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BACKGROUND: CD4+ T cells play an essential role in allograft rejection. The monoclonal anti-rat CD4 antibody, RIB 5/2, has been shown to modulate the CD4 glycoprotein without eliminating the recipient T cells. We have successfully induced tolerance to rat heart allografts by recipient pretreatment with a single dose of RIB 5/2 plus intravenous administration of donor splenocytes. In this study, we explored whether this potent regimen could induce tolerance to the more resistant kidney and skin allografts. Furthermore, we examined the kinetics and requirements for tolerance to be met by a single dose of RIB 5/2 plus i.v. alloantigen. METHODS: The efficacy of a single i.p. dose of 20 mg/kg RIB 5/2 plus i.v. donor antigen (25x10(6) splenocyte) pretreatment 0, 21, or 40 days before receipt of an MHC-mismatched Lewis (RT1l) to Buffalo (RT1b) rat cardiac, renal, or skin allograft was studied. Another group of Buffalo recipients treated with RIB 5/2 plus an i.v. alloantigen +/-thymectomy received kidney transplants after 40 days. Attempts to prevent tolerance used interleukin-2 or prior sensitization. Mixed lymphocyte cultures, cytotoxic assays, and precursor frequencies of helper and cytotoxic cells, by limiting dilution analysis, serially measured in vitro cell-mediated immunity. RESULTS: RIB 5/2 administration combined with i.v. alloantigen 21 days before induced tolerance to heart and kidney allografts but did not prolong skin graft survival. In contrast, kidney allografts delayed for 40 days after pretreatment were acutely rejected and survival was not affected by the thymectomy. MLC, CTL, and pTH, and pCTL precursor frequencies from recipients of long-term grafts were specifically suppressed to donor, but not third party, alloantigen. CONCLUSION: A single dose of the nondepleting anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody, RIB 5/2, plus i.v. alloantigen is a potent inducer of tolerance to heart and kidney, but not skin, allografts. The RIB 5/2-induced donor unresponsiveness to a delayed kidney or cardiac allograft is time dependent but can be prolonged if specific alloantigen is present. Suppression of cell-mediated allo-immune responsiveness correlates with allograft acceptance.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We examined whether oral administration of alloantigen could induce the prolonged survival of cardiac allografts. METHODS: Hearts from CBK (H2k+Kb) transgenic or (C57BL/10xCBA)F1 (H2bxH2k) mice were transplanted into CBA (H2k) recipients pretreated orally with 1 x 10(7) donor splenocytes in the presence or absence of a nondepleting anti-CD4 (YTS 177, 200 microg/dose). RESULTS: Modest prolongation of CBK cardiac grafts was induced in CBA mice fed with multiple doses of CBK splenocytes (MST 42 days compared with controls fed with syngeneic CBA splenocytes, 12 days). When the CD4 monoclonal antibody, YTS177, was administered for 2 days before the first oral delivery of CBK splenocytes, all mice accepted their grafts indefinitely (MST > 100 days versus mice treated with anti-CD4 alone, 11.5 days). To determine if feeding multiple doses of alloantigen was essential, CBA mice were given CBK splenocytes orally on a single occasion in combination with the anti-CD4. The majority of the grafts survived indefinitely (MST >100 days). This oral treatment regimen also induced indefinite prolongation of (C57BL/10xCBA)F1 cardiac grafts. CONCLUSION: The induction of unresponsiveness by oral administration of alloantigen can be augmented by a nondepleting anti-CD4, YTS177, when given before the first oral delivery of allogeneic cells.  相似文献   

Strategies for tolerance induction to composite tissue allografts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The emerging field of composite tissue transplantation offers the potential to replace lost tissues from cadaveric sources. Two major obstacles currently limit the future of composite tissue allotransplantation. The first is chronic rejection, attributed to both antibody deposition and cell-mediated destruction of transplanted tissue. The second obstacle is complications associated with the chronic use of immunosuppressive agents. Our laboratory has been investigating several strategies to induce tolerance to limb tissue allografts to provide solutions to many of the current limitations in allotransplantation. Three strategies show promise in the ability to induce tolerance to organ allografts. The first involves genetic matching at the HLA loci followed by a short course of immunosuppression. The second is the application of a "mixed chimerism" regimen followed by transplantation. The third is costimulatory blockade using a short course of monoclonal antibodies, such as anti-CD40 ligand and CTLA4-Ig after transplantation. Inducing a state of tolerance to limb allografts would eliminate the need for chronic immunosuppression and may also prevent the onset of chronic rejection. The ability to induce allograft tolerance would greatly expand the indications for composite tissue transplantation.  相似文献   

Calcineurin inhibitors are not antagonistic to tolerance induction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

BACKGROUND: We previously reported that intratracheal delivery (ITD) of alloantigen generated regulatory cells in mice. Here, we examined the effect of various doses of conventional immunosuppressants (FK506, cyclosporine A, azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil, and rapamycin) on inducing regulatory cells in our model. METHODS: CBA mice (primary recipients) were given C57BL/6 splenocytes by ITD and either no additional treatment or various doses of an immunosuppressant. Seven days later, splenocytes from these mice were adoptively transferred into naive secondary CBA recipients that underwent C57BL/6 cardiac grafting the same day. RESULTS: Adoptive transfer from primary recipients given ITD of splenocytes alone induced prolonged allograft survival in secondary recipients (median survival time [MST], 50 days), suggesting that regulatory cells were generated. When ITD of alloantigen was combined with daily administration of 0.1 mg/kg FK506 or 0.2 mg/kg rapamycin, graft survival was similarly prolonged (MST 55 and 50 days, respectively). When combined with 20 or 40 mg/kg MMF or 0.4 mg/kg rapamycin, the majority of recipients demonstrated indefinite survival (MST, >100 days in all groups). When ITD of alloantigen was combined with 0.3, 0.5, or 1.0 mg/kg FK506; 5, 10, or 25 mg/kg cyclosporine A; or 1.0 or 2.0 mg/kg azathioprine, allografts were rejected acutely (MST 7-13 days). CONCLUSION: Generation of regulatory cells by ITD of alloantigen was facilitated by mycophenolate mofetil and high doses of rapamycin but abrogated by cyclosporine A, azathioprine, and high doses of FK506. Low doses of rapamycin and of FK506 did not interfere with generation of regulatory cells.  相似文献   

The genetic influence on bone loss in response to mechanical unloading was investigated within diaphyseal and distal femoral regions in three genetically distinct strains of mice. One mouse strain failed to lose bone after removal of function, whereas osteopenia was evident in multiple regions of the remaining two strains but in different areas of the bone. INTRODUCTION: It is well recognized that susceptibility to osteoporosis is, in large measure, determined by the genome, but whether this influence is systemic or site-specific is not yet known. Here, the extent to which genetic variations influence regional bone loss caused by disuse was studied in the femora of adult female mice from three inbred strains. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Adult C57BL/6J (B6), C3H/HeJ (C3H), and BALB/cByJ (BALB) mice were subjected to 15-21 days of disuse, achieved by hindlimb suspension, and six distinct anatomical regions of the femur were analyzed by high-resolution microCT. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: In B6 mice, the amount of disuse stimulated bone loss was relatively uniform across all regions, with 20% loss of trabecular bone and 10% loss of cortical bone. The degree of bone loss in BALB mice varied greatly, ranging from 59% in the metaphysis to 3% in the proximal diaphysis. In this strain, the nonuniformity of bone loss was directly related to the nonuniform distribution of baseline bone morphology (r2 = 0.94). In direct contrast with BALB and B6, disuse failed to produce significant losses of bone in any of the analyzed regions of the C3H mice. Instead, these animals displayed a unique compensatory mechanism to disuse, where the large loss of calcified tissue from the endocortical surface (-24%) was compensated for by an expansion of the periosteal envelope (10%). These data indicate a strong, yet complex, genetic dependence of the site-specific regulation of bone remodeling in response to a powerful catabolic signal. Consequently, the skeletal region of interest and the genetic make-up of the individual may have to be considered interdependently when considering the pathogenesis of osteoporosis or the efficacy of an intervention to prevent or recover bone loss.  相似文献   

器官移植后长期使用免疫抑制剂具有一系列毒副作用,影响患者和移植物的长期存活.对于患者和器官移植医生而言,诱导免疫耐受是最终极的研究目标.然而,目前对此临床尚缺少有效的实验方案、合适的免疫检测手段,对于完全停药面临的一些伦理和安全问题亦缺乏成熟的建议,因此器官移植”可控耐受”在临床上很难实现.尽管面临种种困难,目前仍然有一些中心谨慎构建了以长期存活为目标的诱导器官移植免疫耐受的处理方案,并取得部分成功.本文对目前临床成功诱导器官移植免疫耐受的方案进行简要综述,包括主动逐渐停药诱导移植免疫耐受,通过混合嵌合诱导器官移植免疫耐受以及调节性T细胞在临床免疫耐受中的应用.  相似文献   

目的 探讨白细胞介素4(IL4) 在诱导新生期大鼠免疫耐受中的作用。方法 将2 .5 ×107 个Wistar 大鼠脾淋巴细胞注入新生SD 大鼠胸腺内,4~6 周龄时取其脾淋巴细胞与Wistar 大鼠脾淋巴细胞(20 Gy X 射线照射) 进行混合培养, 于72 h 测定IL4 和γ干扰素(IFNγ) 的含量。结果 实验组IL4 和IFNγ的含量分别为(455±85) ng/L和(145±46) ng/L; 对照组则分别为(139 .2 ±46 .3) ng/L和(470±102) ng/L, 两组比较,IL4 和IFNγ含量的差异均有显著性( P< 0.001) 。结论 IL4 在新生期大鼠免疫耐受的诱导中起重要作用。  相似文献   

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