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In the rat, PRL secretion is under inhibitory control by tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neurons. The levels of dopamine (DA) in hypophysial portal blood decline during surges of PRL secretion (e.g. suckling and cervical stimulation). However, this decline alone is not sufficient to account for the amount of PRL released. In this study we investigated the possible existence of an endogenous stimulatory rhythm for PRL secretion that may be masked by the tonic inhibitory tone of DA and unmasked by the DA-lowering effects of cervical stimulation. The PRL secretory response to pharmacological depression of DA-ergic tone was studied in ovariectomized (OVX) female, adult castrated (AC) male, neonatally androgen-sterilized (TP) female, and neonatally castrated (NC) male rats. Since mated rats have serum PRL surges at 0300 and 1700 h, these groups were treated with 200 micrograms/kg domperidone (DOM), iv, at 0300 h, 1700 h, or the intersurge interval, 1200 h. Serial blood samples were collected immediately before and at frequent intervals after DOM injection. OVX female rats had significantly greater serum PRL responses to DOM at 0300 and 1700 h than at 1200 h. AC male rats secreted significantly less PRL in response to DOM compared to OVX rats, and their PRL responses to DOM were similar at all three times. TP female rats had PRL secretory responses similar to those of the OVX rats at 1200 h, and the responses at 0300 and 1700 h were similar. NC male rats had PRL secretory responses similar to those of AC male rats. There was no difference between the PRL secretory profiles at any time after DOM injection in NC rats. These data provide evidence for an endogenous stimulatory rhythm for PRL secretion that is specific to female rats. They further suggest that the neonatal steroid environment is critical for differentiation of some sexually specific characteristics.  相似文献   

B J Arey  M E Freeman 《Endocrinology》1989,124(2):878-883
We recently reported that acute pharmacologic depression of dopaminergic tone at different times of day unmasks a sex-specific endogenous stimulatory rhythm regulating PRL secretion. The PRL secretory responses of ovariectomized rats to the dopamine antagonist domperidone (DOM) were higher at 0300 and 1700 h than at 1200 h. These are the times during which surges of PRL appear in mated rats. This experimental paradigm was used to investigate the roles of the putative PRL-releasing factors (PRFs) oxytocin (OT), vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), and serotonin (5-HT) in this rhythm. The role of OT was studied by infusion of the OT antagonist 1-deamino-2-D-Trp-4-Val-8-Orn-Oxytocin (OT-A, 0.5 microgram/kg min) for 6 h. Two hours after beginning the OT-A infusion DOM was administered, as a single injection of 200 micrograms/kg iv at either 0300, 1200, or 1700 h. Serial blood samples were collected immediately before and 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 120, 180, and 240 min after DOM administration. Infusion of OT-A attenuated the heightened PRL secretory responses to DOM given at both 0300 and 1700 h but did not affect the response at 1200 h. The role of VIP was studied by infusing the VIP antagonist [D, 4-Cl-Phe6,Leu17] VIP (VIP-A, 0.1 microgram/kg.min) as described above. VIP-A infusion had no effect on the PRL secretory responses to DOM given at 1200 or 1700 h but attenuated the heightened response at 0300 h. In order to study the role of 5-HT in the rhythm, rats were pretreated with p-chlorophenylalanine (250 mg/kg sc) 48 and again 24 h before the experiment. Pretreatment with p-chlorophenylalanine had no effect on the PRL secretory responses to DOM given at 0300 or 1200 h, but it attenuated the augmented PRL secretory response at 1700 h. These data suggest that both VIP and OT act as endogenous PRFs at 0300 h and 5-HT and OT act as PRFs at 1700 h. We propose that VIP and 5-HT are continuously active oscillatory neurotransmitters regulating OT release into pituitary portal blood and that these daily events only eventuate in PRL release when the mating stimulus has release the lactotroph from the inhibitory effects of dopamine.  相似文献   

B J Arey  M E Freeman 《Endocrinology》1991,128(3):1481-1484
PRL secretion in the female rat is regulated by an endogenous stimulatory rhythm (ESR). This rhythm consists of two components: a nocturnal (N) component whose activity is greatest by 0300 h and a diurnal (D) component that peaks at approximately 1700 h. This periodicity coincides with the periods of the N and D surges of PRL in responses to the mating stimulus. Furthermore, we have shown that the ESR is involved in the regulation of mating-induced PRL surges. Mating causes a lowering of dopaminergic tone which reveals the ESR for PRL. The ability of immature female rats to express PRL surges induced by copulomimetic stimuli begins at 25 days of age. In this study we investigated the ontogeny of the ESR in immature female rats in order to observe the relationship between the onset of PRL secretion induced by copulomimetic stimuli and the development of the ESR. Immature female rats were raised in our colony and kept with their dams until used in an experiment or weaned at 23 days of age where appropriate. At 15, 20, 23, 24, 25, or 30 days of age female rats received a single ip injection of domperidone (DOM; 5 mg/kg) or saline vehicle at 0300, 1200, or 1700 h. Thirty minutes after the injection the rats were decapitated, and trunk blood was collected. PRL was measured by RIA. DOM had no effect on PRL secretion as compared to that in saline-treated controls at 15 days of age. However, in all other age groups DOM induced a significant increase in PRL levels compared to those in saline-treated animals regardless of the time of injection. In addition, there was no time of day difference in the PRL secretory response to DOM in rats 15-23 days of age. However, rats treated with DOM at 0300 h at 24 days of age secreted approximately 2-fold greater PRL than rats treated similarly at 1200 or 1700 h. Moreover, at 25 and 30 days of age, rats treated with DOM at either 0300 or 1700 h secreted significantly greater PRL than rats treated similarly at 1200 h. These results suggest that the ESR for PRL secretion begins by 24 days of age. In addition, they indicate that the hypothalamic developmental event preceding and required for expression of mating-induced surges of PRL is the establishment of the ESR.  相似文献   

B J Arey  M E Freeman 《Endocrinology》1992,130(1):126-132
PRL secretion is regulated by an endogenous stimulatory rhythm of PRL-releasing factors within the hypothalamus. The endogenous rhythm has a bimodal periodicity with a nocturnal component which peaks at approximately 0300 h and a diurnal component that peaks at approximately 1700 h. Several PRL-releasing factors are known to be involved in this rhythm. Among these are oxytocin (OT), vasoactive intestinal peptide, and serotonin. We have proposed that OT is the neurohormone that stimulates PRL release from the lactotroph. In this study, we examined the activity of OTergic neurons in the paraventricular nucleus using the expression of the protooncogene c-fos (Fos) as a marker of neuronal activity. Ovariectomized rats were killed at either 0300, 1200, or 1700 h and brains quickly fixed by perfusion with 2.5% acrolein in 4% paraformaldehyde. Brains were blocked and processed for OT/Fos immunohistochemistry. Rats killed at 0300 and 1700 h had significantly greater proportion of Fos expressing OTergic neurons than control rats (1200 h). Percent of Fos-positive OTergic neurons were 2- and 1.5-fold greater at 0300 and 1700 h than 1200 h, respectively. The majority of these neurons were located in the medial parvocellular paraventricular nucleus and periventricular area. In another experiment, groups of OVX rats were killed every 2 h over a 24-h period and OT extracted from their anterior and posterior pituitaries. OT was present in the anterior pituitary in a bimodal rhythm. OT concentrations were greatest at approximately 0400 h and slowly declined to baseline by 1000 h. Another peak of OT was present in the anterior pituitary at approximately 2000 h and quickly declined to baseline by 2400 h. This rhythm of OT was not reflected in either the posterior pituitary or trunk blood. These data suggest that activity of a specific population of OTergic neurons of the paraventricular nucleus is rhythmic. The periodicity of these neurons mirrors that of the endogenous stimulatory rhythm. Furthermore, the anatomical location of these neurons suggests that they may project to the median eminence. Indeed, this heightened activity is reflected in a bimodal rhythm of OT in the anterior pituitary. Taken together, the data presented here provide compelling support for the role of OT as the neurohormone in the mechanism of the endogenous stimulatory rhythm.  相似文献   

B J Arey  M E Freeman 《Endocrinology》1992,131(2):736-742
PRL secretion in the female rat is regulated by an endogenous stimulatory rhythm (ESR) of prolactin-releasing factors of hypothalamic origin which has a bimodal periodicity with distinct nocturnal (N) and diurnal (D) phases. The N phase reaches peak magnitude by 0300 h and the D phase reaches peak magnitude by 1700 h. This rhythm was first unmasked in ovariectomized rats by correctly timed injection of a dopamine antagonist. OT, vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), and serotonin (5-HT) are differentially involved in generating the ESR. Pharmacological studies suggest that OT is the neurohormone and VIP and 5-HT are neuromodulators which act to stimulate OT release. Recently, we reported that activity of OTergic neurons in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and OT concentrations in the anterior pituitary mirror the periodicity of the ESR. The present experiments were conducted to determine if VIP and 5-HT activity in the hypothalamus also mirrors the periodicity of the ESR. Push-pull cannulae were surgically implanted in the PVN of ovariectomized female rats. Following recovery, push-pull perfusion was conducted from either 0600-1400 h, 1400-2200 h, or 2200-0600 h. VIP was measured in perfusates by RIA. There was no difference in VIP pulse frequency between rats perfused during the three periods studied. However, animals perfused from 2200-0600 h had significantly greater pulse amplitude as compared to rats at either 0600-1400 h or 1400-2200 h. Activity of 5-HTergic neurons in the hypothalamus was studied by estimating the turnover of 5-HT 10 min following the injection of pargyline. Hypothalamic nuclei were dissected using Palkovits' punch technique and 5-HT concentration assayed by HPLC in conjunction with electrochemical detection. Turnover of 5-HT was estimated by calculating the slope of the accumulation of 5-HT over 10 min at differing times of day using least squares regression analysis. There was a distinct diurnal rhythm of 5-HT accumulation in the PVN. Rats killed at 1700 h had significantly greater slopes of 5-HT accumulation in the PVN than rats killed at either 0300 or 1200 h. Similarly, there was a diurnal rhythm of 5-HT turnover in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Rats sampled at either 1200 or 1700 h had significantly greater slopes of 5-HT accumulation in the suprachiasmatic nucleus than rats sampled at 0300 h. There was no diurnal rhythm of 5-HT turnover evident in either the median eminence or the supraoptic nucleus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Because both opioids and ovarian steroids influence PRL secretion, the relationship between these inputs to PRL control was investigated. Infusion of the opiate receptor antagonist naloxone (1.6 mg/h for 4-8 h) failed to alter serum PRL levels in hypogonadal women or normal women in the early follicular or late luteal phase. In contrast, a prompt and sustained naloxone-induced release of PRL was found in the late follicular and midluteal phases of the cycle, with maximum increments (mean +/- SE) of 16.9 +/- 5.3 and 9.7 +/- 3.2 ng/ml, respectively. In the luteal phase women, the number of PRL pulses was significantly (P less than 0.001) greater during naloxone than during saline infusion (3.4 vs. 1.6 pulses/8 h), and a positive linear correlation was found between the integrated PRL response to naloxone and the levels of circulating estradiol (r = 0.62) and progesterone (r = 0.95). When serum LH concentrations were determined in the same samples, a significantly (P less than 0.001) greater synchrony of PRL with LH pulses during naloxone infusion (96%) compared to that during saline infusion (36%) was found in the luteal phase women. Thus, naloxone infusion induced an increase in pulsatile PRL release which was synchronized with LH pulses. These findings, not previously reported, suggest that a common neuroendocrine mechanism is involved in the opioidergic control of PRL and LH secretion and that this effect of naloxone is manifested only during high ovarian steroid environments.  相似文献   

The pattern of prolactin (Prl) secretion was studied in several different situations. In normal and castrated male rats, the plasma Prl level gently fluctuated along the course of time. When the presumed hypothalamic Prl inhibitory factor was suppressed by treatment with a pharmacological agent, pimozide (Pim), the plasma Prl concentration was elevated and the elevated plasma level fluctuated in an irregular and pulsatile manner. Another situation was examined. First, baseline Prl concentration was elevated by implantation of estradiol, which also caused a moderate fluctuation of the circulating Prl level. The Prl level was then lowered from the elevated plateau level by administration of a dopaminergic receptor agonist, ergocristine. During this partial blockade, the plasma Prl level fluctuated in episodic bursts. It is suggested that the inherent, unsuppressed secretion of Prl is pulsatile in nature, but that this pulsatile pattern is normally suppressed under the inhibiting influence of the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

The contribution of the uterus to the regulation of PRL secretion in lactating dams and cycling female rats was investigated. Lactating animals were hysterectomized or sham operated 2 days after parturition, and the number of pups was adjusted to eight. Blood samples for PRL RIA were obtained through intra-atrial cannulae implanted 2 days before experimentation. In order to study the PRL secretory profile in undisturbed freely lactating rats, blood samples were taken every 2 h for 24 h starting at 1400 h. During early lactation (days 7-8), hysterectomy did not alter the PRL secretory profile compared to that of sham-operated controls. On days 14-15 post partum, PRL secretion followed a characteristic bimodal pattern showing two PRL surges at 1800 h and 0600 h. After hysterectomy, the early morning PRL surge disappeared and PRL secretion showed an unimodal daily rhythm reaching its peak at 1800 h. The possible effect of the absence of the uterus on suckling-induced PRL release at various stages of lactation was studied. On days 7-8, suckling stimuli after 4 h of pup deprivation induced robust PRL release. Hysterectomy did not significantly alter PRL release at this earlier stage of lactation. In control groups, the suckling-induced PRL secretory response markedly declined as the postpartum period advanced. On the other hand, the hysterectomized animals retained significantly greater responsiveness to suckling during the second half of lactation. These data indicate an inhibitory influence of the uterus on PRL secretion. The onset of this uterine effect is considerably delayed, and its influence became prominent only at a later phase of lactation. The effect of length of pup deprivation preceding the suckling stimulus, in combination with hysterectomy, was also investigated. Hysterectomy significantly increased suckling-induced PRL release after 4 and 24 h separation compared to the sham-hysterectomized animals. When the separation was longer than 48 h, the inducibility of PRL release by suckling declined and was not influenced by hysterectomy. In order to study the possible influence of the uterus on PRL secretion during the estrous cycle, regularly cycling female rats were hysterectomized at diestrus 1. Twelve days later the animals were cannulated, and serial blood samples were taken during the subsequent proestrus. Hysterectomy did not alter the PRL surge which occurred on the afternoon of proestrus indicating that the uterus does not have a major function in regulating PRL secretion on proestrus. In conclusion, hysterectomy significantly delayed the extinction of suckling-induced PRL release revealing the active role of the uterus in the regulation of this neuroendocrine reflex.  相似文献   

Sequential blood samples were obtained from undisturbed freely-behaving male rats bearing chronic intracardiac venous cannulae. Blood was withdrawn every 15 min for periods of 4-24 h; plasma was separated, and saline-resuspended red cells were reinjected. Plasma GH was determined by radioimmunoassay. Pulsatile GH secretion was evident in each animal with most peak values greater than 200 ng/ml and most trough values less than ng/ml. The GH secretory episodes occurred at approximately 3 h intervals, and this rhythmic pattern of GH secretion persisted unchanged across all phases of a 12-h light-dark (L-D) cycle. Seven major episodes of GH secretion were observed during a single 24-h period. The mean period, or time interval between episodes, in 24 animals was 3.32 +/- 0.07 (SEM)h. The timing of the pulses with respect to the L-D cycle was similar in most animals, indicating that the rhythm may be entrained to the L-D cycle. The role of environmental lighting was further assessed in 14 animals exposed to constant light for 7 weeks. The results show that the basic rhythm was unchanged (mean period 3.18 +/- 0.06 h, peaks greater than 200 ng/ml, troughs less than 1 ng/ml), although entrainment to time of day was not evident. Subsequent exposure to the 12-h L-D cycle resulted in reversion to an entrained rhythm. These results suggest 1) that GH secretion in the rat is governed by an endogenous ultradian rhythm, with a periodicity of approximately 3.3 h, and 2) that the alternation of light and darkness probably serves as a Zeitgeber which sets the biological "clock" for GH secretion, but is not necessary for maintenance of the basic rhythm.  相似文献   

As we have recently shown that prolactin secretion in vitro is regulated by extracellular leucine, we wanted to determine whether leucine had a similar regulatory action on prolactin secretion in the intact animal. Leucine was administered to cycling female rats by way of their drinking water (0.5%) for a period of 24 days. At daily intervals during this time, six control and six leucine-treated rats were killed and their trunk blood subsequently assayed for prolactin content. On days 7, 14, and 21 during this period, pituitaries from the sacrificed rats were fixed and processed for electron microscopy. Leucine treatment resulted in an alteration in the normal four-day cyclicity in serum prolactin levels and a stimulation of prolactin synthesis as evidenced by ultrastructural changes in the pituitary mammotrophs. In a parallel set of experiments, daily vaginal smears were taken from nonsynchronized animals for 24 days before and 24 days during leucine administration. Leucine treatment resulted in variable alterations in the estrus cycle depending upon the stage of the cycle when the leucine was first administered. The changes in serum prolactin and the disturbances of the estrus cycle in the leucine-treated animals persisted for approximately 20 of the 24 days. In a shorter control experiment (seven days), alanine treatment (0.5%) was found to have no effect on prolactin levels. It is concluded that a mild elevation in dietary leucine can affect prolactin synthesis and release and the normal progression of the estrus cycle.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that endogenous opioid peptides are implicated in the suckling-induced prolactin rise. We explored the role of the opioid system and the participation of ovarian hormones in the regulation of prolactin induced by the suckling stimulus at the end of pregnancy in rats with developed maternal behavior, and during lactation. Suckling for 24 h induced a significant increase in serum prolactin on day 19 of pregnancy, which was increased more than three times when naloxone (2 mg/kg s.c.) or mifepristone (2 mg/kg) was administered. The combination of naloxone and mifepristone did not increase serum prolactin more than either compound alone. Administration of tamoxifen (500 microg/kg orally) on days 14 and 15 of pregnancy completely abolished the effect of naloxone, indicating a role for estrogens in establishing this inhibitory role of opioids. To examine the participation of the opioid system during lactation, we used groups of rats on days 1, 3, 5, 12 and 19 postpartum either (i) isolated from the pups for 4 h, or (ii) isolated from the pups for 3.5 h and reunited with them and suckled for 30 min. Naloxone, given just before replacing the pups, prevented the increase in serum prolactin levels observed in the suckled group of rats but had no effect on the basal levels of the isolated rats. To examine whether the participation of the opioid system in the release of prolactin is dependent on the variation of progesterone levels, rats on day 20 of pregnancy were implanted with two cannulae containing progesterone (that blocked postpartum ovulation) or cholesterol, and cesarean surgery was performed on day 21. To maintain lactation, pups (1-3 days old) were replaced every 24 h, and 4 days after the cesarean eight pups were placed in the cage at 1800 h to maintain a strong suckling stimulus during the following 24 h. Naloxone administration significantly reduced serum prolactin levels in control (cholesterol) rats but progesterone implants prevented the inhibitory effect of naloxone and this effect was not modified by treatment with estrogen. These results indicate that the opioid system modulates suckling-induced prolactin secretion, passing from an inhibitory action before delivery to a stimulatory action during lactation. This regulatory shift seems to be dependent on the fall in progesterone concentration at the end of pregnancy and the subsequent increase after the postpartum ovulation and luteal phase.  相似文献   

The storage form of prolactin (PRL) was converted into the releasable form in the lactating rat pituitary gland within 10 min of suckling by 6 pups following 4-5 h of nonsuckling on postpartum day 13-14. The characteristics of the PRL discharge from the releasable pool into the circulation was then studied using a stimulus which is known to effectively release PRL (exposure of the mother to the exteroceptive stimuli emanating from 2 pups) but which is not of sufficient strength to influence the conversion of storage PRL. We found that the concentration of PRL could be repeatedly elevated to the same extent in the plasma with repetitive 10-min applications of this stimulus. With continuous 75 min of exposure to 2 pups, the plasma PRL concentration of the mother rose to maximum within 15 min which then was sustained for the remaining 60 min, suggesting a steady release of PRL into the circulation had occurred. These data indicate that, unlike the storage form of PRL, the discharge of the releasable form occurs in relation to the length of time the stimulus is applied and exhibits neither summation nor refractoriness. Subsequently it was noted that PRL could be released up to 8 h after the releasable pool had been formed and that the plasma concentration curves were not altered by injecting 5 mg of the lysosome inhibitor, chloroquine.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the occurrence of endogenous oscillations of Per1, Per2, Bmal1 and Rev-erbα genes in rat pineal explants and to investigate their regulation by adrenergic ligands. Our results show a significant and sustained rhythm of Per2,Bmal1 and Rev-erbα gene expression for up to 48 h in cultured pineal gland with a pattern similar to that observed in vivo. By contrast, the rhythms of Per1 and Aa-nat, the rate-limiting enzyme for melatonin synthesis, were strongly attenuated after 24 h in culture. Addition of the exogenous adrenergic agonist isoproterenol on cultured pineal glands induced a short-term increase in mRNA levels of Per1 and Aa-nat, but not those of Per2,Bmal1 and Rev-erbα. This study demonstrates that the rat pineal gland hosts a circadian oscillator as evidenced by the sustained, noradrenergic-independent, endogenous oscillations of Per2, Bmal1 and Rev-erbα mRNA levels in cultured tissues. Only expression of Per1 was stimulated by adrenergic ligands suggesting that, in vivo, the adrenergic input could synchronize the pineal clock by acting selectively on Per1.  相似文献   

The effect of dermorphin, a new opioid peptide originally isolated from amphibian skin, on the release of prolactin (Prl) was studied in vivo and in vitro. In vivo experiments: subcutaneous administrations of different doses of dermorphin ranging from 0.1 to 5 mg/kg body weight to normal male rats induce a statistically significant, dose-related increase in serum Prl levels. Pretreatment with the specific opioid antagonist, naloxone (2 mg/kg i.p.) completely prevents the rise in serum Prl, induced by 2 mg/kg of dermorphin. In normal male rats, the intraventricular injection of 0.25 micrograms/kg of dermorphin is not able to induce any significant changes in serum Prl levels 10 min after injection. Serum Prl levels show a significant enhancement 30 min after the administration of this dose of dermorphin, and return to control values at 60 min. On the contrary, 1 microgram/kg of dermorphin significantly elevates Prl concentrations 10 min after injection, leaving serum Prl levels unchanged 30 and 60 min after the administration. Naloxone (25 and 100 micrograms/kg) alone does not substantially modify serum Prl concentrations at any time interval considered. Treatment with either dose of naloxone performed together with either 0.25 or 1 microgram/kg of dermorphin completely counteracts the stimulatory effect of the peptide at all time intervals in which dermorphin was active when given alone. In orchidectomized (3 weeks) rats, the intraventricular administration of dermorphin at the dose of 0.25 micrograms/kg appears effective in enhancing Prl levels only 30 min after treatment. No statistically significant modifications are observed at 10 and 60 min with this dose.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

SHN female mice, a high mammary tumour strain, are superior to SLN, a low mammary tumour strain, in lactational performance. Mammary gland prolactin receptor and pituitary prolactin secretion during lactation were compared between these strains. The binding activity, the number of receptor sites per mg tissue and the association constant were measured by the in vitro incubation of mammary gland slices with 125I-labelled bovine prolactin, and the pituitary and plasma levels of prolactin were assayed by homologous radioimmunoassay. There was only a slight difference between strains in any of the parameters for prolactin receptor and for prolactin secretion on either day 4 or day 9 of the first lactation. Almost all the correlation coefficients between each parameter for prolactin receptor and the pituitary or plasma level of prolactin were not statistically significant. These findings suggest that any parameter for prolactin examined in this study is not always directly indicative of lactational performance and further show that the individual variation in the pituitary prolactin secretion during lactation is not so great as to alter the prolactin receptor.  相似文献   

The reverse hemolytic plaque assay (RHPA) was used in this study to further characterize the mechanism whereby low concentrations of dopamine (DA) stimulate PRL secretion in vitro. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were used as a source of anterior pituitary cells for the RHPA. Pituitary cells were infused into Cunningham chambers along with a suspension of protein-A-coated ovine red blood cells. Excess cells were rinsed from the chambers leaving a monolayer of cells attached to the glass. The cells were then incubated with solutions containing PRL antiserum (1:40) and various concentrations of DA. After 4 h, a solution containing guinea pig complement (1:60) was infused into the chambers. Thirty minutes later, the cells were fixed and plaques (zones of hemolysis) surrounding PRL-producing cells (lactotrophs) were measured and used as an index of the amount of PRL secreted. Control cells that received no DA had a mean plaque area of 8,000 microns 2 and two distinct subpopulations of plaque sizes. This biphasic population of cells consisted of a small and a large plaque producing population. The mean plaque area surrounding lactotrophs was significantly (P less than 0.05) decreased if 1 microM or 10 microM DA was present (4,500 microns 2 and 3,500 microns 2, respectively). These cells which received inhibitory concentrations of DA demonstrated a monophasic distribution of plaque-forming cells. On the other hand, mean plaque area was significantly (P less than 0.05) increased if 0.1 nM or 1 nM DA was presented to the cells (15,000 microns 2 and 14,500 microns 2, respectively). These cells receiving stimulatory doses of DA exhibited a multiphasic distribution of plaque-forming cells. The possibility that the two physiological opposing actions of DA on PRL secretion might be mediated by different GTP binding proteins was also examined using cholera toxin (CTX) and pertussis toxin (PTX). Anterior pituitary cells were pretreated with either CTX (50 micrograms/ml) or PTX (5 micrograms/ml) for 1 h before initiation of the RHPA. In the RHPA, cells received no DA, a stimulatory dose of DA (0.1 nM), or a inhibitory dose of DA (10 microM). The effects of toxin pretreatment on mean plaque area of DA-treated cells was determined. PTX pretreatment significantly attenuated the inhibitory effects of DA while having no effect on the stimulatory effects of DA on PRL secretion. CTX significantly (P less than 0.05) potentiated the stimulatory effects of DA on PRL secretion and had no effect on inhibition.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The brain renin-angiotensin system and prolactin secretion in the male rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
L S Myers  M K Steele 《Endocrinology》1991,129(4):1744-1748
The present studies investigated the role of the brain renin-angiotensin system in the regulation of PRL secretion in the male rat. Blood samples were taken from conscious rats before, during, and after administration of test substances into the third cerebral ventricle. In the first series of experiments, we determined the sensitivity of the PRL response to intracerebroventricular (icv) administration of angiotensin II (Ang II) and found that PRL levels were significantly suppressed in a dose-related manner (10-500 ng). A dose of 1 ng did not significantly affect PRL values, compared to those from vehicle-injected animals. Ang II elicited water intake at doses of 50 and 500 ng, but not at the 10- or 1-ng doses. In the second series of experiments, we investigated the role of endogenous brain Ang II in the regulation of PRL secretion under basal and stimulated conditions. The endogenous system was manipulated by icv infusion of saralasin, an Ang II receptor antagonist, or icv injection of enalaprilat, a converting enzyme inhibitor, to prevent synthesis of Ang II. Neither saralasin nor enalaprilat administration produced an increase in PRL levels under basal, nonstressed conditions. However, during immobilization stress, when PRL levels increased 3-fold during icv vehicle infusion, saralasin infusion resulted in a 7-fold rise in plasma PRL titers relative to prestress baseline values. These results demonstrate that, in male rats, the inhibitory effects of icv administration of Ang II on PRL secretion are very sensitive and are observed at doses which do not affect water intake. The endogenous brain Ang II system appears not to be involved in the maintenance of the low plasma PRL levels observed under basal, nonstressed conditions. However, the system does appear to affect the magnitude of the PRL response to immobilization stress.  相似文献   

Mating in female rats induces an acute prolactin (PRL) release within 60 min and twice-daily surges of PRL throughout the first 10 days of pregnancy to maintain luteal function. Little is known about the brain mechanism whereby the vaginocervical stimulation is processed to induce PRL release. Our recent results revealed an increase in Fos expression in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) following mating in the intact estrous rat, suggesting that a neuronal network in the brain area may participate in conveying and integrating the genitosensory stimulation. To further investigate the phenotype of activated neurons in the ARC, the present study examined whether beta-endorphin (beta-END) and/or dopamine (DA) neurons are activated by mating, and if so, whether activation is involved in the mating-induced acute release of PRL and the establishment of the twice-daily surges of PRL. In experiment 1, proestrous rats receiving intromissions (mated group) from males or mounts without intromission (mounted group) were sacrificed along with rats taken directly from their home cage (control group) 60 min after the beginning of mating or mounting. Expression of Fos in beta-END neurons and expression of fos-related antigen (FRA) in DA neurons, which were labeled by tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) antibody in the ARC were examined by double-label immunocytochemistry. In experiment 2, proestrous females with indwelling atrial catheters were mated with males. Naloxone (10 microl/min, 2 mg/10 min), an opiate antagonist, or saline was infused before, during and after mating. Blood samples were collected during the mating session and also at several times 3 days after mating. The results showed that mating induced a significant increase in the percentage of beta-END/Fos colabeled neurons and a significant decrease in the number of beta-END cells in all subdivisions of the ARC. In contrast, neither the percentage of FRA/TH colabeled cells nor the number of TH cells was influenced by mating. Mating induced an acute increase in PRL release in saline-treated control animals within 30 min and a subsequent diurnal surge (18.00 h) and a nocturnal surge of PRL (2.00 h) 3 days after mating. Naloxone infusion during mating blocked the mating-induced acute PRL response and the diurnal surge of PRL 3 days after mating, but affected neither the nocturnal surge of PRL nor the incidence of pregnancy. These results demonstrate that (1) beta-END neurons but not DA neurons in the ARC are activated in response to mating in proestrous rats, and (2) the mating-induced activation of beta-END neurons may participate in the acute response of PRL release to mating and the memory mechanism for the establishment of the diurnal PRL surge, but not the nocturnal PRL surge in early pregnancy. These results lead to a conclusion that endogenous opioid peptides may be involved in the neuronal transmission of genitosensory stimulation to induce PRL secretion.  相似文献   

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