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Our work is to investigate and understand the factors affecting the imaging performance of amorphous selenium (a-Se) flat-panel detectors for digital mammography. Both theoretical and experimental methods were developed to investigate the spatial frequency dependent detective quantum efficiency [DQE(f)] of a-Se flat-panel detectors for digital mammography. Since the K edge of a-Se is 12.66 keV and within the energy range of a mammographic spectrum, a theoretical model was developed based on cascaded linear system analysis with parallel processes to take into account the effect of K fluorescence on the modulation transfer function (MTF), noise power spectrum (NPS), and DQE(f) of the detector. This model was used to understand the performance of a small-area prototype detector with 85 microm pixel size. The presampling MTF, NPS, and DQE(f) of the prototype were measured, and compared to the theoretical calculation of the model. The calculation showed that K fluorescence accounted for a 15% reduction in the MTF at the Nyquist frequency (fNy) of the prototype detector, and the NPS at fNy was reduced to 89% of that at zero spatial frequency. The measurement of presampling MTF of the prototype detector revealed an additional source of blurring, which was attributed to charge trapping in the blocking layer at the interface between a-Se and the active matrix. This introduced a drop in both presampling MTF and NPS at high spatial frequency, and reduced aliasing in the NPS. As a result, the DQE(f) of the prototype detector at fNy approached 40% of that at zero spatial frequency. The measured and calculated DQE(f) using the linear system model have reasonable agreement, indicating that the factors controlling image quality in a-Se based mammographic detectors are fully understood, and the model can be used to further optimize detector imaging performance.  相似文献   

Zhao B  Zhao W 《Medical physics》2005,32(1):128-136
We investigated temporal performance of amorphous selenium (a-Se) detectors specifically designed for mammographic imaging. Our goal is to quantify the inherent lag and ghosting of a-Se photoconductor as a function of imaging conditions. Two small area electroded a-Se samples, one positively and the other negatively biased on the entrance side of x rays, were used in the experiments. The study of lag and ghosting was performed by delivering a number of raw exposures as experienced in screening mammography to the samples at different electric field strength E(Se) while measuring the current through the a-Se sample. Ghosting at different operational conditions was quantified as the percentage x-ray sensitivity (x-ray generated photocurrent measured from the sample) reduction compared to before irradiation. Lag was determined by measuring the residual current of a-Se at a given time after the end of each x-ray exposure. Both lag and ghosting were measured as a function of E(Se) and cumulative exposure. The values of E(Se) used in our experiments ranged from 1 to 20 V/microm. It was found that ghosting increases with exposure and decreases with E(Se) for both samples because of the dominant effect of recombination between trapped electrons and x-ray generated holes. Lag on the other hand has different dependence on E(Se) and cumulative exposure. At E(Se) < or = 10 V/microm, the first frame lag for both samples changed slowly with cumulative exposure, with a range of 0.2%-1.7% for the positively biased sample and 0.5%-8% for the negatively biased sample. Overall the positively biased sample has better temporal performance than the negatively biased sample due to the lower density of trapped electrons. The impact of time interval between exposures on the temporal performance was also investigated. Recovery of ghosting with longer time interval was observed, which was attributed to the neutralization of trapped electrons by injected holes through dark current.  相似文献   

The physical characteristics of a clinical prototype amorphous silicon-based flat panel imager for full-breast digital mammography have been investigated. The imager employs a thin thallium doped CsI scintillator on an amorphous silicon matrix of detector elements with a pixel pitch of 100 microm. Objective criteria such as modulation transfer function (MTF), noise power spectrum, detective quantum efficiency (DQE), and noise equivalent quanta were employed for this evaluation. The presampling MTF was found to be 0.73, 0.42, and 0.28 at 2, 4, and 5 cycles/mm, respectively. The measured DQE of the current prototype utilizing a 28 kVp, Mo-Mo spectrum beam hardened with 4.5 cm Lucite is approximately 55% at close to zero spatial frequency at an exposure of 32.8 mR, and decreases to approximately 40% at a low exposure of 1.3 mR. Detector element nonuniformity and electronic gain variations were not significant after appropriate calibration and software corrections. The response of the imager was linear and did not exhibit signal saturation under tested exposure conditions.  相似文献   

目的:研究全数字化乳腺摄影(FFDM)及数字乳腺断层摄影(DBT)对于钙化征象及其在乳腺疾病诊断效能的对比。 方法:收集福建医科大学附属第二医院2013年6月~2017年4月期间就诊的97例经FFDM及DBT检查发现有钙化征象,并具有病理结果的患者,根据乳腺影像报告和数据系统进行阅片诊断,同时计算出在FFDM及COMBO(DBT结合FFDM)两种摄片模式下的钙化分数。 结果:通过秩和检验分析两种方法下钙化分数存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。通过ROC曲线分析两种方法在乳腺疾病诊断效能发现,两者曲线下面积均大于0.5,具有诊断价值,FFDM与COMBO敏感度(95.7%)一致;COMBO特异性(92%)较FFDM特异性(76%)高。 结论:COMBO相对于FFDM能更好地观察钙化征象,提高诊断效能。  相似文献   

We present measurements of lag and ghosting in a FDA-approved digital mammography system that uses a dielectric/selenium based detector structure. Lag is the carryover of signal from a previous image, whereas ghosting is the reduction of sensitivity caused by previous exposure history of the detector. Data from six selenium units were acquired. For the type of selenium detector tested, and under typical clinical usage conditions, the lag was as high as 0.15% of source signal and the ghosting could be as high as 15%. The amount of lag and ghosting varied from unit to unit. Results were compared with data acquired on a phosphor-based full-field digital mammography system. Modifications in the technology of the selenium detectors appear to have resulted in a marked decrease in both lag and ghosting effects in more recent systems.  相似文献   

A new digital image readout method for electrostatic charge images on photoconductive plates is described. The method can be used to read out images on selenium plates similar to those used in xeromammography. The readout method, called the air-gap photoinduced discharge method (PID), discharges the latent image pixel by pixel and measures the charge. The PID readout method, like electrometer methods, is linear. However, the PID method permits much better resolution than scanning electrometers while maintaining quantum limited performance at high radiation exposure levels. Thus the air-gap PID method appears to be uniquely superior for high-resolution digital imaging tasks such as mammography.  相似文献   

This paper describes objective and subjective image quality measurements acquired as part of a routine quality assurance (QA) programme for an amorphous selenium (a-Se) full field digital mammography (FFDM) system between August-04 and February-05. During this period, the FFDM detector developed a fault and was replaced. A retrospective analysis of objective image quality parameters (modulation transfer function (MTF), normalized noise power spectrum (NNPS) and detective quantum efficiency (DQE)) is presented to try and gain a deeper understanding of the detector problem that occurred. These measurements are discussed in conjunction with routine contrast-detail (c-d) results acquired with the CDMAM (Artinis, The Netherlands) test object. There was significant reduction in MTF over this period of time indicating an increase in blurring occurring within the a-Se converter layer. This blurring was not isotropic, being greater in the data line direction (left to right across the detector) than in the gate line direction (chest wall to nipple). The initial value of the 50% MTF point was 6 mm(-1); for the faulty detector the 50% MTF points occurred at 3.4 mm(-1) and 1.0 mm(-1) in the gate line and data line directions, respectively. Prior to NNPS estimation, variance images were formed of the detector flat field images. Spatial distribution of variance was not uniform, suggesting that the physical blurring process was not constant across the detector. This change in variance with image position implied that the stationarity of the noise statistics within the image was limited and that care would be needed when performing objective measurements. The NNPS measurements confirmed the results found for the MTF, with a strong reduction in NNPS as a function of spatial frequency. This reduction was far more severe in the data line direction. A somewhat tentative DQE estimate was made; in the gate line direction there was little change in DQE up to 2.5 mm(-1) but at the Nyquist frequency the DQE had fallen to approximately 35% of the original value. There was severe attenuation of DQE in the data line direction, the DQE falling to less than 0.01 above approximately 3.0 mm(-1). C-d results showed an increase in threshold contrast of approximately 25% for details less than 0.2 mm in diameter, while no reduction in c-d performance was found at the largest detail diameters (1.0 mm and above). Despite the detector fault, the c-d curve was found to pass the European protocol acceptable c-d curve.  相似文献   

Development of a computational decision aid for a new medical imaging modality typically is a long and complicated process. It consists of collecting data in the form of images and annotations, development of image processing and pattern recognition algorithms for analysis of the new images and finally testing of the resulting system. Since new imaging modalities are developed more rapidly than ever before, any effort for decreasing the time and cost of this development process could result in maximizing the benefit of the new imaging modality to patients by making the computer aids quickly available to radiologists that interpret the images. In this paper, we make a step in this direction and investigate the possibility of translating the knowledge about the detection problem from one imaging modality to another. Specifically, we present a computer-aided detection (CAD) system for mammographic masses that uses a mutual information-based template matching scheme with intelligently selected templates. We presented principles of template matching with mutual information for mammography before. In this paper, we present an implementation of those principles in a complete computer-aided detection system. The proposed system, through an automatic optimization process, chooses the most useful templates (mammographic regions of interest) using a large database of previously collected and annotated mammograms. Through this process, the knowledge about the task of detecting masses in mammograms is incorporated in the system. Then, we evaluate whether our system developed for screen-film mammograms can be successfully applied not only to other mammograms but also to digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) reconstructed slices without adding any DBT cases for training. Our rationale is that since mutual information is known to be a robust inter-modality image similarity measure, it has high potential of transferring knowledge between modalities in the context of the mass detection task. Experimental evaluation of the system on mammograms showed competitive performance compared to other mammography CAD systems recently published in the literature. When the system was applied “as-is” to DBT, its performance was notably worse than that for mammograms. However, with a simple additional preprocessing step, the performance of the system reached levels similar to that obtained for mammograms. In conclusion, the presented CAD system not only performed competitively on screen-film mammograms but it also performed robustly on DBT showing that direct transfer of knowledge across breast imaging modalities for mass detection is in fact possible.  相似文献   

A study of the x-ray sensitivity of amorphous selenium (a-Se) for digital mammography has been performed. A uniform layer of a-Se was deposited on a glass substrate with electrodes on both surfaces. The deposition procedure was identical to that used for a-Se flat-panel detectors. A high voltage was applied to the top surface of the a-Se layer in order to establish an electric field E(Se). Then the sample was exposed to x rays with 27 kVp spectra generated from an x-ray tube with a molybdenum (Mo) target. The mean x-ray energy of the spectrum used was approximately 16.6 keV. The x-ray current generated by the a-Se layer was measured as a function of E(Se). From the current measurement and the estimation of total x-ray energy absorbed in the a-Se, the energy required to create one electron-hole pair (EHP), W, was determined as a function of E(Se). It was found that at the most commonly used E(Se) of 10 V/microm, W was measured as 64 eV. This is considerably higher than the widely accepted typical value of W = 50 eV measured at higher x-ray photon energies (e.g., 50 keV). The dependence of W as a function of E(Se) can be best fitted using the empirical expression of E(Se)-gamma. This relationship is consistent with the results obtained at higher x-ray energies. This article provides an accurate measurement of x-ray sensitivity of a-Se at mammographic energies independent of detector operation, such as the most recently developed flat-panel detectors. The results will be a useful tool for investigation and optimization of a-Se-based x-ray imaging detectors, such as determination of pixel fill-factor and optimal E(Se) during operation.  相似文献   

Determination of mean glandular dose (MGD) to breast tissue is an essential aspect of mammography equipment evaluations and exposure controls. The American College of Radiology (ACR) Quality Control Manual outlines the procedure for MGD determination in screen-film mammography based upon conversions of entrance skin exposures (ESEs) measured with an ionization chamber (IC). The development of digital mammography has increased with the demand for improved object resolution and tissue contrast. This change in image receptor from screen-film to a solid-state detector has led to questions about the applicability of the ACR MGD methodology to digital mammography. This research has validated the applicability of the ACR MGD methodology to digital mammography in the GE digital mammography system Senographe 2000D. MGD was determined using light output measurements from thermoluminescent dosimeters (MGDTL), exposure measurements from an IC (MGD(IC)) and conversion factors from the ACR Mammography Quality Control Manual. MGD(TL) and MGD(IC) data indicate that there is a statistically significant difference between the two measurements with the Senographe 2000D. However, the applicability of the ACR's methodology was validated by calculating MGD at various depths in a 50/50 breast phantom. Additionally, the results of backscatter measurements from the image receptors of both mammography modalities indicate there is a difference (all P values < 0.001) in the radiation backscattered from each image receptor.  相似文献   

A prototype amorphous selenium imaging plate system for digital radiography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper summarizes the results of research and development of a prototype amorphous selenium digital imaging system. The first phase of this project consists of the preliminary design and fabrication of the system. In this system the conventional film-screen photon receptor is replaced by a charged amorphous selenium imaging plate. After exposure, the latent electrostatic image on the selenium surface is scanned with multiple microelectrometer probes forming a 1024 X 1024 X 12 bit digital image. The second phase investigates the system's physical imaging characteristics and clinical feasibility. X-ray exposure latitude comparable to 200-speed calcium-tungstate film-screen system are shown for three typical diagnostic kVp settings with total filtration of 3 mm aluminum and 9 cm Lucite. Using the modulation transfer function (MTF), resolving power of approximately 1.0 line pair per millimeter and detective quantum efficiency values of approximately 5% have been measured. The clinical evaluation consists of preliminary images of a 16-kg female dog and a 4.5-kg rabbit and comparisons to film-screen images are offered.  相似文献   

Digital tomosynthesis of the breast is being investigated as one possible solution to the problem of tissue superposition present in planar mammography. This imaging technique presents various advantages that would make it a feasible replacement for planar mammography, among them similar, if not lower, radiation glandular dose to the breast; implementation on conventional digital mammography technology via relatively simple modifications; and fast acquisition time. One significant problem that tomosynthesis of the breast must overcome, however, is the reduction of x-ray scatter inclusion in the projection images. In tomosynthesis, due to the projection geometry and radiation dose considerations, the use of an antiscatter grid presents several challenges. Therefore, the use of postacquisition software-based scatter reduction algorithms seems well justified, requiring a comprehensive evaluation of x-ray scatter content in the tomosynthesis projections. This study aims to gain insight into the behavior of x-ray scatter in tomosynthesis by characterizing the scatter point spread functions (PSFs) and the scatter to primary ratio (SPR) maps found in tomosynthesis of the breast. This characterization was performed using Monte Carlo simulations, based on the Geant4 toolkit, that simulate the conditions present in a digital tomosynthesis system, including the simulation of the compressed breast in both the cranio-caudal (CC) and the medio-lateral oblique (MLO) views. The variation of the scatter PSF with varying tomosynthesis projection angle, as well as the effects of varying breast glandular fraction and x-ray spectrum, was analyzed. The behavior of the SPR for different projection angle, breast size, thickness, glandular fraction, and x-ray spectrum was also analyzed, and computer fit equations for the magnitude of the SPR at the center of mass for both the CC and the MLO views were found. Within mammographic energies, the x-ray spectrum was found to have no appreciable effect on the scatter PSF and on the SPR. Glandular fraction and compressed breast size were found to have a small effect, while compressed breast thickness and projection angle, as expected, introduced large variations in both the scatter PSF and SPR. The presence of the breast support plate and the detector cover plate in the simulations introduced important effects on the SPR, which are also relevant to the scatter content in planar mammography.  相似文献   

The spatial frequency dependent detective quantum efficiency (DQE(f)) of a high-resolution selenium-based imaging system has been measured at megavoltage energies. These results have been compared with theoretical calculations. The imaging system was a video tube with a 5 microm amorphous selenium (a-Se) target which was irradiated by 1.25 MeV gamma-rays. The modulation transfer function (MTF) decreased rapidly with spatial frequency (determined by spread of electrons in the build-up material) while the noise power spectrum was constant as a function of spatial frequency. The DQE obtained from these MTF and noise power measurements was compared with a Monte Carlo model of the pulse height spectrum of the detector. The DQE(0) model accounted for the interaction of x rays with the detector as well as the energy-dependent gain (charge generated/energy deposition). Good agreement between the calculated and measured DQE(0) was found. The model was also used to estimate the DQE(f) of a metal plate + a-Se detector which was compared with a metal plate + phosphor system of the same mass thickness. The DQE(f) s of both detectors are very similar, indicating that the choice of which detector is better will be based upon criteria other than DQE(f), such as read-out approach, ease of manufacture or sensitivity.  相似文献   

The use of a grid increases perceptibility of low contrast objects in mammography. Slot-scan mammography provides a more dose efficient reduction of the scattered radiation reaching the detector than obtained with an antiscatter grid in screen-film or flat-panel digital mammography. In this paper, the potential of using a grid in a slot-scan system to provide a further reduction of scattered radiation is investigated. The components of the digital signal: primary radiation, off-focus radiation, scattered radiation, and optical fluorescence glare in a CsI(Tl) detector were quantified. Based on these measurements, the primary and scatter transmission factors (Tp, Ts), scatter-to-primary ratio (SPR), signal-difference-to-noise ratio (SDNR), and the SDNR improvement factor (K(SDNR)) were obtained. Our results showed that the SPR ranged from 0.05 to 0.19 for breast thicknesses between 2 and 8 cm, respectively. The values of K(SDNR) ranged from 0.85 to 0.94. Because the slot-scanning system has an inherently low SPR, the increase in dose required when the grid is used outweighs the benefit of the small increase in SDNR. It is possible that greater benefit could be achieved by using a grid with a higher Tp, such as obtained using air-core technology.  相似文献   

Gong X  Glick SJ  Liu B  Vedula AA  Thacker S 《Medical physics》2006,33(4):1041-1052
Although conventional mammography is currently the best modality to detect early breast cancer, it is limited in that the recorded image represents the superposition of a three-dimensional (3D) object onto a 2D plane. Recently, two promising approaches for 3D volumetric breast imaging have been proposed, breast tomosynthesis (BT) and CT breast imaging (CTBI). To investigate possible improvements in lesion detection accuracy with either breast tomosynthesis or CT breast imaging as compared to digital mammography (DM), a computer simulation study was conducted using simulated lesions embedded into a structured 3D breast model. The computer simulation realistically modeled x-ray transport through a breast model, as well as the signal and noise propagation through a CsI based flat-panel imager. Polyenergetic x-ray spectra of Mo/Mo 28 kVp for digital mammography, Mo/Rh 28 kVp for BT, and W/Ce 50 kVp for CTBI were modeled. For the CTBI simulation, the intensity of the x-ray spectra for each projection view was determined so as to provide a total average glandular dose of 4 mGy, which is approximately equivalent to that given in conventional two-view screening mammography. The same total dose was modeled for both the DM and BT simulations. Irregular lesions were simulated by using a stochastic growth algorithm providing lesions with an effective diameter of 5 mm. Breast tissue was simulated by generating an ensemble of backgrounds with a power law spectrum, with the composition of 50% fibroglandular and 50% adipose tissue. To evaluate lesion detection accuracy, a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) study was performed with five observers reading an ensemble of images for each case. The average area under the ROC curves (Az) was 0.76 for DM, 0.93 for BT, and 0.94 for CTBI. Results indicated that for the same dose, a 5 mm lesion embedded in a structured breast phantom was detected by the two volumetric breast imaging systems, BT and CTBI, with statistically significant higher confidence than with planar digital mammography, while the difference in lesion detection between BT and CTBI was not statistically significant.  相似文献   

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