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Rotenone (ROT) is a widely used natural pesticide, and its effect on growth and developmental toxicity remain unclear. In the present study, the effects of ROT exposure on the reproductive structure and function of the female Drosophila melanogaster and third instar larvae were investigated. ROT exposure on female Drosophila melanogaster resulted in developmental inhibition and ovarian abnormality, which were evident from the disruptive growth of border cells as well as morphological changes in the orientation of nurse cells during the 9th-10th stage of developing egg chamber of in the Drosophila ovary. Other abnormalities, such as, altered developmental gene expression (Osk, Grk, Nos, Bic-d), inhibition in the kinesin motor protein level (KIF-5B), increased caspases activities (Caspase 3, 8, & 9) and apoptosis were also observed. Subsequently, ROT treated larvae exhibited behavioral deficits and delay in developmental time. The above findings demonstrate that the exposure of ROT causes developmental toxicity in Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that maternal metallothionein (MT) induction by toxic dosages of chemicals may contribute to or cause developmental toxicity by a chain of events leading to a transient but developmentally adverse decrease in Zn availability to the embryo. This hypothesis was tested by evaluating hepatic MT induction, maternal and embryonic Zn status, and developmental toxicity after exposure to urethane, a developmental toxicant, or styrene, which is not a developmental toxicant. Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were given 0 or 1 g/kg urethane ip, or 0 or 300 mg/kg styrene in corn oil po, on Gestation Day 11 (sperm positive = Gestation Day 0). These were maternally toxic dosages. As both treatments decreased food consumption, separate pair-fed control groups were also evaluated for effects on MT and Zn status and development. In addition, Gestation Day 11 rat embryos were exposed to urethane in vitro in order to determine whether urethane has the potential to be directly embryotoxic. Urethane treatment induced hepatic MT 14-fold over control; styrene treatment induced MT 2.5-fold. The MT induction by styrene could be attributed to decreased food intake, as a similar level of induction was observed in a pair-fed untreated control group. However, the level of MT induction by urethane was much greater than that produced by decreased food intake alone. Hepatic Zn concentration, particularly in the cytosol, was increased in the presence of increased hepatic MT concentration. Plasma Zn concentration was significantly decreased (approximately 30%) by urethane treatment, but not by styrene or food restriction (pair-feeding). Distribution of 65Zn to the liver of urethane-treated dams was significantly greater (by 30%), while distribution to embryonic tissues was significantly lower (by at least 50%) than in pair-fed or ad lib.-fed controls. Styrene treatment had no effect on 65Zn distribution. Urethane was developmentally toxic, causing an 18% decrease in fetal weight and a significant delay in skeletal ossification, but was not toxic to rat embryos in vitro. Styrene was not developmentally toxic. The changes observed after urethane treatment, namely substantial hepatic MT induction and altered maternal and embryonic Zn status, along with the lack of direct embryotoxicity of urethane in vitro, support the hypothesis that these maternal effects contribute to developmental toxicity. The lack of similar changes in styrene-intoxicated dams provides one explanation for its low developmental toxicity at maternally toxic dosages.  相似文献   

Although behavioral problems associated with abuse of alcohol emerge during late adolescence and adulthood, some behavioral characteristics indicative of an increased risk of alcoholism may already be obvious during early childhood. Studies in several countries have demonstrated that children with high levels of novelty-seeking behavior and low levels of harm-avoidance behavior are more likely to develop alcohol-related problems during adolescence. Moreover, as early as age 3, children at high risk of future alcoholism because of a family history are more active, more impatient, and more aggressive than matched controls of low-risk children. Causal influences on the initiation of drinking must be distinguished from those that affect patterns of consumption once drinking is initiated. Studies of adolescent twins have demonstrated that initiation of drinking is primarily influenced by the drinking status of parents, siblings, and friends and by socioregional differences in the environments within which adolescent twins reside. The influence of genetic factors is negligible. Conversely, once initiated, differences in frequency and quantity of drinking are strongly influenced by genetic factors. However, these influences, too, are modulated by sibling and peer effects and by regional environmental variation.  相似文献   

Sulfoxaflor (X11422208), a novel agricultural molecule, induced fetal effects (forelimb flexure, hindlimb rotation, and bent clavicle) and neonatal death in rats at high doses (≥ 400 ppm in diet); however, no such effects occurred in rabbit dietary studies despite achieving similar maternal and fetal plasma exposure levels. Mode-of-action (MoA) studies were conducted to test the hypothesis that the effects in rats had a single MoA induced by sulfoxaflor agonism on the fetal rat muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR). The studies included cross-fostering and critical windows of exposure studies in rats, fetal ((α1)(2)β1γδ) and adult ((α1)(2)β1δε) rat and human muscle nAChR in vitro agonism experiments, and neonatal rat phrenic nerve-hemidiaphragm contracture studies. The weight of evidence from these studies supported a novel MoA where sulfoxaflor is an agonist to the fetal, but not adult, rat muscle nAChR and that prolonged agonism on this receptor in fetal/neonatal rats causes sustained striated muscle contracture resulting in concomitant reduction in muscle responsiveness to physiological nerve stimulation. Fetal effects were inducible with as little as 1 day of exposure at the end of gestation, but were rapidly reversible after birth, consistent with a pharmacological MoA. With respect to human relevance, sulfoxaflor was shown to have no agonism on human fetal or adult muscle nAChRs. Taken together, the data support the hypothesis that the developmental effects of sulfoxaflor in rats are mediated via sustained agonism on the fetal muscle nAChR during late fetal development and are considered not relevant to humans.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the developmental toxicity of crocetin on Xenopus.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Crocetin, a carotenoid isolated from the spice saffron, has been found to be effective in treating certain types of cancer treatable with all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA). ATRA, however, is a potent teratogen, and the possibility that crocetin may also be a teratogen becomes an important medical issue. The teratogenic potential of crocetin and ATRA were evaluated in frog (Xenopus) embryos. The data show that crocetin is a teratogen, but far less potent than ATRA. This suggests that crocetin may be a safer alternative to treat ATRA-sensitive cancers in women of childbearing age.  相似文献   

Pregnant rats were exposed to either 0, 1.0, or 1.5 ppm ozone during either mid gestation (Days 9–12) or late gestation (Days 17–20). The dams were allowed to deliver and the early morphological and behavioral development of their pups was monitored. Both exposure regimens transiently reduced neonatal growth rates. The late gestation exposure regimen produced retardations in early reflex development and in open field behavior. Finally, several males from this exposure regimen remained permanently stunted in growth.  相似文献   

Acetaminophen is a commonly-used analgesic in the US and, at doses of more than 4 g/day, can lead to serious hepatotoxicity. Recent FDA and CMS decisions serve to limit and monitor exposure to high-dose acetaminophen. This literature review aims to describe the exposure to and consequences of high-dose acetaminophen among chronic pain patients in the US. Each year in the US, approximately 6% of adults are prescribed acetaminophen doses of more than 4 g/day and 30,000 patients are hospitalized for acetaminophen toxicity. Up to half of acetaminophen overdoses are unintentional, largely related to opioid-acetaminophen combinations and attempts to achieve better symptom relief. Liver injury occurs in 17% of adults with unintentional acetaminophen overdose.  相似文献   

Observed dose-response patterns of data from several developmental toxicity experiments appear to be nonlinear and should be characterized by an appropriate model to adequately fit this observed pattern. Information from these animal studies of ambient substances that are noncarcinogenic, yet potentially toxic, to humans is used by federal protection agencies (Environmental Protection Agency, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Food and Drug Administration) to determine safe exposure levels, such as no observed adverse effects level and benchmark dose. We have developed a flexible regression linear B-spline model for application to developmental toxicity dose-response data from animal studies of these noncarcinogens. We apply our model to data from two CD-1 mice studies of the National Toxicology Program; the observed dose-response pattern from both appears nonlinear: (1) experiment of 131 pregnant mice allocated over five exposure levels (0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.10, and 0.15% diet) of diethylhexyl phthalate and (2) experiment of 111 pregnant mice exposed to five levels (0, 62.5, 125, 250, and 500 mg/kg/day) of diethylene glycol dimethyl ether. In each study, we measure litter response as the proportion of adversely affected fetuses. Upon applying our B-spline model to the data from both studies, we predict nonlinear dose-response, with improvement over the more typical logistic dose-response model in each of the two studies.  相似文献   

Guidelines for developmental toxicity studies require that the highest dose(s) should induce some signs of maternal toxicity. However, the interpretation of the results is often difficult when developmentally toxic effects are recorded only at maternotoxic doses, as it is impossible to ascertain whether the developmental effects are maternally mediated or not. In order to avoid this source of misinterpretation we suggest to use in developmental toxicity tests for environmental chemicals the maximum dose unable to produce maternal toxic effects extrapolated by previous short term toxicity studies.  相似文献   

The developmental toxicity of acetyl cedrene (AC), a widely used fragrance ingredient, was evaluated in pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats (25/group). Gavaged dosages of 0 (corn oil), 25, 50, or 100 mg/kg/day were administered on days 7 through 17 of gestation (GDs 7 to 17). First and last day dosing suspensions were analyzed for AC content. All rats were observed daily for viability, clinical signs, abortions, and premature deliveries. Body weights were recorded at frequent intervals. Cesarean-sectioning and necropsy examinations were performed on GD 21. Uteri were examined for number and distribution of implantations, live and dead fetuses, and early and late resorptions. The number of corpora lutea in each ovary was also recorded. Fetuses were weighed and examined for gender and gross external changes and soft tissue or skeletal alterations. Totals of 25, 23, 21, and 24 rats became pregnant in the 0 (control), 25, 50 and 100 mg/kg/day groups, respectively, and analysis of dosage preparations verified that administered dosages reflected calculated dosages +/-10%. No deaths or premature deliveries occurred in the study. Clinical signs included excessive salivation, which was attributed to the administration of AC. When compared to controls, significant reductions in feed consumption and body weight gains occurred only at 100 mg/kg/day. Both absolute (g/day) and relative (g/kg/day) feed consumption values were significantly decreased on GDs 7 to 12. Relative values were decreased significantly on GDs 15 to 18. Body weight gains were significantly reduced on GDs 7 to 10. Mean maternal body weights remained significantly lower than controls on GDs 9 to 14, but a marked compensatory increase in feed consumption on GDs 15 to 18 prevented further deterioration in body weight gains. No cesarean-sectioning or litter parameters were affected by dosages of AC and necropsy of the dams after cesarean section did not reveal any gross changes attributable to AC. No gross external, soft tissue, or skeletal fetal alterations (malformations or variations) were attributed by dosages AC. The average number of ossifications sites per fetus per litter did not differ among the groups. Based on these data, maternal and developmental no-observable-adverse-effect levels (NOAELs) of 50 and 100 mg/kg/day, respectively, were established for AC.  相似文献   

Sucrose polyester (SPE) is a mixture of hexa-, hepta- and octa-esters of fatty acids with sucrose, and has physical and organoleptic properties similar to those of conventional dietary fats. Because SPE is neither absorbed nor metabolized it forms a bulk lipid phase in the small intestine, resulting in effects on the absorption and enterohepatic circulation of lipid-soluble materials, such as cholesterol and fat-soluble vitamins. Such effects could potentially alter the physiology of animals to the extent of interfering with reproduction and/or the normal development of the embryo/foetus. To determine the likelihood of such phenomena, Sprague-Dawley rats were continuously fed SPE at dietary levels of 1, 5 or 10% along with controlled levels of vitamins A and E for two generations, with a reproductive and a teratogenic phase in each generation. Body-weight gain of rats fed SPE was comparable to that of the controls throughout the study, but feed consumption increased with increasing levels of SPE. Pregnancy or lactation had no effect on these growth patterns. Throughout the study, SPE had no deleterious effect on mating, conception, embryonic development, foetal or post-natal viability, or on post-natal growth. Nor was there any treatment-related histopathology. Thus, it is concluded that SPE would not represent a reproductive or teratogenic hazard to human consumers of products containing SPE.  相似文献   

Supernumerary or accessory ribs (SNR), either lumbar (LR) or cervical (CR), are a common finding in standard developmental toxicology bioassays. The biological significance of these anomalies within the regulatory arena has been problematic and the subject of some debate. In rodents, the spontaneous incidence of SNR is species and strain related and ranges from <1% to >30%. Compound-induced LR are induced by a wide variety of chemical and physical agents when pregnant animals are exposed during specific gestational periods. A significant portion of the agent-induced LR may be due to maternal factors, as it has been shown that stress alone will induce LR in rodents. SNR are not isolated phenomena and signify basic alterations in the architecture of the axial skeleton. LR are associated with longer ribs, increased numbers of vertebrosternal ribs, and the presence of extra presacral vertebrae ("anteriorization"). CR are associated with reduced numbers of vertebrosternal ribs (posteriorization). It is evident that SNR are not a single anomaly, but consist of two unrelated structures: an extra rib that has a cartilaginous segment at the distal end, and an ossification site that lacks cartilage. These have a bimodal size distribution, with the population of extra ribs being significantly longer than the ossification sites, and 0.6 mm can be used as an approximate length for distinguishing the two populations in mice. Extra ribs are permanent structures in contrast to ossification sites that disappear postnatally, probably becoming part of the lateral transverse vertebral processes. SNR are also found in humans although, in contrast to laboratory species, CR are more commonly noted. SNR are associated with adverse heath effects, and CR with inducing thoracic outlet disease characterized by diminished blood flow and altered position of the ganglia and nerve roots in the area of the C7-T1 vertebrae. LR are associated with lower back pain and L4-5 degeneration. The incidence of CR is greatly reduced in adult humans as compared to fetuses, and it has been hypothesized that fetal "SNR" may be largely composed of ossification sites that disappear postnatally. The mechanisms involved in the formation of extra ribs are not understood at this time, although the fact that the early sensitive periods for their initiation during embryogenesis is coupled with the associated changes in the axial skeleton argues for their induction being due to fundamental changes in gene expression. The sum of the experimental evidence supports the idea of SNR being composed of two different structures: extra ribs that are permanent dysmorphological structures that may be induced by xenobiotics and/or maternal stress, and ossification sites that may be transient variations in the formation of the lateral processes of the vertebrae.  相似文献   

Pentane (CAS No. 109-66-0) is a widely-used chemical that finds many industrial applications. As part of a program looking at the inhalation toxicity of pentane, we studied the potential effects of the chemical on the developing embryo. This communication reports the findings of a limited study which was used to determine whether a full-scale developmental toxicity study was necessary. Groups of 7 to 8 pregnant rats were exposed by inhalation to pentane, 6 hr/day from gestation days 6 through 15 at concentrations of 0 (control), 1000, 3000 and 10,000 ppm, Maternal body weights, clinical signs and food consumption were measured; foetuses were weighed and examined for gross external development. Skeletal and internal organ evaluations were not performed. There were no effects in either the maternal or fetal rats (at concentrations up to and including 10,000 ppm) that could be associated with pentane exposure. Based on those findings, we did not conduct a full-spectrum developmental toxicity study in rats, but concluded that it is unlikely that the foetus would be adversely affected by pentane exposure.  相似文献   

Vinyl laurate (VL), is used in the manufacture of polyvinyl acetate vinyl laurate copolymer a component of gum base for chewing gum production. The potential toxicity of VL to reproduction was examined in a combined repeated dose and reproduction/developmental toxicity screening study (OECD test guideline 422) and a prenatal developmental toxicity screening study (OECD test guideline 414). VL was administered to Wistar rats by gavage at 0 (controls), 50, 250 and 1000 mg/kg bw/d. There were no signs of systemic toxicity in the parental animals of either study. Adverse effects on reproductive performance and fetal development that could be attributed to the VL treatment were not observed. Thus, the highest dose level tested was a NOAEL in these two studies.  相似文献   

We summarized the findings of reproductive and developmental toxicity studies on carbon-based nanomaterials (CNMs). Placental transfer of fullerenes in rats and single-walled (SW) and multi-walled (MW) CNTs in mice was shown after intravenous injection. SWCNTs appeared to be embryolethal and teratogenic in mice when given by intravenous injection and induced death and growth retardation in chicken embryos. In mice-administered MWCNTs, fetal malformations after intravenous and intraperitoneal injections and intratracheal instillation, fetal loss after intravenous injection, behavioral changes in offspring after intraperitoneal injection, and a delay in the delivery of the first litter after intratracheal instillation were reported. Oral gavage of MWCNTs had no developmental toxicity in mice and rats. MWCNTs produced morphological defects, developmental arrest, and death in zebrafish embryos. Intratracheal instillation of carbon black (CB) induced testicular toxicity in adult mice. Maternal airway exposure to CB in gestation had testicular toxicity and altered postnatal behavior, renal development, immune and genotoxic responses, and brain morphology in mouse offspring. Nanodiamonds and graphite nanoparticles inhibited vasculogenesis and/or angiogenesis in chicken embryos. Graphene oxide (GO) induced malformations in zebrafish embryos. Intravenous injection of reduced GO during late gestation caused maternal death and abortion in mice. Oral administration of GO during lactation caused growth retardation of offspring. Overall, the available data provide initial information on the potential reproductive and developmental toxicity of CNMs. However, confirmatory studies using well-characterized CNMs, state-of-the-art study protocol and appropriate route of exposure, are required to clarify the findings and provide information suitable for risk assessment.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the developmental toxicity of linalool in rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The developmental toxicity of linalool, a widely used fragrance ingredient, was evaluated in presumed pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats (25/group). Oral dosages of 0, 250, 500, or 1000 mg/kg/day linalool were administered by gavage on gestational days 7 to 17. The presence of spermatozoa and/or a copulatory plug in situ was designated as gestational day 0. Rats were observed for viability, clinical signs, body weights, and feed consumption. Caesarean sectioning and necropsy occurred on gestational day 21. Uteri were examined for number and distribution of implantations, live and dead fetuses, and early and late resorptions. Numbers of corpora lutea were also recorded. Fetuses were weighed and examined for gender, gross external changes, and soft tissue or skeletal alterations. There were no maternal deaths, clinical signs, or gross lesions that were considered related to linalool. During the dosage period, mean relative feed consumption was significantly reduced by 7% and mean body weight gains were reduced by 11% at 1000 mg/kg/day. During the postdosage period, feed consumption values at 1000 mg/kg/day were significantly higher than vehicle control values, which corresponded to the increase in body weight gains during this period. Caesarean section and litter parameters, as well as fetal alterations, were not affected by linalool at any of the three dosages tested. On the basis of these data, the maternal no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) of linalool is 500 mg/kg/day, whereas the developmental NOAEL is > or = 1000 mg/kg/day. It is concluded that linalool is not a developmental toxicant in rats at maternal doses of up to 1000 mg/kg/day.  相似文献   

Alpha-iso-methylionone, a widely used fragrance ingredient, was evaluated for developmental toxicity in presumed pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats (25/group). Oral dosages of 0, 3, 10, or 30 mg/kg/day alpha-iso-methylionone in corn oil were administered by gavage on gestational days 7 to 17. The presence of spermatozoa and/or a copulatory plug in situ was designated as gestational day. Rats were observed for viability, clinical signs, body weights, and feed consumption. Caesarean sectioning and necropsy occurred on gestational day 21. Uteri were examined for number and distribution of implantations, live and dead fetuses, and early and late resorptions. Numbers of corpora lutea were also recorded. Fetuses were weighed and examined for gender, gross external changes, and soft tissue or skeletal alterations. No maternal or fetal deaths occurred. No fragrance ingredient-related clinical signs were observed. Feed consumption, body weight gains, gross tissue changes at necropsy, and caesarean section or litter parameters, as well as fetal developmental morphology, were unaffected by dosages of alpha-iso-methylionone as high as 30 mg/kg/day. Based on these data, maternal and developmental no observed adverse effect levels of equal to or greater than 30 mg/kg/day were established for alpha-iso-methylionone. It is concluded that alpha-iso-methylionone is not a developmental toxicant in rats at maternal doses of up to 30 mg/kg/day.  相似文献   

 Deferoxamine (DFO), an efficient chelating agent available for the treatment of iron and aluminium overload, was evaluated for developmental toxicity in Swiss mice. Intraperitoneal injections of DFO were given to pregnant animals at 0, 44, 88, 176, and 352  mg/kg per day on gestational days 6 through 15. Maternal clinical status was monitored daily during and after treatment. Fetal parameters, including external, visceral, and skeletal malformations and variations, were assessed. Mice were killed on day 18. No maternal mortality was observed, but dams exhibited reduced body weight gain during treatment at 88, 176, and 352 mg/kg per day. Body weight at termination, corrected body weight, and food consumption were reduced in all groups. In contrast, the only significant treatment-related embryo/fetal effect was a decrease in the number of live fetuses per litter at 352 mg/kg per day. The no-observable-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) for maternal toxicity of DFO was <44 mg/kg per day, whereas the NOAEL for developmental toxicity was 176 mg/kg per day. In summary, intraperitoneal administration of DFO to mice during organogenesis produced developmental toxicity in the presence of maternal toxicity. Because of the remarkable maternal toxicity of DFO, extreme caution in the use of this drug is recommended during pregnancy. Received: 4 October 1994/Accepted: 6 December 1994  相似文献   

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