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The evaluation of health actions requires large amounts of information allowing an assessment of relevance, coherence, efficacy, efficiency and impact of these interventions. Information systems should support evaluation processes by helping to obtain pertinent indicators, tracers and standard operating procedures. To reach this objective, specific functions need to be implemented, including traceability, documentation, investigation and scientific awareness. But this supposes that health information systems respect quality criteria that this article defines. The following criteria are considered: simplicity, validity, acceptability, informative value, representativeness, continuity, reactivity, fluidity, flexibility of the system, and also confidentiality of information. The historical developments of medical informatics have induced the creation of independent information systems, answering to specific objectives. This lack of integration is an obstacle to the evaluation of health actions because of the difficulty to view transversally and longitudinally the sequence of actions for a same patient. Thus integrated health information systems, organised around patient care episodes, are necessary to support evaluation and to contribute effectively to decision making in public health, because the evaluation of health actions implies the availability of information about the individuals who are the targets of these actions.  相似文献   



In Finland like in many other countries, employers are legally obliged to organize occupational health services (OHS) for their employees. Because employers bear the costs of OHS it could be that in spite of the legal requirement OHS expenditure is more determined by economic performance of the company than by law. Therefore, we explored whether economic performance was associated with the companies' expenditure on occupational health services.  相似文献   

Although socioeconomic status is acknowledged to be an important determinant of modern health care utilisation, most analyses to date have failed to include traditional systems as alternative, or joint, providers of care. In developing countries, where pluralistic care systems are common, individuals are likely to be using multiple sources of health care, and the order in which systems are chosen is likely to vary according to income. This paper uses self-collected data from households in Ghana and econometric techniques (biprobit modelling and ordered logit) to show that rising income is associated with modern care use whilst decreasing income is associated with traditional care use. When utilisation is analysed in order, results show rising income to have a positive effect on choice of modern care as a first provider, whilst choosing it second, third or never is associated with decreasing income. The effects of income on utilisation patterns of traditional care are stronger: as income rises, utilisation of traditional care as a first choice decreases. Policy should incorporate traditional care into the general utilisation framework and recognise that strategies which increase income may encourage wider utilisation of modern over traditional care, whilst high levels of poverty will see continued use of traditional care.  相似文献   

ObjectiveRegular use of recommended preventive health services can promote good health and prevent disease. However, individuals may forgo obtaining preventive care when they are busy with competing activities and commitments. This study examined whether time pressure related to work obligations creates barriers to obtaining needed preventive health services.MethodsData from the 2002–2010 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) were used to measure the work hours of 61,034 employees (including 27,910 females) and their use of five preventive health services (flu vaccinations, routine check-ups, dental check-ups, mammograms and Pap smear). Multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed to test the association between working hours and use of each of those five services.ResultsIndividuals working long hours (> 60 per week) were significantly less likely to obtain dental check-ups (OR = 0.81, 95% CI: 0.72–0.91) and mammograms (OR = 0.47, 95% CI: 0.31–0.73). Working 51–60 h weekly was associated with less likelihood of receiving Pap smear (OR = 0.67, 95% CI: 0.46–0.96). No association was found for flu vaccination.ConclusionsTime pressure from work might create barriers for people to receive particular preventive health services, such as breast cancer screening, cervical cancer screening and dental check-ups. Health practitioners should be aware of this particular source of barriers to care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Interest in the composition of the health care menu has grown. Its outwardly comprehensive nature is as rhetorical as the slogans of universal access and affordability. This paper summarizes the international part of a report to the Swiss government, in which we explored the basic package of services covered by social health insurance in France, Germany, Israel, Luxembourg, The Netherlands and Switzerland. The aim of the initial report was to check the appropriateness of the Swiss catalogue, with special attention to the risk of unequal access to health care by rationing of effective services. In this paper, we highlight the major differences in service coverage between the countries and address the possible factors explaining those differences. METHODS: The contents of the basic packages of the six countries were compared using data from government ministries and sickness funds. RESULTS: Coverage is most comprehensive in Germany and Switzerland; these are also the countries with the greatest total health expenditure. Three countries separated nursing care from other types of health care by creating an independent insurance scheme. Some health care benefits are also covered under the heading of social care. High out-of-pocket payments are increasingly used as hidden rationing instruments. CONCLUSIONS: The present comparison highlights the multi-factorial character of the choices made in six countries in order to keep their health care menu within the possibilities offered by available resources.  相似文献   

This study examined the possibility that managing behavioral health care services achieves savings by cost shifting—by denying care or impeding access to care—and in that way encouraging patients to seek needed behavioral health care in the medical care system. In 1993, a large industrial company carved out employee behavioral health care from its unmanaged, indemnity medical care benefits and offered employees an enhanced benefit package through a managed behavioral health care company. This study compared the use and cost of behavioral health care and medical care services for two years before the carve-out and for three years afterward. The rate of behavioral health care usage remained the same or increased after the carve-out, while the cost of providing the care decreased. Controlling for trends that began before the inception of managed behavioral health, medical care costs decreased for those using behavioral health care services. No evidence supporting cost shifting was found.  相似文献   

This study estimates the effect of employment-based private health insurance (EPHI) on the use of covered health care services based on Danish survey data collected in 2009. The paper provides some of the first estimates of how EPHI affects the use of health care services in a Scandinavian context. The effect of EPHI is estimated using propensity score matching. This method is shown to provide plausible estimates given the institutional setting of EPHI in Denmark and a wide set of relevant covariates. Considering the full sample of occupationally active, it is found that EPHI does not significantly affect the probability of having had any hospitalisations, physiotherapist, chiropractor, psychologist, specialist, or ambulatory contacts within a 12 month period. Restricting the analysis to the subsample of privately employed, the estimated effects for ambulatory contacts and hospitalisation are somewhat higher and statistically significant. More precisely, it is found that EPHI increases the probability of hospitalisation from 5.1 to 8.5% and the probability of having had any ambulatory contacts from 17.9 to 23.3% among the privately employed.  相似文献   

A primary care-led health service is the latest fashion in health policy, yet there is no consensus on what this means. One manifestation of this policy is the attempt to shift the balance of resources from secondary to primary care, with the goal of improving the cost-effectiveness of health care. This has been taken furthest in the UK, where GP fundholders have been given resources to purchase a significant proportion of their patients' health care. The scheme provides incentives to shift the location of care out of hospitals, but there is very little evidence that this will result in better quality patient care at lower cost.  相似文献   

The suggestion that health services research is now on the threshold of a new era of importance is a commonplace theme in selected forums. Concern over escalating costs and quality assurance in the health care industry have inspired government, business, insurers, and health care organizations to search for answers in health services research. Those who expect a new era of assessment and accountability will be disappointed, however, if certain key conditions, such as financial resources, multidisciplinary cooperation, significant new training programs, and unified action on national and state public interest research agendas, are not satisfied.  相似文献   

Evidence points to the existence of two coexisting inefficiencies in mental health care resource allocation: those with need receive too limited or no care while those with no apparent need receive services. In addition to reducing costs, managed mental health care is expected to reallocate treatment resources to those with greater need for services. However, there are no empirical findings regarding this issue. This study tests whether managed mental health care has had a differential impact by level of need. Data consist of three waves of a community sample with a control group. The study finds that managed care has not succeeded in reallocating resources from the unlikely to the definite needers.  相似文献   

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