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胃十二指肠动脉大多起自肝总动脉,变异少见.作者在解剖一具老年男性尸体标本时发现胃十二指肠动脉起自肝右动脉,现报道如下.  相似文献   

作者在解剖1具成年男尸时,发现其胆囊动脉起源与分支变异,现报道如下:经防腐固定成年男尸解剖后发现,腹腔干在主动脉裂孔处稍下方起自腹主动脉前壁并发出胃左动脉、脾动脉和肝总动脉,肝总动脉右行距起始处3.2cm分  相似文献   

作者在解剖一老年男性尸体时,发现其肝动脉的分支分布变异,现报道如下:腹腔干发出3大分支,即脾动脉、肝总动脉和副左肝动脉。肝总动脉正常,距腹腔干1.85cm处发出肝固有动脉和胃右动脉,肝固有动脉又发出肝左、右地动脉。①副肝右动脉:起自胃右动脉,在距肝总动脉分支处0.24cm处发出,总长为4.6cm,跨过门静脉的前方,走行于胆总管的后方,随后分为两支进入肝右叶。  相似文献   

笔者在局部解剖学解剖1具成年男性尸体标本时,发现其胰十二指肠下动脉起点高,行程复杂,现报道如下.该例标本的胰十二指肠下动脉起于腹腔干,垂直向下走行1.7 cm,在胰颈背面分出2个分支,经左肾静脉前方,于胰颈下缘穿出,其中右支向右下行,经肠系膜上动、静脉后方分布于胰头及十二指肠降部;左支偏左下行,分出下级分支分布于十二指肠水平部.  相似文献   

正笔者在局解带教实践中,发现一具成年男性标本的肝左动脉以及胆囊动脉均存在较大变异,肝固有动脉、胃右动脉缺如。为积累资料,便于更充分地掌握肝动脉的分布特点,特报道如下。肝总动脉由腹腔干分出时,管径较大,直径约5.2mm,但长只有14.5mm。在向下发出胃十二指肠动脉后,旋即管腔明显变细,未见肝固有动脉的出现,伴胃右动脉缺如。在肝总动脉末端向上发出两条细小的分支,一支行向胆囊形成胆囊动脉,一支上行经肝十二指肠  相似文献   

成人女性尸体,观察到支动脉变异。1 迷走食管动脉起自肝左外叶动脉 肝左外叶动脉在其起点17.0mm、人肝门后7.0mm处发出迷走食管动脉。迷走食管动脉起点处外径为2.4mm,行经静脉韧带裂出肝至肝胃韧带达食管腹段前壁,分支营养之。肉眼解剖观察未见胃左动脉发分支至食管腹段,且与迷走食管动脉分支间无肉眼见的直接吻合。  相似文献   

笔者在解剖一老年男性尸体时发现从腹主动脉发出3支右肾动脉并伴右睾丸动脉变异(图A),此种变异少见,报道如下:⑴上支肾动脉最大,起点直径5.52mm,由腹主动  相似文献   

在解剖一老年女性尸体过程中,发现肝总动脉发自肠系膜上动脉及胃左动脉发自脾动脉,报道如下。 约平肝尾状叶下缘平面,脾动脉自腹主动脉前壁稍右侧发出,起始部直径为5.4mm,向左走形9mm后发出直径为3.5mm的胃左动脉.同时还在其对侧分出1支胰支营养胰腺。脾动脉及变异的胃左动脉其余分支走形均正常。在现有的报道中,该变异极为罕见,了解这种变异对临床上通过胃左动脉灌注药物治疗胃癌及一些胃左动脉周围淋巴结清扫的手术有参考意义。  相似文献   

解剖一具男尸,发现主动脉弓凸侧从右向左发出4大分支:依次是头臂干、左颈总动脉、左椎动脉和左锁骨下动脉(见图1)。  相似文献   

在肝门部结构中,肝动脉及胆囊动脉的变异较为常见,而肝门静脉的变异较少见,我们在解剖一成年男性标本时见其肝门静脉、肝右动脉及胆囊动脉存在变  相似文献   

The right subclavian artery was found to be retroesophageal, and the right vertebral artery originated from the right common carotid artery in a 46-year-old female cadaver. The right subclavian artery stemmed from the upper portion of the thoracic aorta, posterior and inferior to the origin of the normal left subclavian artery. The right and left common carotid arteries originated from the aortic arch in close proximity. Compression of the trachea anteriorly could not be demonstrated. The right inferior laryngeal nerve was nonrecurrent. A brief review of the literature shows the importance of knowledge concerning the aberrant right subclavian artery for the roentgenologist and the surgeon in the treatment of patients with this vascular anomaly.  相似文献   

Summary The present work deals with a study of the supraduodenal a. in 30 specimens. It was present in 28 cases: when absent it was substituted by the right gastric a. Its origin is discussed, the most frequent being the gastroduodenal a., with 2 cases in the pericholedochal plexus. Distribution to the distal two thirds of the upper portion of the duodenum was constant, extending to the supra- and retroduodenal portions of the common duct. Its anastomosis with the gastric right a. and the posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal a. was established in half the cases, being more frequent with the former.
Résumé Ce travail rapporte les résultats d'une étude de l'a. supraduodénale effectuée sur 30 dissections cadavériques. Présente 28 fois sur 30, elle est remplacée par l'a. gastrique droite lorsqu'elle manque. Son origine n'est pas constante: elle naît dans la plupart des cas de l'a. gastroduodénale, mais dans 2 cas elle provient d'un plexus péricholédocien. Elle s'anastomose dans la moitié des cas avec l'a. gastrique droite et moins fréquemment avec l'a. pancréatico-duodénale postérieure et supérieure.

Summary During the dissection of a 48-year-old male cadaver, the left gastric artery was observed directly originating from the abdominal aorta. An unusual embryologic development of the ventral splanchnic arteries may lead to considerable variations. The rare occurrence of this variation is stated to be 0.5% – 15%. This case of the left gastric artery is described in detail, especially its point of emergence which may be important in operative procedures on the supracolic organs, in stomach resection, and during dissection of lymph nodes along this artery in gastric cancer.
L'artère gastrique gauche naissant directement de l'aorte
Résumé Lors de la dissection d'un sujet masculin de 48 ans, on observe la naissance de l'artère gastrique gauche directement de l'aorte. Le développement embryologique anormal des artères splanchniques ventrales peut entraîner des variations considérables. La survenue de cette rare variation est estimée à une fréquence de 0,5 % à 15 %. Ce cas d'artère gastrique gauche est décrit en détail, en raison de son importance dans les techniques chirurgicales concernant les organes sus-mésocoliques, en particulier pour les résections gastriques et lors des curages ganglionnaires sur le trajet de cette artère lors de cancer gastrique.

Anatomical Science International - We found a variational case relating to the arteries distributed to the liver and pancreas during the routine cadaver dissection course. The common hepatic artery...  相似文献   



The purpose of the study was to examine the anatomical variations of the sinus node artery (SNA).  相似文献   



The purpose of this case report is to report a rare vascular variation in the upper limbs because of its clinical importance and embryological implication.


During the educational dissection of a 73-year-old Korean male cadaver`s right upper limb, we found a variant branch which is originated from the thoracoacromial artery.


The variant branch from the thoracoacromial artery ran to the distal forearm in the deep fascia. Because it finally coursed like the radial artery in the forearm and the palm, we defined the variant artery as superficial brachioradial artery (SBRA). In the cubital region a little below the intercondylar line, the brachial artery gave off a small communicating branch to SBRA, and continued as the ulnar artery.


We reported this unique variation and discussed its clinical and embryological implication.

Abstract: Replacement of the circumflex branch of the left coronary artery is extremely rare. We conducted a retrospective study to determine the incidence of this anomaly of circumflex branch of the left coronary artery. Two such patients were identified from 850 adults undergoing cardiac catheterization procedures. The circumflex branch of the left coronary artery was replaced by a vessel arising from the right aortic sinus. The course of this vessel was retroaortic. A knowledge of this anomaly is important for coronary artery bypass surgery.  相似文献   

A case of ectopic right renal artery: a radiologic-anatomic variant   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The authors report the anatomic and radiologic findings in a case of ectopic origin of the right renal artery in front of the T11–12 intervertebral disc. This seems to be an extremely rare variant, and the rarity of the reported cases is such as not to allow definition of a percentage incidence. An explanation of this variant may be found in modern concepts of the organogenesis of the renal artery.
Une observation d'artère rénale droite ectopique
Résumé Les auteurs rapportent une observation anatomo-radiologique d'origine ectopique d'une artère rénale droite devant le disque T 11–12. Cette variation paraît extrêmement rare, sans que l'étude de la littérature et des rares cas publiés permette de fixer un pourcentage. Une explication de cette variation peut être trouvée dans les conceptions modernes de l'organogénèse de l'artère rénale.

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