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目的探讨乳房切除术后放射治疗(简称放疗)与各种乳房重建方式的相互影响关系以及如何选择重建方式和时机。方法检索近年来有关放疗与乳房重建的文献并做综述。结果放疗可能增加乳房重建(自体组织重建或组织扩张器/假体重建)并发症的发生,影响其美容效果;重建乳房亦可能会影响放疗的疗效。结论对于那些乳房切除术后明确需要放疗或已经接受放疗的患者,选择自体组织二期乳房重建;对于乳房切除术同时尚不能确定是否需要进行放疗的患者,选择延迟的即刻重建,或在患者清楚并接受放疗可能带来更高的并发症和美容效果受影响的前提下选择即刻自体组织重建。  相似文献   

假体置入重建的乳房形态较接近自然,手感好,置入手术操作简单,避免了自体组织移植造成的供区创伤及瘢痕,是目前国际上使用最广泛的乳房重建方式,美国Moffitt癌症中心约3/4的乳腺癌患者选择假体置入乳房重建[1].现将有关乳腺癌术后Ⅰ期假体置入乳房重建进展综述如下.一、Ⅰ期假体置入乳房重建的适应证与患者选择Ⅰ期假体置入重建主要适用于乳房体积较小(一般指体积小于400 ml、或A/B罩杯)[2]、下垂不明显、不宜行保乳手术,不能或不愿接受自体组织重建的患者[3].按肿瘤病理分期,Ⅰ期假体乳房重建主要适用于0期、Ⅰ期和Ⅱ期.肿瘤已侵犯肌层或胸壁,需要切除胸大肌或扩大根治术者,不宜行Ⅰ期假体置入乳房重建[4].目前,国内开展的乳腺癌根治术后Ⅰ期假体置入重建,大部分限于Ⅰ-Ⅱ期乳腺癌、无淋巴结转移、术后不进行放疗的患者,手术范围基本为乳腺全部切除及腋淋巴结清扫[5].此外,吸烟、肥胖、高血压以及超过65岁者都是影响手术的危险因素[6].  相似文献   

越来越多的乳腺癌患者在乳房切除后选择乳房重建,目前研究表明[1],辅助治疗对于乳房重建影响最大的是放疗,其次为化疗,内分泌治疗和靶向治疗相对影响小. 1 放疗对于重建的影响 Kronowitz和Robb[1]在2009年曾经回顾近20年的乳腺癌放疗和乳房重建认为:(1)无论重建是在放疗前还是在放疗后,假体植入的效果都不如自体脂肪移植;(2)无论患者选择假体植入方式、自体脂肪移植方式还是在少数情况下两者兼具,都能找到一个合适的放射靶区使得乳腺淋巴区接受足够剂量的照射;  相似文献   

结合整形外科的理念和手段,在保证肿瘤安全性的前提下对乳腺癌病人进行乳房重建修复,成为乳腺外科领域重要的发展方向。乳房重建可以与全乳切除或部分乳房切除术同时进行,也可以延迟至完成辅助治疗后的适当时间进行,前者称为即刻乳房重建,后者称为延期乳房重建。临床上根据病人的疾病情况和自身的需求来确定重建时机。部分病人采用延迟-即刻乳房重建来降低辅助放疗给重建带来的不利影响,减少术后严重并发症的发生。从重建的技术手段来看,乳房重建有自体皮瓣乳房重建、假体乳房重建以及自体联合假体的乳房重建。植入物重建是即刻乳房重建中最常用的术式。在延期乳房重建中,更常采用自体皮瓣乳房重建或两步法的植入物重建术。  相似文献   

乳房的完整性和美观性影响女性的生理及心理健康。乳腺癌乳房切除术后即刻乳房再造,能够显著增加女性的自信心及提高女性生活质量。放疗作为乳腺癌的一种常规治疗方式,能够降低乳腺癌局部复发率及无病生存率,然而放疗会增加乳腺癌术后即刻乳房再造的并发症发生率及乳房再造的失败率。目前,实施最多的两种乳房再造术为自体组织乳房再造和假体乳房再造。本文主要针对放疗对自体组织乳房再造及假体乳房再造影响的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

整形美容1关于双侧乳房重建的趋势与思考双侧乳房切除后重建的适应证包括:一侧有乳腺癌,对侧行预防性切除术(CPM);和双侧乳房行预防性切除术(BPM),这种治疗方式仍在流行。对这类患者,行双侧乳房切除和乳房重建必须考虑到对乳癌治疗的效果和术后的美容效果。本文作者对此进行了资料分析。收集了1990~2005年间双侧乳房切除进行自体组织重建乳房,以及用假体重建乳房的资料,并与单侧乳房切除重建者进行对比分析。  相似文献   

目的 描述和分析乳腺癌(BC)患者行假体植入为基础的乳房重建(IBBR)后各种并发症的发病时间窗及影响因素。方法 应用回顾性研究方法。从患者住院病历资料中提取需分析数据。对BC患者乳房再造术后并发症发病时间进行描述和归纳,COX分析探讨影响并发症发病的相关因素。结果 395例乳房再造手术共发生急性和长期并发症129例,并发症发病率32.66%。其中,73例患者(104例乳房)发生≥1种并发症。化疗是患者术后血肿发病的保护因素(P<0.05)。治疗性乳房切除手术指征、组织扩张器植入假体、假体植入胸肌前平面、IBBR术前放疗、肥胖、吸烟是患者术后血清肿发病的危险因素(P<0.05)。IBBR术前放疗是患者术后乳头乳晕/皮瓣坏死发病的危险因素(P<0.05)。治疗性乳房切除手术指征、腋窝淋巴结清扫术是患者术后手术区域感染发病的危险因素(P<0.05)。IBBR术前放疗、肥胖、腋窝淋巴结清扫术、重建支持材料Vicryl网片是患者术后假体丢失发生的危险因素(P<0.05)。假体植入胸肌前平面、IBBR术前放疗、化疗、肥胖是患者术后波纹/褶皱发病的危险因素(P<...  相似文献   


目的:探讨放疗对乳腺癌改良根治术一期扩张展器植入、期假体乳房再造的影响。 方法:对23例I、II期乳腺癌患者行乳腺癌改良根治术,一期植入扩张器,放疗结束后,二期取出扩张器,切除或松解包膜、植入假体重建乳房。 结果:23例放置扩张器并注水320~580 mL,其中2例破裂,1例再次更换;22例放疗结束,皮肤有不同程度的皮肤色素沉着、红肿、损伤。6个月后,皮肤色泽、弹性逐渐恢复,13例有II级包膜挛缩,1例达到Ⅲ级包膜挛缩。放疗结束10个月后均更换为解剖型乳房假体;其中7例行健侧乳房上提缩小术,使两侧乳房对称。术后随访15~52个月, 中位平均随访时间为32 个月,全组无局部复发和转移。2例皮肤弹性仍有不同程度的降低,无包膜挛缩,患者从乳房外形、手感、对称性综合自我评价,优20例,良好2例,美容效果100%满意。 结论:放疗后近期可使乳房皮肤有不同程度的损伤和包膜挛缩,皮肤损伤可逐步恢复。二期切除或松解挛缩包膜,更换解剖型假体,可明显消除放疗对假体乳房再造的并发症。一期植入扩展器、二期假体乳房再造是需要放疗的患者进行假体乳房再造的理想方法。


整形美容1乳房重建方法与效果:扩张/假体置入与游离瓣移植的比较因病行乳房切除后,采取何种方法重建乳房,是医师、患者术前咨询与讨论的,并需要进行决策的问题。本文作者就此进行了研究。作者前瞻性地观察了因病而行乳房切除后需行乳房重建者,选择先行乳房扩张而后置放假体的的方法,或采用自体组织游离移植重建乳房的方法进行乳房重建,并对术后并发症、手术方法、重建乳房时间、乳房重建后的效果等进行对比分析,并且对临床观察资料、患者复诊的情况以及经济支付等进行比较。资料为2005~2008年的病例。  相似文献   

李荟元 《中国美容医学》2013,22(13):1467-1468
整形美容1接受放射治疗的乳癌患者用不同类型游离瓣重建乳房的效果对于乳腺癌患者手术治疗附加放射疗法可以减少局部复发率,并可提高存活率。关于乳癌切除后即时行自体组织重建乳房者,在切乳前或切乳后施行放疗的效果是否有差异,看法不一。现在,还不知道这类患者用不同类型的组织瓣(肌皮瓣或筋膜皮瓣)进行乳房重建,组织瓣对放疗的耐受性是否有差异。为此,本文作者进行了临床观察。  相似文献   

目的 探索乳癌根治术后3种不同乳房再造方法的最佳外观效果.方法 (1)乳癌切除Ⅱ期行扩大背阔肌肌皮瓣乳房再造.(2)乳癌切除即时腹直肌横行皮瓣乳房再造.(3)保留胸大肌乳癌切除,Ⅱ期乳房假体置入并行乳头、乳晕再造;对不保留胸大肌乳癌切除者,Ⅱ期皮肤扩张后乳房假体置入再造.结果 共计治疗12例,10例皮瓣全部成活,外观形态满意,优良率较高.2例不满意,其中1例扩张后,因局部皮肤皮下组织较薄,扩张程度不足,勉强置入140 ml乳房假体,外观形态明显偏小;另1例腹直肌肌皮瓣大部分坏死,经再次修复创面愈合,乳房再造失败.结论 乳房再造的方法选择得当,可使乳房形态更为自然.普通背阔肌皮瓣改用扩大的背阔肌皮瓣后,软组织量比前者增加1倍以上,使再造乳房与对侧相近.假体置入乳房成形后,Ⅱ期行单蒂乳头、乳晕再造,可给患者以心理和外观上的更多抚慰.  相似文献   

Breast reconstruction in Western countries is considered an essential part of the total management of breast cancer. This concept may differ somewhat in oriental patients because of certain psycho-social considerations and notably different breast morphology. Over a six-month period, 52 patients were diagnosed with breast cancer among 331 patients presenting to the breast surgical clinic at the Prince of Wales Hospital. Total mastectomy with axillary clearance was indicated for these patients. After excluding two patients who required mandatory reconstruction after salvage mastectomy, 35 patients under the age of 60 were considered suitable candidates for breast reconstruction. 19 patients (54%) opted for breast reconstruction, their ages ranged from 20 to 53 years with a mean age of 37. 14 patients had reconstruction using a saline mammary implant, three patients using a transverse rectus abdominus myocutaneous (TRAM) flap and two patients with a Latissimus Dorsi Myocutaneous flap. Only two patients had nipple and areola reconstruction; the others showed no interest in having further surgery. Complications included a partial TRAM flap necrosis, which was managed under local anaesthesia and one patient who had the saline implant removed because of obsessive anxiety over a foreign body. The remaining patients expressed extreme satisfaction after breast reconstruction. Since then, all patients have been fully informed about breast reconstruction and the related complications whenever mastectomy is indicated so that a well informed decision can be made. This article analyses the patients' perception, outcome and our experience after two years follow up regarding breast reconstruction among Chinese patients.  相似文献   

During the last 10 years increased interest has developed in reconstruction of the female breast following mastectomy. A number of methods of reconstruction are now available. These are immediate reconstruction by means of a silicone implant, delayed reconstruction by means of a silicon implant, use of local flaps with the silicone implant, and use of distant tissue and movement of tissue by microvascular anastomosis.The simplest and most efficient procedure is the one-stage reconstruction which consists of insertion of a silicone prosthesis approximately 6 months following the mastectomy. This can be combined, when necessary, with an elevation and reduction of the remaining breast and the reconstruction at the same time of an areolar and nipple complex.Reconstruction of the female breast in no way jeopardizes the survival of the patients. In addition, it may bring the patient to the surgeon sooner since the knowledge of reconstruction helps to reduce the woman's fear of mutilization.  相似文献   

Background For patients treated with initial surgery, the safety of immediate breast reconstruction after mastectomy has been demonstrated. Some concerns exist after neoadjuvant chemotherapy because this sequence is proposed for patients with large tumors and for whom adjuvant therapies are considered cornerstones of treatment. In this study, we sought to determine whether reconstruction after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and mastectomy for large operable breast cancer affects the interval between surgery and adjuvant treatment and affects survival.Methods A single-institution retrospective analysis was performed by using the database of the Institut Gustave-Roussy.Results Forty-eight patients who had undergone mastectomy and immediate reconstruction (implant, 60%) followed by adjuvant chemotherapy were identified. They were compared with 181 patients who underwent mastectomy without reconstruction and with 32 patients who underwent mastectomy followed by delayed reconstruction (implant, 19%). No difference was found concerning the interval between surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy: 26 vs. 23 days for patients with immediate breast reconstruction and for patients treated with modified radical mastectomy followed or not by delayed reconstruction, respectively (P = .11). No difference was found concerning the onset of radiotherapy: 87 vs. 81 days (P = .22). Survival was not different in patients treated with immediate reconstruction compared with those with mastectomy alone.Conclusions Immediate breast reconstruction does not delay the starting of adjuvant therapy and has no significant effect on local relapse–free or distant disease–free survival. Additional data are needed concerning the use of flap for this indication.  相似文献   

During the last 5 years, 80 patients underwent reconstruction of the breast as a primary or secondary procedure after mastectomy for carcinoma. Breast mounds were reconstructed with the silicone breast implant. A Silastic implant corrected the infraclavicular axillary deformity after radical mastectomy. The nipple-areolar complex was created either with a nipple-areolar graft from the contralateral breast or with a labial free graft in a bilateral breast reconstruction. If the contralateral breast was large or ptotic, reduction mammoplasty or mastopexy was performed. Subcutaneous mastectomy or total mastectomy of the other breast with insertion of the silicone breast implant was the method of choice for a group of high-risk patients.  相似文献   

Background Immediate breast reconstruction may result in superior cosmetic outcomes as a result of the preservation of the skin envelope. The impact of implant use and radiotherapy (RT) on the cosmetic outcome of latissimus dorsi (LD) breast reconstruction, however, has never been prospectively evaluated with adequate long-term follow-up. Methods Women undergoing immediate LD breast reconstruction from January 2000 to February 2007 underwent photographic assessment and clinical evaluation for breast retraction analysis (BRA) at 3, 6 and 12 months postoperatively and on the anniversary of their surgery. The resulting photographs were subject to panel cosmetic assessment. A patient-reported cosmetic outcome questionnaire and the body image scale (BIS) were administered to each woman at a single time point to coincide with the anniversary of their surgery. Multilevel linear regression modelling was used to analyse the results. Results Seventy-three women underwent 53 implant-assisted LD breast reconstructions and 20 autologous procedures with a mean follow-up of 2.71 years. The incidence of radiotherapy in this cohort was 43%. RT over time adversely influenced overall cosmetic outcome as assessed by the panel (P = 0.0002), and BRA (P = 0.033), both of which were significantly worse in the implant-assisted group (P = 0.020). Patient reporting of overall cosmetic outcome and BIS, however, did not differ significantly between the LD groups or following RT. Conclusion Radiotherapy may adversely affect the cosmetic outcome of latissimus dorsi breast reconstruction, particularly if an implant is used, but this is not universal. Patient assessment of their cosmetic outcome may, however, differ significantly from the clinician’s view. Financial support: Allergan Medical UK, United Bristol Healthcare Trust Charitable Trustees  相似文献   

乳癌术后不同乳房再造术式的临床应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨适合乳癌术后各种乳房再造术式的适应证。方法对我院2003至2005年收治的44例、45只乳癌术后乳房再造的患者,根据不同情况分别采用扩张器/假体置入(5只)、背阔肌肌皮瓣 假体置入(13只)、背阔肌肌皮瓣(3只)、DIEP皮瓣(6只)、单蒂TRAM瓣(10只)及劈开的双蒂TRAM瓣(8只)等方法进行乳房再造,分析各手术方法的适应证。结果应用皮瓣乳房再造40只,皮瓣全部成活;1只应用扩张器/假体乳房再造术后,注射壶部表皮坏死;1只应用背阔肌 假体乳房再造术后半年出现假体破裂伴局部感染;1只应用DIEP乳房再造术后,出现皮瓣下积液;2只部分皮瓣坏死。术后随访3个月至半年,医生及患者对乳房形态均较满意。所有应用腹部皮瓣的患者均无腹壁疝发生。结论6种乳房再造技术基本满足了我国女性乳癌术后各个时期各种条件再造乳房的要求,整形外科技术的改进以及新材料的应用扩大了乳房再造的适应证。  相似文献   

Summary The second generation of tissue expanding prostheses is the permanent expander. It has been used in a series of 88 breast reconstructions following mastectomy for malignant and premalignant disease in 49 secondary and 39 primary reconstructions, the longest follow-up being 45 months and the shortest 12 months. Pre- and postoperative radiotherapy (45 gy) has been the major source of complications: implant loss (11%), infection (2%); capsular contracture-Baker's grade III–IV (90%); and, improper positioning should also be mentioned. Primary reconstruction is no longer performed if postoperative radiotherapy is scheduled. The results were totally different if radiotherapy was omitted after primary reconstruction. The expansion was smooth, an attractive breast shape with mild ptosis was easily achieved, and only minor complications were encountered. A permanent tissue expander, either alone or covered with a latissimus dorsi flap, remains our first choice in breast reconstruction.  相似文献   

目的探讨保留皮肤的乳腺癌改良根治术后即刻乳房假体再造的临床应用价值。方法我院2006年1月至2009年12月期间收治的28例乳腺癌患者行保留皮肤的乳腺癌改良根治术后,同时于胸大肌后置入硅胶假体再造乳房,对围手术期结果、乳房外观评价以及随访结果进行分析。结果本组28例患者均行腋窝淋巴结清扫术,清除淋巴结数目为14~32枚,中位数为21枚。手术时间为117~140 min(平均126 min),术中出血量为82~124 ml(平均98 ml),术后引流管拔除时间为3~5 d。所有患者术后均无伤口积液、感染、皮肤坏死、异物反应等,22例保留了乳头乳晕复合体的患者均无乳头乳晕缺血、坏死。患者术后乳房外观评价中,10例为优,18例为良,优良率为100%。所有患者术后均获随访,随访时间为12~48个月(中位随访时间24个月),未发现有远处转移和局部复发,无上肢水肿及功能障碍。所有患者乳房外观及手感满意,无纤维包膜挛缩。结论保留皮肤的乳腺癌改良根治术后用硅胶假体行即刻乳房再造具有创伤小、安全、手术操作简单、术后恢复快的特点,再造后乳房美观,效果满意,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

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