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We present a systematic revision and phylogenetic analysis of feather mites of the closely related genera Apexolichus Gaud et Atyeo, 1996 and Titanolichus Gaud et Atyeo, 1996 (Pterolichidae, Pterolichinae). New diagnoses for Apexolichus and Titanolichus and keys to all known species are provided. We redescribe all species of the genus Protolichus Mégnin et Trouessart, 1884, described by E. Trouessart over a century ago, and which have been transferred to these genera. Two new species are described: Apexolichus psephoti sp. nov. from Psephotus varius Clark A.H., 1910 (type host) and P. haematonotus (Gould, 1838); and Titanolichus triangulifer sp. nov. from Barnardius zonaris (Shaw, 1805) (type host) and Northiella haematogaster (Gould, 1838). New synonymies are proposed: Apexolichus splendens (Favette et Trouessart, 1904) syn. nov. is a junior synonym of A. velifer (Trouessart, 1899); A. distensis (Favette et Trouessart, 1904) syn. nov. is a junior synonym of A. affinis (Mégnin et Trouessart, 1884). Apexolichus platycerci (Mironov, Dabert et Proctor, 2003) comb. nov. is a new combination for this species, which was formerly placed in the genus Titanolichus. Phylogenetic analysis (MP) confirms the monophyly of the genera Apexolichus and Titanolichus. Both of these genera, together with the monotypic genus Sideroferus Gaud et Atyeo, 1996 (being a sister group of Titanolichus), form a clade within the Protolichus generic group and are restricted in their host associations to parrots of the tribe Platycercini (Psittacidae, Psittacinae), members of which occur in the Australia and Indo-Malayan region. Representatives of each genus are restricted to a particular genus or a few genera of Platycercini. Host associations of these genera are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Syringoplutarchusia, a new genus of the syringicolous feather mite family Syringobiidae (Pterolichoidea), is described based on a single new species, S. nordmanni sp. nov., collected from the feather quills of a museum specimen of the Black-winged Pratincole Glareola nordmanni Fischer, 1842 (Glareolidae). Absence of adanal discs and complete reduction of setae d and e on tarsi IV in males of the new genus is unique in this family. The highly elongated body shape of both sexes is most similar to the genera Plutarchusia Oudemans, 1904 and Paidoplutarchusia Dabert, 2003 but strong sclerotization of coxal fields and hypertrophied posterior legs with variously shaped apophyses resemble more advanced syringobiid mites, e.g. Syringobia Trouessart et Neumann, 1888. Syringoplutarchusia represents the first syringobiid from this host family. The taxonomic status of the new taxon is discussed.  相似文献   

Two new quill mite species parasitizing sunbirds (Nectariniidae) are described: Aulobia nectariniae sp. nov. from the Olive-backed Sunbird Cinnyris jugularis (L.), from the Black Sunbird Leptocoma sericea (Lesson), and Aulobia anthreptes sp. nov. from Plain-throated Sunbird Anthreptes malacensis. The family Nectariniidae is a new host group for syringophilid mites.  相似文献   

A new representative of the subfamily Analginae, Anhemialges mironovi sp. nov., collected from feathers of the Savi’s warbler Locustella luscinoides (Savi, 1824) (Passeriformes, Sylviidae) from the region of South Dobrudzha (Bulgaria), is described. This species is most similar to A. gaudi Mironov, 2009. The new species differs from A. gaudi by the following features in males: the incision in the interlobar membrane is longer, the gastral shield is split into two parts, and the hysteronotal shield bears a crescent-shaped subtegumental sclerotisation.  相似文献   

Moaciria moraveci sp. nov. (Nematoda, Heterakidae) from the large intestine of Hylophorbus cf. rufescens from Papua New Guinea is described. Moaciria moraveci sp. nov. represents the 9th species assigned to the genus and the 5th from the Australo-Papuan region. It is distinguished from congeners by the distribution pattern of the caudal papillae of the male, spicule length and vulvar position.  相似文献   

Maxvachonia ingens sp. nov. from the intestines of Litoria darlingtoni (Hylidae) from Papua New Guinea is described and illustrated. Maxvachonia ingens sp. nov. represents the 7th species assigned to the genus and the 5th from the Australo-Papuan Region. The new species differs from other species assigned to Maxvachonia by the position of the vulva in the female (the only species with a post-oesophageal position) and the spicule/gubernaculum ratio of the male (the only species with ratio greater than 1). Females of the new species are most similar to M. dimorpha and M. ewersi in that the posterior ends of these three species are rounded. These species are easily separated: M. ewersi possesses lateral alae, the other 2 do not; the posterior end of M. dimorpha terminates in a mucro, M. ingens sp. nov. lacks terminal ornamentation.  相似文献   

Calydiscoides limae sp. nov. is described from the nemipterid Pentapodus aureofasciatus Russell, 2001 caught along the barrier reef off New Caledonia, South Pacific. The new species is characterised by its male copulatory organ, with a distal blade and a lateral spur, and its female sclerotised organ, with a sphere and a thin tube. Its lamellodiscs always have 7 concentric lamellae, with the 3 internal lamellae complete and the 4 peripheral lamellae progressively less and less complete; measurements of the angles occupied by the lamellae in numerous specimens showed that the lamellodisc structure shows little variation among individuals.
Résumé   Calydiscoides limae sp. nov. est décrit du Nemipteridae Pentapodus aureofasciatus Russell, 2001 pêché le long du récifbarrière de Nouvelle-Calédonie, Pacifique Sud. La nouvelle espèce est caractérisée par son organe copulateur male, avec une lame distale et un éperon latéral, et par son organe sclérifié femelle, avec une sphère et un tube fin. Ses lamellodisques ont toujours 7 lamelles concentriques, avec les 3 lamelles internes complètes et les 4 lamelles périphériques progressivement de moins en moins complètes. La mesure des angles occupés par les lamelles chez de nombreux spécimens montre que la structure des lamellodisques est peu variable entre les individus.

Decorataria decorata (Cram, 1927) is redescribed on the basis of light-microscopy and SEM observations on specimens collected from the stomach of Podiceps cristatus and P. grisegena from Bulgaria. The SEM study revealed the presence of a porebearing field on each pseudolabium and a pair of spines (one dorsal and one ventral) situated between bases of the cordons. The deirids are spine-like and minute. The light-microscopy examination showed the presence of ornamentation situated under the dorsal surface of caudal alae. The occurrence of D. decorata in Bulgaria is a new geographical record.  相似文献   

Heligmosomoides vandegrifti sp. nov. (Nematoda, Heligmosomidae) is described from Peromyscus maniculatus (Rodentia, Cricetidae) from Pennsylvania, USA. It differs from its closest congener, H. douglasi, in the number of cuticular ridges (35 vs. 32 in male, 36 vs. 41 in female at mid-body), longer bursal rays 2 in relation to rays 3, and in having smaller spicules (635–740 μm long vs. 1 mm). It is proposed that both H. douglasi and H. vandegrifti sp. nov. are parasites of capture from species in North American arvicoline rodents.  相似文献   

Isospora cagasebi sp. nov. (Apicomplexa, Eimeriidae) is reported from a bananaquit, Coereba flaveola from Brazil. Oocysts are sub-spherical, 24.9 × 24.5 (23.0–26.1 × 22.6–25.4), with a smooth, bilayered wall ∼1.4 and mean L:W ratio 1.0; micropyle, oocyst residuum and polar granule are absent. Sporocysts are elongate ovoidal, 18.7 × 11.5 (17.6–19.4 × 10.4–12.3), with both Stieda and substieda bodies and mean L:W ratio 1.6; sporocyst residuum present and sporozoites each with 2 refractiles bodies.  相似文献   

Haemoproteus osea sp. nov. is described from the blood of Nectarinia osea, sunbird species, endemic to Israel and the Red Sea zone of Arabia. Infection was found only in one out of 44 birds, in Eilat, at the north end of Gulf of Aqaba; level of parasitaemia was 0.07%. Young gametocytes adhere alongside the nucleus. The gametocytes extend alongside the erythrocyte nucleus, filling the entire space to the erythrocyte envelope and only slightly impose over the tip of the erythrocyte nucleus. Mean nuclear displacement ratio is 0.75. H. osea differs from H. sequeirae Tendeiro, 1947 in having the microgametocyte cytoplasm blue staining, similarly to the macrogametocyte, rather than reddish white, and also in causing less evident displacement of the erythrocyte nucleus.  相似文献   

The dried flowers and buds of Sophora japonica are used as a medicinal herb in China, Japan and Korea to treat bleeding hemorrhoids and hematemesis. This article presents an overview of the effects of Sophora japonica on cerebral infarction based on literature searched from Medline, PubMed, Cochrane Library and the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI). Sophora japonica contains both anti-hemorrhagic and anti-hemostatic substances. Sophora japonica reduces cerebral infarction partly as a result of its anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory activities. Previous studies found that Sophora japonica reduced the size of cerebral infarction and neurological deficits and reduced microglial activation, interleukin-1β release and number of apoptotic cells in ischemia-reperfusion injured Sprague-Dawley rats. Further study is required to determine the relationship between Sophora japonica-mediated reduction in cerebral infarction size and the effects of Sophora japonica on platelet aggregation and cardiovascular function.  相似文献   

This report describes the development of in-house real-time PCR assays using minor groove binding probes for simultaneous detection of the Bacillus anthracis pag and cap genes, the Francisella tularensis 23 KDa gene, as well as the Yersinia pestis pla gene. The sensitivities of these assays were at least 1 fg, except for the assay targeting the Bacillus anthracis cap gene, which showed a sensitivity of 10 fg when total DNA was used as a template in a serial dilution. The clinical value of the Bacillus anthracis- and Francisella tularensis-specific assays was demonstrated by successful amplification of DNA from cases of cow anthrax and hare tularemia, respectively. No cross-reactivity between these species-specific assays or with 39 other bacterial species was noted. These assays may provide a rapid tool for the simultaneous detection and identification of the three category A bacterial species listed as biological threats by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  相似文献   

Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) was used to make a detailed study of chromosome pairing at metaphase I (MI) of meiosis in six F(1) hybrid plants of the allotetraploid Festuca pratensis x Lolium perenne (2n = 4x = 28; genomic constitution FpFpLpLp). The mean chromosome configurations for all hybrids analysed were 1.13 univalents + 11.51 bivalents + 0.32 trivalents + 0.72 quadrivalents, and the mean chiasma frequency was 21.96 per cell. GISH showed that pairing was predominantly intragenomic, with mean numbers of L. perenne (Lp/Lp) and F. pratensis (Fp/Fp) bivalents being virtually equal at 5.41 and 5.48 per cell, respectively. Intergenomic pairing between Lolium and Festuca chromosomes was observed in 33.3% of Lp/Fp bivalents (0.62 per cell), in 79.7% of trivalents - Lp/Lp/Fp and Lp/Fp/Fp (0.25 per cell), and in 98.4% of quadrivalents - Lp/Lp/Fp/Fp and Lp/Lp/Lp/Fp (0.71 per cell). About 4.0% of the total chromosome complement analysed remained as univalents, an average 0.68 Lp and 0.45 Fp univalents per cell. It is evident that in these hybrids there is opportunity for recombination to take place between the two component genomes, albeit at a low level, and this is discussed in the context of compromising the stability of Festulolium hybrid cultivars and accounting for the drift in the balance of the genomes over generations. We speculate that genotypic differences between hybrids could permit selection for pairing control, and that preferences for homologous versus homoeologous centromeres in their spindle attachments and movement to the poles at anaphase I could form the basis of a mechanism underlying genome drift.  相似文献   

A new species of a parasitic copepod, Acanthochondria helicoleni sp. nov. (Copepoda, Chondracanthidae), is described and illustrated from specimens collected within the branchial chambers of the rubio, Helicolenus lahillei Norman, 1937, from the Argentinean waters. The new species most closely resemble A. serrani Braicovich et Timi, 2009 collected in the same region, but differs in the general measurements and proportions of the body; primarily by the relative length of neck, shape of head, shape and size of genito-abdominal tagma and relative size of the trunk postero-lateral processes.  相似文献   

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