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Telepathology is the process of diagnostic histopathology performed on digital images viewed on a display screen rather than by conventional glass slide light microscopy. The technology of telepathology has radically improved over the past 5 years so that it is no longer the limiting factor in the diagnostic process. This review looks at the resources needed for dynamic and static telepathology, including image quality, computers and software interfaces, means of transmission and human resources. It critically analyses 32 published trials of telepathology, including some large prospective studies, in all areas of diagnostic histopathology including intraoperative frozen sections, routine and referral cases. New developments, including internet solutions and virtual microscopy, are described and there is analysis of the economics of telepathology within health care systems. The review concludes that all the necessary technology for telepathology is available, there is strong published evidence for a diagnostic accuracy comparable with glass slide diagnosis, in many contexts there is a clear-cut economic argument in favour of telepathology, and that the technique should now be integrated into mainstream diagnostic histopathology.  相似文献   

International telecytology can improve patient care by increasing access to regional and international expertise in cytopathology. The majority of international telecytology studies published to date have been based on static telepathology platforms. Overall concordance rates for these studies ranged from 71% to 93%. This is comparable to the concordance rates published for other studies comparing diagnoses made by digital still images to reference glass slides, which vary from 80% to 95%. Static telepathology systems are relatively cheap and easy to use, and have the potential to increase access to international experts in developing countries with limited resources. In contrast, resource‐rich academic and private medical centers can use whole slide digital imaging (WSI) for telecytology consultation, though few studies have been published addressing this topic. International telepathology consultation services with digital whole slide image capabilities have been established at several academic medical centers including the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) and the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), through the UCLA Center for Telepathology and Digital Pathology. In a small series of 20 telecytology cases submitted to UCLA from 2014 to 2017 (10 gynecologic and 10 fine needle aspiration cases), a meaningful diagnosis was rendered for 100% of cases, with 100% concordance between the submitting institution, versus consultation diagnosis provided by UCLA. These limited results are promising, and in the future both WSI and static telecytology consultation may have a place serving clinical needs in different practice settings.  相似文献   

 虚拟显微镜技术应用于形态学教学能显著提高教学和学习的效率,与显微数码互动系统联合应用优势互补;临床主要应用于病理远程会诊、切片存档,是一项重要的辅助技术。随着虚拟显微镜技术的发展与完善,虚拟显微镜技术将普及应用,推动病理技术和病理诊断的不断发展。  相似文献   

Whole slide imaging (WSI) has been used in conjunction with virtual microscopy (VM) for training or proficiency testing purposes, multicentre research, remote frozen section diagnosis and to seek specialist second opinion in a number of organ systems. The feasibility of using WSI/VM for routine surgical pathology reporting has also been explored. In this review, we discuss the utility and limitations of WSI/VM technology in the histological assessment of specimens from the prostate. Features of WSI/VM that are particularly well suited to assessment of prostate pathology include the ability to examine images at different magnifications as well as to view histology and immunohistochemistry side-by-side on the screen. Use of WSI/VM would also solve the difficulty in obtaining multiple identical copies of small lesions in prostate biopsies for teaching and proficiency testing. It would also permit annotation of the virtual slides, and has been used in a study of inter-observer variation of Gleason grading to facilitate precise identification of the foci on which grading decisions had been based. However, the large number of sections examined from each set of prostate biopsies would greatly increase time required for scanning as well as the size of the digital file, and would also be an issue if digital archiving of prostate biopsies is contemplated. Z-scanning of glass slides, a process that increases scanning time and file size would be required to permit focusing a virtual slide up and down to assess subtle nuclear features such as nucleolar prominence. The common use of large blocks to process prostatectomy specimens would also be an issue, as few currently available scanners can scan such blocks. A major component of proficiency testing of prostate biopsy assessment involves screening of the cores to detect small atypical foci. However, screening virtual slides of wavy fragmented prostate cores using a computer mouse aided by an overview image is very different from screening glass slides using a microscope stage. Hence, it may be more appropriate in this setting to mark the lesional area and focus only on the interpretation component of competency testing. Other issues limiting the use of digital pathology in prostate pathology include the cost of high quality slide scanners for WSI and high resolution monitors for VM as well as the requirement for fast Internet connection as even a subtle delay in presentation of images on the screen may be very disturbing for a pathologist used to the rapid viewing of glass slides under a microscope. However, these problems are likely to be overcome by technological advances in the future.  相似文献   

Developments in telepathology robotic systems have evolved the concept of a 'virtual microscope' handling 'digital slides'. Slide digitization is a method of archiving salient histological features in numerical (digital) form. The value and potential of this have begun to be recognized by several international centres. Automated complete slide digitization has application at all levels of clinical practice and will benefit undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing education. Unfortunately, as the volume of potential data on a histological slide represents a significant problem in terms of digitization, storage, and subsequent manipulation, the reality of virtual microscopy to date has comprised limited views at inadequate resolution. This paper outlines a system refined in the authors' laboratory, which employs a combination of enhanced hardware, image capture, and processing techniques designed for telepathology. The system is able to scan an entire slide at high magnification and create a library of such slides that may exist on an internet server or be distributed on removable media (such as CD-ROM or DVD). A digital slide allows image data manipulation at a level not possible with conventional light microscopy. Combinations of multiple users, multiple magnifications, annotations, and addition of ancillary textual and visual data are now possible. This demonstrates that with increased sophistication, the applications of telepathology technology need not be confined to second opinion, but can be extended on a wider front.  相似文献   

More and more departments are implementing a digital workflow. This overview is intended to provide a high-level rational management approach to navigating some of the major issues that one is likely to encounter. Key stake holder engagement from the main domains: hospital administration, IT and laboratory management and leadership is essential. A business case taking into account local needs is the first step. The impact of a “disruptive” technology on working habits and work flow needs to be assessed and changes need to be resourced and catered for. Choice of scanner and software depends on local needs and also ability for seamless integration in the laboratory information system. Service contracts and redundancy in the eventuality of scanner failure/breakdown is critical and needs to be planned for. Pathologist management should be phased with formal validation and monitoring.  相似文献   

Technological advances in whole slide imaging (WSI) technology and artificial intelligence (AI) applications in recent years have resulted in increasing adoption of this paradigm shift technology. This brings with it many advantages, new challenges, and potential adaptations to the microscopic assessment of specimens that pathologists need to be aware of. This article describes the applications and implications of WSI within the context of the reporting of breast pathology specimens. Challenging diagnostic entities in digital breast pathology are presented and the key areas in which AI could be useful in breast pathology are highlighted.  相似文献   

Digital pathology is a technology which is transforming the way in which breast histopathology specimens are assessed, reported and reviewed. Large scale clinical laboratory deployments of whole slide imaging systems are occurring in diagnostic pathology departments across the world, requiring laboratory and diagnostic staff to navigate new skills and workflows. Transferring from conventional light microscopy assessment of breast specimens to the use of whole slide images (WSI) can be a challenging experience. This article describes an approach to training and validation for breast consultant histopathologists, which has been used and adapted at a number of sites. Examples of types of case that are suitable for training, and some of the potential “pitfalls” of digital reporting for the novice are described, and practical advice regarding clinical digital breast workflow is shared.  相似文献   

Telepathology, the distant service component of digital pathology, is a growth industry. The word "telepathology" was introduced into the English Language in 1986. Initially, two different, competing imaging modalities were used for telepathology. These were dynamic (real time) robotic telepathology and static image (store-and-forward) telepathology. In 1989, a hybrid dynamic robotic/static image telepathology system was developed in Norway. This hybrid imaging system bundled these two primary pathology imaging modalities into a single multi-modality pathology imaging system. Similar hybrid systems were subsequently developed and marketed in other countries as well. It is noteworthy that hybrid dynamic robotic/static image telepathology systems provided the infrastructure for the first truly sustainable telepathology services. Since then, impressive progress has been made in developing another telepathology technology, so-called "virtual microscopy" telepathology (also called "whole slide image" telepathology or "WSI" telepathology). Over the past decade, WSI has appeared to be emerging as the preferred digital telepathology digital imaging modality. However, recently, there has been a re-emergence of interest in dynamic-robotic telepathology driven, in part, by concerns over the lack of a means for up-and-down focusing (i.e., Z-axis focusing) using early WSI processors. In 2010, the initial two U.S. patents for robotic telepathology (issued in 1993 and 1994) expired enabling many digital pathology equipment companies to incorporate dynamic-robotic telepathology modules into their WSI products for the first time. The dynamic-robotic telepathology module provided a solution to the up-and-down focusing issue. WSI and dynamic robotic telepathology are now, rapidly, being bundled into a new class of telepathology/digital pathology imaging system, the "WSI-enhanced dynamic robotic telepathology system". To date, six major WSI processor equipment companies have embraced the approach and developed WSI-enhanced dynamic-robotic digital telepathology systems, marketed under a variety of labels. Successful commercialization of such systems could help overcome the current resistance of some pathologists to incorporate digital pathology, and telepathology, into their routine and esoteric laboratory services. Also, WSI-enhanced dynamic robotic telepathology could be useful for providing general pathology and subspecialty pathology services to many of the world's underserved populations in the decades ahead. This could become an important enabler for the delivery of patient-centered healthcare in the future.  相似文献   

《Diagnostic Histopathology》2021,27(11):425-430
Whole slide imaging (WSI) has been increasingly adopted for digital evaluation of surgical pathology specimens. Unlike histological slides, cytological preparations frequently display a heterogeneous distribution of cells throughout slides in different focal planes sometimes admixed with obscuring material, therefore requiring multiple scanning planes which significantly lengthens image acquisition and evaluation times. Although examination of digital images can be more advantageous than conventional glass slides, the challenges of focusing, scanning and screening cytological specimens and the associated increase in scan times and data storage needs have limited the routine application of WSI in cytopathology practice. Emerging digital systems designed to overcome image acquisition obstacles coupled with artificial intelligence algorithms augmenting screening of digital cytology slides offer innovative solutions to address these limitations. The aim of this review is to critically address the potential benefits and pitfalls of employing WSI in cytopathology practice and to introduce promising state-of-the-art solutions on the horizon.  相似文献   

Aims: To create and evaluate a virtual reality (VR) microscope that is as efficient as the conventional microscope, seeking to support the introduction of digital slides into routine practice. Methods and results: A VR microscope was designed and implemented by combining ultra‐high‐resolution displays with VR technology, techniques for fast interaction, and high usability. It was evaluated using a mixed factorial experimental design with technology and task as within‐participant variables and grade of histopathologist as a between‐participant variable. Time to diagnosis was similar for the conventional and VR microscopes. However, there was a significant difference in the mean magnification used between the two technologies, with participants working at a higher level of magnification on the VR microscope. Conclusions: The results suggest that, with the right technology, efficient use of digital pathology for routine practice is a realistic possibility. Further work is required to explore what magnification is required on the VR microscope for histopathologists to identify diagnostic features, and the effect on this of the digital slide production process.  相似文献   

Colour is central to the practice of pathology because of the use of coloured histochemical and immunohistochemical stains to visualize tissue features. Our reliance upon histochemical stains and light microscopy has evolved alongside a wide variation in slide colour, with little investigation into the implications of colour variation. However, the introduction of the digital microscope and whole‐slide imaging has highlighted the need for further understanding and control of colour. This is because the digitization process itself introduces further colour variation which may affect diagnosis, and image analysis algorithms often use colour or intensity measures to detect or measure tissue features. The US Food and Drug Administration have released recent guidance stating the need to develop a method of controlling colour reproduction throughout the digitization process in whole‐slide imaging for primary diagnostic use. This comprehensive review introduces applied basic colour physics and colour interpretation by the human visual system, before discussing the importance of colour in pathology. The process of colour calibration and its application to pathology are also included, as well as a summary of the current guidelines and recommendations regarding colour in digital pathology.  相似文献   

《Diagnostic Histopathology》2014,20(12):470-474
Whole slide scanning and digitizing an entire glass slide technology opens multiple opportunities for integration in clinical practice. Clinical applications other than primary diagnosis include the use of digitized slides in multidisciplinary rounds. Integration of this emerging technology requires not only adaptation by pathologists but also investment in infrastructure for hardware and software components, electronic storage solutions, support from clinicians and hospital administration as well as training personal. The process of replacing conventional glass with digitized slides in pathology case presentation in multidisciplinary rounds is discussed highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of this transition. Successful implementation relies heavily on careful preliminary workflow process design and support from leaders within Anatomic Pathology and the cancer center.  相似文献   

The neurofibrils seen in the light microscope are shown, by electron microscopy, to be heterogeneous structures, formed of neurotubules and neurofilaments. A variety of pathological conditions (especially, presenile and senile dementia (are characterized by the presence of neurofibrillary tangles, formed either of paired helical filaments or of single filaments. The morphology, distribution and biochemistry of these various fibrillary structures is reviewed. Particular attention is devoted to the assembly of neurotubules, to the mechanism of action of drugs which prevent assembly, and to possible implications for the experimental induction of neurofibrillary pathology. Of central importance in the arguments is the emphasis on the normal neurofibrillary structures being single forms of pleomorphic proteins. The healthy neuron assembles these proteins into the required form as is necessary for the needs of that neuron. Interference with this process in neuronal cell biology may lead to the deposition of neurofibrillary tangles. On the basis of the morphological and biochemical evidence, several approaches to the experimental study of neurofibrillary pathology are proposed.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic situation may be viewed as an opportunity to accelerate some of the ongoing transformations in modern pathology. This refers primarily to the digitalisation of the practice of tissue and cellular pathology diagnostics. However, it is also an opportunity to analyse the modus operandi of a discipline that has been practised in a similar manner for more than 100 years. The challenge is to define the next generation of interconnectivity tools that would be necessary to achieve a new operational model that, while ensuring low face-to-face interaction between the main players of the diagnostic pipeline, allows maximum interconnectivity to serve our patients and the immediate teaching and research needs associated with clinical tissue/cellular samples. This viewpoint aims to describe what this new paradigm, a low-contact and high-interconnectivity pathology (LC&HC Path) operation, may require in the near future.  相似文献   

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