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We aim to understand the difference in stigma and discrimination, in particular sexual rejection, experienced between gay and heterosexual men living with HIV in the UK. The People Living with HIV StigmaSurvey UK 2015 recruited a convenience sample of persons with HIV through over 120 cross sector community organisations and 46 HIV clinics to complete an online survey. 1162 men completed the survey, 969 (83%) gay men and 193 (17%) heterosexual men, 92% were on antiretroviral therapy. Compared to heterosexual men, gay men were significantly more likely to report worrying about workplace treatment in relation to their HIV (21% vs. 11%), worrying about HIV-related sexual rejection (42% vs 21%), avoiding sex because of their HIV status (37% vs. 23%), and experiencing HIV-related sexual rejection (27% vs. 9%) in the past 12 months. In a multivariate logistic regression controlling for other sociodemographic factors, being gay was a predictor of reporting HIV-related sexual rejection in the past 12 months (aOR 2.17, CI 1.16, 4.02). Both gay and heterosexual men living with HIV experienced stigma and discrimination in the past 12 months, and this was higher for gay men in terms of HIV-related sexual rejection. Due to the high proportion of men reporting sexual rejection, greater awareness and education of the low risk of transmission of HIV among people on effective treatment is needed to reduce stigma and sexual prejudice towards people living with HIV.  相似文献   


Reproductive and sexual health outcomes of adults with perinatal human immunodeficiency virus (PHIV) have not been well-characterized. This prospective cross-sectional study of 35 adult persons living with HIV (PLWH) from early life and 20 matched HIV-negative controls assessed quality of life, depressive symptoms, HIV transmission knowledge, and sexual/reproductive behaviors through self-report questionnaires. PLWH scored significantly worse than controls on depressive symptoms (p?=?0.04) and two of six quality of life domains (p?=?0.03, p?=?0.0002). In contrast, PLWH scored significantly higher on transmission knowledge in the context of family planning (p?=?0.002). PLWH were more likely to learn about sex from healthcare providers (p?=?0.002) and were more confident in their sexual/reproductive health knowledge (p?<?0.05). Both groups reported inconsistent condom use, but PLWH were more likely to have planned pregnancies (p?=?0.005) and to share pregnancy planning with their partners (p?<?0.05). Despite the challenges of living with a chronic stigmatized condition, adults with PHIV were knowledgeable about HIV transmission and family planning and demonstrated sexual practices and reproductive outcomes similar to age-matched controls. However, sub-optimal rates of viral suppression, inconsistent condom use, and the psychosocial impact of living with HIV continue to require the attention of healthcare provides for young adults with PHIV.  相似文献   


The frequent positioning of men's sexual risk-taking as driving the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa has triggered interest in men's sexual and reproductive health (SRH) perceptions, attitudes, and practices. Much research, however, presents men as a homogenous group, and focuses on the quantifiable aspects of male sexual behaviors, providing an inadequate basis for understanding men's SRH needs and addressing the gendered aspects of HIV prevention. This study used sexual history narratives to yield more nuanced and contextualized understandings of male sexuality as it relates to SRH. Fifty sexual life history individual interviews and 10 focus-group discussions (FGDs) with men, as well as 25 sexual life history interviews with women, were conducted with participants purposively sampled from three age categories: (18–24, 25–55, and 55+ years), a wide range of cultural and racial backgrounds, and in urban and rural sites across 5 provinces in South Africa. Interviews and FGDs elicited stories of participant's early knowledge of sex and sexual experimentation and then explored sexual relationships and experiences in adulthood—including engagement with HIV risks and SRH management. The data were analyzed using a thematic approach. Many male participants conformed to dominant norms of masculinity associated with a high risk of sexually transmitted infections including HIV, such as having regular unprotected sex, reluctance to test for HIV, and poor SRH-seeking behaviors. Yet, the narrative accounts reveal instances of men taking steps to protect their own SRH and that of their partners, and the complex ways in which hegemonic gender norms influence men and women's SRH. Ultimately, the study points to the value of sexual biographies for gaining a deeper understanding of male sexuality, and the social structures, meanings, and experiences that underlie it. Such insights are critical to more effectively engaging men in HIV prevention efforts.  相似文献   

With much of the focus on the “risk” groups, families have often been less studied in HIV research. Further, because of a focus on the aetiology and epidemiology of HIV, the social impacts associated with HIV on families and neighbours are sometimes overlooked. This study examined parental experiences of stigma and discrimination while living with HIV within a family context in Bangladesh. A qualitative research design using a grounded theory approach was used for this research. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with 19 HIV-positive parents, recruited with the support of two self-help groups of HIV-positive people, in two settings namely Khulna and Dhaka in Bangladesh. The findings indicate that HIV-positive parents held the view that they continue to experience significant stigma and their narratives clearly show how this affected them and their children. A range of informal practices were enacted in everyday contexts by extended family and community members to identify, demarcate and limit the social interaction of HIV-positive parents. Parents highlighted a number of factors including negative thoughts and behaviours, rejection, isolation and derogatory remarks as manifestations of stigma and discrimination, impacting upon them and their children because of their association with HIV.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to qualify the relationship between sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and educational attainment in eastern and southern Africa (ESA). We hypothesize that the regional level of globalization is a moderating factor in the relationship between SRH and educational attainment. Using retrospective data from Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, and Zambia, the associations between SRH (eight indicators), educational attainment, and globalization were examined using multilevel logistic regression analysis. It was found that the model fit for every SRH outcome indicator increased significantly after including the interaction between globalization and educational attainment, supporting the hypothesis. Depending on the level of globalization, three types of relationships between education and SRH were found: (1) for the indicators “more than four children,” “intercourse before 17 years,” “first child before 20 years,” and “one or more child died” education is risk-decreasing, and the reduction is stronger in more globalized regions; (2) for the indicators “condom use at last intercourse” and “current contraceptive use” education is risk-decreasing, and the reduction is stronger in less globalized regions; (3) for the indicators “HIV positive” and “more than four lifetime sexual partners” education is risk increasing, but only in less globalized regions. In conclusion, these effects are related to three types of access: (1) access to services, (2) access to information, and (3) access to sexual networks. The findings highlight the relevance of globalization when analyzing the association between SRH and education, and the importance of structural factors in the development of effective SRH promotion interventions.  相似文献   

HIV disclosure is a gateway to HIV prevention – particularly among couples living in regions severely affected by the HIV epidemic. This cross-sectional study utilizes data collected from 862 people living with HIV across three countries (Ethiopia, Mozambique, and Uganda) in 2011 to determine the role of partner disclosure on self-reported health perceptions and changes in sexual risk behavior. The study's secondary aims are to understand whether or not internalized stigma mediates this relationship and if there is a different pattern of results by gender. The multivariate analysis reveals that the three key HIV-related independent variables, belonging to a support group, doing volunteer work, and disclosing to one's spouse or partner, were significantly associated with lower levels of internalized stigma. Internalized stigma was associated with self-perceptions of poorer health for both women and men, with women reporting higher levels of internalized stigma than men. Disclosure to spouse was positively associated with perceptions of better health for women but not for men. For men, doing HIV-related volunteer work and disclosing their status to their spouse were positively associated with self-reported changes in sexual risk behavior, although stigma was not found to mediate this relationship. Findings from this study suggest that disclosure and stigma have gender-specific effects on individual well-being and changes in sexual risk behaviors. As such, programs must address gender inequity in disclosure patterns and stigma to enhance prevention efforts.  相似文献   

AIDS-related stigma and discrimination remain pervasive problems in health care institutions worldwide. This paper reports on stigma-related baseline findings from a study in New Delhi, India to evaluate the impact of a stigma-reduction intervention in three large hospitals. Data were collected via in-depth interviews with hospital staff and HIV-infected patients, surveys with hospital workers (884 doctors, nurses and ward staff) and observations of hospital practices. Interview findings highlighted drivers and manifestations of stigma that are important to address, and that are likely to have wider relevance for other developing country health care settings. These clustered around attitudes towards hospital practices, such as informing family members of a patient's HIV status without his/her consent, burning the linen of HIV-infected patients, charging HIV-infected patients for the cost of infection control supplies, and the use of gloves only with HIV-infected patients. These findings informed the development and evaluation of a culturally appropriate index to measure stigma in this setting. Baseline findings indicate that the stigma index is sufficiently reliable (alpha = 0.74). Higher scores on the stigma index – which focuses on attitudes towards HIV-infected persons – were associated with incorrect knowledge about HIV transmission and discriminatory practices. Stigma scores also varied by type of health care providers – physicians reported the least stigmatising attitudes as compared to nursing and ward staff in the hospitals. The study findings highlight issues particular to the health care sector in limited-resource settings.To be successful, stigma-reduction interventions, and the measures used to assess changes, need to take into account the sociocultural and economic context within which stigma occurs.  相似文献   

Although the deleterious effects of HIV stigma are well documented, less is known about how various types of stigma impact older adults living with HIV disease and what factors exacerbate or lessen the effects of HIV stigma. Using cross-sectional data from the OHTN cohort study (OCS), we undertook multiple linear regression to determine the predictors of overall HIV stigma, and enacted, anticipated, and internalized stigma subscales in a sample of OCS participants age 50 and over (n=378). Being female, heterosexual, engaging in maladaptive coping, and having poor self-rated health were associated with greater overall stigma while being older, having greater mastery, increased emotional-informational social support, and a longer time since HIV diagnosis were associated with lower levels of stigma. The final model accounted for 31% of the variance in overall stigma. Differences in these findings by subscale and implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

HIV/AIDS-related stigma is recognised as a major barrier to HIV prevention efforts and an impediment to mitigating its impact on individuals and communities. This paper reviews the existing research literature on AIDS stigma in India with the objective of documenting the current status of research, highlighting major findings and identifying key gaps remaining. Thirty publications were identified through a careful search of which a majority focused on stigma assessment and very few on stigma measurement, conceptual aspects of stigma or stigma reduction interventions. A few standardised stigma measures are available but more are required to assess causes of stigma among general population and compounded and internalised stigma among positive people. Research exploring linkages between stigma and HIV services uptake or the effect of HIV care and treatment programs on stigma levels are largely missing and need to be prioritised. In addition, more research is needed to advance conceptual understanding of stigma within the cultural context of the country including research on the neglected groups such as, transgender people. Context-specific (health care, community) interventions are needed to address various forms of stigma – enacted, perceived, internalised and layered – including structural approaches besides inter-personal and information-based approaches. A major gap relates to meager research on developing and evaluating stigma reduction interventions and needs priority focus. Overall, the review recommends developing a national agenda on AIDS stigma research and interventions to help realise the government's goal of stigma reduction.  相似文献   

There is limited data regarding women who inject drugs, and how harm-reduction services can be made more women-centered. This study explored experiences of Kenyan women who inject drugs, with regard to access to HIV, harm reduction and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services. A total of 45 women who inject drugs and 5 key stakeholders participated in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Thematic analysis of the data revealed that stigma, long distances, lack of confidentiality, user fees, multiple appointments, drug users’ unfamiliarity with health facilities, disconnect in communication with healthcare providers, and healthcare providers’ lack of understanding of women’s needs were factors that impede women’s access to health services. Community-based services, comprising of outreach and drop-in centers mitigate these barriers by building trust, educating women on their health and rights, linking women to health facilities, sensitizing health providers on the needs of women who inject drugs, and integrating women’s SRH services into community-based harm-reduction outreach. Inclusion of SRH services into community-based harm-reduction activities increased women’s interest and access to harm-reduction interventions. These findings underscore the need to strengthen community-based programming for women who inject drugs, and to integrate SRH services into needle and syringe exchange programs.  相似文献   

This paper reports on Kganya Motsha Adolescent Centre, an adolescent program specifically established to provide voluntary counseling and testing as well as management of HIV-positive young people in Soweto, South Africa. A retrospective cross-sectional analysis, using clinic records of young people accessing services from 2008 to 2012, was conducted. Of the 11,522 who tested, 7689 (67%) were females. The total number of HIV infections was 410, with an HIV prevalence of 3.6% (95% CI 3.2–3.9%). More females (332, 4% vs. 72, 2%; p < 0.0001) were HIV-infected than males. Of those testing HIV positive, 109 (26.5%) had a median CD4 cell count of 491 (IQR 345–686) cells/mm3. Only 12/410 individuals (2.9%) were eligible for antiretroviral treatment and 10 (2.4%) of those successfully received treatment. The program observed that young people testing HIV positive would not return for follow up blood specimens or confirmatory results. Future programs should consider innovative ways of retaining adolescents in care to reduce potential HIV transmissions that could lead to deteriorating health.  相似文献   


To examine HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination in a high-HIV-prevalence district in India, we used data from a cross-sectional survey conducted recently among randomly selected married HIV-positive women, 15–29 years of age. Overall, 88% of respondents experienced stigma and discrimination from family and community. Factors associated with stigma and discrimination differed in the family and community contexts. Higher age gap between spouses and poor household status were significant in explaining the stigma and discrimination from husbands. Older age of the husband and lower household economic status significantly increased the stigma and discrimination from husbands’ family as well as from friends and neighbors. Different interventions should be developed for family and community contexts focusing on counseling for husbands, couples, family, and educational programs at the community level to reduce stigma and discrimination.  相似文献   

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