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目的探讨基于虚拟仿真平台的压力性损伤护理的混合式教学的应用效果。方法以某校二年级50名护理本科生为研究对象,在基础护理学课程的压力性损伤护理部分开展基于虚拟仿真平台的混合式教学,即课前虚拟训练—课中理论课翻转+操作课仿真实训—课后线上与线下实训结合第二课堂创新设计大赛。课后分析学生使用虚拟仿真平台的情况并发放问卷了解学生对教学的评价,12名听课教师进行集体讨论反馈。结果学生课前使用压力性损伤护理虚拟仿真平台(2.50±1.44)次/名,课后教学目标达成度为94%~96%,对翻转课堂各教学环节评价优良率为78%~96%,对教学促进作用的认同度为94%~96%。参与听课评教的教师认为混合式教学提高了学生自主学习能力,理论联系实际效果好,提高了学生学业的挑战度、难度和深度。结论基于虚拟仿真平台的混合式教学有助于学生掌握知识和技能及培养学生自主学习能力、临床思维和创新能力,可为护理教学改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

[目的]开发拔罐技能虚拟仿真教学项目并探讨其应用效果。[方法]开发拔罐技能虚拟仿真教学项目,采用方便抽样法选取某高校2017级护理本科生作为研究对象,在《中医护理学》实训教学中开展拔罐技能虚拟仿真教学。教学结束后发放调查问卷了解教学效果,并将2017级学生的拔罐技能操作成绩与2016级学生的成绩进行比较。[结果]2017级学生拔罐技能操作成绩为(90.82±1.04)分,2016级学生拔罐技能操作成绩为(84.79±4.84)分,两者比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05);83.52%的学生认为虚拟仿真教学平台能够辅助学习,82.42%的学生喜欢虚拟仿真实验教学方式。[结论]虚拟仿真教学有助于激发学生学习兴趣,提高拔罐技能操作水平,提升中医护理教学质量。  相似文献   

采用自主学习-虚拟操作-模型练习-多维测评的学习过程,构建护理虚拟仿真综合实训平台。平台包含理论学习、虚拟训练、模型练习、考核评价四大模块,以学生为主体,虚拟训练、模型训练、临床见实习互补,帮助学生熟练掌握护理技能,并提高其发现问题、解决问题的临床思维以及人文关怀能力,以达到学生具备护理岗位胜任力的培养目标。  相似文献   

目的:探讨常用护理操作虚拟仿真训练系统在翻转课堂与信息化教学中的应用价值。方法:根据护理实训课程教学大纲和教学目标,采用专家访谈和问卷调查,遴选有开发价值同时建议纳入护理毕业生多站结构化临床(OSCE)考试的操作项目;组织临床专家、教学专家及软件人员进行系统开发。结果:开发5个临床考站情境16项常用护理操作的虚拟仿真训练系统。76%教师认为训练软件是有效的课堂外学习资源,能达到信息化教学前移的目的。95%学生表示训练系统能增加学习的趣味性。结论:常用护理操作虚拟仿真训练系统的开发应用,具有一定的创新性,利于提高学生自学效果和学习兴趣,节约课堂教师讲授的时间,提高课堂实训教学的效能,对实训教学的改革和教学质量的提高具有推动力。  相似文献   

目的 探讨分娩护理虚拟仿真实验教学项目的设计和应用.方法 以教学内容为基础,利用3D虚拟仿真技术,构建分娩护理虚拟仿真教学系统,学习内容涵盖第一产程护理、第二产程护理、第三产程护理3个模块.在护理本科妇产科护理课程及助产方向的助产学课程中应用,对该系统在2015级121名护理本科生中的应用情况及效果进行分析.结果 学生在线操作时长平均1.39 h.学生对虚拟仿真系统及教学模式的主观评价分别为平均94.24%持赞成或中立态度、88.84%持赞成或中立态度.结论 该教学项目的设计和实施,为今后虚拟仿真实验教学在护理专业各课程教学中的开展提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

目的:以心衰病例为例,探讨基于高仿真模拟人的护理综合实训项目标准模块构建与效果,为综合实训项目的开展提供参考与建议。方法:以职业能力培养为导向构建综合实训项目标准模块,对我院2013级48名护生进行综合训练并对教学效果进行评价分析。结果:护生自评结果显示"临床决策""专业知识和技能""沟通交流"3个维度的得分较低。教师评分显示护生普遍存在预期护理措施执行不及时、不正确的问题。结论:综合实训项目是培养护生职业能力的良好平台。教师应依托综合实训项目,帮助护生将所学知识和技能向临床执行力转化,内化为护生的职业能力;在实训过程中注重加强护生沟通交流能力的训练;突破传统评价体系的局限,打造适合综合实训项目的评价体系。  相似文献   

[目的]了解护理专业学习者对护理专业实践网络课程的需求,为建设护理专业实践网络课程平台提供依据。[方法]自拟"护理专业学生对护理实践网络课程的需要与建议调查表",通过纸质问卷与网络调查护理专业学习者使用网络课程的情况、对护理专业实践网络课程的需求与建议等。[结果]收回有效调查问卷632份,94.8%的被调查者没有使用过护理专业实践网络课程,96.8%的学习者认为有必要建设护理专业实践网络课程,并对网络课程平台的建设提出了有益的意见与建议。[结论]建设护理专业实践网络课程平台是必要的,网络课程教学资源的选用要依据护理专业培养目标、教学内容及学习者认知特点,平台模块初步设计为职业道德和法律模块、自主学习模块、课外拓展模块、学习者帮助模块等。  相似文献   

目的 探讨微型探究式教学模式在本科助产学虚拟仿真实验中的应用效果。方法 在助产学虚拟仿真实验中,采用微型探究式教学模式对61名本科助产专业学生开展教学,将教学内容融入情境、任务、过程、成果、评价5个模块,学生自主学习后进行讨论、展示成果,由教师指导评价。教学后评价学生的课程参与度、学习满意度、评判性思维能力。结果 虚拟仿真平台操作时长2.51 h/名,教学后学生评判性思维能力总分及寻求真相、分析能力、评判性思维的自信心、求知欲4个维度得分高于教学前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。98%的学生认为基于微型探究式教学模式的虚拟仿真实验加深了其对理论知识的理解和掌握,90%的学生认为提高了其分析和解决问题能力。结论 微型探究式教学模式在本科助产学虚拟仿真实验中的教学效果良好,有助于培养学生评判性思维能力。  相似文献   

目的探究虚拟平台在中医护理学基础教学中的应用效果。方法 2018年3月,便利选取2016级的176名护理本科生为研究对象,在中医护理学基础课程中结合传统教学应用中医护理虚拟平台,课程结束后进行满意度调查,并将2016级学生的理论和操作成绩与2015级学生进行比较。结果 2016级学生理论与操作成绩均优于2015级学生(P<0.05);89.2%的学生认为将该平台应用于教学中能激发学习兴趣、提高学习效率,90.9%的学生认为能提升辨证施护和临床思维能力。结论在中医护理学基础课程教学中辅助应用虚拟平台能提高学生对于中医护理学基础课程知识的掌握度,提高教学满意度。  相似文献   

陈小萍  葛圆  马帅  刘玉洁 《全科护理》2023,(13):1863-1866
目的:开发产程阴道检查虚拟仿真教学系统,评价其应用效果。方法:基于建构主义理论指导,坚持以学生为中心、产出为导向的理念,遵循自主学习—虚拟训练—考核评价的学习过程设计产程阴道检查虚拟仿真教学系统。选取高校2020级助产学专业三年级53名学生为应用对象,将设计的系统应用于妇产科实践教学中,应用后调查学生对产程阴道检查虚拟仿真教学系统的评价。结果:66.0%的学生认为该系统可以提高学生的沟通能力和分析问题的能力,64.2%的学生认为该系统能提高自主学习、动手、解决问题的能力,86.8%的学生认为该系统能增强对抽象知识的理解和拓展,69.8%的学生认为技能操作水平得到了提高,88.7%的学生认为该系统能够辅助学习,83.0%的学生认为该系统符合妇产科护理临床教学。结论:产程阴道检查虚拟仿真教学系统在拓展教学内容、创新教学模式、提高学生学习兴趣及综合能力等方面效果明显。  相似文献   

以强化临床思维能力为核心,以评估观察—分析判断—决策实施为主线,设计综合型虚拟仿真实验项目“车祸致多发伤患者的院前急救与院内监护”,项目包含学习引导、虚拟训练和考核评价3个功能模块,采用院前急救和院内监护2个主要虚拟情境串联院前急救、术后误吸急救、术后疼痛评估、镇痛药的应用监护、中心静脉压监测5个分项目.将项目应用于即将进入临床实习的291名护理本科生的综合护理实践课程教学中.学生自行登录进行课前自主学习、课后反复训练以及考前模拟自测.分析学生使用项目的情况和训练结果.  相似文献   

The use of computerized technology is rapidly growing in the classroom and in healthcare. An emerging computer technology strategy for nursing education is the use of virtual reality simulation. This computer-based three-dimensional educational tool simulates real-life patient experiences in a risk-free environment, allows for repeated practice sessions, requires clinical decision making, exposes students to diverse patient conditions, provides immediate feedback, and is portable. The purpose of this article was to review the importance of virtual reality simulation as a computerized teaching strategy. In addition, a project to explore readiness of nursing faculty at one major Midwestern university for the use of virtual reality simulation as a computerized teaching strategy is described where faculty thought virtual reality simulation would increase students' knowledge of an intravenous line insertion procedure. Faculty who practiced intravenous catheter insertion via virtual reality simulation expressed a wide range of learning experiences from using virtual reality simulation that is congruent with the literature regarding the barriers to student learning. Innovative teaching strategies, such as virtual reality simulation, address barriers of increasing patient acuity, high student-to-faculty ratio, patient safety concerns from faculty, and student anxiety and can offer rapid feedback to students.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: With the advent of 'The Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999' passed by Parliament in August 1999, vulnerable witnesses can for the first time give evidence to the court with the support of 'special measures'. People with a learning disability fall into the category of vulnerable witnesses, and the purpose of this paper is to describe the development of the virtual courtroom, a virtual reality (VR) and multimedia based training platform to prepare this group of people for such an eventuality. METHOD: A user-centred design methodology was adopted, with a user group being formed of students and adults with learning disabilities. This group, working together with facilitators, experts on the new act, and experienced designers of VR based training systems, designed and implemented the virtual courtroom. RESULTS: The virtual courtroom model has been produced using the Realimation Virtual Reality software tool. The next stage of the project is to design and develop three multimedia-based scenarios showing a variety of situations in which a person with a learning disability could give evidence in court. CONCLUSION: One of the recommendations in the 'Speaking up for justice' report, suggested that the Home Office develop further material to assist vulnerable witnesses to prepare for their attendance at court. The virtual courtroom provides one of the first and most innovative of such solutions.  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术已逐渐进入到医学教育领域,有着广阔的应用前景。本文根据急危重症实验教学的需要,利用现代计算机技术、多媒体技术和虚拟现实技术,针对急救技能的操作要点及难点,同时考虑到学生的学习兴趣,设计、研发了相关软件和项目,构建了急危重症虚拟实验室。  相似文献   

Purpose : With the advent of 'The Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999' passed by Parliament in August 1999, vulnerable witnesses can for the first time give evidence to the court with the support of 'special measures'. People with a learning disability fall into the category of vulnerable witnesses, and the purpose of this paper is to describe the development of the virtual courtroom, a virtual reality (VR) and multimedia based training platform to prepare this group of people for such an eventuality. Method : A user-centred design methodology was adopted, with a user group being formed of students and adults with learning disabilities. This group, working together with facilitators, experts on the new act, and experienced designers of VR based training systems, designed and implemented the virtual courtroom. Results : The virtual courtroom model has been produced using the Realimation Virtual Reality software tool. The next stage of the project is to design and develop three multimedia-based scenarios showing a variety of situations in which a person with a learning disability could give evidence in court. Conclusion : One of the recommendations in the 'Speaking up for justice' report, suggested that the Home Office develop further material to assist vulnerable witnesses to prepare for their attendance at court. The virtual courtroom provides one of the first and most innovative of such solutions.  相似文献   

Purpose : With the advent of 'The Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999' passed by Parliament in August 1999, vulnerable witnesses can for the first time give evidence to the court with the support of 'special measures'. People with a learning disability fall into the category of vulnerable witnesses, and the purpose of this paper is to describe the development of the virtual courtroom, a virtual reality (VR) and multimedia based training platform to prepare this group of people for such an eventuality.

Method : A user-centred design methodology was adopted, with a user group being formed of students and adults with learning disabilities. This group, working together with facilitators, experts on the new act, and experienced designers of VR based training systems, designed and implemented the virtual courtroom.

Results : The virtual courtroom model has been produced using the Realimation Virtual Reality software tool. The next stage of the project is to design and develop three multimedia-based scenarios showing a variety of situations in which a person with a learning disability could give evidence in court.

Conclusion : One of the recommendations in the 'Speaking up for justice' report, suggested that the Home Office develop further material to assist vulnerable witnesses to prepare for their attendance at court. The virtual courtroom provides one of the first and most innovative of such solutions.  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术在我们的社会中从工业到娱乐的不同领域变得越来越普遍,也逐渐应用到护理教学中,本文从视觉、触觉、听觉角度分析了虚拟现实技术可以给与学生更加真实、立体的学习体验,提高了教学效果,同时也对虚拟现实技术在护理教学中的应用现况进行了分析和思考。旨在说明虚拟现实技术在护理教学中具有一定的优势并起到重要作用。但是也存在一些问题和挑战需要我们进一步的探讨和研究。  相似文献   

目的观察虚拟仿真训练实验教学在耳鼻咽喉-头颈外科学临床技能培训中的应用效果。方法选取120名医学院在校大学生作为研究对象,以虚拟仿真训练“双耳变温冷热试验”Ⅰ~Ⅲ级任务设计学习方法,进行技能操作训练和问卷调查。结果所有学生通过虚拟仿真训练完成Ⅰ~Ⅲ级学习任务,Ⅲ级、Ⅱ级、Ⅰ级任务考核得分>90分者分别为109、93、73名,Ⅲ级任务考核成绩优秀者人数多于Ⅱ级、Ⅰ级任务,且Ⅲ级任务考核成绩优于Ⅱ级、Ⅰ级任务,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。学生对虚拟仿真实验平台的满意度与虚拟仿真训练帮助理解记忆理论知识、激发创新思维、提高操作熟练度、提高动手能力、有利于临床实习和职业医师规范化培训呈正相关。结论虚拟仿真训练实验教学应用于临床诊疗技术操作的规范化培训中,可帮助医学生提高实践操作的熟练度,且能激发学生的创造性思维。  相似文献   

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