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Adrenocorticotroph cell pituitary adenomas immunoreactive for adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) but unassociated with preoperative signs of hypercortisolism constitute between 6% and 43% of all ACTH adenomas. Few large series have been published. At our referral center for pituitary diseases, we have encountered 12 patients with silent ACTH adenomas, none of whom exhibited definite clinical features of hypercortisolism preoperatively. Two patients presented with apoplexy, and in 2 patients preoperative neuroimaging studies mimicked craniopharyngioma. Pathological examination revealed 8 adenomas with variably basophilic cytoplasm (type I, including 1 each with coarse basophilic granules and Crooke's hyaline change) and 4 with predominantly chromophobic cytoplasm (type II). Diffuse versus patchy (30% to 50% of cells) immunostaining best distinguished these 2 types; calcitonin staining was focal or negative in both. Two patients had unexpected postoperative courses consistent with acute cortisol insufficiency; 1 patient suffered from a severe flu-like illness, and the other had dizziness and was found to have a serum cortisol level of < 1.0 microg/dL. Both patients improved after cortisol replacement followed by a slow taper. Another patient developed 2 separate pituitary adenomas, a silent ACTH adenoma followed by a pure prolactinoma resected months later. Clonality studies demonstrated that the 2 tumors had arisen from different clonal populations. These cases offer additional insights into clinical, neuroimaging, histological, and biological features of silent ACTH adenomas. Because 2 of these patients seemed to require postoperative cortisol supplementation that otherwise would not have been given, clinicians should be notified about ACTH immunostaining in adenomas from patients without preoperative diagnoses of Cushing's disease, to optimize postoperative care.  相似文献   

24 cases of growth hormone(GH)-producing pituitary adenomas were studied with electron microscopy and immunoelectron microscopy by protein A-gold complex, 6 cases were identified as densely granulated GH adenoma and 15 cases as sparsely granulated GH adenoma, among which 4 cases were proved by immunoelectron microscopy to be containing granules with prolactin(PRL) activity simultaneously. Intracytoplasmic fibrous bodies were often seen in the sparsely granulated cells anyhow, not all those cells with fibrous bodies possess the secretory granules with GH activity, and fibrous bodies were also detected in some PRL cells of certain mixed type adenoma. This suggests that fibrous bodies might not be the specific morphological feature of pituitary growth hormone cell adenomas.  相似文献   

Silent corticotroph adenomas (SCA) are rare pituitary tumors with histologic hallmarks of corticotroph differentiation, including ACTH immunoreactivity, but lacking clinical evidence of Cushing's syndrome. We report on four female patients, aged 19-66 years, each presenting with a nonfunctional macroadenoma. Leading symptoms were headache in two cases and visual field deficits in one. One patient was incidentally diagnosed while undergoing cranial MRI for an unrelated condition. Three patients had marked obesity; none of them presented constitutional signs of Cushing's syndrome. Serum cortisol levels were moderately elevated in the two patients systematically tested in this respect. Marginal to moderate hyperprolactinemia was present in two cases. Two patients also were shown to be deficient in either gonadotroph or thyrotroph axis, while a third had a combined insufficiency of both gonadotroph and thyrotroph axis. MRI scans revealed intratumoral hemorrhage and/or cystic change in three cases, as well as tumor-related occlusive hydrocephalus in one. The latter patient was biopsied only, while the remaining underwent gross total resection. Histologically, all four lesions were diagnosed as SCA subtype I displaying intense immunoreactivity for ACTH. In three tumors, scattered cells coexpressed PRL as well. In addition, Crooke's hyaline change was noted in a significant number of tumor cells and in residual non-neoplastic corticotrophs in one case each. With MIB-1 labeling indices of 1-3%, none of the tumors qualified as atypical adenoma. We conclude that SCAs are more likely to be discovered as expansile tumors, whose advanced local space-occupying character at surgery rather than an inherently aggressive growth potential may negatively influence the clinical outcome. Subtle morphologic evidence of corticotroph suppression in residual pituitary adjacent to tumor lends further support to literature data indicating minimal or intermittent functional activity in this tumor type.  相似文献   

Thec-erbB-2 proto-oncogene encodes a 190-kD putative membrane receptor that shows considerable homology to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor.c-erbB-2 is overexpressed in many human tumors but has not previously been studied in pituitary tumors. In the normal pituitary gland, EGF is believed to play a regulatory role, but EGF receptors were found to be absent in a study of 22 pituitary adenomas. In the present study, 32 human pituitary adenomas and 7 samples of normal human pituitary were stained for thec-erbB-2 oncoprotein. All were negative for membrane staining, which suggests that amplification of thec-erbB-2 oncogene is not important in the etiology and progression of human pituitary adenomas.  相似文献   

The author presents data on morphology and clinical features of basal-cell adenomas of the salivary gland (10 cases). Singling out this neoplasm into independent onconosological group seems reasonable since basal-cell adenoma not infrequently is erroneously diagnosed as cylindroma or mixed tumour of the salivary gland, which may lead to a wrong clinical prognosis and inadequate therapeutic measures. The clinical course of this tumour is benign. The main morphological feature of the tumour is a monomorphic character of cell elements, their palisade-like distribution over the periphery of individual tumour structures and a clear-cut delimination of the parenchyma from the stroma.  相似文献   

Summary The possible relationship between the preoperative plasma prolactin levels of patients having a sparsely granulated prolactin cell adenoma of the pituitary gland and the morphology of the tumors was studied by means of quantitative electron microscopy. To this end, a number of ultrastructural variables were chosen which are generally regarded to be indicative of cellular activity and which could be determined in a quantitative or semiquantitative way. These variables were determined in 19 adenomas from 17 patients and plotted against the corresponding prolactin levels. It appeared that marked endocrine activity was associated with a small number of granules per cell, a high frequency of exocytosis, and a marked development of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Granule size and development of Golgi apparatus and lysosomes were not at all, or only poorly correlated with the plasma hormone levels. Finally, the number of mitochondria per cell showed a totally unexpected inverse correlation with endocrine activity. Due to the close mutual correlation existing between several of the variables investigated, combining them in a multivariate analysis did not significantly improve the correlation with the hormone level.  相似文献   

Prolactin (PRL) cell adenoma is the most common tumor type in the human pituitary. It accounts for 30% of surgically removed adenomas, while its prevalence is even higher (45%) among incidental pituitary tumors observed at autopsy. Most PRL cell adenomas are highly differentiated with a characteristic ultrastructure. Administration of bromocriptine, a dopaminergic agonist, evokes profound morphologic changes in responsive PRL cell adenomas, while it leaves the fine structure of unresponsive tumors unchanged. The importance of immunocytochemical and electron microscopic investigation of pituitary biopsies is emphasized as tumors with different cell derivation, biological behavior, and therapeutic responsiveness may mimic PRL cell adenomas clinically.  相似文献   

Clinically nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas are generally seen in middle-aged and older patients, and most of them may be gonadotropin-immunoreactive adenomas, that is, gonadotroph adenomas. Our aim was to clarify the relationships between the gonadotropin immunoreactivity, patient age, sex, and microscopic features in 68 gonadotroph adenomas with special reference to either gonadotropin-immunonegative or intensively immunopositive adenomas. There were 68 patients with gonadotroph adenomas (mean age 54.7 yr) in the study, including 39 men (mean age, 52.8 yr) and 29 women (mean age, 57.4 yr). The adenomas were diagnosed on the basis of immunoreactivity for gonadotropins (β-subunit of follicle-stimulating hormone: β-FSH; β-subunit of luteinizing hormone: β-LH; and the α-subunit of the pituitary glycoprotein hormone: α-SU) by the avidin-biotin peroxidase complex (ABC) method or by the characteristic histological feature of a perivascular or pseudorosette pattern, that is, the cells aligned polarity directed toward the capillaries. Fifty-four adenomas (79%) were positive for one or more gonadotropin subunits and β-FSH was the most common subunit encountered (47/68, 69%). In men β-FSH immunoreactivity was similar among all age groups, whereas in women, it was significantly less frequent in patients who were 50 yr or older, compared to younger patients. Gonadotropin-immunonegative adenomas were seen in 4 men (mean age, 46.8 yr) and 10 women (mean age, 61.5 yr). Among the 22 women aged 50 or over, β-FSH was negative in 12 tumors (55%), whereas in men of the same age group, it was negative in 3 of 26 tumors (12%). The reason for this reduced frequency is not clear, but the postmenopausal state and associated changes in the systemic endocrine state may play a role. Adenomas that were intensively positive for β-FSH showed an unusual morphology other than the characteristic perivascular pattern, regardless of the patients' age and sex; the tumor cells had abundant vacuolated cytoplasms and were arranged in a sheet-like pattern. Electron microscopically, these cells with abundant cytoplasm had well-developed Golgi complexes, suggesting an enhanced activity of gonadotropin synthesis, and these adenomas seem to be endocrinologically, if not clinically, functioning. The results indicate that gonadotroph adenomas may vary from functioning adenomas with intense immunoreactivity and unusual histology to immunonegative and less functioning adenomas, which are more frequent in women 50 yr or older.  相似文献   

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are chemopreventive for colorectal cancer. This effect is due in part to their ability to inhibit the inducible isoform of cyclooxygenase (COX-2). However, the cellular expression and role of COX-2 in the premalignant stages of colorectal tumourigenesis is unclear. COX-2 expression was assessed in 35 human colorectal adenomas and 38 sporadic invasive colorectal adenocarcinomas. Adenomas were classified as small (<5 mm in diameter), medium (5-10 mm), and large (>10 mm). All tissues were paraffin-embedded and formalin-fixed. COX-2 protein expression was determined using immunohistochemistry. COX-2 was detected in the epithelial cells in 35 of 38 carcinomas (92%) and in 8 of 8 (100%) lymph node metastases. All of the epithelial cells expressed COX-2 in 30 of 35 (86%) carcinomas and in 100% of the lymph node metastases. Twenty-three of 35 (66%) adenomas expressed COX-2 in the tumour epithelium. With an increase in the size of adenoma (<5 mm, 5-10 mm, >10 mm), there was an increase in (i) the proportion of adenomas with immunoreactive COX-2 in the epithelium (p = 0.036)-this was 38% in small adenomas and 82% in large adenomas; (ii) the extent of epithelial COX-2 staining within a given tumour (p = 0.003)-100% of epithelial cells were COX-2-positive in 15% of small adenomas and in 73% of large adenomas; and (iii) the intensity of epithelial COX-2 staining (p = 0.009)-strong COX-2 staining occurred in 8% of small adenomas and in 36% of large adenomas. COX-2 immunoreactivity was not detected in adjacent normal epithelium but was apparent in fibroblasts and inflammatory mononuclear cells of adjacent normal, adenoma, and carcinoma tissue. These results suggest that epithelial COX-2 activity is important for the growth and/or survival of adenomatous epithelial cells from an adenoma diameter of less than 5 mm and that there is a selective advantage for adenoma epithelial cells expressing higher levels of COX-2.  相似文献   

It remains unclear whether or not human intestinal spirochetosis (HIS) has any associated symptoms or lesions. In this study, we assessed the prevalence of HIS in sessile serrated adenomas/polyps (SSA/Ps) and their possible association.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of pituitary corticotroph adenoma relies on the demonstration of a loss of the normal feedback control of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) biosynthesis by cortisol. The marked variability in the degree of ACTH suppression by glucocorticoids in these tumors, however, greatly enhances the difficulty in distinguishing Cushing’s disease from other syndromes of glucocorticoid excess. To illustrate this variability, we describe the clinical, biochemical, and morphological characteristics of a pituitary corticotroph adenoma in a 63-year-old woman, who presented with symptoms of a sellar mass but did not initially have florid Cushing’s disease. Light and electron microscopy of the pituitary tumor showed a corticotroph adenoma with Crooke’s hyalinization of the tumor cells, characterized by the accumulation of keratin immunoreactive microfilaments similar to those observed in normal corticotrophs in the presence of excess glucocorticoids. This case illustrates an unusual clinical presentation that may be associated with pituitary corticotroph adenoma showing Crooke’s hyalinization.  相似文献   

An 11-month-old neutered female weimaraner was humanely destroyed 6 days after an acute onset of neurological signs. At necropsy examination the pituitary gland was replaced by a large neoplastic mass that compressed and infiltrated the overlying hypothalamus. Small nodules were detected in the spleen, kidneys and stomach. Adrenal, thyroid and parathyroid glands were normal in size. The primary pituitary mass, visceral nodules and microscopical metastases detected within the ventricles and leptomeninges of the brain comprised polygonal, chromophobic neoplastic cells, which labelled strongly for adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) on immunohistochemical examination. These findings, in the absence of clinical or pathological evidence of pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism, support a diagnosis of endocrinologically-inactive ('silent') pituitary corticotroph (ACTH-containing) carcinoma.  相似文献   

Seven cases of basal cell adenomas of the salivary gland were analyzed by immunohistochemical methods with a broad panel of routinely used antibodies. Histologically the epithelial elements were classified as tubuloglandular, trabecular and solid patterns. The authors' results indicated the following: 1) The duct lining cells of tubuloglandular and trabecular patterns have distinct epithelial features with cytokeratins (KL 1, PKK 1, *PKK 2 and PKK 3), alpha-one-antichymotrypsin (alpha 1-ACT), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and S-100 alpha subunit positivity. 2) The basaloid cells in the trabecular and solid patterns expressed two immunophenotypes: one had actin, neuron-specific enolase (NSE), S-100 protein and S-100 beta subunit patterns typical of myoepithelial cells in normal glands. The other basaloid cells had vimentin and S-100 protein patterns. The former cell type could be found in 4 of 7 cases and the latter was found in 7 cases. This represents a minor participation of the myoepithelial cells in the basal cell adenoma. 3) The basement membrane and stromal connective tissue around the neoplastic cells were positive for alpha-one-antitrypsin (alpha 1-AT). This antibody is a good marker in identifying the basement membrane-like material.  相似文献   

Although androgen receptors have been identified in normal gonadotroph and somatotroph cells of the pituitary, immunohistochemical studies have failed to reveal these receptors in pituitary adenomas so far. Using a monoclonal antibody to androgen receptor in our series of 60 adenomas of the gonadotroph cell complex (20 FSH/LH cell adenomas, 20 null cell adenomas, 20 oncocytic adenomas), only one null cell adenoma showed strong nuclear immunostaining. All the other antibodies were completely negative. The significance of this finding in correlation with clinical data is still unclear, although it may be associated with more rapid tumor growth. In paraadenomous tissue, some normal gonadotrophs expressed the androgen receptor.  相似文献   

Acidophilic pituitary adenomas commonly produce growth hormone (GH) or prolactin (PRL), according to studies employing immunohistochemical and ultrastructural methods. To examine this question, in situ hybridization with oligonucleotide probes was done on routinely processed tissues received in the pathology laboratory to analyze for the presence of GH and PRL messenger RNA (mRNA) in 4 normal pituitaries, 10 prolactinomas, and 16 GH-secreting adenomas. Most acidophilic cells in normal pituitaries expressed either GH or PRL hormone and the respective mRNAs, but GH mRNA and PRL hormone were also detected in some of the same cells. Patients with a clinical diagnosis of prolactinoma had cells with only PRL mRNA in their tumors, while most (14 of 16) patients with a clinical diagnosis of acromegaly or gigantism had both GH and PRL mRNAs in their tumors. The GH adenomas varied in these studies. In situ hybridization was helpful in characterizing the adenoma from a patient with acromegaly who had immunoreactive PRL, but no immunoreactive GH in the resected tumor; in situ hybridization analysis revealed mRNAs for both GH and PRL in the same tumor cells. Our findings indicate that pituitary adenomas from patients with acromegaly commonly express PRL mRNA. It is concluded that in situ hybridization provides new information about the clinical biology and the histopathologic classification of pituitary adenomas.  相似文献   

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