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糖与人们的日常生活息息相关,但许多人对吃糖与健康的关系有误解,认为吃糖会引起糖尿病、高脂血症、龋齿等疾病,甚至把糖称为“白色毒药”。近日,记者就此问题采访了医学、营养、食品等方面的专家,他们的结论是:  相似文献   

牛奶是一种比较理想的完善食品。牛奶中的营养成分比较稳定:每100克牛奶中含蛋白质3.1克,脂肪3.5克,乳糖4.6克,矿物质0.7克,还含有维生素A、维生素D、维生素B2等多种维生素。  相似文献   

保栓 《健康人生》2004,(3):43-43
一谈起食肥肉,人们往往想到它会引起动脉硬化、冠心病、高血压,其实这是一种片面的认识。肥肉烹调得法不仅不会引起心血管病,而且有益于身体健康。  相似文献   

袁秉煃 《大众健康》2004,(11):27-27
前几天,某报有一条短新闻:牛奶里的一些成分会促进癌细胞的生长。这种缺少确凿根据的说法无从查考,但引起了一个小波澜。有的人联想到不久前的劣质奶粉事件,对牛奶是否该喝也表示怀疑了。  相似文献   

据报道,世界卫生组织在调查23个国家人口的各种死亡原因后,曾指出:嗜糖之害甚于吸烟,长期嗜食高糖食物的人,平均寿命要比正常食糖者缩短20年左右。大量的科学研究也表明,大量食用糖会使人体内的酸碱平衡失调,从而降低人体的免疫力,削弱  相似文献   

现代医学研究证明,患以下疾病人,食糖应节制。急性传染病:这些病人吃糖过多后,体内的白血球的杀菌作用就会受一定的抑制,使病情加重。胃病:包括胃炎和消化道溃疡等,内糖的含量增多能够促使胃壁分泌酸,从而加重疼痛、犯酸、嗳气等症状。量的糖对胃粘膜也是一种不良的刺激而且对幽门螺旋杆菌的生长、繁殖有进作用,对治疗消化道溃疡也是不利的肾炎:糖容易导致血管壁脂质代紊乱,引起动脉血管的损坏,而肾炎患本身血管系统的功能就已经受损,多糖就更会火上加油,加重病情。高血脂和高血压:患有高血脂和血压的病人嗜糖可使血脂增高,…  相似文献   

张瑜 《东方药膳》2003,(4):39-39,44
牛蒡,为二年生菊科牛蒡属草本植物。又名大力子、狗宝、黑萝卜、白肌人参、鼠粘草等。牛蒡肉质根呈圆柱形,长60~120cm,粗3~4cm,外皮粗糙,呈黑褐色,肉质土白色。牛蒡茎直立,高1.5m左右,呈紫色,上部多分枝,基叶丛生,茎叶互生,叶片很大呈心脏形,表面绿色,背面密被白色茸毛。头状花序簇生或呈伞房状,花冠呈管状紫红色。其果长圆形或卵形,灰黑色。牛蒡,原野生于东北等地,在我国栽培历史悠久。南北朝的《名医别录》中已提及牛蒡根茎入药用,并且说:“久服轻身耐老”。唐代韩谔的《四纂要·春令卷·二月》中记载:…  相似文献   

糖是人们日常生活中不可缺少的调味品和甜味剂,很多人平素比较喜欢吃甜食。随着人民生活水平日益提高,糖尿病、高血脂、肥胖等“富贵病”的发病率亦随之攀高,于是不少人开始对糖产生误解,认为它是这些疾病的罪恶祸首,甚至称之为“白色毒药”、“健康的杀手”……  相似文献   


The Internet has become a means of disseminating information to consumers about nutrition. Numerous Web sites from universities, clinics, hospitals, and non-profit organizations offer nutrition advice to consumers. Although Internet users should beware of misinformation, nutrition Web sites and newsgroups can provide a wealth of information if used with caution. Sites covering such topics as healthy eating, food values, weight control, and vegetarianism and other special diets can be found on the Web. Some Web pages may offer personalized diet information, and other sites can be used to promote nutrition to children. This article reviews nutrition Web sites and suggests some outstanding ones for consumers to use.  相似文献   

Healthy Eating Index and obesity   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
BACKGROUND: There is a continuing need to examine the relationship between diet quality and health in the population. The Healthy Eating Index (HEI) has been developed as a composite measure of diet quality by the US Department of Agriculture. OBJECTIVES: The first objective was to use the HEI to assess the diet quality of a representative sample of the US population and population groups. The second objective was to examine the association between HEI and obesity. DESIGN: Cross-sectional analysis of data from 10 930 adults who participated in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Sociodemographic, physical activity, dietary, and health data were used in the analysis. Diet quality was assessed with the HEI score, ranging from 0 to 100, based on 10 dietary criteria. A low HEI score indicates poor diet. RESULTS: A majority of survey participants had a low HEI score. The percentage of individuals classified as having a poor diet varied by age, gender, race/ethnicity, income, and education. A low HEI score was associated with overweight and obesity. There was a graded increase in the odds ratio of obesity across the HEI category after adjusting for age, gender, race/ethnicity, physical activity, smoking, alcohol use, income, and education. CONCLUSIONS: An index of diet quality, such as HEI, may provide a comprehensive assessment of diet in the population. Since the HEI is based on the US Dietary Guidelines, the use of these guidelines as a way to improve health should be emphasized. However, the overall effectiveness of these guidelines in disease prevention needs to be studied further.  相似文献   


This paper explores the profile of healthy and unhealthy eating consumers in terms of demographic, psychographic and communicative variables. Data from 3,388 respondents to the 1999 DDB Needham Life Style Study were analyzed. The results show the healthy eaters to be environmentally conscious and health-oriented, suggesting an underlying theme of personal and social responsibility. The communicative activities of healthy eaters demonstrate an information orientation while unhealthy eaters are more entertainment oriented. Practical and social implications are discussed for social marketers regarding target segmentation and message design.  相似文献   

Healthy Eating Index (HEI) is a diet quality measure that assesses the population’s compliance towards dietary guidelines. In Malaysia, diet quality measure, though existing, has some limitations in terms of application and relevance. This study aims to develop a new standardized Malaysian Healthy Eating Index (S-MHEI) that can measure the diet quality of all Malaysians regardless of their energy requirement level. The Malaysian Dietary Guidelines (MDG) 2010 and MDG for Children and Adolescents (MDGCA) 2013 were used as main references in developing the index components. In addition, the latest Malaysian Adults Nutrition Survey (MANS) and Adolescent Nutrition Survey (ANS) were also referred to ensure the relevance of the components selected. For adequacy components, the least restrictive method was used in setting the standard for the scoring system. Meanwhile, the scoring system for moderation components was built based on the Recommended Nutrient Intake (RNI) 2017. The new S-MHEI comprises of 11 components with a maximum total score of 100. The least restrictive method allowed the index to be used across energy requirement levels. However, the index will not be sensitive towards adhering to the specific recommended amount of intake—which in effect, made the index focus on measuring diet quality rather than diet quantity.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo examine the ability of parent response to assessments of in-home availability of 20 fruits and vegetables (FV), self-efficacy/outcome expectancy to prepare FV that their child would eat, modeling of FV eating behavior, and eating competence to predict parents’ targeted Healthy Eating Index–2010 (HEI) scores at baseline.DesignCross-sectional survey.SettingSixty-one classrooms in 8 northern Colorado elementary schools over 4 years participating in Fuel for Fun (FFF), a school-based culinary and physical activity intervention.ParticipantsParents and guardians (n = 71) of fourth-grade youths from participating classrooms.Main Outcome Measure(s)Healthy Eating Index–2010 scores as derived from 24-hour recalls administered with the Automated Self-Administered 24-hour dietary assessment tool.AnalysisGeneralized linear regression models tested the predictive validity of survey assessments for targeted HEI components. Results were considered statistically significant at P ≤ .05.ResultsIn-home FV availability predicted total fruit (P = .01), whole fruit (P = .001), and total vegetable (P = .01) HEI, and parent modeling of FV eating behavior predicted total fruit (P = .01) and whole fruit (P = .02) HEI. However, these survey measures were not associated with other HEI components, including total HEI. Parent self-efficacy/outcome expectancy to prepare FV that their child would eat or like was not associated with total HEI or HEI components. Eating competence did not predict total HEI but was associated with seafood and plant proteins in the anticipated direction (P = .04).Conclusions and ImplicationsThe results demonstrated construct validation of some parent Fuel for Fun survey assessments with targeted HEI components. Additional assessment in larger and more diverse samples is warranted so that nutrition education and behavior researchers may use these valid and reliable, brief, low-cost, and easy-to-use survey instruments as a proxy for dietary intake.  相似文献   

The Healthy Eating Index (HEI) is a measure of diet quality as specified by Federal dietary guidance, and publication of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 necessitated its revision. An interagency working group based the HEI-2005 on the food patterns found in MyPyramid. Diets that meet the least restrictive of the food-group recommendations, expressed on a per 1,000 calorie basis, receive maximum scores for the nine adequacy components of the index: total fruit (5 points), whole fruit (5 points), total vegetables (5 points), dark green and orange vegetables and legumes (5 points), total grains (5 points), whole grains (5 points), milk (10 points), meat and beans (10 points), and oils (10 points). Lesser amounts are prorated linearly. Population probability densities were examined when setting the standards for minimum and maximum scores for the three moderation components: saturated fat (10 points), sodium (10 points), and calories from solid fats, alcoholic beverages (ie, beer, wine, and distilled spirits), and added sugars (20 points). Calories from solid fats, alcoholic beverages, and added sugars is a proxy for the discretionary calorie allowance. The 2005 Dietary Guideline for saturated fat and the Adequate Intake and Tolerable Upper Intake Level for sodium, expressed per 1,000 calories, were used when setting the standards for those components. Intakes between the maximum and minimum standards are prorated. The HEI-2005 is a measure of diet quality as described by the key diet-related recommendations of the 2005 Dietary Guidelines. It has a variety of potential uses, including monitoring the diet quality of the US population and subpopulations, evaluation of interventions, and research.  相似文献   



The Healthy Eating Index (HEI), a measure of diet quality as specified by federal dietary guidance, was revised to conform to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005. The HEI has several components, the scores of which are totaled.


The validity and reliability of the HEI-2005 were evaluated.


Validity was assessed by answering four questions: Does the HEI-2005 1) give maximum scores to menus developed by experts; 2) distinguish between groups with known differences in diet quality—smokers and nonsmokers; 3) measure diet quality independently of energy intake, a proxy for diet quantity; and 4) have more than one underlying dimension? The relevant type of reliability, internal consistency, was also assessed.


Twenty-four−hour recalls from 8,650 participants, aged 2 years and older, in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2001-2002 were analyzed to answer questions 2 to 4. Results were weighted to consider sample design and nonresponse.

Statistical analyses

T tests determined differences in scores between smokers and nonsmokers. Pearson correlation coefficients determined the relationship between energy intake and scores. Principal components analysis determined the number of factors that comprise the HEI-2005. Cronbach's coefficient α tested internal consistency.


HEI-2005 scores are at or very near the maximum levels for all sets of exemplary menus with one exception; the Harvard menus scored low on the milk component because these menus intentionally include only small amounts of milk products. Nine of 12 component scores were lower for smokers than nonsmokers. The correlations of component scores were virtually independent of energy intake (< ∣.22∣). Multiple factors underlie the HEI-2005. Coefficient α was .43. The α value for all tests was .01.


The HEI-2005 is a valid measure of diet quality. Potential uses include population monitoring, evaluation of interventions, and research. The individual component scores provide essential information in addition to that provided by the total score.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the British Nutrition Foundation's Healthy Eating Week in 2017. Included is a summary of resources developed, interaction with schools, universities and workplaces and the results of the pupil survey. Evaluation of the Week is also described, along with details for future plans.  相似文献   

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