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BACKGROUND: Periodontal surgery is indicated in the treatment of persistent pockets following cause-related therapy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term effect of supportive therapy in periodontal patients treated with fibre retention osseous resective surgery. METHODS: Three-hundred and four consecutive patients were identified and retrospectively examined while presenting for a supportive periodontal care (SPC) appointment (T2). All had received non-surgical periodontal treatment and osseous resective surgery as needed, to obtain no sites with probing depth (PD) >3 mm before being enrolled in the SPC programme. The mean SPC duration for the patients was 7.8+/-3.2 years while the mean interval of SPC was 3.4+/-0.8 months. RESULTS: During SPC, a total of 67 teeth had been removed (0.9%). At T2, mean full-mouth plaque scores (FMPS) was 13+/-11.3% and full-mouth bleeding scores (FMBS) was 2+/-3%. In 98.5% of the sites, PD was minimal (or=6 mm was 68 and limited to 41 patients (13.8% of sample). Initial periodontal diagnosis of severe periodontitis, smoking habits, FMBS, number of teeth at completion of active periodontal therapy (T1), number of surgically treated teeth, number of teeth with furcation involvement and number of multi-rooted teeth were associated with the number of pockets at T2. A total of 598 sites (2.1%) displayed bleeding on probing (BOP) at T2. The odds ratio of sites 4 mm or deeper to be BOP positive was 32.9 compared with sites of <3 mm depth. Gender, FMBS, FMPS, furcation involvements and overall number of pockets were associated with the number of bleeding pockets at T2. CONCLUSION: Shallow PDs achieved by treatment of the persistent pockets by fibre retention osseous resective surgery can be maintained over time. These patients displayed minimal gingival inflammation and tooth loss during SPC.  相似文献   

Background: The Aims of this retrospective study were: (i) to describe the applicability of Fibre Retention Osseous Resective Surgery (FibReORS) to infrabony defects with different radiographic depths and (ii) to identify significant anatomical elements associated with the decision of tooth extraction or application of FibReORS in the context of a treatment approach aimed at pocket elimination. Material and Methods: Baseline radiographs with detectable infrabony defects were collected from 68 periodontal patients. Selected teeth with radiographic evidence of infrabony defects had probing depths (PD) >4 mm at revaluation following non‐surgical periodontal therapy. Teeth were then surgically treated with FibReORS or extracted on the basis of the decision making of an experienced periodontist and in the context of the overall treatment plan. The total root length and the defect depth were quantified for each selected tooth using radiographic reference points. Results: A total of 324 teeth with infrabony defects were identified. Fifty‐three (16%) teeth with a mean radiographic infrabony defect of 8.5±1.7 mm (range 6–12 mm) were extracted; 271 (84%) teeth with a mean infrabony defect of 3.0±1.4 mm (1–8 mm) were surgically treated, achieving PD 3 mm in all sites at 6‐month follow‐up. Surgically treated teeth showed baseline radiographic infrabony defects 4 mm in 86% of the cases. Logistic multilevel modelling indicated that the probability of extraction was influenced by root length (p=0.0230) and by the radiographic defect depth (p=0.0112). Conclusion: FibReORS is applicable in the treatment of shallow to moderate bony defects and deeper defects associated with longer roots.  相似文献   

牙周基础性手术训练是牙周专业教学重点内容之一.本研究设计一种模拟临床病损拟实施牙周骨切除术和骨成形术的教学训练石膏模型,并制定相关的手术训练流程.该训练模型直观地模拟了临床中常见的典型牙槽骨缺损类型,研究生和进修医生在手术训练过程中可以深刻理解牙周炎导致牙槽骨骨破坏的特点,熟练掌握牙槽骨修整的过程,并学会如何通过修整形...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Long-term tooth retention is the main objective of periodontal treatment. The aim of this retrospective study was to describe the prevalence and reasons of tooth extraction during active periodontal therapy (APT) and supportive periodontal care (SPC) in periodontal patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Three hundred and four periodontal patients were examined. APT consisted of non-surgical periodontal treatment and fibre retention osseous resective surgery, where needed, to obtain no sites with PD>3 mm. All patients participated in an SPC programme for 3-17 years (mean time 7.8 years). RESULTS: At the initial examination, 45% of the patients had moderate periodontitis and 41% severe periodontitis. During APT, 576 teeth were extracted (7.5%). The main reason for tooth extraction during APT was the presence of advanced periodontal lesions (44%). The number of tooth extractions was higher in cases with severe periodontitis. Extracted teeth showed a mean bone loss of 76% of the total root length. During SPT, a total of 67 teeth were removed (0.9%) in a subgroup of 50 patients. The clinical problems were primarily related to the incidence of root fracture (48%) and secondarily to the progression of periodontal disease (30%). CONCLUSION: Prevalence of tooth extraction during APT is associated with the severity of periodontal disease. Tooth loss during supportive periodontal care may be negligible when a meticulous SPC programme is performed in patients where minimal probing depth is consequential to APT.  相似文献   

目的: 首次介绍口内入路行下颌骨良性肿瘤切除和显微血管吻合的腓骨肌瓣即刻精确重建的经验。方法: 2018年1月—3月,对我科收治的4例下颌骨良性肿瘤患者行经口内入路的下颌骨节断性切除及显微血管吻合的腓骨肌瓣即刻重建术。3例术前行虚拟手术计划设计,并行钛板数字化压模成型。术中先在口内颊部显露面动、静脉并保护,按截骨导板完成下颌骨节断性切除和腓骨瓣塑形、钛板固定后,用导航验证重建下颌骨的位置。显微镜下将腓动脉与面动脉作端-端吻合,腓静脉与面静脉用微血管吻合器Coupler吻合。术后常规采用手提超声多普勒监测血管血流信号;术后1周复查全景片,检查重建下颌骨的位置。结果: 4例患者均顺利完成经口内入路的下颌骨节断性切除、腓骨重建,其中3例顺利完成口内显微血管吻合,1例因术区瘢痕、面静脉不理想而引至下颌下吻合。术后超声多普勒监测显示血流信号正常,口内及供区伤口均一期愈合。术中导航及术后全景片显示重建的下颌骨位置理想,咬合关系正常,面部外形对称,无面瘫及开口受限。结论: 经口内入路行下颌骨良性肿瘤的节断性切除及腓骨肌瓣精确重建和口内显微血管吻合是完全可行的,能够达到口外入路同样的效果,同时口外无瘢痕。  相似文献   

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