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We conducted a survey of 1,184 women 35 years of age or older who were employees of a company in Los Angeles County, California, to determine why some women participated in a worksite mammography screening program whereas others did not. Of the 111 who accepted a mammogram, 90 responded to the survey; of the 1,073 who declined mammography, 620 responded. The women were predominantly white, were well educated, and had health insurance. Of the 111 women who received mammograms, one was diagnosed with carcinoma. Seventy-three percent of the respondents to the survey 40 years of age or older who declined mammograms had already fulfilled American Cancer Society (ACS) guidelines for mammography screening at the time of the program. Women who accepted a mammogram were more likely to have had at least one previous mammogram than were women who had not met ACS guidelines yet who declined screening. We conclude that many female employees who are white, are well educated, and have health insurance may not participate in a worksite mammography screening program because they have been screened elsewhere. Companies providing worksite mammography screening should target education to women who have not met ACS guidelines, especially those who have never had a mammogram.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: An inhouse disability management program was implemented to reduce nonoccupational absences in a petrochemical corporation. The program was administered by full-time certified, corporate-based case managers and nine manufacturing location nurses. METHODS: Employees were required to report all absences on the first day and again on the fourth workday of absence. A medical certification form was required for absences of 4 or more working days. Extended absences were actively managed. An Internet-based case management tool, Medgate, was used as a primary management tool. RESULTS: Results were compared with the previous year among the target population and with company business units not participating in the program. The program resulted in a 10% reduction in total absence days per employee (6.9 to 6.2) compared with the previous year, whereas business units not using the program had an 8% increase (5.5 to 5.9). This disability management program resulted in a more than four to one return on investment based on direct expenditures and cost savings in terms of reduced absence days. CONCLUSIONS: The inhouse disability management program was successful by absence duration, employee satisfaction, and return on investment criteria.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study examined a family-directed program's effectiveness in preventing adolescent tobacco and alcohol use in a general population. METHODS: Adolescents aged 12 to 14 years and their families were identified by random-digit dialing throughout the contiguous United States. After providing baseline data by telephone interviews, they were randomly allocated to receive or not receive a family-directed program featuring mailed booklets and telephone contacts by health educators. Follow-up telephone interviews were conducted 3 and 12 months after program completion. RESULTS: The findings suggested that smoking onset was reduced by 16.4% at 1 year, with a 25.0% reduction for non-Hispanic Whites but no statistically significant program effect for other races/ethnicities. There were no statistically significant program effects for smokeless tobacco or alcohol use onset. CONCLUSIONS: The family-directed program was associated with reduced smoking onset for non-Hispanic Whites, suggesting that it is worthy of further application, development, and evaluation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study examined the effect of program format and incentives on participation and cessation in worksite smoking cessation programs. METHODS: Twenty-four worksites were randomized to 6 conditions that differed in cessation program format and the use of incentives. Programs were offered for 18 months in each worksite. A total of 2402 cigarette smokers identified at baseline were surveyed 12 and 24 months later to assess participation in programs and cessation. RESULTS: A total of 407 (16.9%) of the smoker cohort registered for programs; on the 12- and 24-month surveys, 15.4% and 19.4% of the cohort, respectively, reported that they had not smoked in the previous 7 days. Registration for programs in incentive sites was almost double that of no-incentive sites (22.4% vs 11.9%), but increased registration did not translate into significantly greater cessation rates. Program type did not affect registration or cessation rates. CONCLUSIONS: Although incentives increase rates of registration in worksite smoking cessation programs, they do not appear to increase cessation rates. Phone counseling seems to be at least as effective as group programs for promoting smoking cessation in worksites.  相似文献   

The relative effectiveness of three common strategies to increaseparticipation in worksite health promotion programs was assessed.The interventions, designed for low income employees, were (1)written information, (2) written information and an informationalmeeting, and (3) written information, an information meetingand a group contest. Thirty teams of low income employees wererandomly allocated to receive one of the three interventions.Participation was measured at baseline and at follow-up. Teamparticipation did not vary by strategy but individual participationwas more likely for those offered the contest than for thoseprovided only written information or written information anda meeting. Even under the most intensive recruitment condition,however, few teams and housekeepers participated in the healthpromotion program. Interviews were conducted with housekeepersto obtain reasons for participation and non-participation, andto identify suggestions for facilitating participation.  相似文献   

Poor lipid control is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes complications. Frequently, however, patients with these diseases do not achieve blood lipid levels recommended by current standards of care. A retrospective study of 67,244 members eligible for disease management (DM) was initiated to evaluate the ability of interventions to promote improvement in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) laboratory values for people with cardiovascular diseases or diabetes. The baseline trend in improving LDL-C values in the absence of DM was established. A two-year period prior to the start of the DM intervention was examined to measure the mean percent change in LDL-C values that was occurring in the population. The mean percent change observed for this pre-intervention group was then compared to the change in LDL-C values observed during the DM study period. A significant reduction in elevated LDL-C values (F-test; p < 0.0001) was observed for members who participated in the DM interventions, even when elevated LDL-C was defined as low as > or =70 mg/dL. Members with LDL-C values within threshold limits maintained these levels during the DM program. The significant reduction in elevated LDL-C values and maintenance of optimal values (< 100 mg/dL) was observed over the course of 3 years of participation in a DM program. A subset of the population also was examined to assess the impact of telephone intervention on reducing elevated LDL-C values. A significant relationship between receiving care calls and reduction in elevated LDL-C levels was observed; members who received calls achieved up to a 32.5% relative reduction in elevated LDL-C values compared to members who did not receive calls. In conclusion, these findings demonstrate the ability of DM interventions to assist a large, geographically diverse member population in reducing a clinical laboratory value.  相似文献   

Results-based management is a cornerstone of reform in public administration, including the health field, and has become the basis for other innovations such as the institutionalization of management contracts and the use of professional incentives. This review article aims to introduce and discuss the use of such management contracts in the public health sector. Management by results has developed means and tools that highlight the importance of shared responsibility and mutual commitment between workers and management-level directors. Thus, preset goals are negotiated among all the stakeholders and are evaluated periodically in order to grant professional incentives. It is necessary to improve the mechanisms for control and observation, to more precisely determine the healthcare and management indicators and their patterns, to train stakeholders in designing the plan, and to improve the use of professional incentives in order to effectively increase accountability vis-à-vis the desired results.  相似文献   

This research specifies a model for lifestyle health behavior which includes socialization, social environmental and cognitive influences on smoking, alcohol use and exercise. Survey respondents were participants in university conditioning classes, academic health classes and a community fitness program. Of the socialization influences, drinking by both parents was directly related to drinking by females and drinking by the mother to that of males. Physical activity level of the father was associated with the activity of both genders. Parental smoking was not related to that of the respondents. Income was positively correlated with alcohol consumption in both genders and with smoking among women. In the immediate environment, drinking and smoking by male and female friends were directly associated with that of both male and female respondents with congruent gender relationships being strongest. Exercise by male friends was positively associated with activity level for both genders, as was exercise by female friends for women only. For college students, program participation was related to lower alcohol consumption among men only and higher activity level for women only. It was not related to the likelihood of smoking. For cognitive factors, belief in the efficacy of lifestyle change was inversely related to alcohol consumption for both genders and to smoking for women. Susceptibility to heart disease was associated with a low exercise frequency and smoking, while generalized susceptibility was directly related to activity level and to smoking. Self control over health was positively related to activity level. With one exception, the peer modeling variables had the strongest relationships of any of the model elements in the multivariate analyses. Gender specificity for modeling of behavior was found for peers, but not for parents. These findings suggest that prevention programs incorporate strategies to maximize peer support for healthful behavior and to counteract the effects of unhealthful behavior modeled by peers. Interventions to increase beliefs in the efficacy of lifestyle change to reduce risk are appropriate to encourage behavior change. When the change is underway, discussion of lowered susceptibility as a function of program compliance should reinforce the new behavior.  相似文献   

Employer-sponsored health promotion can improve employee health and morale and reduce medical claims and absenteeism. Effectiveness depends on the participation of those employees who are at increased risk of ill health. HealthPlus Health Quotient is an incentive/disincentive approach to health promotion. The employer's contribution to the employee cafeteria-plan benefit package is adjusted on the basis of an annual health risk appraisal. We evaluated whether this financial incentive/disincentive predicted participation in health promotion activities, and whether participation improved future health risk and productivity. In the first year, participation was proportional to overall health risk (P < 0.01). Participation in targeted programs was proportional to levels of body fat, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Participation in activity-related health promotion was proportional to prior-year activity or fitness scores. Health promotion participants improved their subsequent-year health risk more than did non-participants. Participation was associated with reduced illness-related absenteeism and (although inconsistently) with medical claims paid and short-term disability.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of the Selective Traffic Enforcement Program(STEP) in increasing the rate of seat belt use is a well knownfact since the first Canadian experiment conducted in Ottawaby Transport Canada and local police departments (Jonah et al.,1982). A STEP on seat belt usage applied in eight differentareas in Québec during 1986 led to an 18.1% increasein the use of that safety device (Dussault, 1987). Those resultsand the experience acquired produced an improved STEP versionimplemented on a province-wide basis in Quebec during the fallof 1987. Accordingly, the Quebec seat belt use rate jumped from67.7% in 1986 to 85.8% in 1987 (Transport Canada, 1989), thehighest rate ever achieved in North America. The paper reviewsthe three main components of this project: public education,enforcement and the use of incentives on a large scale. Measuresthat could be introduced to achieve a 90% or better seat beltuse rate are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Improvements in technology have increased the chances of survival for the micropremature infant and the very low birth-weight infant but have significantly increased the financial burden of health care organizations. This economic burden has a significant impact on third-party payers and on society in general. Of the annual US 10.2 billion dollars spent on newborn care alone, 57% is disproportionately consumed by the 10% of infants who are born preterm.  相似文献   

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