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曲桦在一家公司做会计.这几天她的情绪很糟:别的同事大清早到办公室都说说笑笑的.可她一坐到椅子上心病马上就来了。前几天上厕所时.曲桦发现肛门外面有一个黄豆大小的肉球脱出.而且便后有出血:更为尴尬的是.便后小肉球没有收回去.走起路来“那儿”像是夹了个东西.特别扭!她问丈夫是怎么回事.丈夫说可能是痔疮,搞不好是上班经常坐着引起的。可人家都说“十男九痔”.自己怎么会得上男人容易得的病呢?  相似文献   

在现代化的办公条件下,人们工作的速度明显加快,但也埋下了一些健康隐患;辐射、噪声、粉尘、重金属污染…… 对于这些隐患,人们是没有办法避免,但可以选择一些特定的食物来对抗办公室的这些污染“元凶”。[编者按]  相似文献   

如今的都市生活就像是一根被拼命扯向弹性限度量最远两端的橡皮筋。让你欲罢不能……越来越多的上班一族不得不接受电脑的辐射、为工作和生活而整日狂奔,仿佛每天都有做不完的活而睡得越来越晚。  相似文献   

头疼,已成为现代办公室一族的通病。如何应对头痛呢?  相似文献   

梅林 《食品与健康》2010,(11):12-13
专家指出,办公室一族对待自己的身体要时时关爱。那么,怎样做才能有更好的身体呢?下面的小叮咛或许对你能有所帮助。 下面来看看,是什么最容易影响办公室一族的健康?1.车上小睡、早餐后遗症很多坐班车的上班族常常在车上小睡或是匆匆在车上吃早餐,这样时间长了就会发生很多问题。  相似文献   

一线医生谈关键词:颈椎病、眩晕、摔倒、头痛、头晕、视力减退、耳鸣、恶心等。多发人群:白领、HR、IT族。  相似文献   

一、不吃早餐 危害:严重伤胃,使你无法精力充沛地工作,而且还容易"显老"。某大学在一次针对80~90岁老年人的研究中发现,他们长寿的共同点之一是:每天吃一顿丰盛的早餐。  相似文献   

王阳明名守仁,字伯安,号阳明。祖籍浙江余姚,后迁至山阴(今绍兴),生于明宪宗成化八年(1472年),卒于明世宗嘉靖七年(1529年),曾创建阳明书院,故称阳明先生。王阳明28岁中进士,历官庐陵知县、刑部主事、兵部主事、电部主事、左佥都御史、南京兵部尚书等。一生文治武功俱称于世,敕封新建伯。著有《王文成公全集》38卷,是我国著名哲学家、教育家、心学杰出代表。他创立“心学”称“阳明学”,又称“姚江学派”。  相似文献   

大众对不良姿态的认识还停留在一种不喜欢运动、懒得动的形象描述上,就连一些临床医生也忽视了不良姿态对于健康的影响,认为无须为那些程度轻微的、不需要手术矫正的不良姿态担心. 其实,长久保持不良姿态,颈椎变得僵硬、胸椎灵活性下降、腰肌劳损都是影响健康的隐性杀手.很多人知道不良姿态是导致疼痛的原因,殊不知不良姿态也会造成脊柱不...  相似文献   

也许在所有人看来,男人就应该坚强.大多数人说,男儿有泪不轻弹,再大的苦难也应该挺过去.所以,脆弱从来是讽刺人软弱的,或者说,根本就是一个贬义词.  相似文献   

雪小禅 《家庭医学》2006,(10):25-25
也许在所有人看来,男人应应该坚强。大多数人说,男儿有小不轻弹,再大的苦难也应该挺过去。所以,脆弱从来是讽刺人软弱的,或者说,根本就是一个贬义词。  相似文献   

In this study we aimed to identify factors that contribute to women’s decisions to decline an HIV test during their pregnancy in an antenatal clinic setting in Metropolitan London. Voluntary HIV testing (“opt-in”) is recommended by the British Department of Health in areas of higher HIV prevalence. We developed a questionnaire that focused on attitudes toward testing, knowledge of transmission routes, a self-assessment of HIV risk, and reasons for declining the HIV test. All women attending the 16-week antenatal booking appointment were offered an HIV test. Of these 560 women, 124 (23%) had an HIV test and the 436 (77%) who declined the test were asked to complete a questionnaire that explored their reasons for declining. We based our findings on the 393 completed returned questionnaires. The major finding was that women declined testing because they did not think they had been at risk for HIV. However, they based this belief on patchy HIV knowledge. The women were making an important decision during their pregnancy on the basis of poor information. The antenatal setting may not be the most appropriate environment in which to give HIV information, however, this task must be performed also in other health environments.  相似文献   

A retrospective questionnaire study of alcoholic women attendinga clinic for abstaining alcoholics, a voluntary agency and adrop-in centre for people with alcohol problems was conductedover a 2-year period. The women were asked whether they experiencedpremenstrual symptoms based on Halbreich et al. s PremenstrualAssessment Form (PAF) [Halbreich et al. (1982) Acta PsychiatricaScandinavica 65. 46–65] and were also administered theseverity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire (SADQ) The resultsshowed that one-third of women drank more premenstrually thanat other times of the month. It is concluded that knowledgeof high-risk times of the month can aid counselling for thisgroup of women.  相似文献   

高万良 《现代医院》2007,7(4):89-90
我深深感悟,医院管理改革,尤其需要重视医院文化管理。从某种意义上说,文化管理是医院管理的最高境界。  相似文献   

The degree to which women are able to control various aspects of their sexual lives is clearly a critical question for health promotion and the prevention of AIDS. It is evident that social factors such as the high rate of rape, the unfavourable economic position of women, and the inability to insist on condom usage make South African women unable to negotiate the timing of sex and the conditions under which it occurs. They are thus rendered powerless to protect themselves against HIV infection. Prevention campaigns often do not take into account the reality of the daily lives of South African women and the difficulties they face gaining control over their own sexual lives. The rampant spread of this disease can only be stemmed if the subordinate position of women is acknowledged and addressed.  相似文献   

Self-esteem, motivation for sexual health, and sexual risk behaviors as indicated by condom use and number of sex partners was explored in a sample of 140 Hispanic women of childbearing age (18–44 years). The researchers used Cox's Interaction Model of Client Health Behavior (IMCHB) as the conceptual framework for the study. They found that 70% (n = 79) of single women reported condom use with their most recent sexual partner, and 49% (n = 55) of single women reported more than one sexual partner in the last 12 months. Self-esteem and motivation for sexual health were significantly associated (r =. 42, p =.001), although only the latter was related to condom use among single women (r =. 29, p =. 01). Women who reported higher self-esteem were less likely to worry about acquiring sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Despite public information about STDs, including HIV/AIDS, a proportion of these women and their partners are vulnerable to these diseases. Health promotion implications are discussed.  相似文献   

[目的]评价在女职工体检中采用醋酸肉眼观察法(VIA)的筛查宫颈病变的效果。[方法]对737位女职工进行妇科检查,同时采用VIA及巴氏涂片法进行宫颈病变的筛查,评价两种方法的宫颈病变检出率。[结果]参检率为75.20%(737/980),参检妇女关于癌症的知晓率为62.5%;宫颈癌的筛查方法的知晓率为42.5%,其中宫颈细胞学检查知晓率为36.5%;人乳头瘤病毒知晓率为19%;CINII级以上病变的检出率VIA法为0.54%(4/737);巴氏涂片法为0,两种检查方法比较差异有统计学意义(P﹤0.05)。[结论]大多数妇女对宫颈癌症的防治知识了解甚少,需加强知识的普及;应用VIA联合巴氏涂片法进行宫颈癌的初筛可进一步提高癌前病变的检出率。  相似文献   

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