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Previous research supports the fear-avoidance model in explaining the transition from acute to chronic non-specific musculoskeletal pain. However, there is still little knowledge on when this vicious circle of pain, disability, pain catastrophizing and fear of movement starts. We performed a daily diary study in 42 patients with acute whiplash injury. Pain, disability, pain catastrophizing and fear of movement were measured on a daily basis with paper diaries for 21 consecutive days. Most participants showed a decline in pain and disability from day 1 to day 21 and this was paralleled by a decline in the fear of movement and pain catastrophizing. Multilevel analyses showed that both between and within persons, high levels of pain catastrophizing and fear of movement are associated with more pain and disability. Moreover, the fear of movement was also predictive of pain and disability on the following day. We also examined the reverse association, that is, whether the changes in pain predict changes in the next day's fear of movement and pain catastrophizing. Although for the fear of movement the model reached significance, the amount of explained variance was negligible. In conclusion, this study provides evidence that already in the early stages of whiplash-related complaints, significant associations between fear of movement and pain intensity and disability occur, and that this association may be predictive of the persistence of pain.  相似文献   

AIM OF INVESTIGATION: Increased anxiety is believed to correlate with increased pain sensitivity in men and women. However, one laboratory-based study and one clinical-based study have offered evidence to suggest that the effect of anxiety in modulating pain sensitivity is specific to men only. The aim of the present study was to examine further whether anxiety differentially effects men and women's report of experimentally induced pain. METHODS: One hundred forty-four healthy university students (75 women, 69 men) were exposed to a contact heat pain procedure (ascending method of limits procedure, baseline temperature 30 degrees C, +/- 0.2 degrees C, rate of change 2.0 degrees C/s, cut-off limit 52 degrees C) and a cold pressor pain procedure (constant temperature +1 degrees C; +/-1 degrees C, cut-off limit 240 s). RESULTS: The results agreed with the previous two studies indicating a sex-specific effect of anxiety on pain report. Male participants scoring above the median on the Trait Anxiety Inventory reported significantly greater pain intensity, unpleasantness and showed lower pain tolerance compared to males scoring below the median on the cold pressor pain procedure, while no such differences in cold pressor pain report were found between high and low anxious women. No effect of anxiety was found on measures taken from the contact heat pain procedure, indicating that the sex-specific effect of anxiety on laboratory induced pain is dependent upon the method of stimulation used. CONCLUSION: Anxiety is an important factor when considering gender differences in pain perception and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Clinical evidence suggests that a persistent search for solutions for chronic pain may bring along costs at the cognitive, affective, and behavioral level. Specifically, attempts to control pain may fuel hypervigilance and prioritize attention towards pain-related information. This hypothesis was investigated in an experiment with 41 healthy volunteers. Prioritization of attention towards a signal for pain was measured using an adaptation of a visual search paradigm in which participants had to search for a target presented in a varying number of colored circles. One of these colors (Conditioned Stimulus) became a signal for pain (Unconditioned Stimulus: electrocutaneous stimulus at tolerance level) using a classical conditioning procedure. Intermixed with the visual search task, participants also performed another task. In the pain-control group, participants were informed that correct and fast responses on trials of this second task would result in an avoidance of the Unconditioned Stimulus. In the comparison group, performance on the second task was not instrumental in controlling pain. Results showed that in the pain-control group, attention was more prioritized towards the Conditioned Stimulus than in the comparison group. The theoretical and clinical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent findings from a sample of patients with acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain and headache indicate that fear of pain is characterized by latent continuity; that is, it is non‐taxonic. It remains to be determined whether the latent structure of fear of pain is consistent between patients seeking treatment for pain versus those drawn from representative community samples. The purpose of the present investigation was to determine if the latent structure of fear of pain is characterized by latent continuity in a representative community sample of older adults. Using taxometric methods in a sample of 459 community dwelling older adults, we sought to evaluate the latent structure of fear of pain as indexed by the Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale. Results from analyses of simulated Monte Carlo data, MAXEIG‐HITMAX, and L‐mode consistency tests indicated that the latent structure of fear of pain in this sample was the same as that previously reported in clinical samples, being non‐taxonic and characterized by latent continuity. These findings confirm initial findings that fear of pain, at least as measured by the Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale, is continuous, occurring along a latent continuum ranging from low to high. Results are discussed in relation to the conceptual understanding of fear of pain, implications for assessment and treatment, and future research directions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: Parents' perceptions of children's pain may have influence on how children's postoperative pain is alleviated at home after discharge from hospital. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: To describe parents' perceptions of 1-6-year-old children's pain. METHODS: Mothers (N=201) and fathers (N=114) whose child had undergone a day surgery in 10 Finnish central hospitals between October 2000 and September 2001 filled in a questionnaire including statements of pain perceptions, a Visual Analogue Scale to assess children's pain intensity and Parents' Postoperative Pain Measure (PPPM) to measure children's pain behaviours. RESULTS: Most of the parents suggested that adults have the responsibility to alleviate child's pain and that alleviation of child's postoperative pain prevents the child's fears during future visits in child welfare clinic. However, majority of parents described that postoperative pain decreases every day or that pain is always a part of surgery. Differences in parents' perceptions were found by both parents' and children's background variables. Parents' perceptions of children's pain were related to children's pain intensity and pain behaviours after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Parents' perceptions of children's pain were related to children's pain after surgery at home. Adequate information of children's pain should be provided to the parents before discharge to promote children's pain alleviation at home. Special attention should be paid on parents' expectations of boys' higher pain tolerance.  相似文献   

AIM: This paper describes a three-year project, the aims of which were to disseminate information regarding the assessment and management of children's pain, to reach consensus on the essential elements of pain assessment for children and to track nurses' perceived changes in pain assessment and management practices in hospital settings over time. BACKGROUND: Despite the availability of research, guidelines and standards, paediatric nurses inconsistently practice evidence-based pain management. PROJECT METHODS: Nurses attending the 5th International Symposium on Paediatric Pain were invited to a workshop to discuss best practices and consider ways to share information regarding the assessment and management of children's pain. A website was designed and participants provided hospital guidelines, exchanged information via the Internet and completed periodic surveys. CONCLUSION: Web-based resources were positively received. Consensus regarding the essential elements of pain management was achieved, but nurses identified organizational and resource restraints as barriers to achieving best practices. Surveys identified perceived increases in some hospital and ward level resources and activities to improve children's pain care. Sharing of information related to children's pain management and benchmarking of practice should be encouraged. Consensus building and networking may facilitate change, but organizational commitment is also required for successful implementation of new practices.  相似文献   

The PASS-20 was developed to assess pain-related anxiety among a variety of pain populations. This measure was constructed by extracting 20 items from its 40-item parent measure (PASS). Initial studies of the PASS-20 suggest that the psychometric properties have been preserved. The purpose of the present study extended this research and explored the factor structure of the PASS-20, and its reliability and validity in a sample of pain patients receiving treatment in a community physiotherapy clinic. Patients with current pain (n = 201) were asked to complete a battery of self-report measures related to the experience of pain on two separate occasions (3-month interval). Results of principal components analyses suggested that a 4-factor solution representing fear of pain, escape-avoidance, physiological symptoms, and cognitive symptoms of anxiety provided the best fit to these data. Results also showed that the total and subscale scores of the PASS-20 have good reliability (internal consistency, test-retest) and validity (construct) correlating greater with other conceptually similar measures than distinct constructs. These results suggest that this measure has good utility for both clinical and research applications. Directions for future evaluation are also discussed.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the application of external cold and vibration on children experiencing pain, fear and anxiety during vaccination.Design and settingThis randomized controlled, experimental study was conducted in primary schools selected within the scope of school immunization days by a community health center. The study population consisted of first grade students who were scheduled to receive a booster dose of diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis, inactivated poliovirus vaccine (DTaP-IPV) vaccine within the scope of the school immunization program of the said community health center and the study sample consisted of 90 students (experimental: 45, control:45).Main outcome measuresIn the experimental group, a device that applies external cold and vibration (Buzzy®) was placed on the injection site for 30 s before administration of the vaccine. The device was then placed above the injection site and kept there during the injection. No intervention was made during the injections in children included in the control group. The same nurse administered the injections in the experimental and control groups.ResultsIn the current study, it was found that there was a statistically significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in terms of the children’s pain, the nurse’s pain, the nurse’s fear and the children’s anxiety (p < 0.05), but no statistically significant difference in terms of the children’s fear (p > 0.05). Conclusions: It was concluded that applying external cold and vibration during vaccination has an effect on the level of children’s pain and anxiety.  相似文献   

The sexes differ with respect to perception of experimental pain. Anxiety influences pain perception more in men than in women; however, there lacks research exploring which anxiety constructs influence pain perception differentially between men and women. Furthermore, research examining whether depression is associated with pain perception differently between the sexes remains scant. The present investigation was designed to examine how trait anxiety, pain-related anxiety constructs (ie, fear of pain, pain-related anxiety, anxiety sensitivity), and depression are associated with pain perception between the sexes. A total of 95 nonclinical participants (55% women) completed measures assessing the constructs of interest and participated in quantitative sensory testing using heat and cold stimuli administered by a Medoc Pathway Pain and Sensory Evaluation System. The findings suggest that pain-related anxiety constructs, but not trait anxiety, are associated with pain perception. Furthermore, these constructs are associated with pain intensity ratings in men and pain tolerance levels in women. This contrasts with previous research suggesting that anxiety influences pain perception mostly or uniquely in men. Depression was not systematically associated with pain perception in either sex. Systematic relationships were not identified that allow conclusions regarding how fear of pain, pain-related anxiety, and anxiety sensitivity may contribute to pain perception differentially in men and women; however, anxiety sensitivity was associated with increased pain tolerance, a novel finding needing further examination. The results provide directions for future research and clinical endeavors and support that fear and anxiety are important features associated with hyperalgesia in both men and women.  相似文献   

M.O. Martel 《Pain》2010,151(2):330-336
The primary purpose of the present study was to examine the temporal stability of communicative and protective pain behaviors in patients with chronic back pain. The study also examined whether the stability of pain behaviors could be accounted for by patients’ levels of pain severity, catastrophizing, or fear of movement. Patients (n = 70) were filmed on two separate occasions (i.e., baseline, follow-up) while performing a standardized lifting task designed to elicit pain behaviors. Consistent with previous studies, the results provided evidence for the stability of pain behaviors in patients with chronic pain. The analyses indicated that communicative and protective pain behavior scores did not change significantly from baseline to follow-up. In addition, significant test-retest correlations were found between baseline and follow-up pain behavior scores. The results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses further showed that pain behaviors remained stable over time even when accounting for patients’ levels of pain severity. Regression analyses also showed that pain behaviors remained stable when accounting for patients’ levels of catastrophizing and fear of movement. Discussion addresses the potential contribution of central neural mechanisms and social environmental reinforcement contingencies to the stability of pain behaviors. The discussion also addresses how treatment interventions specifically aimed at targeting pain behaviors might help to augment the overall impact of pain and disability management programs.  相似文献   

Little is known about the variables that account for why parents underestimate the pain of their child. In the present experiment, the joint impact of parental catastrophizing about their child's pain and children's facial pain expressions was examined upon pain estimates of their child undergoing a pressure pain test. In line with previous research, parents underestimated their children's pain. Interestingly, it was found that pain was estimated as higher when the child showed more facial pain expressions and when parents catastrophized more about their child's pain. An intriguing finding was that catastrophizing about their child's pain was related to less parent–child incongruence in pain ratings. The discussion addresses the possible functions of catastrophizing of parents about their children's pain, and delineates avenues for future research.  相似文献   

目的:探讨心理护理对急诊心绞痛患者疼痛与焦虑情绪的影响。方法:将2013年2~10月我科收治留观时间6 h的46例急诊心绞痛患者随机等分成观察组与对照组,对照组采用常规护理,观察组进行综合性心理护理干预,出科分别采用汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)和修改版面部表情疼痛量表(FPS-R)评估患者的焦虑情绪与疼痛感觉。结果:出科时观察组HAMA和FPS-R得分均明显低于对照组(P0.01)。结论:心理护理干预可以缓解急诊冠心病心绞痛患者的焦虑情绪,减轻疾病所导致疼痛感觉。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present research was to examine the influence of communication goals and physical demands on the expression of communicative (e.g., facial grimaces) and protective (e.g., guarding) pain behaviors. Participants with musculoskeletal conditions (N=50) were asked to lift a series of weights under two communication goal conditions. In one condition, participants were asked to estimate the weight of the object they lifted. In a second condition, participants were asked to rate their pain while lifting the same objects. The display of communicative pain behaviors varied as a function of the communication goal manipulation; participants displayed more communicative pain behavior when asked to rate their pain while lifting objects than when they estimated the weight of the object. Protective pain behaviors varied with the physical demands of the task, but not as a function of the communication goals manipulation. Pain ratings and self-reported disability were significantly correlated with protective pain behaviors but not with communicative pain behaviors. The results of this study support the functional distinctiveness of different forms of pain behavior. Findings are discussed in terms of evolutionary and learning theory models of pain behavior. Clinical implications of the findings are addressed.  相似文献   

Vervoort T  Caes L  Crombez G  Koster E  Van Damme S  Dewitte M  Goubert L 《Pain》2011,152(8):1751-1757
The attentional demand of pain has primarily been investigated within an intrapersonal context. Little is known about observers’ attentional processing of another’s pain. The present study investigated, within a sample of parents (n = 65; 51 mothers, 14 fathers) of school children, parental selective attention to children’s facial display of pain and the moderating role of child’s facial expressiveness of pain and parental catastrophizing about their child’s pain. Parents performed a dot-probe task in which child facial display of pain (of varying pain expressiveness) were presented. Findings provided evidence of parental selective attention to child pain displays. Low facial displays of pain appeared sufficiently and also, as compared with higher facial displays of pain, equally capable of engaging parents’ attention to the location of threat. Severity of facial displays of pain had a nonspatial effect on attention; that is, there was increased interference (ie, delayed responding) with increasing facial expressiveness. This interference effect was particularly pronounced for high-catastrophizing parents, suggesting that being confronted with increasing child pain displays becomes particularly demanding for high-catastrophizing parents. Finally, parents with higher levels of catastrophizing increasingly attended away from low pain expressions, whereas selective attention to high-pain expressions did not differ between high-catastrophizing and low-catastrophizing parents. Theoretical implications and further research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Although dealing with pain is a vital goal to pursue, most individuals are also engaged in the pursuit of other goals. The aim of the present experiment was to investigate whether attentional bias to pain signals is inhibited when one is pursuing a concurrent salient but nonpain task goal. Attentional bias to pain signals was measured in pain-free volunteers (n=63) using a spatial cueing task with pain cues and neutral cues. The pursuit of a concurrent goal was manipulated by including additional trials in which a digit appeared at the middle of the screen. Half of the participants (goal group) were instructed to name these additional stimuli aloud. In order to increase the affective-motivational value of this non-pain-related goal, monetary reward and punishment were made contingent upon the performance of this task. Participants of the control group did not perform the additional task. As predicted, the results show attentional bias to pain signals in the control group, but not in the goal group. This indicates that attentional bias to signals of impending pain is inhibited when one is engaged in the pursuit of another salient but nonpain goal. The results of this study underscore a motivational view on attention to pain, in which the pursuit of multiple goals, including nonpain goals, is taken into account.  相似文献   

Bandstra NF  Chambers CT  McGrath PJ  Moore C 《Pain》2011,152(5):1074-1082
Little is known about how children develop or express their empathy for another individual’s pain. The current study compared the behavioural expression of empathy for pain with that for emotion, specifically sadness, in children. One hundred twenty children (60 boys, 60 girls) between the ages of 18 and 36 months (M = 26.44 months; SD = 5.17) were assessed for their empathy-related behavioural responses to simulations of an adult’s pain and sadness, each presented separately. Children were more likely to be distressed by, but also more likely to be prosocially responsive to, another’s sadness. Conversely, children were more likely to actively play during another’s pain. Despite these differences, principal component analyses conducted separately for pain and sadness revealed conceptual similarities across simulation type. Components labelled as Empathic Concern and Personal Distress emerged for both simulations. Hierarchical regression analyses examining the influence of developmental (ie, age, sex) and interindividual (ie, temperament, social-emotional development, language abilities) variables of interest in children’s empathy-related responses were conducted for each pain and sadness component. Age differences emerged only for pain. There were no sex differences for either simulation. Temperament showed some predictive value in how children would respond to sadness. Social-emotional variables showed some predictive value in how children would respond to pain and sadness. Language showed very little predictive value. These findings highlight both conceptual similarities across, and important differences between, children’s expressions of empathy for pain and for sadness. Pain appears to be more easily ignored and results in fewer prosocial responses in children.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the Fear-Avoidance Model of Exaggerated Pain Perception have commonly included patients with chronic low back pain, making it difficult to determine which psychological factors led to the development of an "exaggerated pain perception". This study investigated the validity of the Fear-Avoidance Model of Exaggerated Pain Perception by considering the influence of fear of pain and pain catastrophizing on acute pain perception, after considering sex and anxiety. Thirty-two males and 34 females completed the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Fear of Pain Questionnaire, and the Coping Strategies Questionnaire. Subjects underwent a cold pressor procedure and tolerance, pain intensity, and blood pressure reactivity were measured. Sex, anxiety, fear of pain, and pain catastrophizing were simultaneously entered into separate multiple regression models to predict different components of pain perception. Tolerance was not predicted by fear of pain, pain catastrophizing, or anxiety. Pain intensity at threshold and tolerance were significantly predicted by fear of pain, only. Blood pressure reactivity to pain was significantly predicted by anxiety, only. These results suggest that fear of pain may have a stronger influence on acute pain intensity when compared to pain catastrophizing, while neither of the factors predicted tolerance or blood pressure reactivity.  相似文献   

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