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Cholyl-2,4-(3)H-glycine-1-(14)C was administered orally to eight healthy subjects with indwelling nasoduodenal tubes. The distribution of radioactivity among bile acids and the specific activity of cholylglycine were determined in bile collected at intervals for 7 days. (3)H and (14)C were measured in stool. (14)C in breath was calculated from interval (14)CO(2) specific activity determinations.The daily fractional turnover of the glycine moiety (mean +/-SE, 106+/-17%) was three times greater than that of the cholyl moiety (38+/-7%). On the basis of certain assumptions, it was calculated that about 18% of the cholylglycine pool was deconjugated per enterohepatic cycle. The extent of deconjugation appeared to be unrelated to the efficiency of absorption of the cholyl moiety, which averaged 90-95% per enterohepatic cycle. (14)C was recovered predominantly in breath (52+/-5% of administered dose), and 24 hr (14)CO(2) excretion correlated highly (r = 0.95) with daily fractional turnover of the glycine moiety. (3)H excretion occurred predominantly in feces, and the rate correlated highly (r = 0.92) with the daily fractional turnover of the cholyl moiety. Deoxycholylglycine became labeled with (3)H rapidly, indicating the occurrence of bacterial 7-dehydroxylation of the cholyl moiety and absorption of deoxycholic acid. This biotransformation occurred in all eight subjects but varied in degree and was unrelated to the degree of deconjugation. Since ingested glycine-1-(14)C was not incorporated into bile acid glycine, appearance of (14)C in deoxycholylglycine (observed in three of eight subjects) indicated that 7-dehydroxylation of cholylglycine can occur without deconjugation. Dehydroxylation was also observed in vitro when fecal homogenates were incubated with cholylglycine.  相似文献   

The effect of conjugation and side chain length on dihydroxy bile acid unidirectional hepatic uptake and efflux was studied using the isolated perfused rat liver which was perfused prograde or retrograde in single pass fashion. Deoxycholic acid (DC) and its C23 (nor) derivative nor-DC, as well as the synthetically prepared taurine conjugate of DC, were administered at a constant dose of 1 mumol/min/kg (body weight), upon which a bolus tracer dose of labeled bile acid was superimposed. Analysis of radioactivity recovery in perfusate indicated that unidirectional uptake of all three bile acids was equally rapid, but that only nor-DC showed considerable and continuing efflux into the perfusate; this involved mostly the unchanged acid. Nor-DC was not amidated but was metabolized to mostly ester glucuronides and hydroxylated derivatives; the biotransformation products did not reflux and were secreted into bile; similarly, DC was amidated with taurine; its taurine conjugate did not efflux and was secreted into bile. When nor-DC-taurine was infused, it did not efflux and was secreted rapidly into bile. When the liver was perfused retrograde fashion to increase concentrations of bile acids pericentral cells, only nor-DC showed efflux, which again involved only the unchanged acid. All bile acids were partly 7 alpha-hydroxylated, the magnitude being greater during retrograde perfusion presumably because slower cellular transport exposed bile acid to hydroxylation enzymes for a longer period. It is concluded that bile acid conjugation, whether by esterification with CoA formation adn subsequent amidation or by esterification with glucuronate, restricts the movement of lipophilic dihydroxy bile acids to the hepatocyte and canalicular lumen.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Perfusion studies of the normal human jejunum were performed to test whether dihydroxy bile acids and hydroxy fatty acids inhibit the absorption of oleic acid, since previous reports documented their inhibitory effects on the absorption of several other organic solutes. 3 mM deoxycholate and 7 mM glycodeoxycholate inhibited the absorption of 3 mM oleic acid in isotonic micellar solutions while inducing net fluid secretion. Similarly, fractional absorption of oleic acid decreased in the presence of hydroxy fatty acids. However, only the changes induced by 2 mM ricinoleic acid could be distinguished from changes induced by an increase in total fatty acid concentration. Under all experimental conditions, close linear relationships existed between net water movement and fractional absorption of glucose, xylose, and fatty acids, as well as between the absorption rates of these solutes. In contrast, net fluid secretion induced by hypertonic D-mannitol (450 mosmol/liter) had no effect on solute absorption. Our data and observations in the literature do not allow formulation of a hypothesis which would adequately define all effects of dihydroxy bile acids and fatty acids on intestinal transport processes. The observations help explain the malabsorption of fat and other nutrients in patients with the blind loop syndrome.  相似文献   

We describe an optimized liquid chromatographic method for simultaneous analysis of 10 conjugated bile acids in gall bladder and ductal bile. A quick and effective one-step purification with Sep-pak C-18 was adopted. We used a reverse phase C18 stainless steel column and an isocratic mobile phase in a flow programme and monitored the column effluent at 205 nm. The within-day CV ranged from 0.3 to 1.8%, and the between-day CV from 1.2 to 7.2%. Absolute analytical recovery ranged from 89 to 107%. Linearity ranged from 0.3 to 3 mg/mL for most bile acids. The chromatographic analysis was completed in 18 min.  相似文献   

1. Using the forearm balance method, together with systemic infusions of L-[ring-2,6-3H]phenylalanine and L-[1-14C]leucine, we examined the effects of infused branched-chain amino acids on whole-body and skeletal muscle amino acid kinetics in 10 postabsorptive normal subjects; 10 control subjects received only saline. 2. Infusion of branched-chain amino acids caused a four-fold rise in arterial branched-chain amino acid levels and a two-fold rise in branched-chain keto acids; significant declines were observed in circulating levels of most other amino acids, including phenylalanine, which fell by 34%. Plasma insulin levels were unchanged from basal levels (8 +/- 1 mu-units/ml). 3. Whole-body phenylalanine flux, an index of proteolysis, was significantly suppressed by branched-chain amino acid infusion (P less than 0.002), and forearm phenylalanine production was also inhibited (P less than 0.03). With branched-chain amino acid infusion total leucine flux rose, with marked increments in both oxidative and non-oxidative leucine disposal (P less than 0.001). Proteolysis, as measured by endogenous leucine production, showed a modest 12% decrease, although this was not significant when compared with saline controls. The net forearm balance of leucine and other branched-chain amino acids changed from a basal net output to a marked net uptake (P less than 0.001) during branched-chain amino acid infusion, with significant stimulation of local leucine disposal. Despite the rise in whole-body non-oxidative leucine disposal, and in forearm leucine uptake and disposal, forearm phenylalanine disposal, an index of muscle protein synthesis, was not stimulated by infusion of branched-chain amino acids. 4. The results suggest that in normal man branched-chain amino acid infusion suppresses skeletal muscle proteolysis independently of any rise of plasma insulin. Muscle branched-chain amino acid uptake rose dramatically in the absence of any apparent increase in muscle protein synthesis, as measured by phenylalanine disposal, or in branched-chain keto acid release. Thus, an increase in muscle branched-chain amino acid concentrations and/or local branched-chain amino acid oxidation must account for the increased disposal of branched-chain amino acids.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of conjugated trihydroxy bile salts, tauro- and glycocholate, and of deoxycholate on tissue uptake and mucosal to serosal transfer of actively transported hex-oses and amino acids has been examined in rat small intestine in vitro. Conjugated trihydroxy bile salts and deoxycholate markedly inhibited active transport of hexoses and amino acids in the ileum of rat small intestine, whereas in the jejunum, deoxycholate alone was inhibitory. The inhibitory effect of tauro- and glycocholate increased with incubation time. It persisted after washing of the tissue and reincubation with hexoses in a bile salt free medium, and could be observed with only 2 × 10-4 M taurocholate. Taurocholate was able to evoke an increase of transmural potential difference (PD) in the ileum, but did not affect PD in the jejunum. Prein cubation of ileal small intestine with taurocholate depressed subsequent glucose-induced PD-increments. In the jejunum, however, taurocholate did not affect PD-increments induced by D-glucose. It is concluded that conjugated trihydroxy bile salts have to enter intestinal mucosal epithelial cells to an appreciable extent in order to affect other active, energy-requiring transport systems in rat small intestine. Previous results showing a failure of conjugated bile salts to inhibit active transport of hexoses and amino acids are explained by the fact that only jejunal transport had been examined.  相似文献   

Jejunal perfusion studies were performed in 16 healthy volunteers to test the hypothesis that intraluminal cholesterol can mitigate the fluid secretion induced by dihydroxy bile acids and fatty acids. Fluid secretion in the presence of 5 mM taurodeoxycholate was somewhat reduced by 4 mM mono-olein which was used for the solubilization of cholesterol. Addition of 0.8 mM cholesterol reduced fluid secretion further (P less than 0.05). Fluid secretion induced by 4 mM oleic acid was changed to net absorption in a linear fashion with increasing cholesterol concentration in the perfusion solutions. 1 mM cholesterol reduced fluid secretion induced by 6 mM oleic acid (P less than 0.005), but had no effect on fluid secretion induced by 6 mM linolenic acid. Glucose absorption was generally affected in a similar manner as water transport. In vitro, 1 mM cholesterol reduced monomer activity of 6 mM oleic acid to 72.3 +/- 0.9% of control and that of linolenic acid to 81.1 +/- 1.7% of control. Although statistically significant (P less than 0.001), the difference in the effects of cholesterol on monomer activities of the two fatty acids was rather small and it is unlikely that changes in monomer concentration of fatty acids and bile acids account for the protective effect of cholesterol. The in vivo observations point to a new physiological role for biliary cholesterol: the modification of the response of the small intestine to the effects of dihydroxy bile acids and fatty acids.  相似文献   

The effects of intraduodenal glycerol, fatty acid (FA) chain length and FA loads, and bile acid (BA) concentrations on pancreatic and gallbladder function were investigated in 31 healthy volunteers by a perfusion method. FA absorption rates in the duodenum and proximal jejunum were measured simultaneously. Pancreatic and gallbladder responses were augmented by increasing FA chain length and FA loads until the "maximal" secretory capacity of the pancreas and gallbladder emptying was attained. Glycerol had no effect. Raising BA concentrations above the critical micellar concentration accelerated FA absorption rates but decreased the magnitude of pancreatic and gallbladder responses to FA. Higher BA concentrations exerted an opposite effect, slowing FA absorption and increasing pancreatic and gallbladder responses. Indeed, a significant, inverse correlation was found between FA absorption and pancreatic and gallbladder responses to FA, suggesting a relationship between the length of intestine exposed to FA and the amount of cholecystokinin (and/or other neurohormonal factors) released, which stimulates pancreatic secretion and gallbladder contraction.  相似文献   

Microsomal UDP-glucuronosyltransferase activity toward the bile acids (chenodeoxycholic, deoxycholic, ursodeoxycholic, lithocholic, and glycolithocholic) has been detected in human specimens of liver, kidney, and intestinal mucosa. The characteristics of hepatic and extrahepatic UDP-glucuronosyltransferase activities toward these bile acids were compared with respect to kinetic parameters and other catalytic properties. Whereas no organ-specific differences in the affinities of individual bile acids to hepatic and extrahepatic UDP-glucuronosyltransferases were observed, the individual bile acids showed reaction rates in liver that were about twice the rates estimated in kidney and about twice to three times the rates observed in duodenal mucosa. In intestinal mucosa the rate of chenodeoxycholic acid glucuronidation exhibited a progressive decrease from duodenum to colon, where it was 30% of the duodenal level. Comparison of the glucuronidation rates that were estimated with different bile acids in hepatic or extrahepatic tissues showed that for each organ a bile acid structure-activity relationship existed, with highest activity observed for lithocholic and ursodeoxycholic acids, which was about twofold higher compared with chenodeoxycholic or deoxycholic acids. Lowest activity was estimated for glycolithocholic acid. UDP-glucuronosyltransferase activity toward chenodeoxycholic acid was studied in biopsy specimens of liver that were obtained from a large group of patients with the following liver diseases: liver cirrhosis, liver fibrosis, granulomatous hepatitis, fatty liver hepatitis, and fatty liver. A significant decrease in enzyme activity was observed in patients with liver cirrhosis and in patients with granulomatous hepatitis compared with patients without liver disease.  相似文献   

Bile acids increase the release of human enteropeptidase as well as other brush-border enzymes (alkaline phosphatase, leucine aminopeptidase) from duodenal mucosa, as had been shown earlier in experimental animals. The action of bile acids is independent of their known enhancing effect on enteropeptidase activity. The pH of duodenal juice is an important, hitherto unrecognized, factor in the release mechanism of brush-border enzymes. All of the above enzymes tested were released to a markedly greater extent at pH 8.2 than 6.3, regardless of the presence or absence of bile acid. Contrary to some results obtained with animal tissue, by other investigators, our experiments with human duodenal mucosa indicate that enteropeptidase, under all conditions tested, is released at a rate considerably greater than that for alkaline phosphatase or leucine aminopeptidase. The looser association of enteropeptidase with cellular components relative to that of other brush-border enzymes, as indicated by our observations, may be related to the unique function of enteropeptidase as the trigger enzyme of protein digestion.  相似文献   

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