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Esaki K Hamaoka T Rådegran G Boushel R Hansen J Katsumura T Haga S Mizuno M 《European journal of applied physiology》2005,95(4):361-370
It is not clear whether muscle oxygenation (O2-NIRS) measured by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) correlates with femoral venous SO2 (Sfvo2) during normoxic exercise. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare physiologically calibrated O2-NIRS with Sfvo2 in subjects performing one-legged dynamic knee extension exercise (1L-KEE). Five healthy male subjects (age 25±2 year, height
177.8±4.8 cm, body weight 67.1 ± 5.0 kg; mean ± SD) performed 1L-KEE at 20, 40, and 60% of peak work rate (WR-peak) each for
4 min. Sfvo2 was measured at rest and during the 3rd minute of each work rate. O2-NIRS was continuously monitored in a proximal region of the vastus lateralis (VL-p), a distal region of VL (VL-d), and a proximal
region of the rectus femoris (RF-p). Sfvo2 was 56.0% at rest and decreased to 36.6 at 20% WR-peak, 35.8 at 40% WR-peak, and 31.1 at 60% WR-peak. There was a significant
correlation between O2-NIRS and Sfvo2(VL-p: r
2 = 0.62, VL-d: r
2 = 0.35, RF-p: r
2 = 0.62, with a moderate variation among individuals at each site; residual values = 4.83 – 11.75). These data indicate that
NIRS measurement provides a reflection of Sfvo2 during 20–60% WR-peak of normoxic 1L-KEE. 相似文献
Summary Leg blood flow was studied with the constant infusion dye technique during static exercise of the thigh muscles (quadriceps) and during hand-grips at 15 and 25–30% of MVC.Blood flow and oxygen uptake in the leg increased in quadriceps exercise and reached their highest values (around 1.2 l/min and 165 ml/min respectively) at 25–30% of MVC, whereas leg vascular resistance decreased. Regional circulatory adaptations and the oxygen uptake — leg blood flow relationship were in close agreement with the responses found in dynamic leg exercise. In view of the marked rise in intramuscular pressure previously observed during quadriceps contractions, a restriction of blood flow and an increased vascular resistance had been expected. Involuntary activation of leg muscles other than the quadriceps may explain the finding.Contractions of the contralateral quadriceps induced a slight increase in leg blood flow, whereas hand-grips had no influence on blood flow or vascular resistance in the leg. The distribution of the cardiac output during static contractions is discussed, and it is concluded that during hand-grips the increase in blood flow is predominantly distributed to the upper part of the body. 相似文献
Changes in muscle oxygenation during weight-lifting exercise 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Tetsuro Tamaki Shuichi Uchiyama Tomomi Tamura Shoichi Nakano 《European journal of applied physiology》1994,68(6):465-469
The quantitative analysis of haemoglobin oxygenation of contracting human muscle during weight-lifting exercise was studied noninvasively and directly using near-infrared spectroscopy. This method was developed as a three-wavelength method which confirmed the volume changes in oxygenated haemoglobin (oxy-Hb), deoxygenated haemoglobin (deoxy-Hb) and blood volume (total-Hb; Oxy-Hb + deoxy-Hb). Nine healthy adult men with various levels of training experience took part in the study. Ten repetition maximum (10 RM) one-arm curl exercise was performed by all the subjects. Results showed that at the beginning of the 10-RM exercise, rapid increases of deoxy-Hb and decreases of oxy-Hb were observed. In addition, total-Hb gradually increased during exercise. These results corresponded to the condition of arm blood flow experimentally restricted using a tourniquet in contact with the shoulder joint, and they showed the restriction of venous blood flow and an anoxic state occurring in the dynamically contracted muscle. In three sets of lifting exercise with short rest periods, these tendencies were accelerated in each set, while total-Hb volume did not return to the resting state after the third set for more than 90 s. These results would suggest that a training regimen emphasizing a moderately high load and a high number of repetitions, and a serial set with short rest periods such as usually performed by bodybuilders, caused a relatively long-term anoxic state in the muscle. 相似文献
Summary During exercise in a hot environment, blood flow in the exercising muscles may be reduced in favour of the cutaneous circulation. The aim of our study was to examine whether an acute heat exposure (65–70°C) in sauna conditions reduces the blood flow in forearm muscles during handgrip exercise in comparison to tests at thermoneutrality (25° C). Nine healthy men performed dynamic handgrip exercise of the right hand by rhythmically squeezing a water-filled rubber tube at 13% (light), and at 34% (moderate) of maximal voluntary contraction. The left arm served as a control. The muscle blood flow was estimated as the difference in plethysmographic blood flow between the exercising and the control forearm. Skin blood flow was estimated by laser Doppler flowmetry in both forearms. Oesophageal temperature averaged 36.92 (SEM 0.08) ° C at thermo-neutrality, and 37.74 (SEM 0.07) ° C (P<0.01) at the end of the heat stress. The corresponding values for heart rate were 58 (SEM 2) and 99 (SEM 5) beats -min–1 (P<0.01), respectively. At 25° C, handgrip exercise increased blood flow in the exercising forearm above the control forarm by 6.0 (SEM 0.8) ml · 100 ml–1 · min–1 during light exercise, and by 17.9 (SEM 2.5) ml · 100 ml–1 · min–1 during moderate exercise. In the heat, the increases were significantly higher: 12.5 (SEM 2:2) ml · 100 ml–1 · min–1 at the light exercise level (P<0.01), and 32.2 (SEM 5.9) ml · 100 ml–1·min–1 (P<0.05) at the moderate exercise level. Skin blood flow was not significantly different in any of the test conditions between the two forearms. These results suggested that hyperthermia of the observed magnitude did not reduce blood flow in active muscles during light or moderate levels of dynamic handgrip exercise. 相似文献
To elevate effects of carbon dioxide (CO2) retention by way of an increased respiratory load during submaximal exercise (150 W), the concentration changes of oxy‐ (ΔHbO2) and deoxy‐haemoglobin (ΔHb) of active muscles and the brain were determined by near‐infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in eight healthy males. During exercise, pulmonary ventilation increased to 33 (28–40) L min–1 (median with range) with no effect of a moderate breathing resistance (reduction of the pneumotach diameter from 30 to 14 and 10 mm). The end‐tidal CO2 pressure (PETCO 2) increased from 45 (42–48) to 48 (46–58) mmHg with a reduction of only 1% in the arterial haemoglobin O2 saturation (SaO 2). During control exercise (normal breathing resistance), muscle and brain ΔHbO2 were not different from the resting levels, and only the leg muscle ΔHb increased (4 (–2–10) μM , P < 0.05). Moderate resistive breathing increased ΔHbO2 of the intercostal and vastus lateralis muscles to 6 ± (–5–14) and 1 (–7–9) μM (P < 0.05), respectively, while muscle ΔHb was not affected. Cerebral ΔHbO2 and ΔHb became elevated to 6 (1–15) and 1 (–1–6) μM by resistive breathing (P < 0.05). Resistive breathing caused an increased concentration of oxygenated haemoglobin in active muscles and in the brain. The results indicate that CO2 influences blood flow to active skeletal muscle although its effect appears to be smaller than for the brain. 相似文献
P. Rasmussen L. Nybo S. Volianitis K. Møller N. H. Secher A. Gjedde 《Acta physiologica (Oxford, England)》2010,199(1):63-70
Aim: Cerebral mitochondrial oxygen tension (PmitoO2) is elevated during moderate exercise, while it is reduced when exercise becomes strenuous, reflecting an elevated cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen (CMRO2) combined with hyperventilation-induced attenuation of cerebral blood flow (CBF). Heat stress challenges exercise capacity as expressed by increased rating of perceived exertion (RPE). Methods: This study evaluated the effect of heat stress during exercise on PmitoO2 calculated based on a Kety-Schmidt-determined CBF and the arterial-to-jugular venous oxygen differences in eight males [27 ± 6 years (mean ± SD) and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) 63 ± 6 mL kg−1 min−1]. Results: The CBF, CMRO2 and PmitoO2 remained stable during 1 h of moderate cycling (170 ± 11 W, ∼50% of VO2max, RPE 9–12) in normothermia (core temperature of 37.8 ± 0.4 °C). In contrast, when hyperthermia was provoked by dressing the subjects in watertight clothing during exercise (core temperature 39.5 ± 0.2 °C), PmitoO2 declined by 4.8 ± 3.8 mmHg (P < 0.05 compared to normothermia) because CMRO2 increased by 8 ± 7% at the same time as CBF was reduced by 15 ± 13% (P < 0.05). During exercise with heat stress, RPE increased to 19 (19–20; P < 0.05); the RPE correlated inversely with PmitoO2 (r2 = 0.42, P < 0.05). Conclusion: These data indicate that strenuous exercise in the heat lowers cerebral PmitoO2, and that exercise capacity in this condition may be dependent on maintained cerebral oxygenation. 相似文献
Toshikazu Kubo Tetsushi Minamitani Hiroyasu Nishikawa Yasusuke Hirasawa 《Pathophysiology》1998,4(4):303-308
Energy metabolism and contractility of rat’s femoral triceps muscles were investigated by varying blood flow levels with ligation of the femoral artery. The triceps were stimulated electrically to produce equivalent conditions as exercise loading, and phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance (31P-NMR) spectra and muscle tension levels were monitored. The ratio of inorganic phosphate (Pi) to ‘Pi+phosphocreatine (PCr)’, i.e. Pi/(Pi+PCr), was obtained from 31P-NMR spectra. This ratio was related to the reduction of blood flow ratio (BFR) during and after the stimulation period, whereas before starting the stimulation, there was no significant correlation. These findings indicate: (i) muscle energy metabolism during decreased blood flow is influenced by the stimulation (loading) given to the muscle; and (ii) changes of muscle energy metabolism due to decreased muscle blood flow during the loading is evaluable by measuring 31P-NMR spectra. Muscle tension reached the plateau 8 min after starting the stimulation, regardless of BFR, but muscle tension ratio decreased as BFR became lower. This indicates that decreased blood flow diminishes muscle contractility, and then lowers muscle function levels. Our findings indicate that muscle blood flow plays an important role in muscle function, and blood flow and muscle function levels are evaluable by measuring 31P-NMR spectra of the muscle. 相似文献
Gisela Sjøgaard Gabrielle Savard Carsten Juel 《European journal of applied physiology》1988,57(3):327-335
Summary The effect of isometric exercise on blood flow, blood pressure, intramuscular pressure as well as lactate and potassium efflux from exercising muscle was examined. The contractions performed were continuous or intermittent (5 s on, 5 s off) and varied between 5% and 50% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). A knee-extensor and a hand-grip protocol were used. Evidence is presented that blood flow through the muscle is sufficient during low-level sustained contractions (<10% MVC). Despite this muscle fatigue occurs during prolonged contractions. One mechanism for this fatigue may be the disturbance of the potassium homeostasis. Such changes may also play a role in the development of fatigue during intermittent isometric contractions and even more so in the recovery from such exercise. In addition the role of impaired transport of substances within the muscle, due to longlasting daily oedema formation, is discussed in relation to fatigue in highly repetitive, monotonous jobs. 相似文献
Torricelli A Quaresima V Pifferi A Biscotti G Spinelli L Taroni P Ferrari M Cubeddu R 《Physics in medicine and biology》2004,49(5):685-699
A compact and fast multi-channel time-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy system for tissue oximetry was developed. It employs semiconductor laser and fibre optics for delivery of optical signals. Photons are collected by eight 1 mm fibres and detected by a multianode photomultiplier. A time-correlated single photon counting board is used for the parallel acquisition of time-resolved reflectance curves. Estimate of the reduced scattering coefficient is achieved by fitting with a standard model of diffusion theory, while the modified Lambert-Beer law is used to assess the absorption coefficient. In vivo measurements were performed on five healthy volunteers to monitor spatial changes in calf muscle (medial and lateral gastrocnemius; MG, LG) oxygen saturation (SmO2) and total haemoglobin concentration (tHb) during dynamic plantar flexion exercise performed at 50% of the maximal voluntary contraction. At rest SmO2 was 73.0 +/- 0.9 and 70.5 +/- 1.7% in MG and LG, respectively (P = 0.045). At the end of the exercise, SmO2 decreased (69.1 +/- 1.8 and 63.8 +/- 2.1% in MG and LG, respectively; P < 0.01). The LG desaturation was greater than the MG desaturation (P < 0.02). These results strengthen the role of time-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy as a powerful tool for investigating the spatial and temporal features of muscle SmO2 and tHb. 相似文献
We tested the hypothesis that pharmacological reduction of the increase in cardiac output during dynamic exercise with a large muscle mass would influence the cerebral blood velocity/perfusion. We studied the relationship between changes in cerebral blood velocity (transcranial Doppler), rectus femoris blood oxygenation (near-infrared spectroscopy) and systemic blood flow (cardiac output from model flow analysis of the arterial pressure wave) as induced by dynamic exercise of large (cycling) vs. small muscle groups (rhythmic handgrip) before and after cardioselective β1 adrenergic blockade (0.15 mg kg?1 metoprolol i.v.). During rhythmic handgrip, the increments in systemic haemodynamic variables as in middle cerebral artery mean blood velocity were not influenced significantly by metoprolol. In contrast, during cycling (e.g. 113 W), metoprolol reduced the increase in cardiac output (222 ± 13 vs. 260 ± 16%), heart rate (114 ± 3 vs. 135 ± 7 beats min?1) and mean arterial pressure (103 ± 3 vs.112 ± 4 mmHg), and the increase in cerebral artery mean blood velocity also became lower (from 59 ± 3 to 66 ± 3 vs. 60 ± 2 to 72 ± 3 cm s?1; P < 0.05). Likewise, during cycling with metoprolol, oxyhaemoglobin in the rectus femoris muscle became reduced (compared to rest; ?4.8 ± 1.8 vs. 1.2 ± 1.7 μmol L?1, P < 0.05). Neither during rhythmic handgrip nor during cycling was the arterial carbon dioxide tension affected significantly by metoprolol. The results suggest that as for the muscle blood flow, the cerebral circulation is also affected by a reduced cardiac output during exercise with a large muscle mass. 相似文献
Leg blood flow, blood pressure and metabolic responses were evaluated in six men during incremental one-legged dynamic knee extension exercise tests (no load exercise - 40 W); one performed with voluntary contractions (VOL) and one with electrically induced contractions (EMS). Pulmonary oxygen uptake was the same in both exercise modes, but the ventilatory coefficient was 2–5 L per L O2 higher in EMS than VOL (P < 0.05). Heart rate and mean arterial pressure were slightly higher with EMS than VOL at all exercise intensities reaching 138 (EMS) and 126 bpm (VOL), as well as 148 (EMS) and 137 mmHg (VOL) at 40 W, respectively (P < 0.05). Leg blood flow, oxygen uptake and conductance were similar in the two exercise modes. At 40 W, mean muscle blood flow was close to 200 (range: 165–220) mL 100 g-1 min-1, mean peak muscle oxygen uptake reached 230 mL kg-1 min-1, and mean conductance became as high as around 45 mL min-1 mmHg-1, and normalized for muscle size and arterial pressure it approached 100 mL min-1 100 g-1 100 mmHg-1. Lactate and ammonia efflux from the leg were higher with EMS than with VOL and the difference became larger with increasing exercise intensity (P < 0.05). Muscle glucose uptake was the same in each exercise mode. Femoral venous K+ concentration increased with exercise intensity and was higher with EMS than with VOL, reaching 5.1 (EMS) and 4.7 mmol L-1 (VOL) at 40 W (P < 0.05). The study demonstrates that electrically induced dynamic exercise is associated with a marked cardiovascular response similar to voluntarily performed exercise and a more pronounced activation of the anaerobic metabolism of the muscle. Furthermore, as the electrically activated muscle group is well defined, the present results confirm that peak muscle blood flow can reach 200–250 mL 100 g-1 min-1. 相似文献
Ooue A Ichinose TK Inoue Y Nishiyasu T Koga S Kondo N 《European journal of applied physiology》2008,103(3):367-373
This study investigated changes in blood flow in the conduit artery, superficial vein, and deep vein of the upper arm during
increase in internal temperature due to leg cycling. Additionally, we sought to demonstrate the contributions of blood velocity
and vessel diameter on blood flow responses. Fourteen subjects performed supine cycling exercise at 60–69% maximal oxygen
uptake for 30 min at an ambient temperature of 28°C and relative humidity of 50%. Blood velocity and diameter in the brachial
artery, basilic vein (superficial vein), and brachial vein (deep vein) were measured using ultrasound Doppler, and blood flow
was calculated. Blood flow in the artery and superficial vein increased linearly with rising oesophageal temperature (ΔT
oes) after ΔT
oes was about 0.3°C (within threshold), as well as cutaneous vascular conductance on the forearm. Changes in blood velocity in
these vessels were similar to those in blood flow. Conversely, the brachial artery and superficial vein diameter did not affect
the blood flow response. Blood flow variables in the deep vein did not change remarkably with rising ΔT
oes. These results suggest that blood flow response, by an increase in velocity, in the conduit artery with rising ΔT
oes during exercise is similar to that in the superficial vein, but not deep vein. Also, it is indicated that these increases
in blood flow relate to the increase in skin blood flow on the forearm with the rise in body temperature during exercise. 相似文献
G. Lundberg P. Olofsson U. Ungerstedt E. Jansson C. J. Sundberg 《Pflügers Archiv : European journal of physiology》2002,443(3):458-465
The intramuscular microdialysate lactate concentration during dynamic exercise with various degrees of blood flow restriction and its relation to lactate concentration in skeletal muscle biopsy and venous blood were studied. Nine healthy males performed three one-legged knee extension exercises (Ex 1–3). Blood flow was restricted stepwise by applying supra-atmospheric pressure over the working leg. Microdialysate mean (range) lactate concentrations at the end of the exercise periods were 3.2 (0.5–6.6), 4.4 (1.1–9.8) and 7.9 (1.1–11.6) mmol·l–1 during unrestricted, moderately restricted and severely restricted blood flow respectively. There was a significant correlation between microdialysate and venous lactate concentrations at the end of all three exercise periods. Microdialysate lactate concentration correlated significantly to skeletal muscle biopsy lactate concentration at the end of Ex 1. In conclusion, microdialysate lactate concentration in the working muscle increased step-wise with increasing blood flow restriction. It showed a better correlation to venous than to muscle biopsy lactate, which is possibly partly explained by the characteristics of diffusion between body compartments and differences in time resolution between the methods used.An erratum to this article can be found at 相似文献
B. SALTIN G. RDEGRAN M. D. KOSKOLOU R. C. ROACH 《Acta physiologica (Oxford, England)》1998,162(3):421-436
Regional limb blood flow has been measured with dilution techniques (cardio-green or thermodilution) and ultrasound Doppler. When applied to the femoral artery and vein at rest and during dynamical exercise these methods give similar reproducible results. The blood flow in the femoral artery is ~0.3 L min?1 at rest and increases linearly with dynamical knee-extensor exercise as a function of the power output to 6–10 L min?1 (Q = 1.94 + 0.07 load). Considering the size of the knee-extensor muscles, perfusion during peak effort may amount to 2–3 L kg?1 min?1, i.e. ~100-fold elevation from rest. The onset of hyperaemia is very fast at the start of exercise with T½ of 2–10 s related to the power output with the muscle pump bringing about the very first increase in blood flow. A steady level is reached within ~10–150 s of exercise. At all exercise intensities the blood flow fluctuates primarily due to the variation in intramuscular pressure, resulting in a phase shift with the pulse pressure as a superimposed minor influence. Among the many vasoactive compounds likely to contribute to the vasodilation after the first contraction adenosine is a primary candidate as it can be demonstrated to (1) cause a change in limb blood flow when infused i.a., that is similar in time and magnitude as observed in exercise, and (2) become elevated in the interstitial space (microdialysis technique) during exercise to levels inducing vasodilation. NO appears less likely since NOS blockade with L -NMMA causing a reduced blood flow at rest and during recovery, it has no effect during exercise. Muscle contraction causes with some delay (60 s) an elevation in muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA), related to the exercise intensity. The compounds produced in the contracting muscle activating the group III–IV sensory nerves (the muscle reflex) are unknown. In small muscle group exercise an elevation in MSNA may not cause vasoconstriction (functional sympatholysis). The mechanism for functional sympatholysis is still unknown. However, when engaging a large fraction of the muscle mass more intensely during exercise, the MSNA has an important functional role in maintaining blood pressure by limiting blood flow also to exercising muscles. 相似文献
During exercise, as end-tidal carbon dioxide (PETCO2) drops after the respiratory compensation point (RCP), so does cerebral blood flow velocity (CBFv) and cerebral oxygenation. This low-flow, low-oxygenation state may limit work capacity. We hypothesized that by preventing the fall in PETCO2 at peak work capacity (Wmax) with a newly designed high-flow, low-resistance rebreathing circuit, we would improve CBFv, cerebral oxygenation, and Wmax. Ten cyclists performed two incremental exercise tests, one as control and one with PETCO2 constant (clamped) after the RCP. We analyzed , middle cerebral artery CBFv, cerebral oxygenation, and cardiopulmonary measures. At Wmax, when we clamped PETCO2 (39.7 ± 5.2 mmHg vs. 29.6 ± 4.7 mmHg, P < 0.001), CBFv increased (92.6 ± 15.9 cm/s vs. 73.6 ± 12.5 cm/s, P < 0.001). However, cerebral oxygenation was unchanged (ΔTSI −21.3 ± 13.1% vs. −24.3 ± 8.1%, P = 0.33), and Wmax decreased (380.9 ± 20.4 W vs. 405.7 ± 26.8 W, P < 0.001). At Wmax, clamping PETCO2 increases CBFv, but this does not appear to improve Wmax. 相似文献
The role of β-adrenoceptors in exercise-induced muscle hyperaemia was investigated. Exercise was performed with a small and a large muscle mass: knee extension (KE) and bicycle exercise (BE). Seven healthy subjects performed light and maximal KE and eight subjects performed stepwise dynamic BE to exhaustion before and after acute i.v. administration of propranolol (0.15 mg kg-1). Leg blood flow was measured by a bolus dye dilution technique. During KE at low and high power leg blood flow was reduced by 8.7 and 10.5% after propranolol was administered, mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) was reduced at low, but not at high power resulting in increased leg vascular resistance (LVR) during high intensity. During BE propranolol reduced leg blood flow and increased LVR at low power, but not at high power. At high BE intensity LVR did not change with increasing power and was slightly decreased after propranolol was administered. In this situation oxygen uptake was close to maximum and the concentration of catecholamines was 3–5 times higher compared with KE. There was no significant effect of propranolol on lactate release or arterial-femoral venous (a-fv) differences for adrenaline or noradrenaline. We conclude that β-adrenoceptors modulate local vasodilation in skeletal muscles during exercise independently of local muscle energy demand, but that the effect is highly dependent on active muscle mass since a-adrenergic activity during maximal BE seemed to disguise any effect of propranolol on LVR. 相似文献
T. Nishiyasu R. Sone N. Tan T. Maekawa N. Kondo 《Acta physiologica (Oxford, England)》2001,173(3):287-295
This study was designed to examine the hypothesis that a rhythmic mechanical compression of muscles would affect systemic blood pressure regulation at rest and during dynamic exercise in humans. We measured the changes in mean arterial pressure (MAP) occurring (a) at rest with pulsed (350 ms pulses at 50 pulses min–1) or static compression (50 and 100 mmHg) of leg muscles with or without upper thigh occlusion, and (b) during 12‐min supine bicycle exercise (75 W, 50 r.p.m.) with or without pulsed compression (50, 100, 150 mmHg) of the legs in synchrony with the thigh extensor muscle contraction. At rest with thigh occlusion, MAP increased by 4–8 mmHg during static leg compression, and by 5–9 mmHg during pulsed leg compression. This suggests that at rest pulsed leg compression elicits a reflex pressor response of similar magnitude to that evoked by static compression. During dynamic exercise without leg compression, MAP (having risen initially) gradually declined, but imposition of graded pulsed leg compression prevented this decline, the MAP values being significantly higher than those recorded without pulsed leg compression by 7–10 mmHg. These results suggest that the rhythmic increase in intramuscular pressure that occurs during dynamic exercise evokes a pressor response in humans. 相似文献
Zheng-Lin Jiang Hisao Yamaguchi Akira Takahashi Shingo Tanabe Noboru Utsuyama Toshitaka Ikehara Keiko Hosokawa Hiroyuki Tanaka Yohsuke Kinouchi Hiroshi Miyamoto 《European journal of applied physiology》1995,70(3):234-239
Cerebral blood volume flow and flow velocity have been reported to increase during dynamic exercise, but whether the two increase in parallel and whether both increases occur as functions of exercise intensity remain unsettled. In this study, blood flow velocity in the common carotid artery was measured using the Doppler ultrasound method in eight healthy male students during graded treadmill exercise. The exercise consisted of stepwise progressive increases and decreases in exercise intensity. The peak intensity corresponded to approximately 85% of maximal oxygen consumption. During this exercise, the heart rate (f
c), mean blood pressure (BP) in the brachial artery and mean blood flow velocity (cc) in the common carotid artery increased as functions of exercise intensity. At the peak exercise intensity, (f
c), BP and cc increased by 134.5%, 20.5% and 51.8% over the control levels before exercise (P < 0.01), respectively. The resistance index (RI) and pulsatility index (PI) were determined from the velocity profile and were expected to reflect the distal cerebral blood flow resistance. The RI and PI increased during the graded exercise, but tended to decrease at the highest levels of exercise intensity. As cc increased with increases in exercise intensity it would be expected that cerebral blood flow would also increase at these higher intensities. It is also suggested that blood flow velocity in the cerebral artery does not proportionately reflect the cerebral blood flow during dynamic exercise, since the cerebral blood flow resistance changes. 相似文献
During the application of a wide range of graded lower body pressures (LBP) (–50 to 50 mmHg), we examined how (1) the tissue oxygenation in the lower and upper parts of the body changes at rest, and (2) how tissue oxygenation changes in the lower extremities during dynamical leg exercise. We used near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to measure the changes induced by LBP in total Hb content and Hb oxygenation in seven subjects. At rest, total Hb increased and Hb oxygenation decreased in the thigh muscles during –25 and –50 mmHg LBP, while both decreased during +25 and +50 mmHg LBP. However, in the forearm muscles during graded LBP, the pattern of change in total Hb was the reverse of that in the thigh. Measurements from the forehead showed changes only during +50 mmHg LBP. These results demonstrated that the pattern of change in total Hb and Hb oxygenation differed between upper and lower parts with graded LBP at rest. During dynamical leg exercise, total Hb and Hb oxygenation in the thigh muscles decreased during stepwise increases in LBP above –25 mmHg, Hb oxygenation decreasing markedly during +50 mmHg LBP. These results suggest that during dynamical exercise (i) LBP at +25 mmHg or more causes a graded decline in blood volume and/or flow in the thigh muscles, and (ii) especially at +50 mmHg LBP, the O2 content may decrease markedly in active muscles. Our results suggest that NIRS can be used to monitor in a non-invasive and continuous fashion the changes in oxygenation occurring in human skeletal muscles and head during the graded changes in blood flow and/or volume caused by changes in external pressure and secondary reflexes both at rest and during dynamical exercise. 相似文献