they would most definitely not pay, if they found this to be the cost of the vaccine. Interview data supported the view that the payment scale had failed to elicit the maximum willingness to pay and that some participants used the information on cost to help clarify their values, in contrast to the theory underpinning willingness to pay. The results suggest a need to consider values-clarification in health economic evaluations.  相似文献   

The main objective of this article is to examine the willingness to pay for a viable rural health insurance scheme through community participation in India, and the policy concerns it engenders. The willingness to pay for a rural health insurance scheme through community participation is estimated through a contingent valuation approach (logit model), by using the rural household survey on health from Karnataka State in India. The results show that insurance/saving schemes are popular in rural areas. In fact, people have relatively good knowledge of insurance schemes (especially life insurance) rather than saving schemes. Most of the people stated they are willing to join and pay for the proposed rural health insurance scheme. However, the probability of willingness to join was found to be greater than the probability of willingness to pay. Indeed, socio-economic factors and physical accessibility to quality health services appeared to be significant determinants of willingness to join and pay for such a scheme. The main justification for the willingness to pay for a proposed rural health insurance scheme are attributed from household survey results: (a) the existing government health care provider's services is not quality oriented; (b) is not easily accessible; and, (c) is not cost effective. The discussion suggests that policy makers in India should take serious note of the growing influence of the private sector and people's willingness to pay for organizing a rural health insurance scheme to provide quality and efficient health care in India. Policy interventions in health should not ignore private sector existence and people's willingness to pay for such a scheme and these two factors should be explicitly involved in the health management process. It is also argued that regulatory and supportive policy interventions are inevitable to promote this sector's viable and appropriate development in organizing a health insurance scheme.  相似文献   

This paper examines the equality of utilization for equal need and equity of out-of-pocket expenditure for health services in a large urban area in Thailand. Data from a household health interview survey were used to explore patterns of perceived morbidity, utilization of various treatment sources, and out-of-pocket payment. Financial access to health care, as reflected in medical benefit/insurance cover, appeared to influence reported illness and hospitalization rates. Gross lack of access to health care amongst lower socio-economic groups was not the main problem in this densely populated urban area because people could choose and use alternative health services according to their ability and willingness to pay. The corollary, however, was an inequitable pattern of out-of-pocket health expenditure by income quintile and per capita. The underprivileged were more likely to pay out of their own pocket for their health problems, and to pay out of proportion to their household income when compared with more privileged groups. Furthermore, the underprivileged were least likely to be covered by government health benefit schemes, in contrast in particular to civil servants, who paid less out of pocket and did not contribute to their medical benefit fund. The private health sector (private clinics and private hospitals) was the major provider of health care to urban dwellers for both outpatient and inpatient services. Policy options for the short and long term to improve the equity of payment systems for health care are discussed.  相似文献   

Compared to its neighbors, Sri Lanka performs well in terms of health. Health care is provided for free in the public sector, yet households' out‐of‐pocket health expenditures are steadily increasing. We explore whether this increase can be explained by supply shortages and insufficient public health care financing or whether it is rather the result of an income‐induced demand for supplementary and higher quality services from the private sector. We focus on total health care expenditures and health care expenditures for specific services such as expenses on private outpatient treatments and expenses on laboratory and other diagnostic services. Overall, we find little indication that limited supply of public health care per se pushes patients into the private sector. Yet income is identified as one key driver of rising health care expenditures, ie, as households get richer, they spend an increasing amount on private services suggesting a dissatisfaction with the quality offered by the public sector. Hence, quality improvements in the public sector seem to be necessary to ensure sustainability of the public health care sector. If the rich and the middle class increasingly opt out of public health care, the willingness to pay taxes to finance the free health care policy will certainly shrink.  相似文献   

城市社区卫生服务需求及影响因素研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
1998年4~5月,笔者对哈尔滨市居民的社区卫生服务需求、意愿及影响因素进行了调查。结果显示:86.4%的人希望开展社区卫生服务;居民卫生服务需求多定位在较高层次上(市级医院及以上为53.66%,而基层仅为10.95%);影响居民社区卫生服务需求意愿的重要因素有:对预防、保健、治疗同等重要性的认识态度,对自身健康状况的重视程度以及目前自觉健康状况等。提示居民的卫生服务现实需求与基层卫生服务提供的不一致性。需要进一步加强社区卫生服务尤其是全科医疗的系统化、规范化。  相似文献   

We examine the willingness of health care consumers to pay formal fees for health care use and how this willingness to pay is associated with past informal payments. We use data from a survey carried out in Hungary in 2010 among a representative sample of 1,037 respondents. The contingent valuation method is used to elicit the willingness to pay official charges for health care services covered by the social health insurance if certain quality attributes (regarding the health care facility, access to the services and health care personnel) are guaranteed. A bivariate probit model is applied to examine the relationship between willingness to pay and past informal payments. We find that 66 % of the respondents are willing to pay formal fees for specialist examinations and 56 % are willing to pay for planned hospitalizations if these services are provided with certain quality and access attributes. The act of making past informal payments for health care services is positively associated with the willingness to pay formal charges. The probability that a respondent is willing to pay official charges for health care services is 22 % points higher for specialist examinations and 45 % points higher for hospitalization if the respondent paid informally during the last 12 months. The introduction of formal fees should be accompanied by adequate service provision to assure acceptance of the fees. Furthermore, our results suggest that the problem of informal patient payments may remain even after the implementation of user fees.  相似文献   

Estimating rural households’ willingness to pay for health insurance   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In many developing countries limited health budgets are a serious problem. Innovative ways to raise funds for the provision of health services, for example, through health care insurance, have a high priority. Health care insurance for rural households shields such patients from unexpected high costs of care. However, there are questions about whether, and how much, rural households are willing to pay to purchase such insurance, as well as the factors determining willingness to pay. In recent years the Iranian government has tried to improve health and medical services to rural areas through a health insurance program. This study was conducted to estimate rural households demand and willingness to pay for health insurance. A contingent valuation method (CVM) was applied using an iterative bidding game technique. Data has been collected from a sample of 2,139 households across the country.  相似文献   

目的:假定消费者的健康投资方式包括两种:私人购买的医疗服务(即健康投资项目)和公共财政支持的医疗服务(即公共卫生服务项目),主要讨论两种健康投资项目成本收益之间的区别和联系;方法:支付意愿;结论:健康投资项目的边际支付意愿随收入的增加而增加;公共卫生服务项目的边际支付意愿则要视条件而定,如果两者互补,则公共卫生服务项目的边际支付意愿随收入增加而增加,但是如果二者相互替代,则公共卫生服务项目的边际支付意愿不会发生明显变化.  相似文献   

The Contingent Ranking Method--a feasible and valid method when eliciting preferences for health care? The objective of the study was to determine the feasibility and validity of the contingent ranking method, when eliciting preferences and measuring willingness to pay for health care. A measurement experiment based on ranking data is reported. Marginal willingness to pay for alleviation of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms that may be the outcome of a treatment with a novel anti-rheumatic agent, cA2 (now called TNF-alpha blockade) was calculated. The estimated marginal willingness to pay value was 650 DKK ($93). With regard to the health status variables and income variable the signs of the coefficients were, as expected, positive. The contingent ranking method is a feasible and valid method for eliciting preferences and determining willingness to pay estimates.  相似文献   

江苏省居民社区首诊意愿及其影响因素分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 研究居民对社区卫生服务的利用及影响居民去社区卫生服务机构首诊的因素。方法 采用选择加随机.多阶段分层抽样方法,对江苏省1141名城市居民进行问卷调查。结果 85.6%的居民在自感病重时会选择市级及以上医院.54.1%的居民在自感病轻时选择去社区卫生服务机构就诊。居民愿意到社区首诊的原因前3位依次为就近方便、医疗费用低和服务态度好。卫生机构的类型是居民去社区首诊的主要因素。结论 居民择医观念是理性的,影响居民去社区就诊的关键因素是医疗质量。  相似文献   

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