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This paper presents the first empirical data regarding the rates and predictors of using psychiatric advance directives. Directives were accessed in only 20% of crisis events for the 69 participants selected on the basis of frequent use of psychiatric emergency and hospital services. Directives were 10 times more likely to be accessed when a surrogate decision-maker was involved in the crisis event. Directives were also more likely to be accessed over time and for people who had repeated crises, fewer prior hospitalizations, no substance use, and no prior outpatient commitment orders. Creation of more directives to increase clinician and system familiarity and more consistent appointment of surrogate decision-makers could increase use of directives.  相似文献   

Objective Psychiatric advance directives (PADs) allow individuals to plan for future mental health treatment. However, little is known about barriers to PAD completion. This paper examines an intervention’s effect in reducing barriers to PAD completion. Method Patients were randomly assigned to a facilitated PAD session or control group. Barriers associated with (1) the PAD documents and (2) external support for PADs were assessed at baseline (n = 462), 6 months (n = 380) and 1 year (n = 362). Results There were no significant baseline between-group differences on the two barriers. However, at follow-up both barriers were significantly lower in the experimental group. Further, barriers were predictive of PAD completion. Conclusions Structured facilitation can significantly reduce barriers to PAD completion. However, the intervention did not eliminate barriers. Findings are discussed in the context of possible system-level changes to further reduce barriers to PAD completion.  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s many jurisdictions have recognised psychiatric advance directives. In Australia, reviews of mental health legislation have been completed in New South Wales and the Northern Territory, and are on foot in Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland, Tasmania, the ACT and Victoria. To date, only the ACT and Victorian reviews have seriously countenanced the legislative recognition of advance directives. In the current environment of review and debate about the proper balance between rights and risks in psychiatry, the structure of comparable international provisions and international clinical experience with psychiatric advance directives can usefully inform Australian developments. This article outlines the relevant law in Australia and the legislative approaches adopted in Scotland, England and Wales, New Zealand, Canada and the United States of America. It argues that effective law reform in Australia should attend to international precedent, but also be mindful of the deeper human rights principles represented by the psychiatric advance directive movement.  相似文献   

The present study compares the familiarity with and attitudes about psychiatric advance directives among multiple community stakeholders in two Ohio communities. One community was involved in a pilot psychiatric advance directive education project, and one was not. A total of 272 legal and law enforcement personnel, clergy, healthcare professionals, mental health professionals, consumers, and family members completed a newly developed measure of opinions about psychiatric advance directives. Results indicate significant differences in opinions among members of the various stakeholder groups, and implications for advance directive education are discussed.This paper was presented at the 9th biennial Society for Community Research and Action Conference in Las Vegas, NM, and the 2004 Annual Conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, Scottsdale, AZ. June 2003.The authors wish to acknowledge the Ohio Department of Mental Health and the Washington and Muskingum County Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Services Boards for their support and assistance in completing this project. We also thank Dr. John Monahan for his thoughtful comments and suggestions that contributed to the preparation of this paper.  相似文献   

This study examines whether Australian psychiatrists would support requests in a psychiatric advance directive (PAD) and the reasons underlying their decisions in response to a hypothetical vignette. An online survey was completed by 143 psychiatrists. Fewer than 3 out of 10 psychiatrists supported the patient to create a PAD which requested cessation of pharmacotherapy (27%) or remaining out of hospital and not being subject to an involuntary treatment order (24%) should their depression condition deteriorate. A thematic analysis showed that patient autonomy was the strongest theme among those who supported the patient to create a PAD, whereas the clinical profile of and risk to the patient and the professional or ethical imperative of the psychiatrist were strongest among those who were unsure about supporting the patient or who did not support the patient. These findings provide a challenge about how to fulfil obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006).  相似文献   

Psychiatric advance directives (PADs) are legal documents that permit competent adults to make choices in the present about their future psychiatric treatment if they lose their decision-making capacity. PADs may provide for the appointment of surrogate decision-makers. The present project was undertaken to obtain opinions from the consumer (the patient), provider, and informal caregiver/surrogate about the Oregon PAD. Results of this pilot study show that the majority of no-PAD group consumers reported that they did not get enough help with PAD preparation. The PAD group consumers reported feeling empowered by PAD preparation, but at the follow-up interview, they were less enthusiastic and more critical of PAD policy that was relevant to implementation. Many providers also were concerned about successful PAD implementation. PAD legislation alone does not translate into adequate policy.  相似文献   

Advance directives are legal documents that formalize consumer psychiatric care preferences. This article examines the statutes and goals of US psychiatric advance directives within the framework of consumer self-determination, a priority in national mental health reform. It seeks to distinguish between state models based on the degree that consumer rights are integrated into advance directive statutes and goals. The data set contains information from legislative statutes and goals from the 24 US states that enacted explicit psychiatric advance directive regulations prior to 2006. Researchers grouped the data into categories based on the similarities in consumer self-determination. The findings include an examination of the spectrum of consumer self-determination in US advance directive statutes along with a comparison of the gaps between intent and policy in state statutes.  相似文献   

The transformation of psychiatric care which has been carried out in Spain since the 1980s, under the name of “Psychiatric Reform”, had produced as it most significant achievements: (i) the development of a new organizational structure for mental health care, (ii) the integration of psychiatric patients in the general health care system, (iii) the creation of an extensive community network of mental health centers, and (iv) the adoption by the general public of more positive attitudes towards mental illness and its treatment and the passing of legislative measures aimed at improving the civil rights of these patients. However, the application of the Psychiatric Reform has followed an uneven course in Spain as a whole, with marked differences between the different autonomous communities. The main deficiency has been in the development of intermediate community services and programs to rehabilitate and resettle patients in the community. With regard to deinstitutionalization, the results have also been insufficient and it is still possible to observe a strong tendency, within the system, to maintain the old mental hospitals for both long-term and short-term illness care. Finally, the analysis of the Spanish experience has revealed that (i) many of the criticisms leveled at deinstitutionalization are not aimed at its “conceptual core” but stem from its inadequate implementation, and (ii) it is wrong to equate deinstitutionalization and psychiatric reform with closure of psychiatric hospitals, without the awareness that this process is far more complex.  相似文献   

We studied occurrence of psychotic symptoms and their associations with occurrence of depressive and manic symptoms; 563 patients attending primary care (PrC) and 163 patients attending psychiatric outpatient care (PsC) completed a questionnaire including lists of psychotic, manic and depressive symptoms, and patients with depressive symptoms were interviewed using the same questionnaire 6 months after baseline examination. Of PrC patients, 8.5% and of PsC patients, 36.2% reported at least seven lifetime psychotic symptoms. During the 6-month follow-up, the corresponding figures were 0.22% for PrC and 2.84% for PsC patients. Among PrC patients, men, young, never-married, students and unemployed reported more psychotic symptoms than others. In multivariate analyses, occurrence of psychotic symptoms was associated with young age, never being married, poor functioning and former psychiatric treatment, as well as with occurrence of manic and depressive symptoms. Psychotic symptoms are rather prevalent in primary care and very common in psychiatric care. In primary care, vulnerability to psychosis is associated with the patient's background more strongly than in psychiatric care. Concurrent occurrence of psychotic symptoms with manic and depressive symptoms is common.  相似文献   

There have been several reports of non-detection and undertreatment of major depression during the past decades. In this study, we investigated how accurately major depression was assessed, diagnosed and treated according to gold standards, and whether any trend could be found from 1989 to 2001 in Finland. In total, documents of 4447 patients were retrospectively checked at most four times to find the patients fulfilling the study criteria. Finally, 531 patients were included in the study. The major finding of the study was the improved diagnostic assessment of patients with major depression seen in psychiatric settings. However, a systematic and comprehensive approach in asking about and recording subtyping, severity and comorbidity of depression was insufficient. Another major finding of the study was the improved pharmacotherapy of patients with major depression. It seems to be relevant that problems in the quality of care for depression in psychiatric settings are now more likely to be related to suboptimal intensity and monitoring of treatment than to mere lack of treatment.  相似文献   



Traumatic brain injury (TBI) of a parent causes significant changes in their family life and parent–children relationships. However, the number of children affected by parental TBI and the long-term consequences for these children remain unknown. We estimated the prevalence of children affected by parental TBI and investigated whether these children had greater use of psychiatric services than their peers.


This a retrospective population-based register study. All 60,069 children born in Finland in 1987 were followed up through national health and social registers from 1987 to 2008.


During the 21-year follow-up, 1532 (2.6%) children had a parent with TBI. Overall, 22.5% of those having a parent with TBI were treated in specialized psychiatric care. Use of psychiatric care was significantly increased among those cohort members with a parent with mild [odds ratio (OR) 1.80, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.37–2.38] or severe (OR 1.49, 95% CI 1.12–1.98) TBI compared to their peers.


Parental TBI is associated with increased use of specialized psychiatric services by children. Adult health care services must have appropriate systems in place to address the psychosocial needs and support the welfare and development of children of patients with TBI.  相似文献   

A process of deinstitutionalization and a series of mental health care reforms targeting severely mentally ill persons have taken place worldwide. The objective of this study was to follow-up the volume of psychiatric care after the 1995 Swedish reform and to study if the intended efforts of the reform were fulfilled. In a municipality, during the time-period 1994–2003, the development of number of days of inpatient care, inpatient care episodes, visits to outpatient facilities and the number of unique patients were studied using case registers. The number of persons staying in group homes and nursery homes was also studied. The number of days of inpatient care for persons given a diagnosis of schizophrenia was drastically reduced, but this reduction was quantitatively substituted by the persons staying in different kind of group homes. The implementation of new psychiatric field teams directed towards persons with psychosis and new social service field teams targeting this same group were reflected in the registers. Data supported that the intended efforts of the mental health care reform were in fact carried out, but the prioritizing of the target group of the reform may have influenced the care of persons with other kinds of psychiatric problems negatively.  相似文献   

Introduction: Palliative care services that address physical pain and emotional, psychosocial, and spiritual needs may benefit individuals with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Methods: The objective of this study was to describe the palliative care services that families of males with DMD report they receive. A questionnaire was administered to families of males with DMD born prior to January 1, 1982. Thirty‐four families responded. Results: Most families (85%) had never heard the term palliative care. Only attendant care and skilled nursing services showed much usage, with 44% and 50% indicating receipt of these services, respectively. Receipt of other services was reported less frequently: pastoral care (27%); respite care (18%); pain management (12%); and hospice care (6%). Only 8 respondents (25%) reported having any type of directive document in place. Conclusion: The data suggest a need for improved awareness of palliative care and related services among families of young men with DMD. Muscle Nerve 44: 93–101, 2011  相似文献   

To promote implementation of suicide-preventive activities, the Swedish National Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention of Mental Ill-Health (NASP) introduced a 200-h academic, postgraduate educational programme (based on the training-of-trainers model) in suicide prevention. This programme was provided at Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, for key persons in psychiatric care. Twenty-nine key persons from 11 psychiatric intervention clinics in Stockholm County attended the first course. Preconditions for implementing suicide-preventive activities were assessed by means of semi-structured interviews with all course participants still working in the intervention clinics (n=10). In all but one of these 10 clinics, a wide range of suicide-preventive activities had been implemented as a result of the NASP course. Activities varied in scope, but the key persons seemed to have succeeded in pinpointing the key elements in suicide prevention – the need for specific knowledge about the suicidal process and for well-defined suicide-preventive routines. However, organizational factors and staff turnover were obstacles to maintaining and making the activities routine. There is a need to strengthen the course participants’ formal roles as implementers and encourage the clinical management in their continuous implementation of suicide-preventive activities.  相似文献   

The objective of this article was to determine a 7-year naturalistic progression of depression as well as a number of potential prognostic factors among Finnish primary care and psychiatric care patients. Depression-screened patients from primary care and psychiatric care, aged 18–64, were interviewed in 1991–92 with the Present State Examination (PSE) as the diagnostic instrument. The patients were re-contacted in 1998–99, and their depression at final assessment (FinalA) and during the follow-up period (F-up) was assessed by telephone interview using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview—Short Form (CIDI-SF). 250 primary care (58.1%) and 170 (40.2%) psychiatric care patients were successfully followed. Of the primary care patients with severe depression at baseline, 42.4% had had depression during F-up and 21.2% had depression at FinalA. For the patients with mild depression at baseline, the corresponding figures were nearly the same, but for the patients with depressive symptoms clearly lower. Of the psychiatric care patients with severe depression at baseline, 61.0% had had depression during F-up and 26.2% had depression at FinalA. As with primary care patients, the corresponding figures were nearly the same for mild depression at baseline but clearly lower for depressive symptoms. Experienced lifetime mood elevation was associated with having depression during F-up in both primary care and psychiatric care patients. High Depression Scale (DEPS) score at baseline was associated with having depression at FinalA in primary care patients, but in psychiatric care patients, it was the high Hamilton Rating Scale for depression (HAM-D) and drinking problems. Severe depression and mild depression are predictive for subsequent depression at both levels of care. The long-term prognosis for depression is better in primary care. DEPS and HAM-D are useful, prognostic instruments.  相似文献   

Patients' views of inpatient care need to be assessed for research and routine evaluation. For this a valid instrument is required. The Client Assessment of Treatment Scale (CAT) has been used in large scale international studies, but its psychometric properties have not been well established. The structural validity of the CAT was tested among involuntary inpatients with psychosis. Data from locations in three separate European countries (England, Spain and Bulgaria) were collected. The factorial validity was initially tested using single sample confirmatory factor analyses in each country. Subsequent multi-sample analyses were used to test for invariance of the factor loadings, and factor variances across the countries. Results provide good initial support for the factorial validity and invariance of the CAT scores. Future research is needed to cross-validate these findings and to generalise them to other countries, treatment settings, and patient populations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Ambulatory care for subjects with severe mental problems has been clearly shown to be a valid alternative to hospitalisation. However, very few studies have considered the fate of patients over several years. Ambulatory care services are often experimental set-ups, for small groups, and their impact on subsequent treatment has only been assessed over the first few months of treatment. The value of developing this practice therefore remains unclear. We investigated the possible consequences of generalising ambulatory care services by a mobile crisis intervention team (ERIC) to all requests for the first hospitalisation in a psychiatric department. The principal aim was to determine whether systemic intervention by the crisis intervention team could provide a true alternative to hospitalisation. We also investigated whether problem-resolving approaches and ambulatory care led, in the long term, to fewer prolonged or repeated periods of hospitalisation than practices in which hospitalisation was considered as an ordinary solution. METHODS: We carried out a prospective, comparative, cohort study over a 5-year period beginning with the creation of ERIC by one of the hospital departments. All patients arriving at this department for the first time were offered immediate ambulatory care by this team for 1 month. Their hospitalisation record (duration of hospital stay, number of days in hospital) was compared with that of subjects hospitalised in the same conditions but in other departments of the hospital. RESULTS: This study included most of the subjects referred for the first time to the psychiatric hospital, in our department. Regardless of their diagnosis, intensive follow-up at home, based on systemic crisis intervention work, was found to be an effective and well-accepted alternative to hospitalisation. Indeed, a highly significant immediate decrease in both the number of admissions and the duration of hospital stay was observed for the experimental group, with no subsequent increase in the number of days of hospitalisation. From the second year onwards, the use of hospitalisation did not seem to be influenced by the type of care initially given to the patient. Rehospitalisation was rare in both groups. One third of the patients in the experimental group benefited from another intervention of the ambulatory emergency team from the second year onwards, highlighting the value placed on this type of care by the patients and their families. CONCLUSION: Our results support the development of ambulatory crisis intervention services, including those from psychiatric hospitals. Clinical studies following the treatment paths of patients in a more exhaustive manner would almost certainly distinguish more precisely between the "natural" course of the disease and the impact of the care provided. In any case, the prevention of hospitalisation must be based as much on a possible alternative at the time of the crisis as on subsequent access to ambulatory care.  相似文献   



Psychiatric consultation in primary care is meant to enhance and improve treatment for mental disorder in that setting. An estimate of the effect for different conditions as well as identification of particularly effective elements is needed.


Database search for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on psychiatric consultation in primary care. Validity assessment and data extraction according to Cochrane criteria were performed by independent assessors in duplicate. Meta-analysis was performed.


Data were collected from 10 RCTs with a total of 3408 included patients with somatoform disorder or depressive disorder, which compared psychiatric consultation to care as usual (CAU). Meta-analysis irrespective of condition showed a weighted mean indicating a combined assessment of illness burden as outcome of psychiatric consultation, compared to CAU, of 0.313 (95% CI 0.190–0.437). The effect was especially large in somatoform disorder (0.614; 95% CI 0.206–1.022). RCTs in which after the consult, consultation advice was given by means of a consultation letter, showed a combined weighted mean effect size of 0.561 (95% CI 0.337–0.786), while studies not using such a letter showed a small effect of 0.210 (95% CI 0.102–0.319). Effects are highest on utilization of health care services with 0.507 (95% CI 0.305–0.708).


Psychiatric consultation in the primary care setting is effective in patients with somatoform and depressive disorder. Largest effects are seen in reduction of utilization of health care services.  相似文献   

The aims of the study were to investigate self-reported physical, sexual, emotional and economical abuse in Swedish female users of psychiatric services, who the perpetrators were and in which places abuse occurred. An anonymous self-administrated questionnaire was answered in the waiting room of the services. The drop-out rate was 21% and n=1382 women completed the questionnaire. Fifty-three per cent of the women had been abused during childhood, 63% during adulthood and 31% during past year. Seventy-four per cent of those exposed during childhood were also exposed later in life. Women subjected to abuse reported longer contact with psychiatric care. Regardless of life period, the majority reported multiple and frequent abuse. Emotional abuse was most frequent reported in both childhood and adulthood followed by physical and sexual abuse. The reported perpetrators were mainly male persons to whom the woman had an intimate relationship. Mostly the abuse occurred in the women's own home. However, other women, strangers, acquaintances and relatives were also stated as perpetrator and abusive acts also took place in other homes, outdoors or down town. The high prevalence of abuse and its multiplicity point to the necessity for the care and support system to prioritize abuse against women with psychiatric illness.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to trace the help-seeking pathway of mental patients and to elucidate the role of traditional healing in Bali. The source of care before attending Bangli Mental Hospital (Bali) of 54 consecutive patients with no prior psychiatric treatment was investigated. Subjects who had sought help from traditional healers were asked to evaluate treatment effect retrospectively according to a 5-point scale. The pathway to psychiatric care was dominated by traditional healers. Of the patients, 47 (87.0%) consulted a healer (mean number 2.9) before visiting the mental hospital. Consultation with the healers was associated with treatment delay. However, of the 137 traditional healers on the pathway, 11 (8.0%) recommended that the subjects to go to a mental hospital, and all 11 subjects immediately followed the advice. Of the 47 subjects, 14 (29.8%) evaluated the treatment effect as much improved by at least one traditional healer on the pathway, although they ultimately attended the mental hospital. Subjects without psychotic symptoms tended to evaluate the treatment effect as much improved more often than psychotic subjects. Traditional healers function not only as a barrier to reaching psychiatric care, but as either an effective provider of care or a decision-making support for seeking help from psychiatric care for some mental patients in Bali. The knowledge and recognition of psychological disorders by the traditional healers are crucial for early treatment intervention for psychiatric patients.  相似文献   

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